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Azza Mohamed FathyAtya CV: Pediatric Nursing Lecturer

 Name : Azza Mohamed FathyAtya.
 Current Position: Lecturer in Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said
 Work Address: Faculty of Nursing, Port-said University, Egypt ,
 Academic Field: Nursing
 Mobile:
 E-mail : mohamedazza05@gmail.com
 Date of Birth:
 Nationality: Egyptian
 Computer Skills: Excellent
 English Language: TOEFL
University Education
 Ng. Bch. 1996, (very Good).
Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal
University.Grade: Very Good
 M.Sc. in Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Suez (2004) (very Good).
 Ph.D. in Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port said University (2014).
 1997-2004:Clinical instructor, Faculty of nursing (FON), Suez Canal
University (SCU), Port Said.
 2004-2013: Assistant lecturer, Faculty of nursing (FON), Port-Said
University(PSU), Port Said.
 2014- On :Lecturer in Pediatric Nursing Faculty of nursing (FON), PortSaid University(PSU), Port Said.
 2015 - on coordinator the third year of undergraduate
2015-2016:Member of a Community Service Unit, FON/ SCU/ Port Said.
 2016-on: Member of an internship
 2015 - 2016: Member ship in the laboratories committee in Faculty of
Nursing, port said University.
 2018-on: Member ship in academic advisor
 2019-on Member ship in internship
 2020-2021-member ship in community service committee in the Faculty
of Nursing, port said University.
Experience of teaching for undergraduate:
Pediatric Nursing
Growth and Development
Child Psychology
Fundamentals of Nursing
Community Health Nurse
Obstetric Nursing.
Nursing Education.
Mental &Psychiatric Health Nursing.
Medical & surgical Nursing.
Nursing ethics
Critical care nursing
Research methodologies
Experience of teaching for post graduate:
 Nursing education
 Pediatric Nursing.(clinical)
Qualification:  Bachelor of Nursing, Suez Canal University (1996) (very Good).
 M.Sc. in Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Said Hospital and
Ismailia University hospital, Thesis title " Assessment of knowledge and
performance of nurses about the care of pre-term neonates in Port"
 Ph.D. in Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port said
University(2014). Thesis title "Care Educational Programme for mothers
having Impact of a home pre-term infant in general hospitals in Port Said"
Scientific Experience: Member in Health Work Force Development Team in Establishment of
Quality Assurance and Performance Appraisal System Project in FON/SCU.
 Have experience in problem solving approach.
 Have Experience in Problem Based Learning Teaching method
 Have experience in teaching adult, critical, pediatrics ,psychiatric
, hospital administration nursing.
 Have experience in education and ethics courses.
 Have experience in teaching research
Attend workshops about:
Introductory Workshop on Evidence Based Nursing Practice Cairo
University 2005
Attend workshop on credit hours, port said university, 2013
Attend workshop on time and meeting management, port said university,
Attend workshop on project administration, port said university, 2013.
Attend workshop on research team administration, port said university,
Introductory Workshop on Evidence Based Nursing Practice Cairo
University 2005.
Attended the workshop of PLAGIARISM AND CITATION held at the faculty of
nursing / port said university, 2016.
 Attendance many workshops about OSCE to faculty of nursing in Port Said
city, Suez Canal University, 2010-2011.
 Participation in workshop "Basic skills in neonatal intensive care unit " Al
Azher university hospital in Damietta , Damietta, Egypt
19/5/2016 .
 Participation in workshop "GIT &Nutrition Day " Ain
Shams Pediatric Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit
1 / 3 /2017
 Participation in workshop" Hospital Staff Safety and Quality of
Health Care Services" faculty of nursing / port said university, 15
/7/2018 .
 international publication"3/2019
 "Structure of Multiple Choice Questions"2/2020
 "Blue Print "
 "Implementation of Competency –Based Education"
Educational & Quality Activities:
 Member in port said neonatology society and participate by
Traning the neonatal's nurses about invasive procedure
Discharge of preterm infants and home care
Pain assessment in neonates and non pharmacological care
Assessment of gastegenal age
Nursing care of neonate under ventelator
Nursing care of high risk neonates
 Participate in workshop on time management organized by FON, SCU, on 134-2010.
 Participate in workshop on how to evaluate action plan organized by CRD,
FON, SCU, on 10 May 2010
 Participate in workshop on course specification organized by CRD, FON,
SCU, on16-5-2010
 Participate in a nursing day for faculty of nursing , portsaid university by
a pamphlet in (healthy food I ) , December , 2013
 Participation in the 2nd scientific day of pediatric nursing department by
lecture ( student assessment ),4may 2015
 Participation in the 1st students conference ( Nursing in the eyes of
others), 2015
 Participation in revising Courses Specification of Pediatric Nursing Specialty,
Postgraduates: Master Degree, FON, Port Said University, 2010.
 Revising program and NARS against graduates attributes for Master Degree,
FON, Port Said University, from April to July, 2011.
 Revising program and NARS against graduates attributes for doctorate
Degree, FON, Port Said University, from April to July, 2011.
 Revising program and NARS against graduates attributes for Master Degree,
FON, Port Said University, from April to July, 2011.
 Preparing the cross matching between attributes, NARS and ILOs of Master
program of Pediatric Nursing department, FON/ Port Said University, from
September to October 2011.
 Revising the cross matching between attributes, NARS and ILOs of Master
program of Pediatric Nursing department, FON/ Port Said University, in June
 Revising Master program specification and courses of Pediatric Nursing
department 2011/2012 & 2012/2013, FON/ Port Said University, from
October to November 2011, and in 2012.
 Responsibility about course report of undergraduate, master and doctorate
FON, Port Said University, 2019.
 Participation ministry of health in training the school nurse in port said about
children's communicable diseases and health promotion Augusts 2018 .
 Participation community service in training first aid 2019
Developmental Activities:
1. Promoting clinical teaching skills among clinical instructor at faculties of
nursing. (Cairo university) 2005.
2. Evidence Based Nursing Practice (Cairo university).
3. Quality Assurance in faculties of nursing", Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal
University, 2007.
4. Program specification", Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University, 2005.
5. Course specification", Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University, 2005.
6. Computer application in education", Faculty of Education, Suez Canal
University, 2006.
7. Practical teaching methods to promote critical thinking skills in the classroom",
August 28th / 2006, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University.
8. Effective communication: faculty member developments unite in Port Said
University, 2013.
9. Credited hours: Suez Canal University, 2010.
Strategic planning: Suez Canal University, 2010.
Effective Presentation Skills
Program specification", Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, 2010.
13.Quality standards in the teaching process, Port Said University faculty and leader
ship development center 2019
14.Global databases, Port Said University faculty and leader ship development center
15.Credited hours Port Said University faculty and leader ship development center
:‫المؤتمرات تم المشاركه بها‬
‫نوع المشاركة‬
2015/5 / 14
Port Said
Participation by
poster &
& Participation
by paper
Participation by
-Challenged and new trends in nursing (the first
International scientific nursing conferences )
- Child safety celebrating the past, embracing the
embracing the future (The 3th national pediatric
nursing conference)
First international nursing conference , When
Dream Comes True :Recent Advances in Nursing
Participation by
Nursing between reality and hoped (future vision)
(The 2nd international scientific nursing
Optimizing Egyptian Nursing to International
Level, (the 2nd Annual Student's conference
The new in child safety celebrating the past,
embracing the future (The 4th national pediatric
nursing conference)
/ 12
Port Said
2016/2/6 Aswan
University –
faculty of
2016/4 / 21
Port Said
Port Said
Port Said
/ 18
2019 /3/18
2019/4 / 24
Beni Suef
Beni Suef
Port Said
-quality in nursing : A holistic View & future
(the 1st Annual student's Conference of faculty of
-Maternal health needs (the 3rd Annual 8
Conference for Maternity& Newborn Health
- Sustainability in Excellence: the future of
nursing (Innovations and evidence based practices
in nursing (The Fourth international scientific
nursing conferences)
‫جمعية مستقبل‬
‫ المؤتمر العلمي األول لجمعية مستقبل التمريض المصري‬10
‫بالتعاون مع المركز القومي للبحوث " السالمة والصحة‬
‫المهنية في المؤسسات الطبية‬
Port Said Organization
Scopes in pediatric Nursing (The 6th national 11
University & Participation pediatric nursing conference)
by paper
Port Said
- Role of Administration in the Light of 12
Healthcare Challenges (The 2nd scientific
conferences for nursing administration
Port Said
- Optimizing the efforts to advance nursing and
Port Said
Port Said
2020 /9/10
Port Said
integrated care (The fifth scientific nursing
Highlighting Future Advancements in Obstetrics
and Gynecology Nursing(the first national
scientific maternity, gynecology& obstetrics
nursing conference ).
- Quality and new trends in family and
community health nursing( The second National
Family and Community Health Nursing
Attendance -advancements, Novel Researches and Best
Practices in Nursing and Health Care (The six the
international scientific nursing conferences)
Research Activities:
1-Impact of a home care educational program for mothers having pre-term infant
in general hospitals in Port Said, port said scientific journal of nursing
PSJN,Vol.1 No1June 2014 ,PP 33-46.
2-Impact of educational program for mothers` knowledge regarding care of preterm infant in general hospitals in Port Said. , port said scientific journal of
nursing PSJN,Vol.1 No1June 2014 ,PP 78-93
3-Physical abuse of elementary school children and its relation to anxiety. 3rd
national scientific pediatric nursing department conference 2015-faculty of
nursing – port said, Egypt.
4-The body mass index and menstrual problems among adolescent students,
IOSR journal of nursing and health science e-ISSN-2320-1959P-ISSN:23201940 volum5, ISSUE4ver II (Jul- Aug.2016), pp 13-21.
5-Impact of breast feeding educational program for mothers having pre-term
infants in general hospitals in port said. 4rd national scientific pediatric nursing
department conference 2016-faculty of nursing – port said, Egypt.
6-Effect of Tactile Stimulation on Neonatal Stress during Invasive Procedures at
Neonatal Intensive Care Units of Port Said .Port Said Scientific Journal of
Nursing Vol.4, No. 1, June 2018
7-Common behavioral problems among school age children with enuresis. Fifth
international conference faculty of nursing / port-said university 24/4/2019 .
‫بينات األبحاث العلمية‬
‫عنوان البحث‬
The body mass index and menstrual problems
among adolescent students
Effect of tactile stimulation on neonatal stress
during invasive procedures at neonatal
intensive care units of port said
Nurses performance about safety weaning
from mechanical ventilation of critically ill
adults and children
Common behavioral problems among school
age children with enuresis
‫بيانات النشر‬
IOSR Journal of nursing and health
science , Volume 5 issue 4 Version
II .Jul-Aug 2016
Port said scientific journal of
nursing Vol,7,no 4, December
Innovative journal , international
journal of nursing didactics8 : (11)
november 2018
Fifth international conference
faculty of nursing / port said
university 24-4-2019
Association between Sleep Habits and Quality American Journal of Nursing
Research, Vol 8, No.2 February
Hyperactivity Disorder
Journal of Nursing Education and
Evaluation of maternal and neonatal
Practice, Vol. 10, No. 6 February
outcomes in the case of preterm premature
rupture of membranes and their relationship
to prenatal maternal indicators: Acrosssectional descriptive study
International Journal of Novel
Mothers of children with an orofacial cleft:
Research in Healthcare and Nursing
, Vol. 7, Issue 1 January – April
nursing support and stress
5 of Life in Children with Attention Deficit
P 1925-4040
e 1925-4059
The Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge and
8 Barriers Regarding Non-Pharmacological
Pain Management for High-Risk Neonates
International Journal of Nursing
ScienceVol 10 No2 September
Faculty Activities:
 Trainning the student of faculty of kassala university at hospitals in Port Said 9/2011
in the pediatric departments, and NICU.
 Training Pediatric Nursing in Clinical Field (especially neonate intensive care
unit NICU) .
 Participation in Preparing & Revising the Student Practical Book in Pediatric Nursing
course in FON, Port said University, 2012
Responsible for designning OSCE exam for nursing and pediatric nursing students in
Port Said University 2011/2012. And 2017-2018 (credit hours).
 Participate in a health week for port said mal advanced industry secondary
school by a lecture in (healthy food for adolescent ) , December , 2014
 External evaluators for 3nd year students in Pediatric course ( normal and
critical) in Suez canal University in Ismailia , 2017
 Member ship in the laboratories committee in the Faculty of Nursing, port said
University .
 Participated in organization of the 1st international scientific conference faculty
of nursing port said university.
 organization of the 2nd scientific day of pediatric nursing department, faculty
of nursing port said university. 4 may2015.
 Participated in organization of the of the 3rd national pediatric nursing
conference faculty of nursing port said university "chairperson of the printing
committee and lecturer of pediatric nursing"12november 2015.
 Secretary of the 2nd student conference in the faculty of nursing port said
university. 5 may2016.
 Secretary of the 4th national pediatric nursing conference in the faculty of
nursing port said university. 2016.
 Member ship in the Internship committee in the Faculty of Nursing, port said
University 2019 .
 Participated in organization of the of the 6th national pediatric nursing
conference faculty of nursing port said university "chairperson of the printing
committee and lecturer of pediatric nursing" 2019.
Talk :
 Therapeutic Play in Pediatric Health Care: The Essence of Child Life Practice ,1st
international scientific conference faculty of nursing port said university 2015.
 Obesity in Children: Considerations for Pediatric Nurses,2nd international
scientific conference faculty of nursing port said university 2016.
 Nursing care of ventilator :new child safety (celebrating the past ,embracing the
future)4th national scientific pediatric nursing department December
conference 2016.
 Pediatric convulsion : An Overview and Update on management6th
national scientific pediatric nursing department February conference
Poster :
 Pediatric Major Trauma: An approach to evaluation and management,1st
international scientific conference faculty of nursing ,Aswan university 2016.
Thesis Supervision
 Supervised Master thesis on (Common behavioral problems among School age
Children with Enuresis)2018 by Shimaa Taha , Port Said University .
 Supervised Master thesis on( Effect tactile stimulation on stress during invasive
procedures in neonatal intensive care units in governmental hospital in port
said) 2018 by Amany Ali , Port Said University.
 Supervised Master thesis on( Nurses' awareness and knowledge of stress and
coping strategies among hospitalized children) on processes Nahed Abdel El
Supervised Master thesis on (Nurses performance regarding prevention of
sudden infants death syndrome ) on processes Soad Elsayed Sadat .