WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE EDITING GUIDE DB-402 PRESENTATION DATE: MARCH 23, 2015 PREPARED BY: DINA HAMILTON VERSION 1.3 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Version History Version Date Author Description 1.0 1.1 2012/10/17 2013/05/7 Biserka Mirochevic Dina Hamilton 1.2 1.3 2014/01/27 2015/03/23 Dina Hamilton Dina Hamilton Initial version of document Updated with new template, formatting and screen captures. Updated with editing comments. Changes to some formatting and update SCADA to STC. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 2 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS COPYRIGHT, NOTICES AND TRADEMARKS ....................................................................................... 4 ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION .............................................................................................................. 4 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ..................................................................................................................... 5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 5 1 Alarm Formats ........................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Alarm Format Data Fields .............................................................................................. 8 1.3 Alarm Formatting ......................................................................................................... 12 1.4 Use of Application Data by the System........................................................................ 13 1.5 Examples of Alarm Formats ......................................................................................... 14 1.6 Default Alarm Formats ................................................................................................. 16 2 Alarm Priorities ........................................................................................................................ 17 2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 17 2.2 Alarm Priority Data Fields ........................................................................................... 18 3 Master-Slave Alarm Suppression ............................................................................................ 23 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 23 3.2 Creating Master-Slave Relationships ........................................................................... 24 3.3 Operation of Master/Slave Alarm Suppression ............................................................ 25 3.4 Storm Alarm Suppression ............................................................................................. 27 4 External Bell ............................................................................................................................ 29 4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 29 5 Remote Alarm Annunciation ................................................................................................... 33 5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 33 5.2 Remote Alarms ............................................................................................................. 35 5.3 Remote Alarm Groups .................................................................................................. 38 5.4 Annunciations ............................................................................................................... 39 5.5 Annunciation Service ................................................................................................... 42 5.6 Recipient ....................................................................................................................... 56 5.7 Schedules ...................................................................................................................... 63 5.8 Operational Overview of Remote Annunciation .......................................................... 66 5.9 Remote Acknowledgement........................................................................................... 69 6 Unattended Mode ..................................................................................................................... 71 6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 71 6.2 System Configuration ................................................................................................... 71 JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 3 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Copyright, Notices and Trademarks Copyright © 2014 Survalent Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. The software described in this document is furnished under license, and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this manual has been carefully checked for accuracy. However, if you find any errors, please notify Survalent Technology Corporation. The software described in this document is furnished under license, and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. Survalent Technology Corporation 2600 Argentia Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 5V4 (905) 826 5000 (905) 826 7144 About This Publication This manual is intended as a “how to” reference for the STC Explorer Alarm Database It is intended to replace the previous version of the Alarm Database Editing Guide. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 4 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 About This Manual This manual provides information on how to configure the Windows SCADA system’s alarm database. The sections of information contained in the manual follow this order: Understanding alarm formats and how to define them in the system Handling alarm priorities (severities) and the color coding of alarm messages according to priority Setting up the master-slave alarm suppression facility Defining external bells that can provide audible alarms - optional Setting up Remote Alarm Annunciation - optional References Database documents The following table lists the Windows SCADA documentation. Document Number DB-400 DB-401 DB-403 DB-404 DB-405 JANUARY 27, 2014 Document Name Database Editing Overview Point Database Editing Guide Calculation Database Editing Guide Historical Database Editing Guide Report Database Editing Guide SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 5 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 1 STC EXPLORER 2.0 Alarm Formats 1.1 About this chapter Introduction This Chapter describes how to use the STC Explorer to define the format of the alarm messages in your system. When a program raises an alarm, it sends a request to the alarm processor that includes the following fields: Alarm request data Timestamp (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) Alarm Priority Point ID number Point State (if status point) Alarm Format Number Voice Message Number Application Data Timestamp The Timestamp field in the request specifies the timestamp of the alarm message. If the year field is -1, the alarm processor uses the current system time as the alarm timestamp. Alarm Priority The Alarm Priority (also called Alarm Severity) is a number in the range zero to 10, which represents the alarm severity. See Chapter 2 Alarm Priorities for more information. Point ID The Point ID field in the alarm request identifies the point associated with the alarm. If the point is a status point, and the alarm represents a status change, the Point State field specifies the new state of the point. Point State For status change, limit violation and rate-of-change alarms, the alarm priority is taken from the Alarm Severity fields in the point’s definition. See Analog Point and Status Point chapters of the Point Database Editing Guide, DB-401 for more information. Alarm Format An alarm format is a text string that defines the format of the text of the alarm message. The alarm processor formats the text of an alarm message by interpreting the particular alarm format referred to by the alarm request. It is the content of this format string that is the principal subject of this chapter. Alarm Format Number In the case of an alarm associated with a status change, the alarm is formatted using the Alarm Format field of the status point’s definition. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 6 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 See Status Point chapter of the Point Database Editing Guide, DB-401 for more information. In the case of analog limit violation, over range, or rate of change alarms, the alarm format is one of fifteen pre-allocated alarm formats listed in the table below. Alarm Type Lower Reasonability Lower Emergency Lower Pre-Emergency Upper Pre-Emergency Upper Emergency Upper Reasonability Overrange Rate of Change Format Number (without meter) 178 179 180 182 183 184 189 121 Format Number (with meter) 190 191 192 194 195 196 197 N/A The type of alarm dictates which format the system uses. In the case of a limit violation alarm, it also depends on which limit is violated, and whether the point has an associated meter point or not. See Analog Point chapter in the Point Database Editing Guide, DB-401 for more information. Voice Message Number The Voice Message field of the alarm request specifies an optional alarm message for remote annunciation via e-mail or pager. Application Data The Application Data field of the alarm request contains application-dependent data that can be included in the alarm message. There are special codes that you can include in the alarm format string to specify how the application data is to be used in the alarm message. In some cases, the SCADA system uses the Application Data field to supply additional information to be included in an alarm. See section 1.4 Use of Application Data by the System for more information. If you’re a programmer, and you write application programs using Survalent’s NDA API, then your program can also use the Application Data area in the alarms it needs to generate. Additional information The SCADA system allows for a large number of formats, which can be viewed and edited via the STC Explorer. See section 1.2 Alarm Format Data Fields for more information on editing. See section 1.3 for more information on how the alarm processor uses the format string to format alarm messages. See Database Editing Overview, DB-400 for more information on the default set of alarm formats that come with the system. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 7 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 1.2 About this section STC EXPLORER 2.0 Alarm Format Data Fields The Alarm Format table is located under the Alarms branch where you find a list of existing formats. These formats include the formats that are defined in the default database, as well as those created or modified for your System. Figure 1 – Alarm Formats Window JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 8 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Defining an alarm message STC EXPLORER 2.0 From the Alarm Formats window you can create a new alarm format by rightclicking to access the drop down menu. From this menu select New. This new alarm format dialog box defines one alarm message format which is the control string that defines one way for formatting an alarm message. Figure 2 – Alarm Format Dialog box Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields in the new alarm message dialog box. Option Name System Description You give the alarm format a name to allow you to select it for use when you are editing points. By convention, the formats reserved for internal use by the system include asterisks (*) in their names This flag is set by default in the alarm formats that are intended for use by the internal system alarms (those formats with asterisks in their names). You should set it only for alarm message formats that you do not want to use with your points (for example, one that is intended for use by your application program). Setting this flag prevents that alarm format from appearing on the drop-down list that you use when editing a status point. Note: You cannot select “System” alarm formats when you are editing your status points. Description Format JANUARY 27, 2014 This is a description of this format, and is optional. The description appears in the STC Explorer when you are editing alarm formats, so you may want to enter something here that will help you identify this format. This field contains a 64-character text string that defines the format of an alarm message. When you make a change to an alarm format, it takes effect immediately (on the next alarm that uses it). Note that previously raised alarm messages are not re-formatted. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 9 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Control Strings Control Code An Bn C D E Fm[.n] Gn Im N1 N2 P S[n:m] Tn Vn Xn ‘ “ Format Data From — Application data Point data (status only) Point data Point data (analog only) Application data Point data Application data Point data Point data Request data Point data (text only) — — — — — Output pointer Data pointer STC EXPLORER 2.0 The following table describes the Control Strings used in an alarm format. Description Position application data pointer at offset ‘n’ in the application data area. Display next ‘n’ bytes as string. Display the point’s “state string” to indicate point’s current state. Display the text description of point. Display the engineering units string. Format next 8 bytes from application data as a floating point number, with total field width ‘m’ and number of digits ‘n’ after the decimal point. If ‘n’ is omitted, format as many significant digits as possible. Display ‘n’ characters of point’s station’s description text. Format next four bytes from application data as an integer, with total field width ‘m’. Display the point’s name. Display point’s station’s name. Display number of asterisks (*) to indicate priority (0–10 asterisks). Display text point’s text value, characters ‘n’ through ‘m’. If ‘n:m’ is omitted, display characters 1 through 30. Position at character number ‘n’ in the alarm message being formatted. Output alarm to remote alarm annunciator with voice code n Advance ‘n’ characters. If ‘n’ is omitted, advance one character. Delimit text, for example, ‘message’. Delimit text, for example, “message”. When formatting the alarm message to be output, the alarm processor uses an “output pointer” to keep track of where in the line of the alarm message output pointer is located.” You can control the output pointer by using the “Xn” or “Tn” control codes. The “Xn control code may be used to advance the output pointer by “n” character positions. The “Tn” control code may be used to reposition the output pointer to any place in the alarm message, including the timestamp (which is further left than the text would normally be placed. “T0”, for example, sets the output pointer to the position of the first timestamp character). To keep track of data taken from the Application Data field of the alarm request, the alarm processor maintains an application data pointer that points to the next available byte in the Application Data field. Whenever the alarm processor encounters a control code that formats application data, it takes an appropriate number of bytes from the portion of the Application Data field pointed to by the application data pointer, formats the bytes as specified by the control code, and then advances the application data pointer by the number of bytes just used. The number of bytes of application data used by each control code depends on the control code itself. For the “Fm.n” control string, the number of bytes used is eight and the bytes are treated as a double-precision floating-point JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 10 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 number. For control string “Im”, the number of bytes used is four and the bytes are treated as an integer. For control string “Bn”, the number of bytes taken is “n” and the bytes are treated as character data. Delimit text You can control the application data pointer, if you wish, by using the “An” control string. The “An” control string allows you to skip data in the application data area or to move the pointer back to previous data (“A0”, for example, sets the application data pointer back to the beginning of the Application Data field of the alarm request). The single or double quotes (‘or “) are used to delimit text that is simply inserted into the alarm message. If you want to include one type of quote character in your string, be sure to use the other one as the delimiter. If the alarm processor encounters a control code that it cannot interpret, it outputs a question mark (?) in the alarm message and continues processing the alarm message. Use care to format alarm messages of reasonable length. Think about the size of the point names and descriptions that you have created in your database. A typical 80-character printer will only be able to show 60 characters of alarm text, after the time stamp and alarm clear indicator have been printed. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 11 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 1.3 About this section Alarm format string STC EXPLORER 2.0 Alarm Formatting Each alarm format contains a series of alarm format control codes separated by commas. The alarm processor creates the text of the alarm message by interpreting these control codes. Each control code is an instruction to include one element in the alarm message. Some of the control codes instruct the alarm processor to include a data item such as the name or description of the point (recall that Point ID is included in the alarm request). Other control codes instruct the alarm processor to format data from the Application Data field of the alarm request. Still other control codes insert fixed text into the alarm message, or to move to any position within the alarm message. The control codes that you can use in an alarm message skeleton are listed in the table on page 10. For each code, the table indicates the source of the applicable data: “Point data” means the control string formats a data item obtained from the associated point’s database record, where the Point ID field of the alarm request specifies which point to use. “Application data” means the control string formats a data item contained in the Application Data field of the alarm request. “Request data” means the control string formats a data item contained in some field of the alarm request other than the Application Data field. Alarm format string example The basic format of an alarm message is: mm/dd hh:mm:ss cccc text... where: mm/dd hh:mm:ss = timestamp of the alarm cccc = alarm clear indicator = blank for momentary and outstanding sustained alarms = (CL) for cleared sustained alarms text... = text of alarm message It is the “text...” part of the alarm message that is formatted by the Alarm Format. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 12 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Cleared and sustained alarms STC EXPLORER 2.0 When a sustained alarm is cleared, whether it’s related to a status point or an analog point, the alarm processor: marks the original alarm record as cleared but leaves the entire message text unchanged adds a new alarm record with the same text as the original message except that the timestamp (and the current state, if present) is updated, and the character string “(CL)” is inserted between the timestamp and the main text of the message (without the quotes) In the case of sustained status alarms, this means that if the original alarm included the state (for example, TRIP) the cleared alarm will include the new state (CLOSED), and the (CL) means that the original alarm condition cleared. 1.4 About this section Use of Application Data by the System Although you can use the Application Data field in any way you choose when writing you own SCADA applications, the SCADA system uses it to supply additional data in certain alarms. The following tables describe the use of the Application Data for different alarms. In each case, the data is floating point, and the Fm.n control string should be used. Application data for alarms Use of Application Data in Analog Limit Violation Alarms Offset Length Data Type Description 0 8 Float Current value 8 8 Float Limit value 16 8 Float Meter value (if a meter point exists) Use of Application Data in Analog Overrange Alarms Offset Length Data Type Description 0 8 Float Meter value (if a meter point exists) Use of Application Data in Analog Rate of Change Alarms Offset Length Data Type Description 0 8 Float Current value 8 8 Float Limit value 16 8 Float Meter value (if a meter point exists) Use of Application Data in Status Change Alarms Description Offset Length Data Type 0 8 Float Meter value (if a meter point exists) JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 13 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 1.5 About this section Alarm format for a status point STC EXPLORER 2.0 Examples of Alarm Formats This section provides examples of alarm formats. An example of an alarm format that could be defined for a status point is: D,X2,C,X2,P,T60,F8.2 This format would be appropriate for a status point that has an associated meter point. When the status point goes into alarm, the meter’s value is included in the application data area of the alarm request that is sent to the alarm processor. Construction of the alarm message text For this format, the alarm processor constructs the text of the alarm message as follows: The first 20 characters of the message are formatted to contain the time stamp and space for the alarm clear indicator (CL) Next, the D code in the format causes the alarm processor to insert the point’s description The X2 code in the format causes the alarm processor to insert two blanks. The C code in the format causes the alarm processor to insert the appropriate state string based on the point’s state that was specified in the alarm request The next X2 code causes the alarm processor to insert another two blank characters The P code causes the alarm processor to insert a string of asterisks (*) to represent the alarm priority. Four asterisks indicate priority four, three asterisks indicate priority three, etc. The T60 code forces the output pointer to character position 60 in the alarm message. This is being done because the P format code produces a variable number of asterisks, and the user wants the stuff that follows the asterisks to line up on displayed and printed alarms no matter how many there were The F8.2 code causes the alarm processor to get a (double-precision) floating point number from the application data area of the alarm request, at the current offset (i.e. 0), convert it to an 8 character string with 2 fractional digits, and insert the string into the message An example of an alarm message that might have been created from this format is: 04/18 09:42:00 JANUARY 27, 2014 Tank #1 Drain Valve Closed *** SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 12345.67 PAGE 14 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Alarm format for an analog point STC EXPLORER 2.0 An example of an alarm format that may be defined for a limit violation for an analog point is: G10,X1,D,X1,“HI EMG”,X1,F8.2,X1,F8.2 In this case, the application data area of the alarm request must contain two floating-point numbers at offsets 0 and 8 respectively. These numbers are the point’s current value and the value of the limit violated. They are placed in the alarm request by the program responsible for processing limit violations. Construction of the alarm message text For this skeleton, the alarm processor constructs the alarm message as follows: The first 20 characters of the message are formatted to contain the time stamp and space for the alarm clear indicator (CL). Next, the G10 code causes the alarm processor to insert the first 10 characters of the description string of the point’s station. The X1 code causes the alarm processor to insert one blank The D code causes the alarm processor to insert the point’s description string The next X1 code causes the alarm processor to insert another blank space The “HI EMG” code causes the alarm processor to insert the string HI EMG into the alarm message The F8.2 code causes the alarm processor to get a (double-precision) floating point number from the first 8 bytes of the application data area of the alarm request, convert it to an 8 character string with 2 fractional digits, and insert the string into the message The next X1 code causes another blank to be inserted The next F8.2 code causes the alarm processor to get a (double-precision) floating point number from the next 8 bytes of the application data area of the alarm request, convert it to an 8-character string and insert it into the alarm message An example of an alarm message that might have been created from this format is: 04/18 09:42:00 400.00 JANUARY 27, 2014 Parker Sub Feeder 1 Amps A HI EMG SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 425.12 PAGE 15 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 1.6 STC EXPLORER 2.0 Default Alarm Formats About this section This section describes the default SCADA alarm messages. Default SCADA alarm messages Your SCADA system comes with a default set of alarm message formats that you can view and modify using the STC Explorer, as discussed earlier in this chapter. These default message skeletons are listed in DB-400, Database Editing Overview. The first several formats are intended for you to assign to your status points although you should customize those that you chose to use. You need at least one for each different “style” of alarm message that you want. It is recommended that all alarm formats used for point alarms contain N2,",",N1 at the beginning, to cause the station and point names to be included however, you can delete the record number embedded in the formats by default. Other pre-defined formats are reserved for use by the Windows SCADA system, and are marked as such. If the existing alarm formats are not sufficient for your needs, you can go ahead and create additional formats. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 16 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 2 STC EXPLORER 2.0 Alarm Priorities 2.1 Introduction About this chapter Each alarm that can be raised in the system is assigned one of 11 priorities (also known as severities). These allow you to differentiate between more important and less important alarms when you design the points in your database. Alarms raised by the system itself are assigned a priority by the system. Alarm priority criteria In addition to being useful as an alarm-sorting criterion, the alarm priority also dictates: The color of the alarm message as seen in the WorldView alarm view window. Schemes for coloring the different alarms according priority are described section 2.2. Whether the alarm requires acknowledgment or not. A priority zero alarm does not require acknowledgment. Alarms with priority two through 10 do require acknowledgment. Alarms with priority one can be either preacknowledged or require acknowledgment (the system can be configured for whichever you prefer by your system manager) How the audible alarms (both on the workstation and external) are sounded. The operation of each workstation’s audible alarm is based on the priority of the highest-priority unacknowledged alarm in the zones of that workstation (as determined by the user who is currently logged in). WorldView can be configured to play a different sound for each of the alarm severities one through 10 (priority zero alarms do not play a sound). Refer to the WorldView documentation for a complete discussion of this feature. The operation of optional external audible alarms is described in chapter 4. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 17 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 2.2 STC EXPLORER 2.0 Alarm Priority Data Fields About this section This section describes the alarm priority data fields. Coloring schemes There are 11 sets of alarm priority coloring rules in the system, sometimes called coloring schemes. These are used by alarms of the different priorities, when determining the color to use when displaying an alarm message. If you don’t like the way a particular priority of alarm message is colored, you may use the STC Explorer to modify the corresponding entry. Select the Priorities branch to show the existing alarm priorities. Figure 3 – Alarm Priority Window JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 18 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Alarm priority coloring schemes STC EXPLORER 2.0 Choosing one of these to be edited brings up the “Edit Alarm Priority” dialog box. The data fields on the Alarm Color dialog are described below. You cannot delete any of these coloring schemes, nor can you create a new one, since there are exactly 5 a fixed number of alarm severities, and each requires its own coloring scheme. Figure 4 – Alarm Priority Color Scheme Dialog Box JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 19 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Alarm priority coloring schemes continued STC EXPLORER 2.0 Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields in the new alarm message dialog box. Field Description Priority The ID number of this priority. Suppressed When the Suppressed box is ticked, alarms of this priority are suppressed. This means that they are treated as though they were priority zero, which causes no sound to be played, and the priority 0 color scheme to be used instead of this scheme. If you mark a priority as Suppressed here, operators see it as Suppressed in their Storm Alarm Suppression menu in WorldView. If operators change Storm Alarm Suppression settings from WorldView, you see the changes next time you edit the priorities. Description This is a description of up to 128 characters The ID number corresponds to the alarm severity that uses this scheme, and cannot be changed. Momentary This group designates the colors to be used to display momentary alarm messages. While an alarm is unacknowledged, it will appear in the color shown under Nak. Once the alarm is acknowledged, it will be displayed in the color listed under Ack. Sustained Color rules for sustained alarms are as follows: First Message. Active – This group pertains to the first message to appear, when the alarm is raised. While the alarm is still active (i.e. before it returns to its normal state), it will use one of these two colors. o Ack This is the color used once this alarm has been acknowledged, provided it is still active. o Nak This is the color used initially, while the active alarm is still unacknowledged. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 20 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Field Descriptions continued Field Sustained continued Description First Message – Clear This group pertains to the first message (the “alarm raised” messaged), once that alarm has cleared. Therefore, this is the color the first message will become once the second message has appeared (because the second message tells us that the alarm has cleared). This does not affect the color of the second message (the “alarm cleared”). o Ack This is the color for the first message of the sustained alarm pair, after the alarm has cleared, and after you have acknowledged the first alarm message. o Nak This is the color for the first message of the sustained alarm pair, after the alarm has cleared (i.e. there is a second message), if you have not yet acknowledged the first alarm message. Second message – Clear This group designates the colors to be used for the second (alarm cleared) message of a sustained alarm pair of messages. So these are only used once the alarm has cleared. o o JANUARY 27, 2014 Ack This is the color for the second message of a sustained alarm pair after you have acknowledged it. Nak This is the color for the second message of a sustained alarm pair (the one that has the (CL) in it), if you have not yet acknowledged it (whether or not you have acknowledged the first message). SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 21 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Operating notes STC EXPLORER 2.0 The alarm priorities defined above will dictate the color of any alarm messages you see in WorldView’s alarm view windows. But which alarm messages you actually see will depend upon the alarm view window’s criteria settings. You may be viewing only alarms of a certain priority, or only active alarms, and so forth. Furthermore, alarms that are acknowledged, that are no longer active (this includes all momentary alarms, plus those sustained alarms that have returned to their normal state), will only remain in the system’s alarm file for a short time. After this configurable “alarm timeout” they will no longer be seen in any window. So you may not get to see very much of the “Ack” color you have chosen for Cleared alarms. If you take a look at the alarm priorities as they are defined in your system, you may find that many of the colors are the same. This is a natural situation; the SCADA system allows for more versatility in alarm coloring than many users require. But it means that you can enhance your operators’ view of alarms as their needs grow. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 22 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 3 Master-Slave Alarm Suppression 3.1 About this chapter STC EXPLORER 2.0 Introduction This chapter describes the the Master/Slave Alarms facility. The Master-Slave Alarm Suppression software is not licensed in the base SCADA system. This feature requires an additional software option license. The Master/Slave Alarms facility allows you to define a hierarchy of primary/secondary (master/slave) point relationships. These relationships may be used for either or both of the following purposes. Alarm Suppression If the alarm suppression function is enabled for a particular master/slave relationship, then as long as the master point is in the alarm state, alarms on its slave points are suppressed (i.e. the alarm severity is reduced to zero). Group Acknowledgement If the group acknowledgement function is enabled for a particular master/slave relationship, then whenever you acknowledge alarms on the master point, all alarms on the slave points will also be acknowledged. The Storm Alarm Suppression in section 3.4 describes an additional alarm suppression feature that is included with the Master/Slave Alarms option but that does not involve master/slave relationships. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 23 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 3.2 About this section STC EXPLORER 2.0 Creating Master-Slave Relationships This section describes how to define a Master alarm point with one or more slaves. A master/slave relationship is defined from the Status or Analog point editing dialog of the Master point. The following procedure describes how to add Slave points to a Master. Step Action 1 2 3 Select Edit from the right-click drop down menu on the status or analog point. Result: The Status Point dialog box displays the Master point. Click on the Alarms tab. Click on the Alarm Suppression button. Result: The Master-Slaves Alarm Suppression dialog box displays. 4 Click on the Point Browser button. Result: The Drag and Drop window displays. 5 Drag and drop the points to the suppression list. Result: All points that you add to the list will be considered slave points to this master. The point ID and Name will automatically appear on the list. By default, the point will be configured for suppression and not for group acknowledgement (these terms are discussed in the following sections) You can make status or analog points slaves of this point. Also, a given point may be made a slave to any number of master points. This allows a slave point to be suppressed by any one of many master points. A point that is specified as a slave to one master can itself be a master point. In its edit dialog, it has its own list of slaves defined. The resulting suppression is hierarchical. That is, a master suppresses not only its slaves but also the slaves of its slaves. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 24 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Suppress Group Ack STC EXPLORER 2.0 This flag specifies that alarms on this point will be suppressed, when the master point is in its alarm state. This suppression will continue as long as the master point remains in its alarm state, up to the maximum Suppression Delay configured for your system. This flag specifies that group acknowledgement is enabled for this master/slave relationship. In this case, alarms will be generated as usual. But when the operator acknowledges the alarm on the master point, the alarms on these slave points will be automatically acknowledged as well. You may select both Suppress and Group Ack for the same slave point. This means the alarm on the slave point will be suppressed. Later, if the Suppression Delay expires, the alarm on the slave point will be raised. If the operator then acknowledges the master point, the slave alarm will be automatically acknowledged. 3.3 Operation of Master/Slave Alarm Suppression About this section This section describes how Master/Slave alarm suppression operates. Abnormal state on a maser point When a Master point goes into its abnormal state, alarms on the Slave points are still generated as they occur, but their severity is reduced to zero. This means that the alarms are logged and added to the alarm database as usual (where they are viewed on alarm displays), but they: Do not require acknowledgement Appear at the bottom of priority-sorted alarm lists Do not appear at all on unacknowledged alarm lists Alarm suppression Suppression of these Slave alarms continue until the Master point returns to its normal state, or until the maximum Suppression Delay configured for your SCADA system expires. When the Master point returns to normal, the alarm suppression is cancelled, even though the maximum suppression time may not have run out. If the Master point returns to an alarm state again, it causes alarm suppression to resume and the maximum suppression timer is re-started. Suppression raise delay The alarm suppression system has a delay built in to allow for all status changes to come in before deciding whether or not to suppress the alarm. This Suppression Raise Delay has a default value of 5 seconds, but it can be customized for your SCADA system if necessary. If you have a fast communication system, the default value of 5 seconds may be fine. If your poll cycle (time required to poll all RTUs) on any communication line is longer than 5 seconds, then you need a longer Suppression Raise Delay. Contact your system manager or technical support contact for assistance. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 25 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Suppression re-annunciation delay STC EXPLORER 2.0 If the Suppression Re-annunciation Delay for your SCADA system is non-zero, then after the Master point clears, any Slaves that do not also clear within this time are re-annunciated. This alarm re-annunciation consists of two things: The original Slave alarm, which was annunciated at priority zero (and preacknowledged), is left in the alarm file with its original timestamp. But it is now updated to have the priority that it would have had were it not suppressed. This alarm also becomes unacknowledged, if dictated by its updated priority A single momentary alarm is raised to indicate to the operators that some previously suppressed alarms have been re-annunciated. A separate such alarm is raised for each Master point that has one or more Slave alarms reannunciated. The form of this alarm is: o mm/dd hh:mm:ss SLAVE ALARMS REANNUNCIATED FOR NNNN,NNNNNN where NNNN,NNNNN is the point name of the master point Alarm types The types of alarms that can be suppressed are the following: Analog limit violation alarms Analog rate of change alarms Status change alarms Control and setpoint failure alarms are not suppressed. Master alarm JANUARY 27, 2014 The severity of the Master alarm does not affect alarm suppression. Even a severity zero master alarm can be configured to suppress Slave alarms. But in the case of analog master points, the type of alarm does affect suppression. Pre-emergency alarms do not cause alarm suppression, only emergency alarms or reasonability alarms do. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 26 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 3.4 About this section STC EXPLORER 2.0 Storm Alarm Suppression This section describes an alternate type of alarm suppression. Storm alarm suppression is a type of alarm suppression that does not involve master/slave relationships. The purpose is to allow the operators to suppress all point-related alarms of certain priorities. Note: The Master/Slave alarms option is a prerequisite for storm alarm suppression. If this is not enabled, the WorldView menu items discussed below are dimmed. Storm alarm suppression in WorldView In the Alarm menu of the WorldView alarm viewer, there are menu items that allow you to suppress alarms of any priority. Figure 5 – Storm Alarm Suppression Drop Down Menu These menu items have a toggle action: selecting once suppresses, selecting a second time un-suppresses. The presence of a check mark beside any of these menu items indicates that the corresponding alarm priority is currently suppressed. The priorities that are currently suppressed are also shown in the column heading labeled ALARM. In the example above, priorities 0, 1 and 2 are suppressed. Priority suppression flags There are also priority suppression flags visible in the Alarm Priorities editing dialog. These boxes appear ticked when the priority is suppressed, and unticked when the priority is not suppressed. Clicking on any of these targets causes the corresponding priority suppression status to be toggled. When you use WorldView to suppress the alarms, any alarms that are already present when you start suppression are unaffected. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 27 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Operation of storm suppression STC EXPLORER 2.0 Storm Alarm Suppression involves hiding the suppressed alarms from all displays. The alarms are still submitted to the alarm file, however, and can be viewed as soon as the suppression is removed. You don’t have to acknowledge these alarms; they appear already acknowledged when you remove the suppression. Alarms that are suppressed by Storm Alarm Suppression are also not printed, but they are included in the operations message file. This means that they can be reviewed in the operator's summary (oprsum) display, and reported if desired JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 28 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 4 External Bell 4.1 About this chapter STC EXPLORER 2.0 Introduction This chapter describes the operation of the external alarm bell handling program, and how to configure it. Note: The External Bell software is not licensed in the base SCADA system. This feature requires an additional software option license. External alarm bell handler The external alarm bell handler is a program that drives a number of external alarm devices. You can define the number of external alarms, and which zones they are in. You can also decide which alarm priorities each bell operates for. If you do not choose to configure any external alarm bells, audible alarms are still sounded at each workstation by the WorldView operator interface. Refer to your WorldView documentation for a description of this standard capability of the base SCADA system. Figure 6 – Bell Selection Window JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 29 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Selecting Bells (located under the Alarms branch in the left pane of STC Explorer) shows a list of existing external alarm bell definitions. Choosing one of these to be edited, or selecting New, brings up the “Edit Bell” or “New Bell” dialog, as shown below. Figure 7 – Bell Dialog Box Define an external bell For an external bell to function, it requires certain hardware. You need an audible or visible annunciation device of some kind, and some means of connecting it to the SCADA system. Usually this takes the form of a small RTU connected via a simple communication line. The communication line, RTU, and the points mentioned later in this chapter all need to be created in the database in the usual way, before you can define the external bell. You may create as many external bells as you need in your SCADA system. Each bell operates according to the definition you give it. Workstation audible alarms (in the form of Windows sounds) are also played, even if no external bells are defined. External Bell Data Field Descriptions The definition of an external bell is described in the table below. Field Name Description You must assign a name to each external bell you define. The system automatically assigns an ID number for internal purposes. Although you may change the name at any time, you cannot change its ID number. Description You should provide a description for each external bell, which will help you remember its function. The description only appears in the STC Explorer window Select the zone group this bell will operate in. The bell will sound only for alarms that are in this group, or in any other group that has at least one zone in common with this one. Zone Group For more information on zones and zone groups, see the chapter on this subject in DB-401, Point Database Editing Guide. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 30 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 External Bell Data Field Descriptions continued Field Description Control Point The external bell is operated by means of an RTU, usually one connected locally. It operates the actual bell or other audible device using a control command. There must be a status point in the SCADA database that represents this output. Using the point browser (the button marked “…”), select the point in the database that is used to control this bell. The external bell handler program issues a: CLOSE (1) control to turn a bell on OPEN (0) control to turn a bell off If you do not define a control point, then no controls are produced for this bell definition (and the bell does not sound). Silence Point This is a status point which, when set (i.e., its value is set to a 1), causes the bell program to silence this external bell (and then reset the silence status point to 0). You must create this point in the database if you want to use this feature. This point is typically a telemetered point wired to a pushbutton in the vicinity of the external bell (so that people don’t have to come to the control room to silence it). Since a normally open contact would typically be used for this button, it is possible to have several of them wired in parallel to service several locations. Disable Point If you do not specify a silence point, it will not be possible to have an external pushbutton to silence this bell. This is an optional status point that you can manually set to enable or disable this external bell: 1 = disable the external bell 0 = enable the external bell Priorities JANUARY 27, 2014 Of course, this could be a telemetered point if it was necessary to disable the external bell from a remote location, from a switch wired into a local RTU. This is a list of the ten defined alarm priorities Select one or more of them to have this external bell sound for alarms of the desired priority. If you do not select any, this external bell will not sound. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 31 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Operation of the external bell STC EXPLORER 2.0 Once you have defined the bell, the SCADA system will attempt to send control commands to the designated point to operate the bell. A Close command is sent to turn on the bell in response to alarms of the indicated priorities, if the points are in a corresponding zone group. An Open command is sent to turn off the bell, when the alarms are silenced or acknowledged. Note: The correct operation of the bell requires the communication line, RTU, and its related hardware to function properly. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 32 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 5 Remote Alarm Annunciation 5.1 About this chapter STC EXPLORER 2.0 Introduction This chapter describes the Remote Alarm Annunciation facility. Note: Remote Alarm Annunciation is not licensed in the base SCADA system. It requires an additional software option license. The Remote Alarm Annunciation subsystem is designed to forward specified alarm messages to operators or other responsible personnel who are away from the control room. The remote alarm annunciation system can use any combination of the following messaging mechanisms: It can call a central paging computer and submit a digital alphanumeric page request It can send e-mail, via your e-mail server It can send a “trap” message to a compatible network management station It can make a voice announcement, using your PA system, radio, or a telephone dialer It can send a text message to your cellular telephone Communication protocols In each case there is communication between the SCADA Master and another device, using the appropriate communication protocol: Paging uses the Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP) E-mail relies on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Traps are sent using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Text messages are sent using the Short Message Service (SMS) provided by your cellular company Voice messages are sent as plain text to an external speech synthesis device JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 33 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Annunciation messages STC EXPLORER 2.0 Using STC Explorer, you can assign annunciation messages to any point-related sustained alarm (e.g. analog limit violation or status alarm value). You can also assign an annunciation message to the return to normal. Annunciation messages are defined as text strings in the Remote Alarms table, found under the Remote Annunciation branch in STC Explorer. Figure 8 – Remote Alarms Window Annunciation service Specifying the personnel who receive the annunciations begins with one or more Annunciation Services. Each such service defines a single method for reaching your recipients, such as a paging system’s central computer, or an e-mail server. Define recipients Under each Annunciation Service, you must define the individual recipients. Each of these usually represents a single pager, cellular phone, or e-mail address to which annunciations are sent. If you are using SNMP traps, a recipient represents a management station and SNMP community name that receives the trap messages. In the case of the Voice type, specify only a single recipient to represent the speech synthesis device itself. For the Phone type (which also used the voice synthesizer), you may specify a number of recipients, each with its own phone number. Annunciation table Also in the Alarms branch, you will find the Annunciations table. This allows you to specify which alarm severities will be routed to particular Annunciation Services, and at what times the remote annunciation system will be active. Think of each place where you list an annunciation service against a particular alarm priority you wish to send messages for as an individual “Annunciation”. When an alarm (with an Alarm Voice specified) occurs, each Annunciation will be processed, in order from highest priority to lowest. Within each alarm priority, the individual annunciations will be processed in the order you have listed them in the Annunciations table. This causes the messages to be sent using each annunciation service, to each recipient attached to that service. The services will each utilize their specific messaging method; either alphanumeric paging, e mail, SNMP “trap”, SMS text message or speech synthesis. Each service can further filter the messages to be sent to individual recipients according to the particular alarm. This can include the point’s zone group and the alarm voice’s group. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 34 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 5.2 STC EXPLORER 2.0 Remote Alarms About this section This section describes how to define the text of an annunciation message for remote alarms. Define a remote alarm A remote alarm defines the text of an annunciation message. The data entry fields of the editor are described below. Figure 9 – Remote Alarms Dialog Box JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 35 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Remote Alarm Dialog Box Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields in the Remote Alarm dialog box. Field Name Description Enter a name for your remote alarm, which you will use to select this from a list (when you are editing the points that will use it). The ID is assigned automatically by the system, and cannot be changed. This is a description you may enter to more clearly identify this voice. It is only visible in STC Explorer. Description Group Membership This drop-down list allows you to optionally organize your remote alarms into “groups” that you define for yourself. These groups can be used to control which recipients receive a particular annunciation. If you have created one or more groups, and you want this remote alarm to be sent only to recipients who are “listening” for voices in a particular group, select that group name from the drop-down list. Otherwise, select <All> to allow this voice to be used to send annunciations to all recipients. Represents the text the message will use when being sent to pagers, e-mail addresses, SNMP trap receivers, or cell phones (via text messaging). Text Format Speech Format Formats String is used only by speech-synthesis annunciation services, i.e., only services of the Voice Messenger and Phone types. In both of the above strings, the message format consists of any desired text, plus embedded control codes that indicate where you want SCADA data to be inserted. In the Voice string, you can make adjustments to improve the pronunciation of the speech synthesis device, such as spelling changes, and inserting spaces between letters that you need to have spelled out (rather than pronounced as a word). Note: The Voice Messenger device has built-in logic to handle many common cases correctly, such as time, date, and many acronyms. In the case of control code &A, the text excludes the timestamp. Control code &C applies to sustained alarms only. In the case of the Voice string, you can also insert any special characters that can be used to modify the operation of the speech synthesizer (see the documentation for the speech synthesis device). JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 36 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Remote alarm example STC EXPLORER 2.0 Alarm Voice Example For example, if you have a point named STN1,BRKR06 with a description string: FEEDER 6 PRIMARY BREAKER and a remote alarm used for state 0 that includes the following text: &S &D TRIPPED AT &T When the breaker trips you will see an alarm on the SCADA system, which is formatted by your choice of Alarm Format (see chapter 1). It might look like this: 09/22 10:35:23 STN1,BRKR06 FEEDER 6 PRIMARY BREAKER TRIP But because of the Remote Alarm, the following would be sent by the alarm annunciator: STN1 FEEDER 6 PRIMARY BREAKER TRIPPED AT 10:35 JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 37 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 5.3 STC EXPLORER 2.0 Remote Alarm Groups About this section This section describes how to create a new remote alarm group. In addition to zone groups and the alarm priorities, Remote Alarm Groups provide a way to limit remote annunciations so that particular alarms are only annunciated to specific recipients. See Group Fillers in section 5.6. Remote alarm group dialog box The table of Remote Alarm Groups is located under the Remote Annunciation branch of STC Explorer as displayed in figure 8. To create a group, right-click in the right-hand pane and choose New. The Remote Alarm Group displays allowing you to create the group by giving it a name, and optionally a short description. Figure 10 – Remote Alarm Group Dialog Box The group you create can be used in Recipients and in Remote Alarms to control who sees certain annunciations. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 38 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 5.4 STC EXPLORER 2.0 Annunciations About this section This section describes how to specify some general characteristics of the Remote Annunciation System. Annunciation enabled Remote annunciations are not performed unless the Annunciation Enabled box is checked in the Annunciation Properties dialog box. This action turns the entire Remote Annunciation system on or off in one step Figure 11 – Annunciation Properties Dialog Box JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 39 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Annunciation Properties Dialog Box Field Descriptions The following table describes the Annunciation Properties fields in the dialog box. Field Annunciation Delay, sec, min Description This is a time delay, in seconds, which the annunciator program is to wait before sending a message to anyone when a new alarm occurs. This gives the local operators, if any are present, a chance to acknowledge the alarm before anyone outside of the control room is bothered. Carefully choosing this delay might make it possible for you to leave Remote Annunciation enabled all the time. Whenever the SCADA operator is present, and able to handle the alarms within this time delay, no annunciations are made. But if the operator is not available to acknowledge the alarm in time, it is annunciated to the personnel you have determined. Re-annunciation Interval, min This is the time interval, in minutes, following remote annunciation of alarms, after which the annunciator program is to re-transmit any alarms that are still unacknowledged. Annunciation Timing Example Suppose the Annunciation Delay is 120 seconds and the Re-Annunciation Interval is 30 minutes. Then when an alarm of a particular priority occurs (and if it has a Remote Alarm defined), the annunciator program first waits 2 minutes to give any people in the control room a chance to handle the alarm. If the alarm is still unacknowledged at the end of the 2 minutes, the program begins sending messages. It works through the recipient list of each annunciation service that is specified to handle alarms of this priority. Once all messages are sent, the annunciator starts the re-annunciation timer. If the alarm is still unacknowledged when this time expires, the annunciator starts sending the messages again. Schedule Select the name of the schedule to use for the Annunciation System. This schedule determines the time periods during which remote annunciations are made. Outside of this time, annunciations are not made. Schedules allow you to set up the Remote Annunciation system to automatically be active during times when nobody is in the control room. Note: There is only one schedule controlling the entire Remote Annunciation System, but individual recipients can have their own schedules. See section 5.6. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 40 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Field Descriptions continued Field Description Test Voice Leave this set to None; it is not presently used by the Remote Annunciation System. Enable/Disable You may optionally specify a status point that will control status point remote annunciation: whenever its value is 1, remote alarm annunciation is disabled. You may use a non-telemetered point, if you want to allow a command sequence or calculation to inhibit annunciation, or if the operator will set it manually. If you provide a switch wired into a local RTU, you can use a telemetered point to easily disable remote alarm annunciation when you walk into the control room, and re-enable it when you leave (simply by operating the switch). Note that this switch point only serves to disable remote alarm annunciation if it would otherwise be enabled. It does not, by being in state 0, enable remote alarm annunciation if it would otherwise be disabled (e.g., scheduled to be off). JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 41 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 5.5 About this section STC EXPLORER 2.0 Annunciation Service This section describes how to create an annunciation service. You must create at least one Annunciation Service in order to make use of the remote annunciation feature. An annunciation service represents a computer system or device that your messages are sent to. Each service has a list of one or more recipients attached to it; typically, the annunciation service is responsible for forwarding the message to these recipients. Each such annunciation service can be used to annunciate alarms of one or more priorities. Annunciation service dialog box Under some circumstances you can create more than one annunciation service that uses the same paging system or e-mail server. For example, all alarms of one priority can be e-mailed to a different list of recipients than the alarms of another priority, even though the same mail server would be used in both cases. This is easily done by creating two annunciation services with the same server information, each with its own list of recipients and its own priority selections. Annunciation Services is located under the Remote Annunciations branch. To access the Annunciation Service dialog box right-click on the right pane window and select Edit or New from the drop down menu. The following dialog box displays. Figure 12 – Annunciation Service Dialog Box JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 42 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Annunciation Service Dialog Box Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields on the General Tab of the Annunciation Service dialog box. Field Name Description Enabled Type Description Give the service a name that makes it easy to identify when you are editing your Annunciations. The ID number is assigned by the system automatically. Add a description to clarify its purpose. This box must be checked if this service is to be used by the system. If you want to define a service, but not to use it for annunciations at the present time, clear this checkbox. This drop down menu provides a set of tabbed pages corresponding to the service types available. They are: Pager Email Traps Voice SMS Phone See the following section for more information. Annunciation service types A different tab displays on the Annunciation Service page depending on the Type selected. Each tab contains the fields which define the characteristics of an annunciation service of that type. Typically this consists of the information required to establish a connection to the annunciation service. Pager This page contains the items that define a connection to your paging company’s central computer. This uses a dial-up modem connection, and the Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol, TAP. It is used to send annunciations by alphanumeric pager. Figure 13 – Annunciation Service Pager Tab JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 43 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Annunciation service types continued STC EXPLORER 2.0 Pager Tab Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields found on the Pager tab. Field Initialization Phone # Retries Password Answer Delay, sec Connection Switch Point Description If the modem you use to connect to the paging central computer requires setup or initialization commands, enter them here. Include one complete command string, including any prefix characters (such as “AT”). Note: If the modem’s configuration can be programmed into its non-volatile memory, it is usually better to do so, rather than require a complex initialization string. Enter the phone number of the paging central computer that you will dial into to send pages. Enter the digits exactly as they must be dialed. Do not include modem command characters or punctuation, such as “AT” or “–“. The appropriate dialing command will be generated for you. Enter the maximum number of times the call should be tried, if the paging computer does not connect. After this, the system will consider this annunciation attempt to have failed, and will raise an alarm. The default value of 3 will help cope with busy phone lines or other transient connection difficulties. Leave this blank unless your paging company requires a password for this connection. Enter the number of seconds the system should wait, after dialing, to establish the connection to the paging central computer. If this time runs out, the modem will be hung up, and the call will be tried again. Select one of these two types of communication ports. Choose TCP/IP if the modem is connected to a port on a device that is connected via the network, such as a terminal server. Choose comm if the modem is connected to a serial port on your SCADA host computer. If your system includes redundant connections to the speech synthesizer, or redundant synthesizers, the annunciation program can automatically switch between the two. Enter a status point here, which will be used to indicate which port is currently in use (0 = the primary port, 1 = the alternate port). If you manually set this point’s value, it will force the program to use only the port you select. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 44 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Annunciation service types continued STC EXPLORER 2.0 Pager Tab Field Descriptions continued Field Description Primary You must specify at least the Primary connection information If Host/Port you have selected TCP/IP communications. Enter the Host Name or IP address of the device, and the port number that the modem is connected to. Note that this port must be configured (in the terminal server) to use the correct baud rate, parity and number of data bits, as required by the central computer. If you enter a name here, your network configuration on the SCADA hosts must include some means to resolve the name into an IP address, such as a HOSTS file, WINS lookup, etc. If you have selected a comm connection enter the name of the serial port. Alternate Host/Port If you have redundant communications, and have specified a Port Switch point as discussed above, then you should enter the Host Name and Port for the alternate connection, as well. If you have redundant communications, and have specified a Port Switch point as discussed above, then you should enter the Host Name and Port for the alternate connection, as well. Email These items define a service that will send your annunciations by e-mail, using the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). You can control certain characteristics of the email messages, and you must define how to connect to your SMTP (outgoing) mail server, in order to send the messages. Figure 14 – Annunciation Service Email Tab JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 45 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 E-Mail Tab Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields found on the Email tab. Field Subject Description You may enter text that is to appear in the “Subject:” field of all e-mail messages sent by this service. This information is optional, although it may be required for correct operation of your mail server or the recipient’s mail program. From Enter the e-mail address you would like to appear in the “From:” field of the annunciation e-mail messages. Since the SCADA system does not receive e-mail, it has no address of its own. We recommend you use a valid address that can receive any error reports that might be sent by your e-mail server (or any replies your recipients might send). However, SCADA does not impose any requirement for a valid From address (although your mail server may). HELO Domain Communication with your SMTP server begins with an exchange of information called HELO (or EHLO if Authenticatino is enabled), which can optionally include the domain name your e-mail comes from (whether it is the same as shown in the From address or not). Some mail servers will only deliver mail if a valid domain is specified in the HELO phase (and this domain may even need to agree with the IP address the mail is actually coming from, in which case you will need the help of your IT department to set up the mail server and select the domain name to use here). Unlike other types of Remote Annunciation servicing, if there are multiple alarm annunciation messages for it to send, this e-mail service will add the subsequent messages to the body of the first e-mail message (one alarm message per line). Alarms Per Message Host Name/IP Port Number JANUARY 27, 2014 Enter a number here to limit the maximum number of alarms that will be sent in one e-mail message. Additional e-mail message(s) will be sent if required, to annunciate all the alarms that are required. Enter the IP address or name of the mail server that will be used to send e-mail annunciations. This server must accept SMTP connections from the SCADA host(s), and it must be willing to relay mail to all of your recipients. If you enter a name here, your network configuration on the SCADA hosts must include some means to resolve the name into an IP address, such as a HOSTS file, WINS lookup, etc. In any case, the SCADA hosts must be able to reach the mail server via your network, using routers, gateways, etc., that you have configured. SCADA will use port 25 to connect to the SMTP server by default. If you require a different port, you may enter the number in the Port Number field. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 46 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 E-Mail Tab Field Descriptions continued Field Description SMTP Check this if your mail server requires you to use Authentication authentication to send email. Then be sure to specify the Enabled user name and password. The authenticaitno method to use will be negotiated with the mail server (only PLAIN or LOGIN are supported). User Name A user name is required if authentication is selected. Password A password is required if authentication is selected. Confirm Enter the password again to ensure you have entered it Password correctly. Retries Enter the maximum number of times connection to the mail server should be tried, if it does not succeed. After this, the system will consider this annunciation attempt to have failed, and will raise an alarm. The default value of 1 should be fine in most cases. Annunciation service types continued Traps Select this tab if you want your annunciations to be made in the form of “trap” messages using the Simple Network Management Protocol, SNMP. In this case, these fields specify how the messages are sent, but not the destination they are sent to. Figure 15 – Annunciation Service Traps Tab JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 47 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Traps Tab Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields found on the Traps tab. Field Object ID Description All traps sent by this service are identified as coming from the Object Identifier you enter here. Therefore this OID means only “a SCADA Alarm”, and not a particular SCADA point or event. This trap object’s value (i.e. which alarm it is) is sent as an SNMP “octet stream” (a string of bytes) that consists of the characters of the message, as dictated by the specified Remote Alarm. Enter an OID that the network Management Station (the one that is receiving these traps) will know is a text message from SCADA. You can use an existing OID that corresponds to an octet stream that your Management Station processes, or you can create a new OID for these alarm messages. If your Management Station permits it, you can create a new Management Information Base (MIB) extension where you can define a new OID for your SCADA alarms. Usually, this involves writing a text file to define the new OID(s), and compiling it into a form the Management Station can understand. It may only be necessary for the file to reference an existing MIB file, and define the new object(s) in relation to an existing branch of the MIB “tree”. Object ID continued Note: Creating and using MIB files with the Management Station is beyond the scope to this manual. The “tree” of OIDs in use is subject to registration by ISO. Enterprise Specific Type JANUARY 27, 2014 All traps from this annunciation service are sent as “Enterprise Specific”, i.e., type 6. Enter a sub-type number in this field to identify the trap as a SCADA remote alarm annunciation message. The SNMP annunciation service sends the traps as Object ID ., where x is the sub-type you enter here. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 48 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Annunciation service types continued STC EXPLORER 2.0 Voice This type of annunciation service sends your message using the Speech format defined in the Remote Alarm (instead of the text format) directly to an external speech synthesizer. This device may be configured to speak your messages via a radio or PA system, or it may have a pre-configured list of telephone numbers to call in order to annunciate your message to off-site personnel. This page in the Annunciation Service editor defines the connection to the external device. Enter the information described in the sections that follow. Figure 16 – Annunciation Service Voice Tab Voice Tab Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields found on the Voice tab. Field Description Initialization If the speech synthesizer you use requires setup or initialization commands, enter them here. Include one complete command string, including any prefix characters (such as “AT”). Retries TCP/IP COMM JANUARY 27, 2014 Note: If the device’s configuration can be stored in nonvolatile memory, it is usually better to do that, and leave this field blank. Enter the maximum number of times the connection to the speech synthesizer should be tried if it does not connect. After this number of tries, the system will consider this annunciation attempt to have failed, and will raise an alarm. The default value of three helps cope with transient connection difficulties. Select one of these two types of communication ports. Choose TCP/IP if the speech synthesizer is connected to a port on a device that is connected via the network, such as a terminal server. Choose comm if it is connected to a serial port on your SCADA host computer. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 49 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Voice Tab Field Descriptions continued Field Description Switch Point If your system includes redundant connections to the speech synthesizer, or redundant synthesizers, the annunciation program can automatically switch between the two. Enter a status point here, which will be used to indicate which port is currently in use (0 = the primary port, 1 = the alternate port). Primary Port/Host Name Alternate Port/Host Name Baud Rate Parity Data Bits JANUARY 27, 2014 If you manually set this point’s value, it will force the program to use only the port you select. If you have selected communication by Comm port, above, then you must enter the name of the primary port (for example, COM2). If you have selected TCP/IP enter the host name or IP address for the primary connection, If you have redundant communications, and have specified a Port Switch point as discussed above, then you should enter the information for the alternate port as well. Select a baud rate to use in the configuration of the serial port(s), if you are using Comm ports. This setting must be compatible with your speech synthesizer’s configuration. Select the parity to use in the configuration of the serial port(s), if you are using Comm ports. This setting must be compatible with your speech synthesizer’s configuration Select the number of data bits to use in the configuration of the serial port(s), if you are using Comm ports. This setting must be compatible with your speech synthesizer’s configuration SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 50 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Annunciation service types continued STC EXPLORER 2.0 SMS This page defines the connection to your cellular company’s network, using a cellular modem. Annunciations are sent as “text messages” using the Short Message Service (SMS), directly to the cellular telephone number you enter for each recipient. Figure 17 – Annunciation Service SMS Tab The following modems have been tested and are supported: For "GSM" carriers, use the MultiTech MTCBA-G GSM modem, with a SIM card provisioned by your carrier. For most "CDMA" carriers, use a pre-approved version of the MultiTech MTCBA-C CDMA modem. Contact MultiTech for details regarding which carriers have currently pre-approved configurations which may be provisioned over the air. For those "CDMA" carriers without an approved CDMA modem (above), use the MultiTech MTCMR-H HSPA modem. (This may also be used with some "GSM" carriers). It requires a SIM card provisioned by your carrier. In all cases the modem must be provisioned by the carrier, registered on their network, with a service plan that supports the quantity of text messages you expect to use. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 51 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 SMS Tab Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields found on the SMS tab. Field Initialization Description Typical setup of the GSM modem is done automatically by the program, but if you find that a special piece of initialization is needed by your modem, you can enter the string here. It is sent to the modem after all the standard configuration commands have been sent. You may include one complete command string, including any prefix characters (such as “AT”). Modem Type Note: If the modem’s configuration can be stored in nonvolatile memory, it is usually better to do that, rather than insert a complex initialization string here. Select the type of SMS modem from the list of options: Detect This should be used only with the original MTCBA modems (-C or -G). It will automatically select CDMA or GSM depending on which modem is connected. It should not be used with MTCMR modems. Manually selecting one of the choices below is preferred. GSM Suitable for modems compatible with MTCBA-G or MTCMR-H, when used on GSM networks CDMA Suitable for MTCBA-C only. Used on CDMA networks HSPA on CDMA Must be used for modems compatible with MTCMR-H4, when used on CDMA networks (only) HSPA Suitable for modems compatible with MTCMR-H5 (on either GSM or CDMA networks). May also be used for MTCMR-H4, when used on GSM networks (only) Retries Answer Delay, sec Allow Alarm Ack JANUARY 27, 2014 Enter the maximum number of times the text message should be attempted, if the network does not confirm transmission. After this, the system considers this annunciation attempt to have failed, and raises an alarm. The default value of 1 is fine for most situations Enter the number of seconds the system should wait after submitting a text message, for confirmation that it has been accepted by the network. If this time runs out, the modem is disconnected, and the SMS message tries again. Select this option if you want the recipients on this service to be permitted to acknowledge alarms remotely. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 52 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 SMS Tab Field Descriptions continued Field Description TCP/IP Select one of these two types of communication ports. COMM Choose TCP/IP if the modem is connected to a port on a device that is connected via the network, such as a terminal server. Choose COMM if the modem is connected to a local serial port on your SCADA host computer. Switch Point If your system includes redundant connections to the GSM modem, or redundant modems, the annunciation program can automatically switch between the two. Primary Host Name and Port number Enter a status point here, that is used to indicate which port is currently in use (0 = the primary port, 1 = the alternate port). If you have selected TCP/IP communications, you must specify at least the Primary connection information. Enter the Host Name or IP address of the device, and the port number that the modem is connected to. Note: This port must be configured (in the terminal server) to use the correct baud rate, parity and number of data bits, as required by the GSM modem. Alternate Host Name and Port number Annunciation service types continued If you enter a name here, your network configuration on the SCADA hosts must include some means to resolve the name into an IP address, such as a HOSTS file, WINS lookup, DNS, etc. If you have redundant communications, and have specified a Port Switch point as discussed above, then you should enter the Host Name and Port for the alternate connection, as well. Phone The Type Phone uses the same external speech devices that are used by the Voice annunciation type. However, this does not require a list of phone numbers to be programmed into the 3010 and it allows more than a single recipient to be defined in the SCADA database. Each SCADA Recipient record represents one of the people being called, and therefore must contain its own phone number (in the Address field). When an alarm is to be annunciated, the Phone annunciation type builds the list of recipients from a group of users that: are Enabled have a Zone match are within their scheduled time are configured for the specified voice code group, if any Once the first four recipients are collected it stops building the list. These recipient phone numbers are then automatically programmed into the device. Then it is placed on-line, and the text of the message is sent. The device then manages the placing of phone calls according to its internal logic. This includes (re)calling the numbers until somebody agrees to hear the message, even after the SCADA alarm has been acknowledged. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 53 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 This entire process is repeated for each new alarm. The following list provides recommendations you should follow to ensure the feature works correctly: Only have a maximum of 4 recipients who will be receiving messages at any given time (as determined by schedule, or by the Enable flags, for example) All four recipients should have the same zone and voice code groups, in order to avoid a situation where one alarm would select particular recipients, but the next alarm would select different ones (which could result in re-programming the device’s number list while it was still making the previous calls) Since the device manages calling and re-calling on its own timetable, avoid setting a re-annunciation interval in SCADA, which could lead to the same message being sent to the 3010 more than once. Always use alarm voices that include the timestamp of the alarm, so that the spoken messages will always contain the time and date, to avoid confusion. Figure 18 – Annunciation Service Phone Tab JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 54 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Phone Tab Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields found on the Phone tab. Field Initialization Description If the speech synthesizer you use requires setup or initialization commands, enter them here. Include one complete command string, including any prefix characters (such as “AT”). Note: If the device’s configuration can be stored in nonvolatile memory, it is usually better to do that, and leave this field blank. Retries Enter the maximum number of times the text message should be attempted, if the network does not confirm transmission. After this, the system considers this annunciation attempt to have failed, and raises an alarm. The default value of 1 is fine for most situations Select one of these two types of communication ports. Choose TCP/IP if the modem is connected to a port on a device that is connected via the network, such as a terminal server. Choose COMM if the modem is connected to a local serial port on your SCADA host computer. If your system includes redundant connections to the modem, or redundant modems, the annunciation program can automatically switch between the two. TCP/IP COMM Switch Point Primary Host Name and Port number Enter a status point here, that is used to indicate which port is currently in use (0 = the primary port, 1 = the alternate port). If you have selected TCP/IP communications, you must specify at least the Primary connection information. Enter the Host Name or IP address of the device, and the port number that the modem is connected to. Note: This port must be configured (in the terminal server) to use the correct baud rate, parity and number of data bits, as required by the GSM modem. If you enter a name here, your network configuration on the SCADA hosts must include some means to resolve the name into an IP address, such as a HOSTS file, WINS lookup, DNS, etc. If you have redundant communications, and have specified a Port Switch point as discussed above, then you should enter the Host Name and Port for the alternate connection, as well. Alternate Host Name and Port number JANUARY 27, 2014 If you have redundant communications, and have specified a Port Switch point as discussed above, then you should enter the Host Name and Port for the alternate connection, as well. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 55 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 5.6 About this section STC EXPLORER 2.0 Recipient This section describes how to create recipients for an annunciation service. For each annunciation service, you should create one or more recipients that can be reached by that service. Typically, each recipient has an identifying address that receives a message if the service they belong to is annunciating an alarm. Services and recipients table The following table lists the address information needed for recipients on each type of Remote Annunciation service, and seeks to clarify the differences between the types of Remote Annunciation services. Service Type Pager Protocol TAP Annunciations To Paging Company E-mail SMTP Mail Server Trap SNMP Voice SEL-3010 Text SMS Net. Monitor Station Voice Messenger Device Cellular Company Phone SEL-3010 Voice Messenger Device Connected by Serial, to dialup modem TCP network TCP network Serial, direct Serial, to cellular modem Serial, direct The Service represents Paging company. connection Mail Server connection Sending OID & Type Voice device connection Cellular Network Voice device connection The Recipient represents Each individual’s Pager Each individual’s e-mail Each network mgmt station The single voice synthesis device Each individual’s cell phone Each individual’s phone In the case of a Voice Messenger service, only one recipient is required (or allowed). It represents the speech synthesis device itself. It does not require any ID, but you may insert something if you like (it will appear in ScanMon logging, for example. For an SNMP Trap service, there also will often be only one recipient defined. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 56 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Creating recipients STC EXPLORER 2.0 The following procedure describes how to create or edit your recipients. Step 1 2 3 Procedure Open the Annunciation Service tree in the left hand side of the STC Explorer. From the list of annunciation services that appears, select the desired service. Result: The right hand pane displays the list of recipients for that service. Right-click on any of these to edit it. Result: The following Recipient dialog box displays. Note: You can more precisely control which messages are sent to each recipient using two features discussed later: the Zone Group the Voice Group filter Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields that define a recipient. Field Name Description The name should identify the person or device that will be receiving these messages. For pager and e-mail recipients (and the single Voice Messenger recipient), you may use any name you like. For SNMP recipients (i.e., management stations), the name you choose will be the SNMP “community name” that the annunciations will be sent with. Therefore you must choose a name your management station will accept as the desired SNMP community. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 57 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Recipient Dialog Box Field Descriptions continued Field Description Enabled Select this check box if this recipient is to receive any annunciations, otherwise this recipient will be skipped. This is an easy way to remove a recipient temporarily, such as during vacation periods. Description Enter a description to clearly identify this recipient, or to provide additional information about it. Address Enter the unique identification of this recipient, depending on the kind of annunciation service in use: For e-mail recipients, this must be the e-mail address to which the annunciation will be sent. It can be more than one address if needed, separated by semicolons. For pager recipients, this is the pager ID that will receive the page. This is usually different from the telephone number that you would dial to page the device. Contact your paging service provider for more information. For SNMP trap recipients, this is the host name (or actual IP address) of the management station that is to receive the traps. The SNMP traps will typically be sent to the default port for SNMP, 162. To specify an alternate port, you may append it to the address, separated by only a colon (e.g, For SMS text message recipients, this must be the cellular phone number the messages will be sent to. Do not include any punctuation (spaces, hyphens, etc) in the number. The preferred format will depend on the requirements of your cellular provider, but usually the full international version is recommended (e.g., 19058265000). If you are going to use the Remote Acknowledgment feature then this must exactly match the cellular number transmitted by the device when it sends its reply. For North America, this will usually include a “1” before the telephone number depending on your cellular provider. (The leading “+” symbol is optional.) Service Zone Group JANUARY 27, 2014 For Voice unnunciations, no Address is required. Destination telephone numbers (if any) are programmed into the voice synthesis device externally. Select the Annunciation Service that this Recipient will belong to, from the drop-down list of services you have created. This will determine which annunciations will be sent to this recipient. All recipients in a given service will receive the same annunciations, except as determined by your choices in Zone Group, Voice Group Filters and Enabled settings. Select the zone group this recipient will belong to. Only alarms in a zone group that has at least one zone in common with this recipient’s group will be sent to this recipient. This does not affect the alarms to be sent to other members of the same Annunciation Service. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 58 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Recipient Dialog Box Field Descriptions continued Field Description Schedule In addition to the schedule that controls the Remote Annunciation feature you might add a separate schedule for each recipient, which you can create with one or more schedule ranges, in the same way. This recipient’s schedule is optional, but if you specify one, the recipient will only receive annunciations during the hours you have chosen. Ack Password This field only applies when the Remote Acknowledgement feature is being used. It specifies a password that the recipient must use when acknowledging an alarm. If this recipient is not allowed to acknowledge alarms remotely, leave this field blank. The password may be any combination of letters and numbers, with no “white space” or punctuation characters included. It is case-sensitive. Group Filters The password is not displayed to you. If you have any doubt about the current password, simply enter a new one, and press OK. Each recipient may have one or more optional Voice Groups specified. If all filters are set to <None> then the recipient will receive all annunciation messages (subject to the Zone Group and Enabled settings you make). If you want only certain annunciations to be directed to this recipient, ensure that those alarms are configured to use an Alarm Voice that you have placed in an Alarm Voice Group that you created for this purpose. Then, select that group using one of the drop-down lists provided here. Recients without a matching group will not receive that alarm annunciation. Note: Each recipient can receive annunciation from up to 3 groups of alarm voices (or all annunciations, if all 3 filters are set to <None>). JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 59 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Example recipients STC EXPLORER 2.0 Carefully designing your Annunciations, Services, and Recipients will let you ensure the right alarms are seen by the right personnel, at the right time. The following section provides examples of how to fill in the fields on the Recipient dialog box. TAP Pager Recipient The figure below shows a pager recipient; notice that a pager ID has been entered. This recipient is connected to a pager service that defines the connection to the paging company’s central computer. E-Mail Recipient Notice that it is connected to an e-mail service (an SMTP server), and includes an e-mail address. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 60 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 SNMP Trap Recipient For an SNMP management station, the figure below shows an example of the Recipient configuration. It is connected to an SNMP annunciation service, and designates the management station’s “host name” as the Address. In addition, the SNMP community name (SCADA, in the example) is listed as the recipient name. Note: If you enter a name rather than an IP address, the SCADA host must have a means to translate the name into its corresponding IP address (such as WINS, DNS or a HOSTS file). Voice Recipient For a Voice Messenger service, the single recipient requires no Address. All messages will be sent to the device using the connection information defined in the annunciation service, as described on page 49, subject only to the Zone Group, Group Filters, Schedule and the Enabled flag. If the device has any telephone numbers programmed into it, it will make the required phone calls.Otherise it will simply speak the annunciation message directly. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 61 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Phone Recipient By contrast, a recipient for an annunciation service of type Phone is shown below. This recipient is connected to a service that represents the voice messenger device, but does not rely on phone numbers programmed into the device. Instead, the recipient’s phone number must appear in the Address field. SMS Recipient The figure below shows an example of a recipient for an SMS text messaging service. The Address contains the cellular phone number that text messages will be sent to. You can create a duplicate recipient under more than one service if that person needs to receive the annunciations destined for both services. For example, a certain individual may need to receive the annunciations of high-priority alarms, as well as the annunciations of low-priority alarms (where you have created different services for the two groups concerned with these alarms). Or you may want a person to receive annunciations both by e-mail and by pager. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 62 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 5.7 About this section STC EXPLORER 2.0 Schedules This section describes how to create schedules. The remote annunciation system is activated on a schedule. The system is active whenever the schedule indicates it should be On, provided it is Enabled and the Disable status point is not set to a 1. Schedule dialog box A schedule is simply a collection of time periods called ranges and is located in the Systems branch in STC Explorer. Adding a schedule The following procedure describes how to add a Schedule. Step 1 2 3 Right-click in the right side window. Result: A drop down list displays. 4 Select New. Result: The Schedule dialog box displays. 5 Add a name and description for the Schedule. 6 7 8 9 JANUARY 27, 2014 Procedure Open the System tree in the left hand side of the STC Explorer. Select Schedules. Result: The right side window displays the list of Schedules. Right-click under Ranges and click on New. Result: A line is added in the Ranges window. Click on the Type field Result: A drop down menu displays allowing you to select a type. Double-click in the From and To fields to select the hours, minutes and seconds. Click OK. Result: The schedule is saved, the dialog box closes and the schedule name displays in the right window. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 63 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 Field Descriptions The following table describes the fields that define a schedule. Field Name Description The name identifies the schedule. Description The description clarifies the purpose of the schedule. The ranges indicate the time ranges for the schedule. You need to have at least one, however you can add as many as you want. Select from the list of available types of time ranges, such as daily, weekly, etc. Ranges Type Scheduling example From/To Specify the start and end times of this time range, which will occur each day that matches the Type you have chosen, above. If both time ranges are zero it means “all day” (it does not mean “never”). State Choose On. No other state is meaningful to Remote Annunciation. Consider a typical Remote Annunciation scenario, where you would like alarm annunciations to be performed outside of normal business hours. Assume that this means you need them between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. on weekdays and all day on the weekends. You need a Schedule range like this: Range 1 - Weekdays Type Every Weekday From 17:00 To 07:00 In any schedule range, all the conditions in the Range must be true for the range to be “active”. In this case, the system evaluates: Is the range status marked "ON"? Is today a weekday? Is it between 17:00 and 7:00 If ALL of the answers are "YES", consider this schedule to be “on”. If used by Remote Annunciations, this schedl range by itself would not cause paging between midnight Friday night and 7:00 a.m. Saturday, because that is not a weekday. It does allow paging in the wee hours of Monday (00:00 to 07:00) however. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 64 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Scheduling example continued STC EXPLORER 2.0 To complete the example, you will also need a range like this: Range 2 - Weekends Type Every Weekend From 00:00 To 00:00 This is needed to cause paging all weekend. If the From and the To times are both zero like this, the paging system assumes that you mean “All Day”. You could try to use 00:00 and 23:59 to be clearer, but that would leave a oneminute “hole”. Not a big problem, but not quite right. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 65 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 5.8 Operational Overview of Remote Annunciation About this section This section provides an overview of the remote annunciation feature. Annunciator program When a new alarm occurs and the alarm has Remote Alarm associated with it, the annunciator program first checks to see if annunciations are enabled. If so, it then executes the alarm annunciation delay specified in the Annunciations table. This is to give the operators in the control room a chance to acknowledge the alarm. It also means that several alarms that occur at nearly the same time may be handled in a single pass. If an operator acknowledges before this delay expires, the annunciator program does not contact anyone. Annunciation delay If the annunciation delay expires and alarms are still unacknowledged, the program examines the list of annunciations for the priority of the highest-priority alarm. For each one that it finds, the program checks that service is configured for it and that is has an active schedule. If so, it connects using the designated port and the appropriate communication protocol. Alarms of that priority are then sent to the recipients as described below. This is repeated for each annunciation service that is handling the current alarm priority. It is then repeated for each of the other alarm priorities that may be configured, working from highest to lowest. Annunciation service types Each annunciation processes the alarms according to its type. Paging Service If the service is defined as a paging service: The annunciator program connects to a modem via a serial port. It uses the modem to place a call to the central paging computer. It logs in to the computer using the TAP protocol. For each alarm of the specified priority that has a Remote Alarm and is unacknowledged the program submits a page request to each enabled recipient that has a corresponding zone group specified. If any group filters are specified, messages using Remote Alarms that do not match one of these groups are omitted. If multiple alarms are to be sent, all the required pages at this priority are sent to all the corresponding recipients (pager IDs) before the modem is disconnected from the paging computer. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 66 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Annunciation service types continued STC EXPLORER 2.0 E-Mail Service If the service is defined as an e-mail service: For each enabled recipient, the annunciator program connects to the specified e-mail server, using the SMTP protocol For each recipient, an email message is composed containing all unacknowledged alarms of the specified priority that have a Remote Alarm code and a corresponding zone group. If there are more alarms for one recipient than the specified number, multiple e-mail messages will be sent. If any group filters are specified, messages using remote alarms that do not match one of these groups are skipped Each e-mail message to be sent by this annunciation (whether it contains one or many alarm annunciations) involves a separate connection session to the mail server SNMP Service If the service is defined as an SNMP service: No specific connection needs to be established For each unacknowledged alarm of the specified priority that has a Remote Alarm the program generates a “trap” message (using the SNMP protocol) for each recipient that has a corresponding zone group. The message is directed to the recipient’s specified host name or IP address, and contains the specified SNMP community name. If any group filters are specified, messages using Remote Alarms that do not match one of these groups are skipped If multiple alarms are being sent by this service, each results in a separate trap message being sent Voice Service If the service is defined as a Voice service: The program connects to the speech synthesis device via the defined serial port For each unacknowledged alarm of the specified priority that has Remote Alarm the program sends the voice message text to the device, provided that the alarm’s zone group corresponds to the zone group of the recipient device. If any group filters are specified, messages using Remote Alarms that do not match one of these groups are omitted If this service is processing multiple alarms, all of the messages of this priority will be sent to the synthesizer before disconnecting The voice messenger device will act on the alarm messages according to how it is programmed. It may speak the messages to a radio or PA system, or make pre-programmed phone calls JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 67 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Annunciation service types continued STC EXPLORER 2.0 Phone Service If the service is defined as a Phone service: For each unacknowledged alarm of the specified priority that has a Remote Alarm the program first connects to the phone device via the defined serial port and sends the alarm's voice text to the device. For each recipient with a zone group corresponding to that of the alarm, and which is enabled and within its scheduled times (if a schedule is specified), the phone number is programmed into the device. If any group filters are specified for the alarm, recipients that do not match one of these groups are omitted. The list of recipients is limited to the first four that meet these criteria. The device is placed online to make the phone calls. If this annunciation is processing multiple alarms, the entire process (including programming the recipient phone number) is repeated for each one. SMS Service If the service is defined as an SMS text messaging service: The annunciator program connects to a cellular modem via a serial port. It configures it to transmit SMS messages in text mode For each alarm of the specified priority that has a Remote Alarm and is unacknowledged, the program submits a text message for each enabled recipient that has a corresponding zone group specified. If any group filters are specified, messages using Remote Alarms that do not match one of these groups are omitted If multiple alarms are to be sent by this service, all the required SMS messages of this priority are sent to all the corresponding recipients (phone numbers) before the program disconnects from the modem Re-Annunciation For each message that was successfully sent, the alarm is considered to have been annunciated. Otherwise, the process is repeated periodically until the message is successfully sent. (Since SNMP trap messages are “connectionless”, they are always deemed to be successful.) If the alarm is still unacknowledged at the end of the defined re-annunciation interval, the process is repeated. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 68 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE STC EXPLORER 2.0 5.9 Remote Acknowledgement About this section This section describes how operators can acknowledge alarms from a remote location when notification is received using remote annunciation. Configuration to allow remote acknowledgement Alarms received using Remote Annunciation can be acknowledged from their remote location. To support this feature, the Annunciation Service must be configured with the Allow Alarm Ack flag selected (see section 5.5 Annunciation Service) and the individual recipients must be configured with non-blank Ack Passwords. The password is case-sensitive and must not include spaces or other punctuation. Annunciation service type The steps to acknowledge an alarm remotely depend on the type of annunciation service used. Currently only the SMS type of service supports Remote Acknowledgement. Acknowledgements can be performed by any recipient attached to the annunciation service as long as the recipient is marked as Enabled and has a password specified. Anacknowledgment received is even processed if the remote annunciation schedule is not on at the time. However, the address or phone number that the acknowledgment comes from (and the Ack password) must match the address in the SCADA database for that recipient. SMS service type When an alarm is annunciated by a service that has the Allow Alarm Ack feature enabled, the text of the message includes two short code numbers inserted at the beginning of the message. The first number is a 1- to 5-digit alarm identifier, and the second is a 3-digit code. A typical annunciation message that supports remote acknowledgement. displays as follows: 3857 285 11:54:28.123 MS12,BRK01 Trip Acknowledging the alarm JANUARY 27, 2014 To acknowledge the alarm, the recipient of the annunciation message replies to the message, sending the reply to the phone number of the SCADA system’s SMS modem. This is the phone number that the annunciation message originated from. Most devices include a “Reply” function that sends the message back to that number without the recipient needing to know what the number was. SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 69 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Format for the reply of alarm acknowledgement STC EXPLORER 2.0 The alarm identifier and code numbers are short making them easier to remember for the recipient when replying to the alarm notification. Some devices have a “reply with text” function that includes the text of the original message in the response. In this case, it is only necessary to insert the password after the numbers, before the remainder of the message text. (The message text can be deleted, since it is ignored by SCADA.) The following procedure describes how to format the reply message. Step 1 Procedure Enter the alarm identifier number. 2 Add a space. 3 Enter the short code number from the original alarm message. 4 Add a space. 5 Add the password. 6 Add a space. 7 Add message text if desired. Note: Any text following the password is ignored as long as the space is entered. A typical response using the password “letmein” is as follows: 3857 285 letmein Alternatively, recipients can use their device’s “Forward” function, which then may include the text of the message. All they need to do is insert the password after the numbers at the start of the message (followed by a space) and then send it to the SCADA modem. (This number can be stored in the recipient’s “address book”, for convenience.) JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 70 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE 6 STC EXPLORER 2.0 Unattended Mode 6.1 Introduction About this chapter This chapter describes Unattended Mode and how to use it. When the system is in unattended mode an operator is not required. This means alarms do not require acknowledgement, and no audible alarms sound. When you place the system in unattended mode, you are effectively suppressing all alarms; all alarms are produced with severity zero. This feature is for systems that do not require an operator to be on duty at all times. It ensures that unacknowledged alarms do not create a back log of items to be acknowledged when the operator is back on duty. The alarms that occur during an unattended operation are not lost. They are logged as usual, and appear (already acknowledged) on the usual displays. However, momentary alarms, and sustained alarms that are no longer active, may be cleared from the alarm file if the alarm timeout period is not set long enough. 6.2 System Configuration Configuring your system to be in unattended mode continuously If your system only operates in unattended mode your system can be configured to run that way continuously. Control point If the operator must be able to decide when the system is in unattended mode a special status point in the database can be created with the name SYS$, UATTND. This point provides the operator the ability to put the system into unattended mode, by setting its value to 1. See your system manager, or contact technical support at Survalent for help with this configuration. The point’s value can be modified manually (by performing a Set/Manual operation on it). If the system uses Command Sequencing you could make the mode of the system follow a fixed schedule, or react to other conditions. JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 71 of 72 WINDOWS SCADA ALARM DATABASE – EDITING GUIDE Alarm timeout STC EXPLORER 2.0 Among the system configuration parameters is an alarm timeout period. This represents how soon an alarm is deleted from the alarm file, after it has been both acknowledged and cleared. This should be made longer than the period the system is typically unattended for, to ensure that a new operator coming on duty sees everything that happened in their absence. However, this long timeout applies to all alarms that occur in the system. Contact your technical support person (locally, or at Survalent) for help with this JANUARY 27, 2014 SURVALENT TECHNICAL CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY VERSION 1.3 PAGE 72 of 72