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Cost Accounting Course Material: Chapter 1, Part 3

‫ﺎﺳ ‪:‬دﻣ‬
Chapter 1 : Introduction to cost and Management Accounting
Cost Accounting
‫تكملة العناصر الرئيسيه فى اتخاذ‬
‫القرارات بالنسبه للمديرين‬
Key themes in management decision making :-
Supply – Chain Analysis
 The term supply Chain describe the flow of goods , services , and information
from the initial sources of materials and services to the delivery of products
to consumers , regardless of whether those activities occur in the same
organization or in other organization.
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‫سلسلة التوريد وهى تصف تدفق السلع‬
‫والخدمات والمعلومات من مصادرها‬
‫االوليه من مواد خام وحتى توصيلها‬
‫لمستخدمها بغض النظر عما اذا كانت‬
‫تلك االنشطه فى نفس المنظمه او فى‬
‫منظمات اخرى‬
Kareem Abozeed •
Chapter 1 : Introduction to cost and Management Accounting
Cost Accounting
‫عملية التخطيط والمراقبه‬
Planning & Control Systems
Planning : Selects goals , predicts results , decides how to attain goals , and
communicates this to the organization.
‫عملية التخطيط وهى عباره عن‬
‫اختيار االهداف وتوقع النتائج وكيفية‬
‫الوصول الى تلك االهداف ومالئمتها‬
‫مع المنظمه‬
Control : Takes actions that implement the planning decision , decides how to evaluate
performance , and provides feedback to the organization.
The Five-Step Decision-Making Process 
‫خمس خطوات لعملية اتخاذ القرارات‬
1- Identify the problems and uncertainties : What are the choices that are being faced and where do the uncertainties lie ?
2- Obtain information : Gather information before making a decision helps the manager to make a more
informed decision.
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‫عملية المراقبه او التحكم وهى عباره‬
‫عن اتخاذ بعض التصرفات والتى‬
‫من شائنها تطبيق عملية التخطيط‬
‫وتقرير كيفية تقييم االداء وتوفير‬
‫اعادة تقييم للمنظمه‬
‫ تحديد ومعرفة المشكله من خالل‬-1
‫معرفة االختارات التى تتم‬
‫مواجهتها واين تقع مشاكل عدم‬
‫التاكد من تحديد المشكله‬
‫ تجميع معلومات قبل اتخاذ قرار‬-2
‫يساعد المدير على اتخاذ قرار‬
‫اكثر حكمه‬
Kareem Abozeed •
Chapter 1 : Introduction to cost and Management Accounting
3- Make predictions about the future : On the basis of the information obtained attempt to predict the outcome of
each course of action.
4- Make decisions by choosing among alternatives : The information has been gathered , and planning made. Select an alternative.
5- Implement the decision , evaluate performance , and learn : All the effort expended in steps 1 – 4 useless the decision is put into action.
 Once implemented , the decision must be monitored.
 This is performance evaluation.
 One way of doing this is by comparing the budget with the actual results.
‫ بعد تجميع المعلومات يتم عمل‬-3
‫محاولة التنبؤ بتنفيذ كل تنبؤ‬
‫ بعد كل مراحل التخطيط السابقه‬-4
‫وتجميع المعلومات واختيار بديل‬
‫ المرحله االخيره وهى تنفيذ‬-5
‫القرار وتقييم االداء وكيفية التعلم‬
‫وتعتبر االربع خطوات السابقه‬
‫ليست لها قيمه بدون تنفيذ‬
‫الخطوه الخامسه وبمجرد تنفيذ‬
‫القرار البد من المراقبه عليه‬
‫يتم تقييم االداء من خالل مقارنة‬
‫النتائج المتوقعه بالنتائج الحقيقيه‬
This makes budgeting a control tool in addition to a planning tool. Often this
accomplished by the use of a performance report.
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Cost Accounting
‫وتعتبر اداة رقابيه بجانب انها‬
‫اداه تخطيطيه‬
Kareem Abozeed •
Chapter 1 : Introduction to cost and Management Accounting
A budget : Has been described as the quantitative expression of a proposed plan of action.
It is a planning tool.
Control : Is the action taken to implement the planning decisions represented by the
Cost Accounting
‫الموازنه وهى تعبير كمى عن‬
‫خطه محتمله‬
Continuous improvement and benchmarking
Creates never ending search for higher levels of performance within many
Creating value is an important part of planning and implementing strategy. • Value is
the usefulness a customer gains from a company’s product or service. The entire
customer experience determines the value a customer derives from a product.
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Kareem Abozeed •
‫التطور المستمر والمقارنه مع‬
‫افضل منافس من خالل عدم‬
‫التوقف عن البحث المستمر من‬
‫اجل مستوى اعلى دائما من‬
Chapter 1 : Introduction to cost and Management Accounting
SUPPLY-CHAIN ANALYSIS • Production and Distribution are the parts of the value chain
associated with producing and delivering a product or service.
Cost Accounting
Management accountants
serve as business partners
in these planning activities
because they understand
the key success factors and
what creates value
• These two functions together are known as the Supply Chain. •
The interest in sustainability appears to be intensifying among companies for several
reasons. Some of them are:
‫ملحوظات عن االستدامه البيئيه‬
• More and more investors care about sustainability
• Companies that emphasize sustainability find that sustainability goals attract and inspire
• Customers prefer the products of companies with good sustainability records and boycott
companies with poor sustainability records
• Society and activist, nongovernmental organizations monitor the sustainability
performance of firms and take legal action against those that violate environmental laws.
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Kareem Abozeed •