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Serological Techniques: ELISA, RDTs, Western Blotting

Principle of different Serological Techniques
Direct ELISA (antigen screening)
The method was invented concurrently in 1971 by Engvall and Perlmann and Van Weemen
and Schuurs, and it paved the way for additional ELISA kinds. The direct ELISA approach is
ideal for measuring the quantity of antigens with a high molecular weight. The antibody or
antigen is directly coated on the plate's surface. The measurement is possible thanks to an
enzyme-tagged antibody or antigen. After incubation, the unbound antigens or antibodies
are removed from the media by washing. The suitable substrate is then added to the
medium in order to generate a signal via colouring. The quantity of antigen or antibody is
determined by measuring the signal. (Aydin, 2015)
Indirect ELISA
Lindstrom and Wager, who were inspired by the direct ELISA approach, invented the
technology in 1978. This approach was used to measure swine IgG, according to the
researchers. The indirect technique gets its name from the fact that it is another antibody in
the medium that identifies and separates the antigen to be tested, rather than the primary
antibody. The diseased serum is added to the antigen-coated wells and the plates are
incubated in this way. Antibodies produced against antigens in the sick serum plaque form
an antigen–antibody complex during this incubation. A secondary antibody that detects the
antibody in the serum and is tagged with the enzyme is added to make the antigen–
antibody complex visible. After that, the enzyme's substrate is introduced to the medium to
generate colour, and the concentration is calculated. This approach of detecting antigens is
more widely employed in endocrinology. (Aydin, 2015)
Sandwich ELISA
The Sandwich Elisa Principle is based on the detection of antigens using sandwich ELISA.
Antibody is coated on the microtiter well in this approach. The antigen-antibody complex is
formed when a sample containing antigen is put to the well and allowed to react with the
antibody linked to the well. Following the washing of the well, a second enzyme-linked
antibody specific for a different antigen epitope is introduced and allowed to react with the
bound antigen. Preparing a surface on which a known quantity of antibody is attached is
part of the Sandwich Elisa Protocol. Incubate the plate at 37 degrees for the antigencontaining sample. Wash the plate to eliminate any unbound antigen.
Rapid Diagnostic Techniques
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are a sort of point-of-care diagnostic, which means they're
designed to give patients diagnostic findings quickly and easily while they're still at the
hospital, screening site, or other health care provider. Receiving a diagnosis at the point of
care reduces the need for multiple visits to receive diagnostic results, improving diagnostic
specificity and increasing the likelihood that the patient will receive treatment, reducing
reliance on presumptive treatment, and lowering the risk that the patient will become sicker
before a correct diagnosis is made. Rapid tests are utilized in a number of settings, including
residences, primary care clinics, and emergency rooms, and many don't require laboratory
equipment or medical knowledge.
There are a variety of platforms that are often utilized to create fast diagnostic tests. The
following table summarizes the relative utility of common RDT platforms. Because all of the
reactants and detectors are contained in the test strip, lateral flow tests are the simplest
sort of RDT. They need very little experience with the test and no equipment to execute.
The sample is put in a sample well and migrates through the zone where the antigen or
antibody is immobilized in a lateral flow test. After a specified length of time has passed, the
findings are read. A flow-through test, which yields findings even faster than lateral flow
tests, requires an additional wash and buffer phase, limiting its mobility and stability.
The binding of carrier particles and target analytes into visible clumps, as viewed using a
microscope or with the naked eye, is the basis of an agglutination test. However, if the
particles' affinity is poor, the test findings may be inconclusive.
RDTs in the dipstick format (with multiple antigen binding sites) function by dipping the
dipstick into a sample. To avoid non-specific analyte binding, the dipstick is rinsed and
incubated. In low-resource point-of-care settings, these extra processes may restrict its
Microfluidics, sometimes known as "laboratories on a chip," is a rapidly developing field of
fast diagnostics. These tests would use electrochemical sensors and incorporate all
detectors and reactants in a single portable cassette.
Western Blotting
Western blotting separates proteins by size and uses an antibody to label the protein of
interest. Western blotting (also known as Protein Immunoblotting) is a commonly used
analytical technique for detecting particular proteins in a sample. It uses an antibody to
precisely recognize its antigen. It separates distinct proteins in a given sample using SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (e.g. to separate native proteins by 3-D structure or
denatured proteins by the length of the polypeptide). The separated proteins are then
blotted or deposited onto a matrix (usually nitrocellulose or PVDF membrane) and stained
with antibodies (probes) specific to the target protein. The expression details of the target
proteins in the supplied cells or tissue homogenate might be acquired by assessing the
location and intensity of the specified response. Due to the high resolution of the gel
electrophoresis and the immunoassay's exceptional specificity and sensitivity, Western
blotting analysis may identify target proteins as little as 1ng. In the domains of molecular
biology, biochemistry, immunogenetics, and other molecular biology disciplines, this
approach is applied.