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Child Soldiering Research Project

Stuti Patel and Dhruv Mohan
thesis Statement
Child soldiering is a solemn violation of human rights and an urgent global concern that
demands comprehensive measures to address its causes, consequences, and prevention.
A child soldier is a individual who is less than 18 years old, recruited by an
army to participate in an armed conflict (Della).
A child soldier is a member of an armed group who actively participates in
hostilities, not necessarily wearing a uniform or carrying a weapon. He can
also be recruited into the army as a cook, guard, spy, messenger, or
bodyguard (Della).
More than 93,000 children were recruited and used by parties
to conflict between the years of 2005 and 2020 (UNICEF).
Children are often subjected to unconscionable forms of violence,
such as harrowing training, hazardous labour, and combat, with
great risk of death, injury, and disability (UNICEF).
Children are recruited and used
by armed forces for various
reasons, such as abduction,
threat, coercion, poverty, survival,
and protection. This is a violation
of child rights and international
humanitarian law (UNICEF).
Child soldiers have spread to
almost every region and conflict in
the world in the last 15 years, with
thousands of child soldiers
illegally serving in armed conflict
around the world (DoSomething).
Two-thirds of states support banning
enrollment of soldiers under the age of 18 to
prevent forced child soldiers and 16-17year-old armed force volunteers
20 states have reported child soldiers
in government, government-affiliated,
and non-state armed groups, while 40
states still have minimum age
recruitment requirements under 18
Government agreement to demobilize child soldiers in
Chad, but 7,000-10,000 children under 18 still served in
combat and other purposes in 2007 (DoSomething).
The recruitment of child soldiers violates human
rights laws, while crimes committed voluntarily are
subject to justice under international juvenile justice
standards (DoSomething).
Works Cited
"Child Soldiers - Humanium". Humanium, 2023.
"Children Recruited By Armed Forces Or Armed Groups". Unicef.Org, 2023.
"11 Facts About Child Soldiers". Dosomething.Org, 2023.