GROUP 1 EEP311L ACTIVITY 1 GROUP 1 LEADER: AARON JOHN YALUNG MEMBERS: DIANNELLE KOBE PAGADUAN JEFFREY NATIVIDAD KARL VINCENT IBE KRISHA ANNE NICOLE MIRANDA RED JEWEL IRANG MARK JUSTINE MENDOZA GROUP 1 1. EEP311L ACTIVITY 1 Problem Statement: Use the M-file incsearch to identify brackets within the interval [3,6] for the function: 𝑓(𝑥) = sin(10𝑥) + cos(3𝑥). Input or copy and paste the content in command window GROUP 1 EEP311L ACTIVITY 1 GROUP 1 EEP311L ACTIVITY 1 2. Modify the script of the bisection method to solve until the absolute error is bounded by a given tolerance. Use a while loop to do this. Run your program on the function f(x) = 2x 3 + 3x − 1 with starting interval [0, 1] and a tolerance of 10−8. How many steps does the program use to achieve this tolerance? (You can count the steps by adding 1 to a counting variable I in the loop of the program.) How big is the final residual f(x)? Turn in your program and a brief summary of the results. GROUP 1 EEP311L ACTIVITY 1 3. Use Newton’s method on the function f(x)=x5 -7, with x0=2. By trial and error, what is the lowest value of n for which the program converges (stops changing)