ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template I. SCHOOL PROFILE/DATA Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school. This template aims to organize existing school and community data from different sources. If you find it useful to lift data from other templates and transfer it here, you may do so. Otherwise, you can just attach the other data templates to this form. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION School ID: ____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ District: _____________________________________ Division: ____________________________________ Name of School: ______________________________________ Barangay: ___________________________________________ Municipality: ________________________________________ Region: ____________________________________________ A. GEOGRAPHY A.1 Location of the School. Check the appropriate description. Along the highway Near a river or waterway Near the coastline By the hillside On top of a mountain A.2 Relative Distance of the School Distance in km a. From the poblacion b. From the nearest public elementary school c. From the nearest private elementary school d. From the nearest public secondary school e. From the nearest private secondary school f. From the District Office g. From the Division Office A.3 Incidence of crimes and other human‐induced hazards A.3.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years. Armed conflict as a result of organized crime (terrorism, siege, etc.) Crime against school head/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Crime against school property (theft, robbery, arson) Crime against student/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Crime against teacher/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Fire (Electrical wiring failure, etc.) Health Threat (i.e. Dengue, Malaria, Measles, food poisoning, disease outbreak) Oil Spill Security threat as a result of civilian violence (bomb threats, kidnapping threats, hostage taking, shooting, etc.) Structural collapse (as a result of engineering failures) Others. Pls. Specify: ______________ A.3.2 What are the 3 most frequent crimes/human‐induced hazards? 1st most frequent: _________________________________ 2nd most frequent: _________________________________ 3rd most frequent: _________________________________ A.4 Incidence of natural hazards A.4.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years. Drought Tropical Cyclones (Storm, Typhoon, Tropical Depression, etc.) Earthquake Oil Spill Fire (includes forest fires and fires due to natural disasters) Tsunami Flood Volcanic eruption Landslide Others. Pls. specify: ______________ Storm surge Mode of Transportation ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template A.4.2 What are the 3 most frequent natural hazards? 1st most frequent: _________________________________ 2nd most frequent: _________________________________ 3rd most frequent: _________________________________ A.5 Result of disaster incidents School used as an evacuation center in the last 3 years B. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT B.1 Classrooms and seats B.1.1 Classroom quantity [SRC.15.] Level Total Enrollment, Current SY In Good Condition No. of Classrooms For Repair/ Total Rehabilitation Learner:classroom ratio 1 Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL 1 Learner:classroom ratio = Total enrollment divided by the total number of classrooms B.1.2 Classroom seat quantity [SRC.17.] Indicate the total number of seats in all classrooms. Number 2 Learner:seat ratio 2 Learner:seat ratio = Total enrollment divided by the total number of seats B.2 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities B.2.1 Water supply/source. Check as appropriate. Local piped water Rainwater catchments Water well/deep well Natural source Without available water supply Is the main source of water functional at present? YES NO Pls. cite reasons why: ______________________________________________ B.2.2 Handwashing. Is there space for handwashing? If YES: with soap without soap YES NO B.2.3 Functional toilets [SRC.16.] Male Female Ratio 3 Ratio 3 Number Number 3 4 B.2.4 Toilet bowls Male Ratio 4 Number Learner:toilet ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of toilets Learner:toilet bowl ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of toilet bowls Female Ratio 4 Number ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template B.3 Textbooks. Indicate number of textbooks per grade level and subject [SRC.3.] Level Subject: ___________ Number Ratio Subject: ___________ Number Ratio Subject: ___________ Number Ratio Subject: ___________ Number Subject: ___________ Ratio Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL B.4 Library: No. of books: _________ No. of tables: _________ No. of chairs: _________ Give additional information and qualitative descriptions of the library (on the lighting, space, other fixtures present, etc.) B.5 Other learning facilities/materials (Example: computers, science equipment. Insert new rows if necessary.) Facility/Material Number Qualitative description/condition B.6 Availability of electrical supply. What is the school's source of electricity? Grid supply Off-grid supply Solar power Generator Others. Pls. specify: ___________ No source of electricity B.7 Internet connectivity B.7.1 Are there Internet service providers in the area? YES NO If YES, check the appropriate Internet service provider/s servicing the area: BAYANTEL GLOBE SMART WIT Global (Satellite) DIGITEL PLDT SUN Others. Pls. specify: _____________ B.7.2 Does the school subscribe to any of the Internet service provider/s listed above? YES NO B.7.3 Are there Internet café/shops/WiFi‐enabled stations in the area? YES Pls. specify: __________________________________________ NO Number Ratio ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template C. TEACHERS C.1 Number of teachers [SRC.14.] C.1.1 Number of nationally‐funded teachers (current SY) Male 5 Female TOTAL Learner:teacher ratio 5 Learner:teacher ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of nationally‐funded teachers C.1.2 Number of locally‐funded teachers and subsidized/volunteer teachers (current SY): No. of Locally‐funded Teachers: _________ No. of Subsidized/ Volunteer Teachers: _________ C.2 Quality of teachers C.2.1 Number of master teachers Position Number Carries Full‐Time Class Teaching Load (YES/NO) Assigned Grade Levels Assigned Part‐Time to Class Teaching (YES/NO) Assigned Full‐Time to Ancillary Services (YES/NO) Previous SY: __________ Current SY: __________ Master Teacher IV Master Teacher III Master Teacher II Master Teacher I C.2.2 Number of teachers meeting the desired competencies based on NCBTS SY Before Previous SY: __________ Total No. of Teachers No. of Teachers meeting the standards % meeting the standards C.2.3 C 2 3 Projects/interventions implemented to improve basic competencies of teachers YES NO a. Does the school have mechanisms for sustained school‐based training? If YES, please describe b. Does the school use the result of the NCBTS‐ Teacher's Strength and Needs Assessment as basis for planning? c. Are there other interventions implemented to improve competencies of teachers? C.2.4 If the response to C.2.3.b is YES, list down the top 3 training needs mentioned and indicate the number of teachers trained on these [SRC.4.] SY Before Previous SY: Previous SY: Current SY: __________ __________ __________ Training Needs Top 1: _______________________________ Top 2: _______________________________ Top 3: _______________________________ No. of Teachers trained % of teachers trained No. of Teachers trained % of teachers trained No. of Teachers trained % of teachers trained ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template C.2.5 If teachers weren't trained based on identified needs (as seen in C.2.4), cite reasons for the lack of training. D. CHILDREN HEALTH AND SAFETY D.1 Nutritional status [SRC.2.] D.1.1 Number of malnourished children for the current SY Wasted Severely Wasted Level Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total Percent of Total D.1.2 Projects/interventions implemented in the previous SY addressing malnourished children (insert new rows if necessary) Number of Children Covered Project/intervention D.2 Health status [SRC.2.] D.2.1 Number of children who have other health problems for the current SY. Indicate common ailments and corresponding number of children per type of ailment based on results of physical and dental examinations. Insert new columns if necessary. Types of Ailments (Current SY) Level Ailment: Ailment: Ailment: Ailment: Ailment: Ailment: Ailment: Ailment: Ailment: ________ Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template D.2.2 Projects/interventions implemented in the previous SY addressing needs of children with other health problems (insert new rows if necessary) Number of Children Covered Project/intervention D.3 Children reported as victims of abuse and violence D.3.1 Number of children who were recorded victims of abuse and violence (physical, verbal, and sexual). Should be supported by data from the Guidance Office/teachers. Previous SY ___ Current SY ___ Level Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL Percent of Total D.3.2 Projects/interventions implemented for children that were victims or suspected victims of abuse YES NO If YES, please describe the mechanisms Number of Children Covered a. Does the school have mechanisms to promote safe and protective practices based on DepED's Policy on Child Protection in School? b. Other interventions implemented for children that were victims or suspected victims of abuse (insert new rows if necessary) E. STATUS OF PRIORITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS OR CI PROJECTS [SRC.18. & SRC.19.] These projects include those implemented by the school and other stakeholders. Insert new rows if necessary. Duration Implementer Program/Project Title Start End Target Status/Accomplishments Indicate progress of the program/ project, and its effect/impact on children's access to quality education. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template F. STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT TO EDUCATION [SRC.13.] Indicate the amount of contributions made by parents/guardians and other stakeholders for co‐curricular activities, extra‐curricular activities, and other major activities (such as meetings and assemblies), as well as stakeholder attendance during these activities. Attendance Contributions Activity Attendance No. of Volunteer No. invited Cash In Kind rate attendees hours Co‐Curricular Activities Extra‐curricular Activities Other Major Activities G. FUND SOURCES [SRC.5.] Fund Source General Appropriations Act (School MOOE) General Appropriations Act (Subsidy G lA i ti A t (S b id ffor SSpecial i l Programs) P ) Local Government Unit funds Canteen funds Donations Amount