COVID-19 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS & AWARENESS Created by Jirecho C. Flores RECOGNISING AND REPORTING POTENTIAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are non-specific. This means that the disease presentation or its signs and symptoms can range from asymptomatic people to those with mild symptoms, as well as severe respiratory illness. In the case of severe or critical illness, the risk of complications increases and the complications can be life threatening. TYPICAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Fever Sore throat Dry cough Headache Fatigue Muscle joint pain Coughing up slime Body chills Shortness of breath RECOGNISING AND REPORTING POTENTIAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 The most important thing to remember is that there isn't an immediate need to worry. Panicking affects the economy, social values, and psychological stress of the people involved regardless of the directness of contact with the infected. To reduce your fear of COVID-19, be mindful of where you focus your attention. Instead of focusing on the worst-case scenario, you can reduce anxiety, by looking at the odds, choosing faith over fear, and focusing on living your life. RAPID ANTIGEN TESTING REQUIREMENTS IN THE WORKPLACE Rapid antigen tests are important COVID-19 screening tools that can help protect workers, customers, and the communities they live in. They are fast, easy to use, and safe. Regular rapid testing, along with preventive measures, can help prevent a workplace outbreak. RAPID ANTIGEN TESTING REQUIREMENTS IN THE WORKPLACE It is important for employers to understand all of their legal and consultation obligations before implementing testing requirements for their employees. Employers should consider whether to get their own legal advice to help them decide what is the best approach for their workplace. IMPROVING CURRE NT AWARENESS AN D SAFETY STANDARD S Organizational impro vements are a contin uous process, and ea company has unique ch needs; nonetheless, th e re are certain genera improvements that a l re required for many b u si n esses on an ongoing basis, such as: Invest Time and Effort into Training Employe es - This will give sta more in-depth know ff a ledge of the types of ri sks they could be exp to, and the know-how osed to react accordingly if the worst should occ Proper Signage - Wh ur. en it comes to workp la c e safety, one of the simplest and most e ffective ways of incre asing awareness is th establishing proper si rough gnage. Declutter and clean - Keeping the workpla ce neat and paying special attention to h igh-risk locations ca n help your staff redu their risk of harm. ce Risk assessments an d inspections - Inspe ctors should examin environment and en e the sure that your workp lace health and safe requirements are me ty t. They can also give safety expertise and guidance in order to maintain the workpla ce safe. VACCINATION MANDATES AND REQUIREMENTS Vaccine mandates are a way to compel people to get vaccinations. This could mean fining people who do not comply or excluding them from certain activities and locations, like hospitality venues or workplaces.It's a requirement that says you must be vaccinated to do certain things like working, traveling, or even attending a concert. VACCINATION MANDATES AND REQUIREMENTS Vaccine mandates aim to increase the level and /or speed of vaccination programs by incentivising people to come forward to be vaccinated, increasing the level of protection against a disease in the population. The arguments for them are generally strongest in countries where vaccine confidence is lower or when countries are facing a surge in infections and significant pressure on healthcare provision. IMPORTANCE OF FO L L COMPLIANCE AND S OWING COVID-19 OCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES ine covia-ly crisis has confronted socie ties with unprecedented challe nges to both their ec onomies and their health systems. A ke y policy response in many countries has been the implementa tion of social distanc ing measures. Social and physical d istancing measures aim to slow the spread o disease by stopping chains of tr ansmission of COVID-19 and preven ting new ones from a ppearing. These measures sec ure physical distance between people (of at least one metre), and reduce contact with contaminated surfaces, while enco uraging and sustainin g virtual social connection within fa milies and communit ies. Additionally, we must wear a mask in public, clean our han ds often, get vaccinated, cover yo ur nose and mouth w hen you cough or sneeze, and most im portantly stay at hom e. Maintaining a clean work FOOD SAFETY AND FOLLOWING CLEANING AND SANITATION PRACTICES environment is critical in preventing foodborne illness. Bacteria can grow on unsanitary surfaces and then contaminate food. Just because a work surface looks clean does not mean that it is sanitary. Always ensure that you clean and sanitize a work area before starting to prepare food. FOOD SAFETY AND FOLLOWING CLEANING AND SANITATION PRACTICES A sanitation plan is important in any food service preparation area. It ensures that all surfaces are cleaned on a regular basis and reduces the risks of transferring bacteria or other pathogens from an unclean surface to clean equipment such as cutting boards or tools. It is imperative for safe foodhandling outcomes for all workers to be familiar with standard sanitation and hygiene practices. CONTACTLESS SERVICE In order to help flatten the curve, businesses must implement the necessary procedures to keep their workplaces and employees safe from COVID-19. In light of COVID-19, Contactless QR Code Scanning System Service and Operations was created as a framework for reevaluating an organization's core customer and staft journeys and interactions. QR stands for quick reaction, and it is significantly quicker and more dependable than traditional bar codes. And all you need is a smartphone and an app like Sine to transform that image into meaninqtul data. In this scenario, health intormation on our quests and contractors. Customers will benefit from an increased level of service and safety, and workers will feel secure knowing that a business' is taking the necessary precautions to protect everyone's safety. POSSIBLE RISKS WITH THE NEW LAWS REQUIREMENTS THAT A BUSINESS MAY FACE. Businesses face multiple risks such as bankruptcy, financial risk, competitive risks, environmental risks, reputational risks, and political and economic risks but if they fail to obey the new laws/requirements they may face legal risks. Legal risks refer to damage or an oss incurred to a business due to negligence in compliance with laws related to the business. It can be encountered at any stage of business proceedings. There may be mistakes due to a misunderstanding of laws and due to some documents which need to be deposited to the authority regulating that particular business. To avoid, compliance is based on best practices and rules and regulations. As complex and tiring as they can be, they exist to, keep people safe, protect personal information, and ensure fair labor practices. When businesses don't remain compliant, they risk class action lawsuits or criminal charges. REFERENCES Strategies for business owners and customers during COVID-19, WTVR CBs 6, March 27, 2020 A global response to a global pandemic, WHO, May 18, 2020 Using QR Codes to be COVID Safe, NWS Government, July 15, 2020 Business rules and guidance, NSW Government, February 25, 2022 Social Distancing, Barret Exhibition Group, 2020 THANK YOU Project C part 2 By: Jirecho C. Flores