Course Code: Global Culture and Tourism Geography Student Activity Sheet Module #17 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ______________________________________ Class number: _______ Date: ______________ 2ND PERIODICAL EXAMINATION Total marks for this examination is 100 marks Module Convenor: _______________________________ NAME OF TEACHER Duration: 1 Hour EXAMINATION RULES AND REGULATIONS DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO On your desk, you may only have standard stationery, and your Student Permit, Student ID. Place your SP, Student ID on your desk for the invigilator to verify. All other items should be left at the front of the examination room. Switch off your mobile phone during the entire examination. Cheating during examination is considered to be a serious violation of the examination rules and regulations. If you are found to cheat or carry pieces of information, you will be asked to leave the examination room immediately. No score will be provided. You may also be barred from taking the supplementary examination. All answers must be written in the “Examination Answer Booklet/Sheet” provided. Answers written on the question papers will not be graded. Write the Question Numbers attempted on the cover of the Examination Answer Booklet/Sheet. Examinations are held in accordance with the examination timetables. The actual date, time, and venue of the examination will be determined by the Academic Affairs Department. Students will be notified of the details in class and through the postings on notice boards. This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION Course Code: Global Culture and Tourism Geography Student Activity Sheet Module #17 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ______________________________________ Class number: _______ Date: ______________ It is the responsibility of the students to check the examination schedule before the examination date. Invigilation of examination would be conducted by independent non-academic staff. THIS EXAMINATION PAPER MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE EXAMINATION ROOM NOTE TO TEACHER: NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO CARRY OR BRING OUT MOBILE PHONES AND MAPS. SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICES QUESTIONS This section carries 10 marks. Each question item carries 1 mark. INSTRUCTIONS: CAREFULLY CHOOSE THE LETTER THAT CORRESPONDS THE CORRECT ANSWER IN EACH NUMBER ITEM. WRITE YOUR ANSWER BEFORE EVERY NUMBER. ANSWER MUST BE WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS ONLY. STRICTLY NO ERASURES/ALTERATIONS otherwise WRONG. 1. A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. A. Country B. Region C. Continent D. Capital 2. Since its founding in __________, membership in the United Nations has become the gold standard of international legitimacy. When you are admitted to the U.N, that’s a form of approval. A. 1940 B. 1945 C. 1950 D. 1955 3. In this part of the world, there are two countries with very high standards of living, the United States and Canada. A. North America B. South America C. Europe D. Asia 4. The countries' principal cities in this continent have always been among the best places to live in. The top-rated capitals by quality of life are Vienna, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Berlin. A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. North America 5. As less economically developed, many countries of this continent have the lowest level of life quality in the world. A. Australia & Oceania B. Asia Pacific C. Europe D. Africa This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION Course Code: Global Culture and Tourism Geography Student Activity Sheet Module #17 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ______________________________________ 6. This is the smallest country of the world. A. Monaco B. Vatican City Class number: _______ Date: ______________ C. Nauru D. Tuvalu 7. This is the biggest country of the world located in two respective continents. A. Turkey B. Canada C. Russia D. Georgia 8. The United Kingdom is a nation with four kingdoms. Which of the following is not a part of it? A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Ireland 9. The following nations are recognized countries by the United Nations EXCEPT for…. A. Philippines B. Papua New Guinea C. Palestine 10. Total number of independent nations in the world. A. 200 B. 197 SECTION B: C. 193 D. Panama D. 207 This section carries 40 marks. MATCHING TYPE Each question item carries 1 mark. INSTRUCTIONS: CAREFULLY MATCH THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES TO THEIR RESPECTIVE TOURISM TAGLINE/SLOGAN. WRITE THE LETTER THAT CORRESPONDS THE CORRECT ANSWER ON THE EMPTY BOX AFTER EACH COUNTRY. IF NO CORRECT ANSWER ON THE CHOICES WERE GIVEN, LEAVE THE NUMBER WITH AN “O” ANSWER. ANSWER MUST BE WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS ONLY. STRICTLY NO ERASURES/ALTERATIONS otherwise WRONG. COUNTRIES 11. ARGENTINA ANSWER ________ TAGLINES A. 100% Pure 12. BAHAMAS ________ B. A curious place 13. BARBADOS ________ C. A genuine island, a world apart This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION Course Code: Global Culture and Tourism Geography Student Activity Sheet Module #17 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ______________________________________ 14. BELARUS ________ Class number: _______ Date: ______________ D. A Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures 15. BELIZE ________ E. All of Africa in one country 16. BRUNEI ________ F. All time classic 17. CAPE VERDE ________ G. All Within Your Reach 18. CAMBODIA ________ H. Always Natural 19. CAMEROON ________ I. Be our Guest 20. CANADA ________ J. Beats your Rhythm 21. CHINA ________ K. Best enjoyed slowly 22. CYPRUS ________ L. Brilliant Barbados 23. DENMARK ________ M. China Like Never Before 24. DJIBOUTI ________ N. Cyprus in your Heart 25. EGYPT ________ O. Discover All That’s Possible 26. EL SALVADOR ________ P. Discover what matters This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION Course Code: Global Culture and Tourism Geography Student Activity Sheet Module #17 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ______________________________________ Class number: _______ Date: ______________ 27. ETHIOPIA ________ Q. Djibeauty 28. GEORGIA ________ R. Experience to Discover 29. GERMANY ________ S. For the best Moments of your Life 30. GREECE ________ T. Get natural 31. GUYANA ________ U. Happiest Place on Earth! 32. INDIA ________ V. Home of Amazing Moments 33. LATVIA ________ W. Hospitality Beyond Borders 34. MADAGASCAR ________ X. Incredible India 35. MALAYSIA ________ Y. It’s a pleasure 36. MALDIVES ________ Z. It’s all about U 37. MAURITIUS ________ AA. Keep exploring 38. MOROCCO ________ BB.Kingdom of Wonder 39. NEW ZEALAND ________ CC. Land of origins 40. NORWAY ________ DD. This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION Life is grand Course Code: Global Culture and Tourism Geography Student Activity Sheet Module #17 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ______________________________________ Class number: _______ Date: ______________ 41. PALAU ________ EE. Much Mor 42. SAUDI ARABIA ________ FF. No Stress 43. SWITZERLAND ________ GG. Pristine Paradise Palau 44. TURKEY ________ HH. Simply Inspiring 45. UKRAINE ________ II. South America Undiscovered 46. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE) ________ JJ. The 45 Minute Country 47. UNITED KINGDOM (UK) ________ KK. The powered by nature 48. United States of America (USA) ________ LL. Timeless charm 49. VANUATU ________ MM. Truly Asia 50. VIETNAM ________ NN. Where it all begins SECTION C.1: IDENTIFICATION This section carries 30 marks. Each question item carries 1 mark. INSTRUCTIONS: CAREFULLY IDENTIFY THE COUNTRY OF REFERENCE OF THE FOLLOWING CAPITALS. WRITE YOUR ANSWER ON THE SPACE PROVIDED. ANSWER MUST BE WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS ONLY. STRICTLY NO ERASURES/ALTERATIONS otherwise WRONG. This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION Course Code: Global Culture and Tourism Geography Student Activity Sheet Module #17 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ______________________________________ Class number: _______ Date: ______________ 51. Antananarivo -___________________ 67. Mbabane -__________________ 52. Athens 68. Ottawa -__________________ 69. Paramaribo -__________________ 54. Buenos Aires -___________________ 70. Paris -__________________ 55. Canberra -___________________ 71. Quito -__________________ 56. Damascus -___________________ 72. Santiago -__________________ 57. Dhaka -___________________ 73. Sofia -__________________ 58. Doha -___________________ 74. Tokyo -__________________ 59. Harare -___________________ 75. Victoria -__________________ 60. Havana -___________________ 76. Vienna -__________________ 61. Kabul -___________________ 77. Washington, D.C. 62. Kuala Lumpur -___________________ -__________________ 53. Bangkok -___________________ -___________________ 63. London -___________________ 78. Wellington 64. Madrid -___________________ 79. Yamoussoukro -__________________ 65. Male -___________________ 80. Yaren District 66. Manila -__________________ -__________________ -__________________ SECTION C.2: IDENTIFICATION This section carries 10 marks. Each question item carries 1 mark. INSTRUCTIONS: NAME THE FOLLOWING CURRENCIES. WRITE YOUR ANSWER ON THE SPACE PROVIDED. ANSWER MUST BE WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS ONLY. STRICTLY NO ERASURES/ALTERATIONS otherwise WRONG. 81. AUD – __________________________ 86. JPY – 82. CAD – __________________________ 87. NZD – __________________________ 83. CNH – __________________________ 88. GBP – __________________________ 84. EUR – __________________________ 89. CHF – __________________________ 85. HKD – __________________________ 90. USD – __________________________ SECTION C.3: This section carries 10 marks. This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION __________________________ Course Code: Global Culture and Tourism Geography Student Activity Sheet Module #17 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ______________________________________ IDENTIFICATION Class number: _______ Date: ______________ Each question item carries 1 mark. INSTRUCTIONS: IDENTIFY THE COUNTRY OWNER OF THE FOLLOWING FLAGS. WRITE YOUR ANSWER ON THE SPACE PROVIDED. ANSWER MUST BE WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS ONLY. STRICTLY NO ERASURES/ALTERATIONS otherwise WRONG. 91. _____________________ 100. _____________________ 96. _____________________ _____________________ 97. _____________________ _____________________ 98. _____________________ 99. _____________________ _____________________ This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION _____________________