Kinship, Marriage & Household: UCSP Module

Senior High School
Culture, Society, and
Quarter 2 – Module 2
Kinship, Marriage, and
the Household
Image: https://bit.ly/3dCSZA1
Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics Grade 11/12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 2: Kinship, Marriage, and the Household
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V
Development Team of the Learning Activity Sheets
Roy H. Lumban, PhD
Sylvio C. Carciller,PhD
Charleah A.Matig-a
Ma. Deanna D.Manuel
Paz S. Pacturan
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Management Team
Paul Badon
Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
Alicia E. Anghay, PhD, CESE
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Romeo B. Aclo, EPS-Araling Panlipunan
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Senior High School
Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics
Quarter 2 – Module 2
Kinship, Marriage, and
the Household
This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed
by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
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We value your feedback and recommendations.
Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Table of Contents
COVER PAGE ............................................................................................................ i
COPYRIGHT PAGE .................................................................................................... ii
TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. iv
WHAT THIS MODULE IS ABOUT ............................................................................. v
WHAT I NEED TO KNOW .......................................................................................... v
HOW TO LEARN FROM THIS MODULE................................................................... vi
ICONS OF THIS MODULE ....................................................................................... vii
WHAT I KNOW ........................................................................................................ viii
Lesson 1: Kinship, Marriage, and the Household ................................................. 1
What’s In: .............................................................................................. 1
What’s New: Family Is .......................................................................... 1
What is It: Kinship, Marriage, and the Household ................................ 2
What’s More: My Family Tree ............................................................... 6
Unforgettable Moment .................................................... 6
What I Have Learned: Fill in the Blanks ................................................ 7
What I Can Do: A Family Life Story ...................................................... 7
Summary .................................................................................................................... 8
Assessment.............................................................................................................. 10
Key to Answers ........................................................................................................ 12
References ............................................................................................................... 13
What This Module is About
Hi! Welcome to this new module.
This module will give you information about kinship, marriage, and the
household as important concepts in the study of society and culture. Different kinship
patterns, descent, marriage, family, residential patterns, and politics of kinship are
further discussed.
The institution of the family is found in the society. The structure of the family
varies from one society to the other. It may vary in the number of marriage partners
that a person is allowed to have, the way a marriage partner is selected, and other
marriage rules across culture.
May this lesson will guide you to better understanding on the role of a family as
a basic social institution in the society. Have fun learning.
What I Need to Know
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Describe the organized nature of social life and rules governing behaviour
Compare different social forms of social organization according to their
manifest and latent functions; (UCSP11/12HSO-IIj-22)
How to Learn from this Module
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
To the Learner:
1. Follow closely to the instructions in every activity.
2. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you already
3. Answer all the exercises at the end of every lesson.
4. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand. Be resourceful.
5. All answers should be written in the module, unless, otherwise specified,
example: sheet of paper or bondpaper.
6. All output should be placed in a folder which will serve as your portfolio. It
should be arranged in a sequential order.
7. Seek assistance from your teacher and parents/guardian.
To the Teacher:
1. Communicate with parents and learners regularly for updates and feedback.
2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them.
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the
bound of the learning competency.
To the Parents/Guardian:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module.
Icons of this Module
This part contains learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as you go along the
Learning Objectives
What I Know?
This is an assessment as to your level of
knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In?
Review Activity
This part connects previous lesson with
that of the current one.
An introduction of the new lesson through
What’s New?
various activities, before it will be
Motivational Activity
presented to you.
What is It?
Lesson Proper
These are discussions as a way to deepen
your discovery and understanding of the
What’s More?
Performance Task
These are follow-up activities that are
intended for you to practice further in order
to master the competencies.
What I Have Learned?
Activities designed to process what you
have learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do?
These are tasks that are designed to show
case your skills and knowledge gained,
and applied into real-life concerns and
This evaluates your level of mastery in
achieving the learning objectives of the
What I Know
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time.
a. polygamy
c. monogamy
b. b. polyandry
d. polygyny
2. The basic institution of most societies.
a. family
c. marriage
b. b. kinship
d. descent
3. Family structure that is based on residence that permits the newly married
couple to live independently.
a. patrilocal
c. biolocal
b. matrilocal
d. neolocal
4. Refers to a group whose members are involved in politics. This can be seen in
families that have been part of the government for several generations.
a. political alliance
c. political dynasty
b. b. political kinship
d. political descent
5. Kinship based on blood is considered as the most basic and general form of
a. matrilineal descent
c. consanguineal kinship
b. patrilineal descent
d. affinal kinship
6. It refers to the practice of having more than one partner or sexual mate.
a. polygamy
c. endogamy
b. b. monogamy
d. exogamy
7. A type of family that is made up of a group of people who are united by social
ties and is usually made up of two adults and their socially recognized children.
a. extended family
c. blended family
b. complex family
d. nuclear family
8. It happens when the newlywed couple stays with the husband’s relatives and
the wife’s kin alternately.
a. biolocal residence
b. avuncolocal residence
c. neolocal residence
d. patrilocal family
9. Which type of marriage where the man or woman’s parents determine the
marital partner of the individual?
a. exchange marriage
c. referred marriage
b. child marriage
d. diplomatic marriage
10. It is sometimes called a step family, reconstituted family or a complex family.
a. nuclear family
c. blended family
b. transnational family
d. extended family
11. It refers to the type of relations developed when a marriage occurs.
a. consanguineal kinship
c. kinship by ritual
b. affinal kinship
d. kinship
12. It refers to the spiritual parents of the child.
a. compadrazgo
c. goddaughter
b. b. godson
d. parents
13. When someone finds his/her partner through a matchmaker.
a. arranged marriage
c. fixed marriage
b. referred marriage
d. diplomatic marriage
14. It refers to the biological origin of a person’s family.
a. kinship
c. descent
b. b. alliance
d. dynasty
15. A marriage where an individual has only one spouse at a time.
a. polygamy
c. endogamy
b. polygyny
d. monogam
Kinship, Marriage, and the Household
Learning Competency:
 Describe the organized nature of social life and rules
governing behaviour (UCSP11/12HSO-Iii-21)
 Compare different social forms of social organization according
to their manifest and latent functions (UCSP11/12HSO-IIj-22)
What’s In
We learn from the previous module about the different social groups that surround
us. At this point in time, it is expected that you already knew who are the members of your
primary groups, the members of your secondary and reference groups? How about your
networks? List them all in a piece of paper. Viola! It is surprising to note that we have a
lot of social groups and networks in our life. Isn’t it exciting to be with them after covid19? Yes, of course.
But in the meantime, while waiting for that most exciting moment, let’s first learn
together the lesson about kinship, marriage, and the household. Without a doubt, you will
be amazed of the many things that you will discover.
What’s New
Activity 1:
What is the role of the family in the society? Please give three (3) answers.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
What Is It
Every society has formed social institutions to meet all their basic needs. One of
these is the institution of the family. The family is the basic unit of the society. The
structure of the family may vary from one society to the other. It may vary from one culture
to the other as well.
As we grow older (adult), our social group will expand. We will meet new
faces/people in our neighbourhood, in the community, at work, in social organizations, in
social media, etc. By this, we begin to relate ourselves to the opposite sex by way of
having boy-girl relationship. And in the right time, from there, we will be able to establish
a society through a family.
Kinship and Descent
Kinship (kaugnayan ng magkamag-anak) is a social institution that refers to
relations formed between members of the society.
Descent (pinagmulan ng angkan) refers to the origin or background of a person in
terms of family or nationality. It is a biological relationship.
Principles of Descent
Unilineal descent usually traced through a single line of ancestors either from the
patrilineal or matrilineal descent but not both.
Patrilineal descent, affiliates a person with a group of relatives through his or her
Matrilineal descent, affiliates a person with a group of relatives through his or
her mother.
Bilateral descent, affiliates a person with a group of relatives through either his
or her parents. Kinship is traced through both ancestral lines of the mother and the
Types of Kinship
Consanguineal kinship or kinship based on blood (kadugo) is considered as
the most basic and general form of relations. The relationship is achieved by birth or blood
affinity. It is commonly called as relatives by blood. Examples are the relationship or
connection between parents and their children, between siblings, between
nephews/nieces and aunts/uncles.
Affinal kinship or kinship
based on marriage refers to the type
of relations developed when a marriage
occurs. The husband forms new
relations with his wife and her family
likewise the wife forms new relations
with his husband and his family.
The Family Code of the
Philippines defines marriage as a
special contract of permanent union
between a man and a woman entered
into in accordance with law for the
establishment of conjugal and family
life. Marriage is an important social
institution wherein two persons, a man
and a woman, enter into family life.
Image: https://bit.ly/30drj0q
Marriage across Cultures
Endogamy and Exogamy
Endogamy or compulsory marriage, it refers to marriage within their own clan or
ethnic group.
Exogamy or out-marriage, it refers to marriage outside their own clan or ethnic
Monogamy and Polygamy
Monogamy refers to a marriage where an individual has only one spouse at a
Polygamy refers to a marriage of having more than one spouse at a time. It can
be polygyny, the marriage of one man having multiple female partners at the same time
or polyandry is the marriage of one woman having multiple male partners at the same
Referred Marriage and Arrange Marriages
Referred marriage happens when someone finds his/her partner through friends,
relatives or people who act as matchmakers. These matchmakers help their single friends
to find husband or wife by referring them to other single friends who are also interested
in finding a life partner.
Arranged marriage is usually called fixed marriage. It happens when marriage is
arranged by the parents of the groom and bride. In this kind of marriage, the groom and
bride are usually chosen by parents, community leaders, or religious officials to ensure
that the young people are guided through the process of finding the right person to marry.
Types of Arranged Marriages
Child marriage. The parents of a small child arrange a future marriage with
another child's parents. The children are betrothed to each other.
Exchange Marriage. This form of marriage involves a reciprocal exchange of
spouses between two nations, groups, or tribes.
Diplomatic Marriage: Marriages are arranged for political reasons, to cement
alliances between royal families. The monarchs of Europe were all related by blood due
to frequent diplomatic marriages. This form of marriage occurs when an arranged
marriage has been established between two royal or political families in order to forge
political or diplomatic alliances.
Modern arranged marriage: The parents choose several possible mates for the
child, sometimes with the help of the child (who may indicate which photos he or she
likes, for example). The parents will then arrange a meeting with the family of the
prospective mate, and the two children will often have a short unsupervised meeting, such
as an hour-long walk around the neighborhood. The child then chooses who they wish to
marry (if anyone), although parents may exert varying degrees of pressure on the child
to make a certain choice.
Post Marital Residency Rules (based on residence)
Patrilocal residence occurs when the married couple stays with or near the
husband’s kin or relatives.
Matrilocal residence occurs when the married couple stays with or near the wife’s
kin or relatives
Biolocal residence happens when the couple stays with the husband’s kin or the
wife’s kin alternately.
Neolocal residence happens when the couple stays or build a home
independently from the husband or wife’s kin.
Avuncolocal residence occurs when the couple resides with or near the maternal
uncle of the groom.
Kinship by Ritual
Compadrazgo, literally translated as “godparent” (ninong and ninang). This can
be done through the performance of Catholic rituals like baptism, confirmation, and
marriage. This “compadrazgo” becomes the spiritual parents of the child or as co-parents.
The godson or goddaughter is called inaanak.
Family and the Household
The family is considered the basic unit of social organization. It is made up of a
group of individuals who are linked together by marriage, blood relations, or adoption.
A nuclear family is a type of family that is made up of a married couple (parents)
and their biological or adopted children.
An extended family is composed of two or more nuclear families in a household.
Some of the relatives are living with the nuclear family. It is an expanded household
composed of three or more generations. It may include great grandparents, grandparents,
the parents, the children and other relatives.
A blended family is a type of family where both the parents (father and mother)
have children from previous marital relationships but all the members stay in one
household to form a new family. This is also called a step family, reconstituted family,
or a complex family.
Conditionally separated family is a type of family where a member is separated
from the rest of the family due to employment, military service, sickness, etc.
Transnational family is a type of a family who lives in more than one country.
They may spend part of each year from one country to the other. This is caused due to
employment or military service of parents.
Kinship of Politics: Political Dynasties and Alliances
In the Philippines, political dynasties refer to family members who are involved
in politics for several generations. Most politicians elected in public offices and
government positions are relatives.
Political alliances. Political parties tend to align or agree to cooperate to each
other for common political agenda; to ensure victory in the elections or guarantee the
passage of legislation.
What’s More
Activity 2: MY FAMILY TREE
1. Make your personal “Family Tree”. If possible, place picture in each member of the
family; label it.
2. Use 1/8 size illustration board for this activity. You can use indigenous and
recycled materials. Show your creativity. Agree with your teacher on the other
specifications about the project.
Rubric for Activity 2
The output presents the information in a clear and comprehensive
The output employs artistic techniques which do not distract from
the information or message being conveyed.
The output effectively uses text such as labels, captions, and
descriptions to clarify information or convey a message.
Total points (15)
Activity 3:
Draw inside the box below about your unforgettable moment with your family. Be
creative. Briefly discuss your drawing.
Rubric for the Drawing
The drawing clearly expresses the information and message.
5 4 3 2
The drawing highlights important information relevant to the topic.
The drawing shows creativity.
Total points (15)
5 4 3
5 4 3
What I Have Learned
Activity 4:
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
Affinal relatives are related by ________ _______.
Your kinship relationship with your grandmother is based on ________.
Your aunt’s son is your ______________________________________.
Your mother’s daughter is your _______________________________.
Your father’s son is your ____________________________________.
The basic social unit of the society is called _____________________.
A union between a man and a woman is called ___________________.
Consaguinal relatives are related by ___________________________.
Kinship through female’s line is called __________________________.
A type of residence where couple lives separately from both parents
What I Can Do
It’s bonding time. Setback and relax at the comfort of your home. Gather your
siblings or your cousins. Grab a snack. Play a love song. Let your parents or guardians
or other relatives share about their family life story. But never forget, how about their love
story? Share the lesson that you learn from them. Have a lovely night.
Kinship is a social institution that refers to relations formed between members of
the society.
Descent refers to the origin or background of a person in terms of family or
nationality. Descent is classified as unilineal descent, patrilineal descent,
matrilineal descent, and bilateral descent.
Consanguineal kinship or kinship based on blood is considered as the most basic
and general form of relations.
Affinal kinship or kinship based on marriage refers to the type of relations
developed when a marriage occurs.
Marriage across cultures includes endogamy or compulsory marriage and
exogamy or out-marriage.
Monogamy refers to a marriage where an individual has only one spouse at a time
while polygamy refers to a marriage of having more than one spouse at a time.
Polygamy is classified as polygyny or polyandry
Referred marriage happens when someone finds his/her partner through friends,
relatives or people who act as matchmakers.
Arranged marriage is usually called fixed marriage.
Types of arranged marriages include child marriage, exchange marriage,
diplomatic marriage, and modern arranged marriage.
Post marital residency rules include patrilocal residence, matrilocal residence,
biolocal residence, neolocal residence, and avuncolocal residence.
Compadrazgo, literally translated as “godparent”. He or she becomes the spiritual
parents of the child or as co-parents.
The family is considered the basic unit of social organization. It is made up of a
group of individuals who are linked together by marriage, blood relations, or
Type of families includes nuclear family, extended family, blended family,
conditionally separated family, and transnational family
Kinship of politics includes political dynasty and political alliance.
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time.
a. polygamy
c. monogamy
b. polyandry
d. polygyny
2. The basic institution of most societies.
a. family
b. kinship
c. marriage
d. descent
3. Family structure that is based on residence that permits the newly married couple
to live independently.
a. patrilocal
c. biolocal
b. matrilocal
d. neolocal
4. Refers to a group whose members are involved in politics. This can be seen in
families that have been part of the government for several generations.
a. political alliance
c. political dynasty
b. political kinship
d. political descent
4. Kinship based on blood is considered as the most basic and general form of
a. matrilineal descent
c. consanguineal kinship
b. patrilineal descent
d. affinal kinship
6. It refers to the practice of having more than one partner or sexual mate.
a. polygamy
c. endogamy
b. monogamy
d. exogamy
7. A type of family that is made up of a group of people who are united by social ties
and is usually made up of two adults and their socially recognized children.
a. extended family
c. blended family
b. complex family
d. nuclear family
8. It happens when the newlywed couple stays with the husband’s relatives and the
wife’s kin alternately.
a. biolocal residence
c. neolocal residence
b. avuncolocal residence
d. patrilocal family
9. Which type of marriage where the man or woman’s parents determine the marital
partner of the individual?
a. exchange marriage
c. referred marriage
b. child marriage
d. diplomatic marriage
10. It is sometimes called a step family, reconstituted family or a complex family.
a. nuclear family
c. blended family
b. transnational family
d. extended family
11. It refers to the type of relations developed when a marriage occurs.
a. consanguineal kinship
c. kinship by ritual
b. affinal kinship
d. kinship
12. It refers to the spiritual parents of the child.
a. compadrazgo
c. goddaughter
b. godson
d. parents
13. When someone finds his/her partner through a matchmaker.
a. arranged marriage
c. fixed marriage
b. referred marriage
d. diplomatic marriage
14. It refers to the biological origin of a person’s family.
a. kinship
c. descent
b. alliance
d. dynasty
15. A marriage where an individual has only one spouse at a time.
a. polygamy
c. endogamy
b. polygyny
d. monogamy
consaguineal kinship
neolocal residence
ACTIVITY 4 – What I Have Learned
Antonio P. Contreras, Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, Dennis S. Erasga, Cecile C. Fadrigon,
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics, Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc., 2016, 146-159.
Ederlina D. Baleña, Dolores M. Lucero, Arnel M. Peralta, Understanding Culture, Society,
and Politics for Senior High School, Quezon City: Educational Resources
Corporation, 2016, 67-85.
"Family | Boundless Sociology." Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production. Accessed
June 14, 2020. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundlesssociology/chapter/family/.
"Chapter 14. Marriage and Family – Introduction to Sociology – 1st Canadian Edition."
BC Open Textbooks – Open Textbooks Adapted and Created by BC Faculty.
Last modified November 6, 2014.
"Marriage | Boundless Sociology." Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production.
Accessed June 14, 2020. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundlesssociology/chapter/marriage/
Management Team
Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
Alicia E. Anghay, PhD, CESE
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD
Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS
Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Romeo B. Aclo, EPS-Araling Panlipunan
Joel D. Potane, LRMS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)
DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang, Cagayan de Oro
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