FACULTY OF SOCIAL WORK The Maharaja Mahar Sayajirao University of Baroda MHRM ADMISSION TEST SYLLABUS 2023 - 24 SE CT I ON- I INDUSTIRAL PSYCHOLO OLOGY Unit-1- Introduction to Psychology: Psychology Concept and Definition, Approaches to Psychology, Subfields of Psychology (Clinical, Counselling, Educational, Developmental, Health Psychology, Environmental Psychology) Unit-2- Industrial Psychology ogy: Nature, Definition, Role of an Industrial Psychologist, Organizational Attitude, Organizational Behaviour, Organizational Socialization. Unit-3- Personality and Stress: Stress Meaning, Theories of Personality, Common Personality measurement tools in Organization, Work Stress and Coping Unit-4- Motivation and Group Behaviour: Definition of Motivation, Theories of Motivation, Measurement Tools of Motivation; Group Behaviour, Group formation and Development Unit-5- Leadership: Concept and Definition, Styles of Leadership, Leadership and Management, Theories of Leadership, Group Dynamics and Leadership. Bibliography: 1. Morgan, C.T., King, R.A., Weisz, J.R., &Schopler, J.(1986). Introduction to Psychology. New York: McGrawMcGraw Hill 2. Ciccarelli, S. K., White, J. N., & Ciccarelli, S. K. (2012). Psychology. Boston, Mass: Pearson Learning Solutions. 3. Pareek, U., Khanna, S.(2012). Understanding Organizational Behaviour: Oxford University Press 4. Glassman, W. and Hadad, M., (2013). Approaches to psychology. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. 1 INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY: Unit-1- Basics Concepts of Industrial Sociology: Nature, Scope and Importance, Origin and Development, Industry as a social system, Evolution of Working Class, Changing nature of work, Growth of unorganized and informal sector . Unit-2 - Dynamics of Industrial Relations: Corporate Social Responsibility, Inclusion of Women in the Corporate Sector, Scope of Industrial Sociology in India Unit-3- The Indian Worker: Features of Indian worker, the contribution of social - Philosophy, family, caste and community in determining the attitude of workers Unit-4- Industrialization: Industrialization, Urbanization, Globalization, Impact, various issues & problems. Unit- 5- Work & Mental Health: The Concept of Work, Kinds of Work, means of Mental Work, grievances related to work Bibliography: 1. Heather Griffiths (2015). Introduction to Sociology, Second Edition, Xan Edu Publishing Inc. 2. Parker B. Child & K.K, Smit M.A. (1967). The Sociology of Industry. London: Geroge Allon and Union Ltd. 3. Preidmann G. (1955), Industrial Society, The Emergence of Human Problems of Automation, Free Press. 4. Sheth N.R (1982). Industrial Sociology in India: A book of Readings, Alliad Publishers Pvt Ltd 5. Gisbert Pascal (1972) Fundamentals of Industrial sociology, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi. 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT: Unit-1 Concept of Management, Concept, Nature & Importance. Development of Management Thought: Contribution of Taylor and Fayol and their principles, Modern Thoughts of Management, Principles of Scientific Management, Management Functions, SWOT Analysis. Unit-2. Planning:-Concept, Nature, Importance, Steps in Planning, Types of Planning Organizing:- Concept, nature, process and significance; Authority and responsibility relationships; Organization Structures. Types of the organization structures, Centralization and decentralization, Departmentalization. Staffing: - Concept, Importance, Factors affecting Staffing, Unit-3 Human Resource Management: Meaning, Nature & Scope of Human Resource Management, HR Functions, External & Internal Forces of HR Environment. Selection Process& Types of Training Unit-4. Human Resource Development: Concept and Difference between HRM, Personnel Management & HRD. Communication: - Concept and Importance, Types of Communication, Formal& Informal, Barrier to Effective Communication. Unit-5 Business Ethics and CSR: Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Meaning & Features of Indian Ethos, Principles of Indian Ethos in Management, Relevance of Mahabharata and Ramayana in Management. Social Responsibility of Business and Corporate Social Responsibility. 3 Bibliography: 1. V.S.P Rao (2006), Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, Excel Books. 2. Weihrich, H. and Koontz,H. (2010), Essentials of Management, New Delhi: TataMcGraw Hill 3. Armstrong, M. (2014), Armstrong’s handbook of human resource managementpractice.KoganPage 4. Dessler, Gary. (2014) Human Resource Management. 14th ed. Upper Saddle River,NJ:PrenticeHall. 5. K. Ashawathapa (2015) HRM/ Personnel Practices,New Delhi: McGraw Publications 6. Kotler,P.(2015)Principles of Management. New Delhi:Pearson Publishers 7. Rao,S. (2016) Management Theory and Practices, New Delhi: Himalaya Publications 8. Bhushan Y.K (2016) Fundamentals of Business Organization and Management, Sultan Chand, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-9351610618 9. Sherlekar S. A & Sherlekar V. S (2016), Modern Business Organization and Management, Himalaya Publishing House, ISBN: 978-9352021864 10. C.B.Gupta (2017), Business Organization and Management, Sultan Chand, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-9351611134 11. K. Ashwathappa (2017), Human Resource Management, Text and Cases: eight edition, Mc, Graw hill Education, ISBN: 9352605438 12. Sherlekar S. A & Sherlekar V. S (2018), Modern Business Organization and Management, Himalaya Publishing House, ISBN: 978-9786294414 13. L.M Prasad (2019) Principles and Practices of Management, S Chand Publishing house, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-9351610502 4 LABOUR ECONOMICS & MARKET: Unit-1. Micro and Macro Economics: Basic concept, Nature and Scope of Micro and Macro Economics, Labor in Classical and Neoclassical Economics. Unit-2. Labor Supply & Demand and Hours of Work.: Theories of Labour Supply and Demand. Hours of work and contingent, Impacts of labour market trends. Factors affecting labour supply and demand. Unit- 3 Wage Concept, Determination, Differentials, & Productivity: Types of wages and benefits, Theories of wage determination, wage structure and components and Types of wage differentials. Concept of Production, Factors of Production, Economics of large scale and small scale production. Unit- 4 Social Security Benefits, Labour Mobility and Migration: Social security schemes and benefits, Determinants and causes of labour mobility and migration. Unit-5 Impacts of Budgets and government policies on Labour Markets & competition: Role of Government in Labor markets. Budget - Meaning and purpose of Government budgets, Types of budget, Concept of Full Employment, Types of Unemployment, Types of Competition - Perfect and Imperfect competition-Monopoly, Monopolistic, Duopoly and Oligopoly. Bibliography: 1. Nag A.(2007), Macro economics for management studies, second edition, Macmillan India ltd. 2. Damodaran S.(2010) Managerial economics, second edition, Oxford University Press, 3. Vaid K.(1970), Labour welfare in India, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relation, New Delhi. 4. Monappa A. & Nambudiri R. (2017), Industrial Relation and Labour Laws, Second Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd. 5. Varshney R. & Maheshwari K. (2016), Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand and Sons Educational publisher , New Delhi 6. Kumar H. (2013), Labour Problems and Remedies, Universal Law Publishing Co. 5 SECTION-II– Quantitative Aptitude, Data interpretation, Data sufficiency/Decision Making, analytical and logical reasoning. Bibliography: 1. Aggarwal, R. (2017). Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination. S Chand Publishing. 2. Aggarwal, R. (2018). An Advance Approach to Data Interpretation For competitive Examinations. S Chand Publishing. 3. Aggarwal, R. (2018). A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning. (2nd ed.). S Chand Publishing. 4. Bhardwaj, P. (2015). Analytical & Logical Reasoning For CAT. Arihant Publications. 5. Sharma, A. (2017). Data Interpretation. (5th ed.). McGraw Hill Education. 6. Thorpe, E., & Thorpe, S. The Pearson Guide to MBA. Pearson Education (Singapore). 7. Verma, S. (2017). Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT. (7th ed.). Arihant Publication. SECTION-III-General and Business Awareness Bibliography: 1. 2. 3. 4. Books of General Knowledge, Year books, Competition Success Review, Pratiyogita Darpan. 6 SECTTION-IV ENGLISH Unit-1Vocabulary: Synonyms And Antonyms, Idioms & Phrases, One Word Substitutions, Homonyms Unit - 3 Grammar: Active Voice and Passive Voice, Direct Speech& Indirect Speech. Unit-2 Grammar : Conjunctions, Prepositions, Tenses, Common Errors Unit-4 Arrangement of Jumbled Sentences and Paragraph Completion. Unit-5 Reading Comprehension Bibliography: 1. Hardwar, A. P. (2013). General English for Competitive Examinations. New Delhi: Pearson Education India. 2. Sharma, A., & Upadhyay, M. (2011). Verbal Ability And RC For CAT. New Delhi: TataMcGraw-Hill Education. 3. Singh, R. (2019). Essential English for Competitive Examinations. New Delhi: Disha Publications. 4. Thorpe, E., & Thorpe, S. (2012). Objective English. New Delhi: Pearson Education India. 5. Wren, P., & Martin, H. (2019). High School English Grammar & Composition. New Delhi: S. Chand Publishing. ********************************************************************************** 7