Compute the Total Annual Income from Regular Sources realized from local sources during the next preceding realized in the next preceding fiscal year or TIRS, based fiscal year on the trial balance as of December 31 of said year or from the accomplished Local Budget Accountability Forms PS Budget - Refers to appropriations for the payment of salaries, wages, step increments, and other PS Limitation 1st to 3rd class pcm = (45%) (TIRS) compensation of permanent, temporary, contractual, PS Limitation 4th to eth class pcm = (55%) (TIRS) and casual employees of the LGU (Section 306 [k] of RA PS Limitation Barangay — (55%) (TILS) No. 7160). Sectoral 325 Limitations -The total appropriations, whether annual or supplemental, for personal services of a local government unit for one (1) fiscal year shall not exceed forty-five percent (45%) in the case of first to third class provinces, cities and municipalities, and fifty-five percent (55%) in the case of the fourth class or lower, of the total annual income from regular sources realized in the next preceding fiscal year. The appropriations for salaries, wages, representation and transportation allowances of officials and employees of the public utilities and economic enterprises owned, operated, and maintained by the local government unit concerned shall not be included in the annual budget or in the computation of the maximum amount for personal services. The appropriations for the personal services of such economic enterprises shall be charged to their respective budgets; -The total annual appropriations for personal services of a barangay for one (1) fiscal year shall not exceed fiftyfive percent (55%) of the total annual income actually MOOE – Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Traveling Expenses Training and Scholarship Expenses Supplies and Materials Expenses Utility Expenses Communication Expenses Awards/ Rewards and Prizes Survey, Research, Exploration and Development Expenses Demolition/ Relocation and Desilting/ Dredging Expenses Generation, Transmission and Distribution Expenses Confidential Expenses Intelligence Expenses Extraordinary and Miscellaneous Expenses Professional Services General Services Repairs and Maintenance Financial Assistance/ Subsidy Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees Labor and Wages Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses Advertising Expenses -Regular Agency Fund -Foreign Assisted Fund -Domestic Grant Fund -Foreign Grant Fund -Internally Generated Funds -Business Related Funds -Trust Receipt COMPLETE SET OF GENERAL PURPOSE FS Printing and Publication Expenses Representation Expenses Transportation and Delivery Expenses Rent/ Lease Expenses Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations Subscription Expenses Donations Litigation/ Acquired Assets Expenses OFFICES CHARGED WITH GOV. ACCT. Capital Outlay GAM for NGA’s:Objective – to update All equipment necessary for the implementation and the management of the research (E.g. computers, printers, bioref, biosafety cabinets) Include warranty for replacement, service and parts, delivery/shipping fees, duties and taxes in the budget Expected service life more than one year -interst exp for unfinished infrastructure FINANCIAL Expenses -interest expenses - losses on foreign exchange transaction -bank charges - interest exp of finished infrastructures 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. COA DBM BTr Government Agencies Standards, policies, guidelines and procedures Coding structure and accounts Acct books, registries, records, forms reports, and FS Basic Principles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IPSAS Accrual basis Budget basis for presentation Revised Chart of Accounts Double Entry Bookkeeping FS based on acct and budgetary records Fund Cluster Accounting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SFPosition SFPerformance Statement of Changes in Equity Statement of Cash Flows Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts Notes to financial Position BUDGET PROCESS Budget Preparation -Budget Call -Budget Hearing -Presentation to the office of the President *President’s Budget – President Budget Msg, NEP, BESF, other docs Budget Legislation -House Deliberations -Senate Deliberations -Bicameral deliberations -President’s enactment Budget Accountability -Budget Accountability Reports 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Monthly report of disbursement Quarterly Physical Report of operation Statement of Appropriations, Alloments, Obligations, Disbursement and Balnces Statement of Appropriations, Alloments, Obligations, Disbursement and Balnces by Object of Expenditures List of Allotments and sub-alloments Statement of approved budget, utilizations disbursement and balances Statement of approved budget, utilizations disbursement and balances by object of expenditures Quarterly report of revenue and other receipts APPROVED BUGDET consist of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. New general appropriation Continuing appropriation Supplementary appropriation Automated appropriation Unprogrammed funds Retained Income Revolving Funds Trust receipts Budget Execution -Realease Guidelines and BEDs *Major receipeint of budget NGAs, LGUs, GOCCs -Allotment – GAARD, SARO, GARO -Incurrence of Obligations -Disbursement Authority – NCA, NTA, Non-cash Availment Authority, Cash Disbursement Ceiling -Performance Reviews -Audit LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT BUDGET PROCESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Budget Preparation Budget Authorization Budget Review Budget Execution Budget Accountability JOURNALS 1. 2. 3. 4. General Journal Cash receipts Journal Cash Disbursement Journals Check Disbursement Journals Budget Registries 1. 2. 3. 4. RROR RAPAL RAOD Object of Expenditure - PS, MOOE, FE, CO RBUD GOVRENMENT ACCOUNTING CYCLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Appropriation Allotment Incurrence of Obligation Disbursement Authority Disbursement Billings, collections and remittance Unadjusted Trial balance Adjusting Entries Closing entries Preparation of FS