Integration Guide SAP Forecasting and Replenishment 5.2 (for use with SAP merchandising software) Document Version: 1.2 – 2019-10-29 Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R SCM-FRE, Unified Demand Forecast (UDF) CUSTOMER Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options. Textual cross-references to other documents. 2 Example Emphasized words or expressions. EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system. EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R . CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Typographic Conventions Document History Version Date Change 1.0 2017-03-31 Initial version 1.1 2018-06-04 Use of daily variance 1.11 2019-08-08 Formatting corrections 1.2 2019-10-29 Activate daily variance forecast in UDF, adjust classification mean calculation Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Document History CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3 Contents 1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 2 2.1 2.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Prerequisites: SAP F&R....................................................................................................................................... 7 Prerequisites: SAP Customer Activity Repository .............................................................................................. 8 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Customizing and Control Settings ...................................................................................................................... 9 Activation of Business Function SCM_FRE_UDF ................................................................................................ 9 General Customizing Settings ............................................................................................................................ 9 Location Settings in the Process Control Profile .............................................................................................. 10 Location Product Settings in the Forecasting Profile ....................................................................................... 10 FRP Execution Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Frequency of UDF Forecast Retrieval ............................................................................................................... 11 Horizon for UDF Forecast Retrieval.................................................................................................................. 12 Other F&R Forecast Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 12 4 4.1 4.2 FRP Integration ................................................................................................................................................. 13 FRP Status Handling ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Error and Exception Handling .......................................................................................................................... 15 4.2.1 Error Handling on Location Level ................................................................................................... 15 4.2.2 Error Handling on Location Product Level ...................................................................................... 16 Performance Monitor ...................................................................................................................................... 16 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval ............................................................................................ 18 Supported F&R Features .................................................................................................................................. 18 Corrected UDF forecasts by Adjust Forecast app ............................................................................................ 18 Traceability of UDF Forecast Usage ................................................................................................................. 19 Consideration of UDF Sales Order Forecast ..................................................................................................... 19 Consideration of UDF Daily Variance ............................................................................................................... 20 Obsolete F&R Forecast Features...................................................................................................................... 21 5.6.1 Classification Mean Value and Selling Class ................................................................................... 21 5.6.2 Dynamic Minimum Stock................................................................................................................ 21 5.6.3 Dynamic Day Weights for Correction DIF ....................................................................................... 22 5.6.4 Obsolete F&R Exceptions ............................................................................................................... 22 5.6.5 Obsolete F&R Key Figures .............................................................................................................. 23 Other Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................ 24 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Additional Considerations When Using UDF Forecasts ................................................................................... 25 Calculation of F&R Forecast When Using UDF Forecast .................................................................................. 25 Storage of UDF Forecast vs. F&R Forecast ....................................................................................................... 25 Enabled/Disabled UDF Forecast Retrieval ....................................................................................................... 25 Fallback Strategies for Missing UDF Forecast Results...................................................................................... 26 Performance Impact of UDF Forecast Retrieval .............................................................................................. 26 UDF Forecast for New Listed Items .................................................................................................................. 26 4 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Contents 6.7 Fresh Item Forecast (Add-On for Fresh Products) ........................................................................................... 26 7 Further Information about UDF Forecasts ....................................................................................................... 28 Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Contents CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5 1 Overview Forecast results that are calculated by the Unified Demand Forecast (UDF) module in SAP Customer Activity Repository can be used for the replenishment process in SAP Forecasting and Replenishment (F&R). This guide describes how UDF forecast results can be used in F&R instead of regular F&R forecast data. It focusses on the operations of F&R and how UDF forecast values can be retrieved for use in F&R. However, this guide does not cover any capabilities provided by the UDF module. A UDF forecast must be calculated and stored in SAP Customer Activity Repository before it can be used by F&R. UDF forecasts are calculated in SAP Customer Activity Repository independently of any information and control data available in F&R. It must be ensured by organizational means that a UDF production forecast is available in SAP Customer Activity Repository for the items and time horizons required for F&R. For more information about UDF, see chapter 7 Further Information about UDF Forecast. UDF forecasts can be used for both stores and distribution centers. There is no technical distinction between the two location categories regarding the use of UDF forecasts in F&R. However, for certain capabilities of UDF, a distinction between these location categories might be made. UDF forecasts can be used in F&R at different levels: • For all locations and location products (business function) • By location • By location product (item) Depending on the level at which UDF forecasts are used, UDF production forecasts generated in SAP Customer Activity Repository are pulled into F&R via RFC. This pull retrieval mode of the UDF forecast is integrated into existing Forecasting and Replenishment Processor (FRP) processes (MID_BASIC, MID_ADD, and FRP dispatcher). The UDF forecast is always generated on a daily basis and does not include any safety amounts; it is a mean forecast. The forecast data retrieved also includes a forecast variance, which is used for safety amount calculation in F&R, and some other information. UDF forecasts can be used by FRP as an alternative to the regular F&R forecast as input for the requirements quantity calculation and for further processing steps. It replaces regular F&R forecasts in all subsequent F&R processes. If a UDF forecast is used for an item, an F&R forecast is still calculated according to the corresponding control settings, but the calculated F&R forecast and other information provided by the F&R forecast calculation are not used in replenishment processes. 6 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Overview 2 Prerequisites 2.1 Prerequisites: SAP F&R SAP Forecasting and Replenishment for Retail (SAP F&R) is part of SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM). It is possible to retrieve forecast results from the Unified Demand Forecast (UDF) module for use with product version SAP F&R 5.2 as of the following releases of SAP SCM: • SAP enhancement pack 4 for SAP SCM 7.0 SPS 06 • SAP enhancement pack 3 for SAP SCM 7.0 SPS 14 • SAP enhancement pack 2 for SAP SCM 7.0 SPS 19 UDF forecasts can also be used with lower support package stack (SPS) levels by implementing SAP Note 2366630 and its related SAP Notes. The retrieval of UDF forecast results requires FRP service release For information, see SAP Note 2445723. For information about applying FRP service releases, see SAP Note 1487615 and SAP Note 1556270. A one-time technical activation of the retrieval of UDF forecast for FRP service release is required by entering a new entry for UDF forecast retrieval in table /FRE/XPRA_CTRL. Activating Retrieval of UDF Forecasts for FRP 1. Call transaction SM30, enter /FRE/XPRA_CTRL and press button Edit. 2. In the maintenance dialog, enter a new entry (press F5) with the following values: Calling application FRP Forecast &Replenishment Processor Field name 007 Forecast: Retrieve Forecast from UDF Function Active (F. Status) 1 Function Enabled Upgrade 0 Upgrade Outstanding 3. Save your data. The new entry is considered with the next FRP run and ensures that the additional FRP features required for the retrieval of UDF forecasts are activated. If you use the FRP dispatcher, to complete the activation, shut down the FRP dispatcher and then restart it (transaction /FRE/FRP_DISP_ACT). Prerequisites for Using UDF Daily Variance It is possible to retrieve daily variances from the Unified Demand Forecast (UDF) module and use them within SAP Forecasting and Replenishment (for use with SAP merchandising software), product version SAP F&R 5.2, as of the following releases of SAP SCM: SAP enhancement pack 4 for SAP SCM 7.0 SPS 11 SAP enhancement pack 3 for SAP SCM 7.0 SPS 17 SAP enhancement pack 2 for SAP SCM 7.0 SPS 22 This functionality can also be used with lower support package stack (SPS) levels of SAP SCM by implementing SAP Note 2613998. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Prerequisites CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7 For the required version of the connected SAP Customer Activity Repository system, please refer to the following chapter. 2.2 Prerequisites: SAP Customer Activity Repository It is possible to retrieve forecast results from the Unified Demand Forecast (UDF) module for use in SAP F&R as of the following releases of SAP Customer Activity Repository retail applications bundle: • SAP Customer Activity Repository retail applications bundle 2.0 SPS 02 (FP 01) • SAP Customer Activity Repository retail applications bundle 2.0 SPS 01 and SAP Note 2440062 (including SAP Note 2438512 and SAP Note 2440065) For SAP Customer Activity Repository retail applications bundle 2.0 SPS 01, the following additional prerequisites must be fulfilled: o SAP HANA database SPS 12 Database Maintenance Revision 122.05 or higher o SAP HANA AFL revision that is compatible with the selected SAP HANA database revision Prerequisites for Using UDF Daily Variance To retrieve daily variances from the Unified Demand Forecast (UDF) module for use in SAP F&R, the connected SAP Customer Activity Repository system requires the version SAP Customer Activity Repository retail applications bundle 2.0 SPS 05 (FP 03) or higher. 8 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Prerequisites 3 Customizing and Control Settings To use UDF forecasts in F&R, Customizing and control need to be made at different levels. 3.1 Activation of Business Function SCM_FRE_UDF To use UDF forecasts in F&R, the SCM_FRE_UDF business function must be activated. The control options and screen elements required to use UDF forecasts are only visible if this business function has been activated. Note Business function SCM_FRE_UDF is reversible. If this business function is deactivated, the control options and screen elements are no longer available. Even though the field values stored on the database remain unchanged, UDF forecasts are not retrieved. After the business function has been deactivated, with the next FRP run, an extraordinary F&R forecast calculation is triggered for all items for which UDF forecasts were formerly used. Note The following control options and screen elements are visible without activation of business function SCM_FRE_UDF: o UDF forecast usage option for XPRA_CTRL o FRP dispatcher sequence and task for UDF retrieval o Exception configuration for new F&R exceptions specific for the use of UDF forecasts 3.2 General Customizing Settings To retrieve UDF forecasts from SAP Customer Activity Repository, the RFC destination of the SAP Customer Activity Repository system and the SAP Customer Activity Repository master data system for the location products that corresponds to the leading master data system of F&R must be defined in Customizing on client level. Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Maintain System Landscape for UDF from SAP Customer Activity Repository Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Customizing and Control Settings CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 9 Defining the master data system for the retrieval of UDF forecasts 3.3 Location Settings in the Process Control Profile To retrieve UDF forecasts from SAP Customer Activity Repository for a location, the retrieval must be enabled for the location in the general settings of the process control profile that is assigned to the location. Enabling the retrieval of UDF forecasts for locations in the process control profile In addition to enabling the retrieval of UDF forecasts, you can control whether UDF forecasts are retrieved within the critical time window (see chapter 3.5 FRP Execution Settings). Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Maintain Process Control Profiles 3.4 Location Product Settings in the Forecasting Profile To retrieve UDF forecasts from SAP Customer Activity Repository for a location product (item), the retrieval must be enabled for the item in the forecasting profile assigned to the item. This setting is independent of the selling class of the location product. Enabling the retrieval of UDF forecasts for location items in the forecasting profile Note The Consider Sales Order Forecast setting is described in chapter 5.4 Consideration of UDF Sales Order Forecast. Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Maintain Forecasting Profiles 3.5 FRP Execution Settings The UDF forecast retrieval within FRP depends on the FRP option and on whether the setting for retrieving UDF forecasts in the critical time window is activated in the process control profile (see chapter 3.3 Location Settings in the Process Control Profile): 10 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Customizing and Control Settings FRP Option Retrieve UDF forecast in critical window is active Retrieve UDF forecast in critical window is not active FRP_MID_BASIC UDF forecasts are retrieved within sequence 3 before SAFRUN_CRIT. No UDF forecast retrieval. FRP_MID_ADD UDF forecasts are retrieved if Retrieve UDF Forecast is selected. UDF forecasts are retrieved if Retrieve UDF Forecast is selected. FRP Dispatcher UDF forecasts are retrieved within sequence AUTO_REPL_AND_OPRM before task SAFRUN_CRIT. UDF forecasts are retrieved via a separate FRP sequence: UDF_FORECAST (task CREATE_OUTBOUND_FILE_UDF). Enabling UDF forecast retrieval in FRP_MID_ADD Maintaining the sequence for UDF forecast retrieval in the FRP Dispatcher profile (Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Maintain Dispatcher Profiles) Note UDF forecasts can only be retrieved outside of the critical time window by means of the corresponding FRP dispatcher sequence/task or FRP_MID_ADD option if Retrieve UDF Forecast in Critical Window is not selected in the process control profile of the location. 3.6 Frequency of UDF Forecast Retrieval If the use of UDF forecasts is enabled, UDF forecasts are retrieved with every FRP run for location products. There is no additional frequency control. The F&R forecast frequency settings have no influence on the frequency of UDF forecast retrieval. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Customizing and Control Settings CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11 3.7 Horizon for UDF Forecast Retrieval The existing F&R forecast horizon of an item, which is also used for the calculation of the regular F&R forecast, is used for the retrieval of UDF forecasts. The system tries to pull UDF forecast from SAP Customer Activity Repository via RFC for the corresponding F&R forecast horizon for each item. Note The calculation of UDF forecasts in SAP Customer Activity Repository is independent of the F&R forecast horizon. 3.8 Other F&R Forecast Parameters Other F&R forecast parameters are not relevant for the calculation and retrieval of UDF forecasts. Provisioning of UDF forecasts is solely controlled by the corresponding parameters available in the Unified Demand Forecast (UDF) module/SAP Customer Activity Repository. 12 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Customizing and Control Settings 4 FRP Integration The retrieval of UDF forecasts is integrated in existing FRP options: • F&R Processor: FRP run (/FRE/FRP_MID_BASIC) • F&R Processor: FRP run additional process steps (/FRE/FRP_MID_ADD) • FRP Dispatcher For more information about how to control UDF forecast retrieval in the different FRP options, see 3.5 chapter FRP Execution Settings. The basic UDF forecast retrieval process is independent of the chosen FRP option. It is integrated in FRP processing with its parallel processing on location level and it makes use of existing package processing and package size parameters within location processing. Retrieving UDF Forecasts 1. Check if business function SCM_FRE_UDF is activated. 2. Check if UDF forecast retrieval is enabled in the process control profile of the location. 3. Determine the workload of items for UDF forecast retrieval based on the setting in the forecasting profile of the location products. The workload determination is done within FRP sequence 1 and results in setting a new status field (UDF_STATUS) in table /FRE/MATLOC_FRP (see chapter 4.1 FRP Status Handling) so that the workload can be picked up by later processing steps from there. 4. Perform actual UDF forecast retrieval (the processing step depends on the FRP option, see chapter 3.5 FRP Execution Settings) in sequential packages of items according to the FRP settings: 1. Retrieve UDF forecasts and additional information from SAP Customer Activity Repository via RFC (/DMF/UFC_RETRIEVE_RESULTS_FR, see chapter General Customizing Settings). 2. Perform error and exception handling (see chapters 4.2.1 Error Handling on Location and 4.2.2 Error Handling on Location Product4.2). 3. Write UDF forecasts and additional information to the FRP engine (interface file F_FORECAST_UDF). For more information about this function module, see chapter 7 Further Information about UDF Forecast. 5. Continue with regular FRP processing. The demand module has a built-in priority rule on item level that determines which forecast to use for further processing: o Use external forecast (for example, from add-on for fresh products) if available for an item (interface file F_EXTERNAL_FORECAST). o Otherwise, use UDF forecast if available for an item (interface file FORECAST_UDF). o Otherwise, use regular F&R forecast for an item (interface file FORECAST). Note There is no delta update logic for interface file FORECAST_UDF. Either the existing version of the file remains unchanged and the information contained in the file continues to be used or the file is completely overwritten with data from the current UDF forecast retrieval. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R FRP Integration CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 13 Retrieving UDF Forecasts 4.1 FRP Status Handling The status indicator for UDF forecast retrieval (/FRE/MATLOC_FRP-UDF_STATUS) can have one of the following values: The determination of workload for UDF forecast retrieval (end of FRP sequence 1) sets the status if… - Not relevant for UDF …an item is not relevant for UDF retrieval but was relevant according to the current status value. This can be the case if: 14 • Business function SCM_FRE_UDF has been deactivated. • UDF forecast retrieval has been deactivated for the location in the process control profile. • UDF forecast retrieval has been deactivated for the location product in the forecasting profile. 1 Relevant on the planning day … an item is relevant for UDF retrieval and F&R forecast is due on the current planning day according to forecast frequency settings. 2 Relevant in general … an item is relevant for UDF retrieval and F&R forecast is not due on the current planning day according to forecast frequency settings. CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R FRP Integration The actual UDF forecast retrieval is performed for items with status ‘1’ or ‘2’ (that is, the forecast frequency settings are considered for the UDF forecast retrieval status value, but not the actual UDF forecast retrieval because there is no distinction between values ‘1’ and ‘2’). Depending on the result of UDF forecast retrieval, the status is set as follows: Status is set if… 3 Completed successfully …UDF forecast retrieval was completed without errors and warnings. 4 Completed with warnings …UDF forecast retrieval was completed, but with warnings. 5 Completed with error when retrieving data …UDF forecast retrieval was not completed successfully due to errors while retrieving the data from SAP Customer Activity Repository. 6 Completed with error when mapping data to file …UDF forecast retrieval was not completed successfully due to errors while mapping the data to the FRP engine interface file. 4.2 Error and Exception Handling Error handling for the retrieval of UDF forecasts is implemented at the levels of location and location product. 4.2.1 Error Handling on Location Level A general error during UDF forecast retrieval can occur on location level for the following reasons: • No RFC destination or master data system for UDF forecast retrieval is defined in F&R. • The master data system defined for UDF retrieval in F&R is not known in SAP Customer Activity Repository. • Missing authorization for UDF retrieval from SAP Customer Activity Repository. • General issue with UDF forecast on SAP Customer Activity Repository. • Technical issue with the RFC connection for UDF retrieval. If such general errors occur during UDF forecast retrieval, a corresponding F&R exception is issued (high-level exception /FRE/EMON_HL1 302 with assigned low-level exception for the location, high-level exception /FRE/EMON_HL1 313 for all affected location products) and no new UDF forecast information for the location is handed over for further FRP processing; that is, the corresponding FRP interface file (FORECAST_UDF) is not written. If this interface file already exists from a previous FRP run, this file version continues to be used by FRP. That is, UDF forecast information from the last successful UDF forecast retrieval is used for the items that were relevant for UDF forecast retrieval at this time. The general error handling on location level can be influenced by implementing Business Add-In (BAdI) /FRE/FU_FRP_BADI019. The following BAdI methods are called after UDF forecast retrieval for all items (in a package) within one location: • BAdI method ISSUE_GENERAL_ERROR Sets the general error status for a location Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R FRP Integration CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 15 Note It is not possible to withdraw the general error status for a location that was set by the standard logic. The general error status for a location can be particularly useful depending on the number of items with an error status within a location. Therefore, the BAdI method receives the UDF retrieval status as input for each item. • BAdI method GENERAL_ERROR_STRATEGY Controls the system response if a general error occurs for a location: The default system behavior (FRP execution is continued without new UDF forecast information) can be changed so that FRP execution is terminated: o In the case of UDF forecast retrieval within the critical time window, FRP sequence 3 is terminated. o In the case of UDF forecast retrieval outside the critical time window, the corresponding dispatcher task or FRP_MID_ADD is terminated with an error status. 4.2.2 Error Handling on Location Product Level Errors that occur on the level of location products can have different reasons, for example: • Location product not known in SAP Customer Activity Repository. • No or insufficient UDF forecast results for location product available in SAP Customer Activity Repository. If such errors occur during UDF forecast retrieval for an item, a corresponding F&R exception is issued (high-level exception /FRE/EMON_HL1 312 with a low-level exception assigned for the location product) and no UDF forecast information is handed over for the item for further FRP processing, that is, no information for the item is written to the FRP interface file (F_FORECAST_UDF). If no information is available for an item in the interface file, the FRP run uses the regular F&R forecast instead (from interface file FORECAST). Error handling on the level of location products can be influenced by implementing Business Add-In (BAdI) /FRE/FU_FRP_BADI019, BAdI method CHANGE_MESSAGE_TYPE_MSG_UDFLOG. This BAdI method is called after UDF forecast retrieval within package processing for each location product and F&R exception resulting from UDF forecast retrieval and receives detailed exception information. Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Enhancements Using Business Add-Ins → BAdI: Error Handling for UDF Forecasts Overwrite the exception status (from error to another status and vice versa). By overwriting the exception status, it can be controlled if FRP falls back to F&R forecast data (default behavior in the case of error) or if FRP uses the forecast information retrieved from UDF. 4.3 Performance Monitor Information about the runtime of UDF forecast retrieval is included in the F&R performance monitor (/FRE/PERFMON), for example, for: • RFC call for UDF retrieval from SAP Customer Activity Repository • Mapping of data to and writing of FRP interface file • Exception handling 16 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R FRP Integration • BAdI execution Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R FRP Integration CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 17 5 Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval 5.1 Supported F&R Features Due to the approach that the UDF forecast is used as a substitute for the regular F&R forecast within FRP processing, most existing F&R features and functions are supported out of the box. The most important F&R features that work when UDF forecast retrieval is enabled are: Features related to the forecast calculation • Application of correction DIF to the calculated forecast • Application of weighting profiles for the distribution of correction DIF effect • Application of planning data as substitute for calculated forecast Use of UDF forecasts in automated replenishment such as: • Calculation of requirement quantity and dynamic target stock • Calculation of safety amount (based on forecast variance provided by UDF) • Use of listing information for requirement quantity calculation and forecast output (set forecast for inactive periods to zero) • Order quantity optimization • Product substitution for open order and stock information • Calculation of order forecast • Calculation of aggregated order forecast and use in MER scenario Storage of daily and weekly forecasts with and without safety amount in regular F&R time series This feature is supported for all F&R features that use persisted forecast information, such as: • Display for traceability reasons in RWB, PWB, CADE, and DIFWB • Manual replenishment including stock projection range of coverage calculation • Aggregation of store forecast to be used as DC DIF • Extraction to BW for forecast quality reporting and other uses Business week definition (BWD) For example, for time series aggregation from day to week or disaggregation from week to day. 5.2 Corrected UDF forecasts by Adjust Forecast app With the Adjust Forecast app demand planners can adjust the system forecast generated by Unified Demand Forecast (UDF). The adjusted forecasts are saved as forecast corrections and, when activated, transferred to follow-on systems which are consuming the UDF forecast (like F&R). 18 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval Key features of the Adjust Forecast app: • Support business users in flexibly adjusting calculated forecast data to adapt to the demand situation. • Enter relative, absolute, or additive corrections to adjust forecast values. • Simulate forecast corrections and then activate them. • Navigate from the forecast analysis to the forecast adjustment and back to review the impact of the adjustments. When in F&R via the RFC function module the calculated UDF demand forecast is called, the daily forecast values automatically are adjusted by the active forecast corrections. Example: For next 7 days UDF has calculated a daily forecast of 15, 10, 15, 20, 25, 25, 0. For first 3 days an additive forecast correction of 15 has been defined. F&R will receive a daily forecast in which the forecast correction already is included: 20, 15, 20, 20, 25, 25, 0. In F&R it is not visible if the UDF forecast has been adjusted due to an active forecast correction. It neither is displayed in the time series, nor an exception is created. If in F&R also correction DIFs have been defined, these corrections will be applied in addition on the consumed and optionally already adjusted UDF forecast. F&R does not know, that the consumed UDF forecast already has been corrected. Therefore, neither it is possible to consider the in F&R defined correction DIFs only on the not adjusted forecast nor to combine all corrections and adjustments based on the configured overlapping rules for forecast corrections (for example, if there are two overlapping additive corrections, consider the average of both). Example: If in F&R a correction DIF has been defined with a correction factor of 1.5 for the last 5 days, in F&R requirements calculation a daily forecast of 20, 15, 30, 30, 37.5, 37.5, 0 will be considered. F&R does not know, that the first 3 days already have been corrected. 5.3 Traceability of UDF Forecast Usage If a UDF forecast was used in the last FRP run for an item, a corresponding value (98) is set in /FRE/MATLOC_FRP for the forecast method (FORECAST_METHOD) and UDF Forecast is displayed as the forecast method on the relevant screens (such as the calculation details). 5.4 Consideration of UDF Sales Order Forecast UDF provides an option to calculate a separate forecast based on sales order history data source for sales order forecasts: o CARAB 2.x: based on SLT replicated data in view SO_VDM o CARAB 4.0 onwards eCommerce sales orders are available in the POS_TS time series source by default and have the order channel "01" (Web). As a prerequisite, they must have been replicated from the source master data system into Demand Data Foundation (DDF) using the Data Replication Framework (DRF, transaction DRFOUT, via outbound PWEB - also compare CAR Administration Guide). Further information is available via documentation of function module /DMF/UFC_RETRIEVE_RESULTS_FR. See CAR Application Help as well: Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 19 Consideration of UDF sales order forecast based on sales order history If UDF sales order forecasts based on a sales order history are considered, a consolidated forecast time series, which includes both the regular UDF demand forecast plus the UDF sales order forecast, is retrieved from SAP Customer Activity Repository. 5.5 Consideration of UDF Daily Variance UDF can calculate a variance value for each day that can be retrieved by F&R instead of using a mean variance for all days within the forecast horizon. The variance is used in the requirement calculation to determine the safety amount. Using a daily variance can make the calculated safety amount more accurate, particularly in cases where forecasts and variances are highly volatile over time. If the Consider Daily Variance indicator is set in the forecasting profile, F&R retrieves and uses daily variance values from UDF instead of a mean variance for all days within the forecast horizon. Consideration of UDF daily variance Using variances calculated on a daily basis instead of a constant variance impacts the calculated safety amount and, consequently, the replenishment quantities. Adjustments to parameters such as the service level might therefore be required to achieve optimal results. Please consider, that the Consider Daily Variance indicator in the forecasting profile does not activate and does not trigger the calculation of the daily variance forecast in UDF. The indicator defines only, whether on F&R side the by UDF calculated mean variance is used with a constant variance value for all days within the forecast horizon or the calculated daily variance forecast. If no daily variance forecast has been calculated by UDF, a variance of zero will be returned and therefore no safety amount will be calculated in F&R. Therefore, to consider the daily variance in F&R, ensure that in UDF the calculation of the daily variance forecast has been activated for the production model (and optionally for all relevant configuration IDs) in the relevant UDF customizing in CAR (SAP Customer Activity Repository > Demand Data Foundation > Modeling and Forecasting): • In "Define Modeling Control Settings" set configuration value "X" for parameter "MOD_TD_ERROR_VARIANCE". Add the parameter, if it has not been configured so far for the production model (and optionally all relevant configuration IDs). • In " Define Forecasting Control Settings" set configuration value "X" for parameter "FC_TD_ERROR_VARIANCE". Add the parameter, if it has not been configured so far for the production model (and optionally all relevant configuration IDs). For the system requirements that must be met to use this feature, see chapter 2 Prerequisites. 20 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval 5.6 Obsolete F&R Forecast Features The F&R forecast calculation does not only provide actual forecast values including variance, but also some additional information that is used for other F&R features and functions. This information is based on input data for the F&R forecast calculation (such as, consumption data, DIF information), which might not have the required quality if UDF forecasts are used. Therefore, if a UDF forecast is used for an item, additional output information of the F&R forecast besides actual forecast values including variance is also not used in F&R, even though the F&R forecast calculation is still executed. For important F&R features based on F&R forecast output, substitute features are provided based on information retrieved from UDF. For information, see the following chapters: • 5.6.1 Classification Mean Value and Selling Class • 5.6.2 Dynamic Minimum Stock • 5.6.3 Dynamic Day Weights for Correction DIF If UDF forecasts are used, some F&R exceptions and key figures that are based on F&R forecast output are obsolete and are no longer available in F&R. For information, see chapters 5.6.4 Obsolete F&R Exceptions and 5.6.5 Obsolete F&R Key Figures. 5.6.1 Classification Mean Value and Selling Class If UDF forecasts are used, the classification mean value, which is the basis for the selling classification of items in F&R, is calculated based on information provided by UDF instead of the information provided by F&R forecasts. Although UDF classification mean values are semantically the same as the values calculated by the F&R forecast, the values can differ from the values that would be calculated by the F&R forecast because the input information might be different and the calculation logic is different (for example, the UDF classification mean value is based on forecasts values instead of historical consumption values). Thus, the resulting selling class can be different. The classification mean is calculated based on the average of the next 14 daily forecast values for sales days and days which are not public holidays or at least until the last day of the first demand period, whichever is later. See SAP note 2728640 to understand, how to calculate the classification mean for a longer period of daily sales forecasts. The classification mean value calculated by the F&R forecast can be used even if the use of UDF forecasts is enabled for an item by implementing Business Add-In (BAdI) /FRE/FU_FRP_BADI018, BAdI method CONTROL_FRE_SUBSTITUTES. Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Enhancements Using Business Add-Ins → BAdI: F&R Logic for UDF Forecasts 5.6.2 Dynamic Minimum Stock If UDF forecasts are used, the dynamic minimum stock is calculated based on a forecast mean and variance provided by UDF instead of the values provided by F&R forecasts. Although these UDF key figures are semantically the same as the key figures calculated by the F&R forecast, their values can differ from the ones that would have been calculated by the F&R forecast because the input information might be different and the calculation logic is different (for example, there are differences in the exclusion of periods with DIF occurrences). Thus, the resulting dynamic minimum stock can be different. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 21 Note The consideration/exclusion of periods with DIF occurrences is also controlled in the F&R requirement calculation profile by the parameter Considered Periods, but is based on UDF DIF information if UDF forecasts are used. The dynamic minimum stock can be calculated based on the output of F&R forecasts even if the use of UDF forecasts is enabled for an item by implementing Business Add-In (BAdI) /FRE/FU_FRP_BADI018, BAdI method CONTROL_FRE_SUBSTITUTES. Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Enhancements Using Business Add-Ins → BAdI: F&R Logic for UDF Forecasts 5.6.3 Dynamic Day Weights for Correction DIF If UDF forecasts are used, correction DIF values that are valid for more than one day are distributed to individual days according to the daily UDF forecast value distribution within the respective week instead of applying the dynamic day weights calculated by the F&R forecast. This can result in a different distribution pattern compared to applying the dynamic day weights calculated by F&R forecasts. Note If UDF forecasts are used, the use of dynamic day weights does not apply to the forecast itself because a UDF forecast is also provided on a daily base. As an alternative to using dynamic day weights for correction DIF values that are valid for more than one day, static day weights or DIF weighting profiles can be used in F&R. The dynamic day weights calculated by the F&R forecast can be used for distributing correction DIF values even if the use of UDF forecasts is enabled for an item by implementing Business Add-In (BAdI) /FRE/FU_FRP_BADI018, BAdI method CONTROL_FRE_SUBSTITUTES. Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Enhancements Using Business Add-Ins → BAdI: F&R Logic for UDF Forecasts 5.6.4 Obsolete F&R Exceptions The following F&R exceptions are based on F&R forecast output and are not issued in F&R if UDF forecasts are used for an item. F&R exceptions that are obsolete with UDF forecast retrieval 22 /FRE/EMON 203 Too many cons. periods (&3) with zero cons. for prod. &1 in loc. &2 /FRE/EMON 205 Consumption peak for &2/&1 /FRE/EMON 206 Consumption trough for &2/&1“ /FRE/EMON 207 New listing forecast method used: too few cons. periods (&3) for &2/&1 /FRE/EMON 210 Consumption (&3) higher than forecast (&4) for the prod. &1 in loc. &2 /FRE/EMON 216 No consumptions for product &1 in location &2 available CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval /FRE/EMON 218 Effect of ( level) DIF in week &3 for &2/&1 unknown” /FRE/EMON 222 Effect of (location level) DIF in week &3 for &2/&1 unknown /FRE/EMON 231 Unexpected low daily consumption for &2/&1 /FRE/EMON 245 Metric DIF not considered in forecast calculation for &2/&1 /FRE/EMON_LL 032 Prod. &2: Metric equation term &1 ignored, first outlier occ. in week &3 /FRE/EMON 830 Effect of ( level) DIF in week &3 for &2/&1 unknown; factor used /FRE/EMON 832 Effect of (location level) DIF in week &3 for &2/&1 unknown; factor used Issuing these exceptions based on F&R forecast even if the use of UDF forecast is enabled can be activated for each location and exception by implementing Business Add-In (BAdI) /FRE/FU_FRP_BADI017, BAdI methods CHG_EXCEPTIONS_OBS_WITH_UDF and CHG_LOG_MESSAGES_OBS_WITH_UDF. Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Enhancements Using Business Add-Ins → BAdI: Retrieval of F&R Information for UDF Forecasts 5.6.5 Obsolete F&R Key Figures The following F&R key figures that are based on F&R forecast output are obsolete and are not updated in F&R (the corresponding field values are cleared) if UDF forecasts are used for an item. The corresponding fields displayed on the consumption statistics tab of the calculation details screen will then be empty. Consumption statistics that are obsolete with UDF forecast retrieval Total Consumption of Current Consumption Week /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-CURRCONS Number of Days with Zero Stock in Current Consumptn Period /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-CURRZEROSTOCK No. of Observations (Weeks, in Which Consumption Occurred) /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-NUMPASTWEEKS Number of Weeks with Zero Consumption Since Last Cons. Week /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-NUMZEROCONS No. of Days with Zero Stock in Previous Consumption Period /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-NUMZEROSTOCK No. of Weeks with Outlier Correction Consumption Peaks /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-NUMOUTLIERPEAK Number of Weeks with Outlier Corrections Consumption Troughs /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-NUMOUTLIERVALLY Standard Deviation in Previous Consumption Horizon /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-STDDEV Minimum Consumption Value of All Considered Consumption Week /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-MINCONS Maximum Consumption Value of All Considered Consumption Week /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-MAXCONS Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 23 Average Value of All Considered Complete Consumption Weeks /FRE/MATLOC_FRP-MEANVAL Updating these key figures based on F&R forecast output even if the use of UDF forecast is enabled can be activated for each location product and key figure by implementing Business Add-In (BAdI) /FRE/FU_FRP_BADI017, BAdI method CHG_CALC_DETAILS_OBS_WITH_UDF. Customizing path: Forecasting and Replenishment → F&R Processor → Enhancements Using Business Add-Ins → BAdI: Retrieval of F&R Information for UDF Forecasts 5.7 Other Restrictions Some F&R features are not (fully) supported with the use of UDF forecasts. • Data and configuration from F&R is not used for the calculation of UDF forecasts. However, it can be maintained independently of the activation of UDF forecast usage, for example: o Forecast control parameters o Consumption history including consumption references o Regular DIFs, Ignore DIFs, DIF schemas, and high-season schema o DIF weighting profiles (except for distribution of correction DIF effect) o Listing information o Related sales dependencies o Product substitution information • No explanatory data about UDF forecast calculation is available for display in F&R, for example: o Demand history used for UDF o UDF DIF information and DIF effects o Decomposition of UDF forecast • 24 Replenishment type “13” (Replenishment is Manual (But Automatic Also Possible)) is not supported if UDF forecasts are used. If UDF forecasts are used for an item, replenishment type “13” is handled as replenishment type “11” (automatic replenishment) independently of the observed consumption. CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Features Supported with UDF Forecast Retrieval 6 Additional Considerations When Using UDF Forecasts 6.1 Calculation of F&R Forecast When Using UDF Forecast The F&R forecast calculation is technically performed according to the current F&R settings using the current input information in F&R, even if the use of UDF forecasts is enabled for an item. However, the result of the F&R forecast is not used in F&R but can be used by means of a BAdI implementation. For information, see chapter 5.6 Obsolete F&R Forecast Features. Dynamic day weights and the zero-stock pattern continue to be updated. Even if UDF forecasts are used, we recommend keeping F&R input information for forecasts up to date (particularly the consumption history as well as DIFs and other data), for following cases: • Display of the data in F&R user interfaces • Use of F&R forecast features, key figures, and exceptions (via BAdI) while UDF forecasts are used • Later switch back to use of F&R forecast 6.2 Storage of UDF Forecast vs. F&R Forecast Only the most recently calculated/retrieved forecast (UDF or F&R) is stored in the F&R time series. There is no parallel storage of UDF forecasts and F&R forecasts. This also applies to the storage of any additional information provided by forecasting, such as specific key figures (see also chapter 5.6 Obsolete F&R Forecast Features). Therefore, a direct comparison of a UDF forecast with an F&R forecast is not possible in F&R. 6.3 Enabled/Disabled UDF Forecast Retrieval UDF forecast retrieval can be enabled or disabled for an item globally by means of business function, for the location via process control profile, and for the location product via the forecasting profile. • If UDF forecast retrieval is enabled for an item: The UDF forecast is retrieved with the next FRP run relevant for the item. • If UDF forecast retrieval is disabled for an item: An extraordinary F&R forecast calculation is triggered with the next FRP run relevant for the item. At the same time, the item is removed from the engine interface file for UDF forecast (F_FORECAST_UDF). Dynamic day weights and the zero-stock pattern that have been updated by the F&R forecast during the use of UDF forecasts are available. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Additional Considerations When Using UDF Forecasts CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 25 6.4 Fallback Strategies for Missing UDF Forecast Results F&R forecasts and UDF forecasts are mutually exclusive. There is no fallback from the use of a UDF forecast to an F&R forecast for time periods that are missing over the forecast horizon, that is, if a UDF forecast does not cover the required forecast horizon. Items with errors in UDF retrieval are excluded from the engine interface file for UDF forecast (F_FORECAST_UDF). In this case, the F&R forecast information from the corresponding interface file (F_FORECAST) is used. If a general error with UDF forecast retrieval occurs for a location, the engine interface file for UDF forecast (F_FORECAST_UDF) is not overwritten and an existing interface file remains unchanged. This means that there is a fallback to the most recently retrieved UDF forecast for items included in the interface file and a fallback to the F&R forecast for items not included in the interface file. For more information about error handling, see chapter 4.2 Error and Exception Handling. 6.5 Performance Impact of UDF Forecast Retrieval UDF forecast retrieval can increase the overall runtime of FRP processing. Additional runtime is caused by retrieving the UDF forecast data from SAP Customer Activity Repository via RFC and writing/reading the new FRP interface file (F_FORECAST_UDF), as well as by additional processing of the information in the FRP modules (particularly the Demand module and Order Forecast module). The F&R forecast calculation is still executed according to the current system settings for items that use the UDF forecast. It might be possible to reduce the runtime for the F&R forecast calculation by reducing the F&R forecast frequency for such items. To do this, simpler forecast methods can be used or less forecast input information can be used, in cases where the output of the F&R forecast is not used at all. The F&R performance monitor can trace runtime information for the UDF forecast retrieval (see chapter 4.3 Performance Monitor4.3). UDF forecasts can be retrieved outside the critical time window, see chapters 3.3 Location Settings in the Process Control Profile and 3.5 FRP Execution Settings. 6.6 UDF Forecast for New Listed Items Certain UDF concepts mean that a forecast can be calculated even without consumption history (new listed items) or without a forecast model having been calculated for an item. In such cases, no error variance can be calculated. If no variance is available that can be returned with the UDF forecast, the F&R exception /FRE/EMON_HL1 314 is issued. This exception can be used as an indicator for possibly questionable forecasts and used correspondingly in order release management and manual replenishment after FRP. 6.7 Fresh Item Forecast (Add-On for Fresh Products) An UDF forecast and fresh item forecast (and F&R forecast) can be used at the same time for different sets of items. 26 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Additional Considerations When Using UDF Forecasts The control of UDF forecast retrieval and fresh item forecast is independent of each other. If the add-on for fresh products is installed and fresh item forecasts are enabled fresh item forecasts are given higher priority than UDF forecasts. The UDF forecast retrieval is performed within FRP independently of fresh item forecasts, but the use of UDF forecast results in further FRP processing is overridden by fresh item forecasts (see chapter 4 FRP Integration). Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Additional Considerations When Using UDF Forecasts CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 27 7 Further Information about UDF Forecasts • For more information about the RFC function module that is used for the retrieval of UDF forecasts from SAP Customer Activity Repository, see the accompanying system documentation (transaction SE37 -> /DMF/UFC_RETRIEVE_RESULTS_FR). • For more information about the UDF features, see the Application Help for SAP Customer Activity Repository 3.0 SPS1 or higher at • For more information about how to configure UDF, see the Administration Guide for SAP Customer Activity Repository 3.0 SP1 or higher on SAP Help Portal at • For information about all product documentation for SAP Customer Activity Repository 3.0 SPS1 and its consuming applications, see SAP Help Portal at SAP Customer Activity Repository retail applications bundle. 28 CUSTOMER © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Using UDF Forecasts in SAP F&R Further Information about UDF Forecasts © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Please see http://www. for additional trademark information and notices.