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Advanced English Vocabulary: Upgrade Your Word Choice

Чтобы звучать как носитель, нужно пополнять
словарный запас актуальной лексикой. Собрали
альтернативные слова уровня Advanced,
которые сделают твою речь ярче !
Basic English – “happy”, advanced English:
Cheerful — happy and positive in feeling or attitude. This word is
also used to describe a thing or place that is bright and pleasant.
Delighted — very pleased; feeling or showing great pleasure.
Ecstatic — extremely happy or excited; expressing
overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.
Amused — finding something funny or entertaining.
Thrilled — suddenly become extremely happy about something.
Elated — in high spirits, excited or proud, often because
something has happened or been achieved.
On cloud nine — being in a state of euphoric happiness because
something very good has happened to you.
Be walking/floating on air — a state of extreme happiness.
Pleased — feeling or showing pleasure and satisfaction,
especially at an event or a situation. You can use “I’m pleased to
meet you” as a polite way of greeting someone, when you meet a
person for the first time.
Basic English – “sad”, advanced English:
Miserable — (of a person) very unhappy, unpleasant or
uncomfortable; causing much unhappiness or discomfort.
Depressed — (of a person) low in spirits, feeling unhappy and
without hope, suffering from clinical depression.
Sorrowful — very sad, full of sorrow, heart-broken, feeling or
showing grief.
Frustrated — feeling annoyed, disappointed, or discouraged,
especially because you cannot achieve what you want; (before a
noun) having an ambition that has not been realized.
Distraught — extremely upset, worried, or nervous.
Gloomy — having or showing a lack of hope; not expecting or
believing anything good in a situation.
Despondent — in low spirits from loss of hope or courage,
because you think that you are in a situation that is unlikely to
Distressed — upset or worried, suffering from pain or anxiety.
Devastated — emotionally shattered, very shocked and upset.
Basic English – “good”, advanced English:
Excellent — extremely good.
Amazing — very good, impressive, extremely surprising.
Sensational — very exciting and unusual, unexpectedly
excellent or impressive.
Awesome — very good, causing feelings of great admiration
or respect.
Marvelous — extremely good, extraordinary, causing great
wonder, of the highest kind or quality.
Terrific — very good or enjoyable.
Splendid — very impressive, excellent, or beautiful.
Outstanding — exceptionally good, very much better than
Exceptional — unusually good, better than average, much
greater than usual, especially in skills, intelligence, quality,
Legendary — remarkable enough to be famous.
Basic English – “bad”, advanced English:
Awful — very bad, unpleasant, or of low quality.
Poor — a very low quality or standard.
Unpleasant — not attractive, enjoyable or pleasant, causing
discomfort; (of a person or their manner) unfriendly and rude.
Mean — unkind or unpleasant, (especially of a place) poor in
quality and appearance.
Dreadful — extremely bad, causing great suffering or fear; (of a
person) unwell or troubled.
Nasty — mean, unpleasant, mischievous, or offensive; (of the
weather) unpleasantly cold or wet.
Wicked — morally wrong and bad. Wicked can also mean slightly
bad but in an attractive way.
Disagreeable — unpleasant, unattractive, unfriendly.
Wretched — extremely or deplorably bad or distressing, of poor
quality; (of a person) being in a very unhappy or unfortunate state.
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