(1 16 EE -745 ( ) cell efficiency motor is and pump 12% . The is 50% . at as /m² . incident W water 800 fresh rate is combined efficiency of panel radiation water discharge the global Calculate the when to density . 6 Total 1 . N.B number ) ) 16 EE -745 ( of printed pages6 Full Time Marks : 100 Three hours is four 1 ) NCES indicate . answers EI ( with data where . questions from compulsory the questions the margin for : in marks Question No. (1 Attempt any . your graphs 5x8 = 40 and secondary energy . suitable remaining six questions Assume , required Justify diagram are primary the of are prospects What in . sources India ? non -conventional energy reasons in are the variation What solar the outside of the radiation reaching the earth than at atmosphere ? received Contd . for sources ? What ( 4) (3 ) (2 ) ) full The figures .: a b . NON -CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES 2015 noon normally Assume G (EI )/ 996 kg/m³ NCES 100 ) 2 16 : c d ) ) Explain is Wind Mill . of wind of conversion heat the p r i n ciple solar radiation into What ? Explain energy conversion system . tidal of fuel . energy Explain the various methods of tapping . basin energy single geothermal Compare principle advantages : cell . affect power plants with double basin system Explain the basic various factors which the generation of Bio -Mass . Describe its . the following angle 3 4 16 . . ) ) ) b a b ) a) b on a the plate surface horizontal , ) on by and 15th located at plane (IST west of south P.M tilted Calculate the angle of incidence of bear radiation 45 ° from 30 1:30 are . ° 4 / 81 4 E . 72 49E ° and . ; for directly of Compare of The standard longitude 18 °54'N The longitude and latitude ° pointing at Mumbai . Mumbai of November is respectively IST . of over flat plate disadvantages energy methods solar different harnessing List advantages and collectors concentrating collectors Derive . designs collector , HAWT liquid . for features of blades the efficiency equation , their relative various flat -plate Explain VAWTS and two -blade The following data were recorded 1.226 3 kg/m³ of a Contd . wind speed at a standard 8 m /s . = 10m free /G (El) height from the ground density 0.13 height of Average α= Air Hub ) EE -745 NCES ( 7 e) g) ) Discuss . and explain disadvantages Define Declination azimuth length angle Surface Hour Day 2 Solar time G )/ and 8 8 7 8 7 h ) ii . . ii. i iv . EI ( 80m v. vi NCES ) = i.Latude f) 745 - a ( E E * 5 16 . ) a) b Rotor . . diameter = Power wind in is the half that turbine the wind velocity 60m . available by turbine Power the on Axial the is ? stalls 3 km² during basin if . it stops on average turbine head the . plant tides ? energy . extracted power Axial force on force extracted upstream Downstream wind of tul iv When maximum and blade is turbine ) , no ext r a c t e d When the of power neap tidal and of ... power and source completely the spring the the . . 6 . 7. a) a b ) ) EE Explain the technologies mathematical expression . available an : for MHD and with Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion for circuit voltage - output data having following power Calculate the open maximum generator 0.25m² Plate area = density = 2 : ( / s mho /m ) for irrigation installed technologies any two 10 1000 Wb /m² on m electrodes = 0.50 m Distance between the Flux velocity note conductivity = Average gas Gaseous Write short is minor system conversion distillation Fuel Solar ii. Bio -Mass photovoltaic cell 111. A is of pumped 9 . The through Each . The . the Contd . and matrix mm ×4 125mmx125 silicon of 25m 24 modules a depth The water . supplying water for a developing needs at a remote place in country a bore well from is G )/ in multicrystalline PV . array consists module has 36 (El size NCES ) cell solar cells arranged 745 - = a ) is th e The the Calculate of 0.65 energy bj ( 8 7 2x4-8 b What are area tidal they caused ? type - . : generated only 3m when is has an average range of 10m cycle tide basin -basin What are single How A The Power flood below operating falls process . annual efficiency average -generator th e of the plant 4 is power generated by the plant in a single filling turbine Estimate G ( El )/ generation EE -745 )NCES ( 16 5 a 8 Find has available for 5. 6. ) ja the main ) particular a site . 7 dynamic generator . /s . of OTEC ( advantages Technology Explain the principle of Ocean Thermal are Energy Conversion What SOTEC ? is wave energy at a What open principle of magneto -hydro the of such generation ? Explain basic operation Calculate and engine circuit voltage MHD of specifications 2 Wb /m² plates = 0.2m² following maximum power output with Plate area Distance between Flux density m following : 10mho /m Average gas velocity = 1000 the Conductivity of the gas Still short notes on Solar - Derive an expression for average annual 8 Ees . : m MHD and Conversion with on an cuit voltage for /s for ( b ( El)/ G Geothermal Energy EE 745 ) NCES ( 7.rite 16 number of ( E E printed pages-4 16 2016 C Full Time in Marks Three : 100 hours the margin the and are 1 745 conventional ) NCES . · and advantages a . the of . use . with of renewable Explain ? of a works main components wind 1 of collector ? basic classification principle ? Give on the basis of axis of Contd . ( EI) rest non 5x8 =40 any four from the marks for the questions The figures full No. How cell the diagram are is rotation of wind turbines energy conversion What solar flat plate What suitable PV sources of energy ? the conventional energy sources ? What are What Q. indicate NON C - ONVENTIONAL ENERGY Total . Answer 1 ) ( a) (b (c) ( d) SOURCES ut ving data m 0.50 ectrodes = 1000 m = 10 mho / ) 2x4 = 8 installed technologies ( any two on is irrigation a developing inor in Each the The . silicon . umped through The of 25m . oth modules yst a l l i n e mm and 9x4 matrix 25 . 0.4m 8 7 Cont d = 10 5 7 8 200 = 4 m² . . ( e) is collector Ocean biomass is . ? How it is useful energy ? ? are the different and limitations . ther m a l its availability is fuel cell ? What expressions of angle for . 4 . ( b) ) ( a) ( b F. , 100 W , in shaft following wind horizontal of power /m² and maximum power F parameters with following -10mA 0.24V cell efficiency Calculate = 0.14V Intensity type expression 4cm² Area = Derive the . propeller the wind A atm and of 1 diameter 40 efficiency n = 40% ( in ) . Contd kW obtainable power . is at has s / wind turbine having Speed of wind 10m The turbine . 15 °C its operating speed 120m and : maximum 3 axial thrust the torque the G ( El )/ . Total power produced density assuming the in the wind Total power density Calculate (i) (ii) ) (ii ) (iv (v) 5 details of a Explain the constructional What flat -plate ( A) What Discuss What ( h) : . Solar hour angle following the mathematical cells ? types of fuel the Give (i ) Declination Zenith a n g l e angle . performance explain the 10 EE 745 )NCES ( maximu (ii) (iii ) . a leap year declination length Solar azimuth in the Solar day (iv) (v ) Calculate 31 cell 16 charteisc 5 -6.5mA - se Voc m = at ( g) ) March solar Mathematically of a / G (EI) 10 In V rpm FORAGTISEN 5 a) ( ( b ( a) 745 )NCES E ( E . 10 2 3 16 2 3 CAMERY Total number of printed pages -5 . 16 E ( E 745 ) NCES ( EU ) 2018 C Marks : 100 Three hours the margin indicate NON -CONVENTIONAL ENERGY Full Time in any is . electric compulsory . . data for . with in Contd . converting power for requirements India 5x8=40 answers suitable your where four questions from 1 for the questions . Assume into methods fuel options graphs the , required Justify are . remaining six questions Attempt Question No. marks SOURCES the diagram future ? List out sun energy the concerning What (iv) ( ii) i ( i) i (i) full The figures : (a ) Notes T. 2 Define transfer the concept basic coefficient . the heat its of wind explain of overall and principle power . : surface incidence , of fuel which a of Biomass between following of located of south The . 91.7362 . 81 °44'E E ° standard 3 4 . Ja ( a) (b ) . ) Distinguish to between the radiation . Derive mass . global air radiation calculate dif use explain heating . the lift of . , . solidity , explain the P - 136 force diagram working of a and and chord drag angle : With the help terms HAWT 10m = 0.13 of : , speed at height in the is wind turbine by the turbine extracted power turbine is is half ground = 80m 1.226kg/m³ 8m /s Average free wind a the . velocity height from the Air density = Hub Rotor diameter available wind Downstream wind Power extracted that of upstream ( i) Power the the (ii) on and maximum on Axial When force (ii) Axial force a) extracted and . When no power 3 completely G ( EU)/ b) ( ( (iv ) : two -blade recorded for a data were The following pitch , diagram of a schematic With the help water solar formula and E ( E 745 )NCES Find ( b 8 7 is tidal energy ? advantages various factors difficulties in of geothermal the conversion ? the the . angle angle the difference battery ? the a by 45 is کرمان importance What energy are are is and explain Declination length Surface azimuth the ° and a plate radiation on plane horizontal from the Calculate (iv) Day (ii) Solar time Define and cell What generation affects the Explain developments ? What disadvantages What ) ( a) (g) (e) (c) . e ( beam tilted 8 30 ° west and pointing on 15th ( ST) P.M. I at 1:30 at Guwahati and latitude The longitude IST 16 T H H 7 Contd . stal s . for respectively Guwahati N ° NCES (El)/G are 60m blade November of 26.1445 ) longitude EE 745 ( XB)b 16 2 and 7 Ais a) ( What is source range below of tidal " of 3m tidal . energy ? tides ? plant is has Power tide power . The 10m . Calculate the is 7 annual . -A . average particular and MHD 8 the -type they caused ? falls average efficiency process of the basin the generator filling turbine Estimate a for of the plant at expression energy an voltage for -circuit output : electrodes following data 0.25m² the 7 . ) ( a) ( b Write short notes on ) for . 2x4 =8 any two ( Thermal energy storage : (i) in a is a irrigation installed technologies Hybrid energy system is minor place The from water well has consists module cells cell cell size solar the The silicon Each array bore . remote for system Biomass conversion a water photovoltaic at a country . The PV through . modules multicrystalline . and is 50% /m³ . / m³ Calculate . Assume to density incident normally noon when . The combined motor . 125mmx125mm 12% efficiency 800W radiation is (El )/ G of fresh water as 996kg the panel global the water discharge rate at and pump efficiency is is arranged in 9 x 4 matrix 36 of 24 depth of 25m pumped developing needs supplying A (ii) (ii) : What are the spring and neap are single -basin How A average has a basin area of 3km² an it generated during flood cycle only . The turbine stops operating when the head on a average power generated by the plant in the single if 0.65 an energy generation Derive wave . annual site power Calculate the open maximum generator having = between Plate area Distance = 1000m / s 2Wb /m² velocity Flux density = A v e r a g e gas m / ( E 745 ) E NCES 200 X A Gaseous conductivity = 10mho 16 5 0.50m 16 (EE 745 ) NCES (El)/G 4 8 7 = 1 Total . 2. ( a) of number of printed Full 16 pages -3 : 100 ( ME . 725 . . collectors . 10 + 5 ) NCES +5 = 20 the efficiency and Specify indicate five questions for the questions the margin Three hours Marks in Time figures marks plate Examine important are biomass sources in ? in world this . . for a changing How flat select the losses that affecting their advantages over flat plate collector Classify the concentrating collectors Answer any full The NON CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SYSTEMS 2018 context of rising cost of fossil fuels India Contd coniemn ✓ 3 / 20 for a family following data are given : the The . = 2 kg prospects , , dry is matter biogas yield . Heat of burner 0.8 . . of Geothermal the 10 + 10 =20 digester digester m³ 28MJ / is efficiency methane proportion , 30 °C retention time temperature cows for the output biogas digester suitable The , of five days 60% 0.24m³/kg consumed per day is is methane = of combustion of : the from the p o w e r available the volume of biogas Calculate (i) (ii ) Investigate 10 . system . . is which popular . Describe India context to energy in liquid dominated Binary cycle for concept of 10 + 10= 20 . Examine which biogas plant Categorise one in India . to a 10 + 10= 20 of of wind 10+ 10 = 20 site Categorise the principle . selecting the 6 . ) in case ✓ short notes 725 . on : Engine in I.C. 3 plantation G / plant NCES ) OTEC Energy biogas Use of Solar pond Write d ( ME ( ( c) b) ( ( a) 16 ' CA various parameters efficient achieve the controlled have to be for turbine working biogas production of the criteria wind horizontal axis main . NCES /G ) turbine 725 4x5 = 20 200 Illust r a t e ( ME 2 5. 16 ↓ 16 followin g system : 5x3= 15 energy in India impact of OTEC Write short note on the ) Environmental ) Geothermal ( V P conversion system 16 umber of printed pages -8 Marks : 100 ( ME -725 ) NCEN Three hours the margin and : reflects . . 10 = 10 the the Contd , of 1× is 10% 5% absorbs of light transmitted and indicate NON -CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SYSTEMS Full Time in % 95 suitably usual meaning rest compulsory and their six from is for the questions No. 1 marks The figures full Question ( a) 85 % ) may be assumed have answer any e symbols y missing data ( b) 90% answer giving proper justification ) plate correct ( c 15 % light glass the a d) ( amount incident If Choose (i ) 2019 ( any three a) ( b) Prospect of Fuel cells energy energy photovoltaic Fusion Solar Wind ( WECS ). 200 (e ) e ( E M 725 ) NCEN /G 8 . 16 M ( E ( i ) ( i ) (iv) The Aluminium PV module is infrared radiation parameter is to ultraviolet radiation to silicon collecting surface of Mono of ) Transparen t made ( a ) Transparent -crystalline (c ) ( b ) d ( arise Once a day Tides ( a) Twice a day power following a day day (b ) a Thrice the Four times , generate Salinity to OTEC ) (c) d ( In used a) ( Temperature Density ( b) ) 2 Pressure d ( NCEN /G ) solar m² m² m² 10kW /m² 3.64kW / 1.36kW / 6.5kW/ of The value ( a) b) ( ) (c ) ( d fuel is about which an instrument processes takes constant cell? following of the in Electromagnetic place ( a) Electrochemical is transfer Thermionic ( b) ( c) Heat Beam radiation pyranometer ( d) A ( a) Global radiation ( b) Diffuse radiation ( c) Contd Duration of bright sunshine NCEN /G ) (d ) -725 (vii) ME ( (vi) Which (u) 16 3 (c) -725 measur BEARI . x) is a part of devices energy collector source of energy system generator concentrating control Solar OTEC Biomass Wind energy a conversion is a source is non different relative cost considerations . and 10 16 3 . ( E M Write a aspects is short note on of harnessing non environmental . different which . 2 60% = of 0.8 bio =5 KW day 0.398 C Contd mass of at methane of dry 28 MJ/m³ unit for +8 = 10 affect digestion ? resources , briefly factors meant by anaerobic conventional energy What What are the digestion ? Explain Calculate the following parameters 2½ +2 50kg /m³ ° 1-92m² Volume of biogas digester = (i ) Power available from digester : period= of cows = Given data No. Retention Burner efficiency = per combustion yield of Methane proportion in gas = Heat Biogas whole input = 0.24m³/kg NCEN /G 725 ) . ev STP [ alifie Dry matter content / day /cow = 2kg Density of dry matter = Temperature for fermentation = 30 20days (ii) a biogas system نهمه رکھا Yaw ( a) ( b) ( c) ( d) Geothermal Ocean Sun ( ) a ( b) Earth Wind ) (c) ( d air storage system ener g y , various source s about Electromagnetic discuss energy storage Chemical energy storage system Electrical energy Mechanical energy storage system Compressed ( a) ( b) ) (c) ( d NCEN /G ) 4 and the methods of extracting energy from them conventional Briefly system economies 16 M ( E 725 2. from Mike 4 b) Geometry the Hour angle Declination . : sketch angle plate explain 2x4 =8 collectors in can be and velocity that wind horizontal case of flat advantages angle Solar azimuth Zenith angle Radiation i) fi ) iv ) Discuss in . over energy collectors solar , /s . The it turbine has atmospheric velocity standard . wind exit maximum power Prove that , when of 1 8/27 )pAV³ ( at 10m operating 2*4= 8 maximum its has a temperature and 15 °C of and at the wind density in 6 . X. 8 . ( a ) M ( E The maximum the basic obtainable axial kW ) power ( in . ) . Ocean with O ( TEC of thrust principle torque and power produced 40% assuming n = total density The ' OTEC , Cycle system O ' pen . ' What method ? generation of each MHD ( MHD are ) system are . the 10 + 5 = 15 sketch systems main MHD 3 +2=5 an 8 Contd +2 = 10 power are the MHD What an . a neat How Dynamic principle of Magneto Explain the basic Hydro . with classified ? generation Describe /G of open cycle system advantages NCEN ) generation ? -725 b) a) limitations of tidal power methods sketches the various Explain with advantages over Cycle Closed ‘ neat sketch the Describe with a its Conversion Thermal Energy Explain (iv ) The (iii) ( ii) اکان b) 16 and neat With the help of of Solar terms in respect the following ( a) turbine obtained equals one -third Wind pressure velocity 120m 40r.p.m. total power Calculate : of is diameter speed The efficiency . (i) NCEN /G -725 ) 5 10 power (a ) . fb M ( E 6 . 5 16 7 of and conetraing 7 is 7 disavntges stream .