The ranges for normal values may vary from laboratory to laboratory Always check with each hospital for its own normal ranges for the particular testing method and population Always interpret within the context of the patient’s health status Complete Blood Count with Clinical Implications Component Normal Finding (Adult) Red blood cell Male: 4.5-5.3 count (RBC) Female: 4.15.1 Increased Decreased Critical Values Stress, chronic hypoxia, dehydration, high altitude, polycythemia vera, hemoconcentration Dehydration, high altitude, polythemia vera, chronic hypoxia Alcohol abuse, hemolytic anemia, hemorrhage, leukemia, pregnancy, overhydration Anemia, alcohol abuse, blood loss/ hemorrhage, hemolysis, pregnancy, dilution Blood loss/hemorrhage, over hydration, dietary deficiency, anemia, alcohol abuse, hemolysis, pregnancy, dilution Idiopathic (unknown cause) Thrombocytopenic purpura, viral infections, AIDs, Systemic lupus erythematosus, chemotherapy drugs, some types of anemias, severe hemorrhage, prosthetic heart valve Autoimmune disease, anemia, N/A Hemoglobin (Hgb) Male: 13.8-18 Female: 12-16 Hematocrit (Hct) Male: 37%- Dehydration, high 49% altitude, Female: 36%- polythemia vera, 46% chronic hypoxia, burns Platelet (Plt) count 150,000350,000 White Blood 4.500-11,000 (WBC) Count Malignant tumors, polycythemia vera, acute infection, anemias, heart disease, cirrhosis, liver disease, leukemias, malignancies, surgery, trauma, TB Infections, anemias, <6, >18 <18%, >54% <50,000 <2,500 >30,000 inflammatory disorders, pregnancy, leukemias Differential WBC Neutrophils 55-70% Lymphocytes 20-40% Moncytes 2-8% Eosinophils 1-4% Basophils 0-2% Stress, infection alcoholism, bone marrow depression, radiation, autoimmune disorders, viral infections, antineoplastic drugs acute Viral diseases, drugs such as chemotherapy and some antibiotics (nafcillin, penicillin, cephalosporins) Radiation Viral infections, Adrenal mononucleosis, TB corticosterioids and other immunosuppressive drugs Chronic Drug therapyinflammatory predisone disorders, TB, protozoa infections Allergic reactions Corticosteroid (asthma, hay fever, therapy or a hypersensitivity to a drug) Leukemia Acute allergic reaction, corticosteroids, acute infections Common Blood Chemistry Tests with Clinical Implications (BMP and CMP) Blood Urea 8-21 Nitrogen (BUN) Calcium (Ca) 8.2-10.2 Kidney Failure, Congestive heart failure, diabetes, hypovolemia, muscle wasting, ketoacidosis Acidosis, Addison’s disease, cancer, dehydration, hyperparathyroidism, thyrotoxicosis Celiac disease, malnurtrition, pregnancy, liver failure Alcoholism, alkalosis, chronic renal failure, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, malnutrition Carbon dioxide 22-26 Respiratory acidosis, Acute renal (CO2) metabolic alkalosis, failure, hypoventilation, hyperventilation, electrolyte diabetic disturbance, TB ketoacidosis ,severe diarrhea, metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, salicylate poisoning Creatinine Female: 0.5-1.1 CHF, dehydration, Inadequate Male: 0.6-1.2 shock, protein intake, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, liver renal failure disease Glucose (blood 70-110 Acute stress, trauma, Alcohol intake, sugar) diabetes, MI, Addison’s pancreatitis, disease, strenuous exercise, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis glycogen storage diseases, starvation, excess insulin Potassium (K) 3.5-5.0 Acidosis, diabetic Alkalosis, ketoacidosis, massive Cushing’s crushing tissue syndrome, destruction, renal diarrhea failure, use of (severe), diuretic potassium-sparing therapy, GI diuretics, increased fistula, pyloric >100 <7, >12 <15, >40 >7.4 <40->400 <2.5, >6.5 Sodium (Na) 135-145 Albumin (Alb) 3.4-4.8 Protein, (TP) Bilirubin total 6-8 Total: 0.3-1.0 intake, dehydration, obstruction, hemolysis, pregnancy starvation, vomiting, alcoholism, burns, excess insulin, GI loss Cushing’s syndrome, Severe burns, dehydration, addison’s diabetes insipidus, disease, DKA, excessive IV sodium, diuretic therapy, insufficient water excessive GI loss, intake, impaired water renal function, intoxication, excessive intake, CHF, cirrhosis, vomiting cystic fibroisis, renal failure, inadequate intake Dehydration, blood Malabsorption, loss malnutrition, liver disease, infection, burns, pregnancy, nephropathy Dehydration, Burns, blood myeloma, sarcoidosis loss, malnutrition, malabsorption, nephritic syndrome, pregnancy, prolonged immobilization Results from the Hepatitis, breakdown of obstruction of hemoglobin in the the common bile RBCs, removed from duct or hepatic the body by the liver ducts, pernicious which excretes it as anemia, sickle bile cell anemia, cancer of the head of the pancreas, GB disease, <120, >160 N/A N/A >15 hemolytic anemias, drug tocicity, transfusion reaction Coagulation Panels PT INR d-Dimer 10-13 seconds <1.5 Unless someone is receiving Coumadin in which the INR should be between 2-3. No detectable fragments Liver diseasedamage, vitamin K deficiency, obstruction of common bile duct, excess anticoagulant Thrombophlebitis, >20 seconds malignant tumor, >3.0 Ovarian hyperfunction Arterial or N/A venous thrombosis, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, renal or liver failure N/A Cardiac Markers Creatine kinase Myocardial band (CK-MB) <4%-6% <10 Troponin 1 (cTN1) <0.35 Troponin T (cTnT) <0.20 Myoglobin 5-70 Abnormal results/high values only: MI, CVA, cardiomyopathy, cardioversion, critical levels N/A Small infarcts, myocardial damage post cardiac surgerycritical value: >1.5 Acute MI, myocardial damage, post cardiac surgery or angioplasty, unstable angina, myocarditis, trauma, critical value: N/A Increased after an MI, angina, other muscle injury (trauma), renal failure Decreased in RA myasthenia gravis Lipoprotein Profile Cholesterol: desirable levels <200 High-density cholesterol (HDL): men: 35-65; female: 35-80 Low-density cholesterol (LDL): desirable <130 Triglycerides: desirable levels <150 Oxygen Saturation got to know: 95-100 ideal. You may see an order for maintaining sats at > 92 in a post op patient COPD patient may have specific criteria with 88-92 being the goal Vital Signs got to know: Temp: 97.8-99.1 Pulse: 60-100 Respiration: 12-20 Blood Pressure: 90-120/60-80 Normal arterial Blood Gas Values (ABGs) PaO2 PaCO2 HCO3 pH Base excess 80-100 mm Hg 35-45 mm Hg 22-26 mEq/L 7.35-7.45 +2 and Minimum urine output to perfuse the kidneys: 30cc/hr got to know # ml in 1 ounce so that you can calculate intake and output: 30 ml in 1 ounce got to know 5ml = 1 tsp 15ml = 1 tbsp 30 ml = 1 oz