,, 00 (vi) Inv e for pa ym en t to be . oic pre pa red by a res po ns ibl e . pe rso n B t b .c · mvo1ce sh ou ld be ch ec ke . u e1ore pa ym en ts, d wi thp ur ch as e ord er an d go od s received note. (vii) Pa ym en t: W he n pa ym en ts are ma de rec eip ts sh ou ld be collected fro ¢ su pp lie rs. the 3. Classification and codifica tion of materials Cl as sif ica tio n of ma ter ial s ref er to gro up ing mater ials ac co rdi ng to their na ca teg or ies fo r ex am ple co ture in su ita ble pp er, iron, alu mi nu m may be cla ssified as materials. Codif pr oc es s of giv ing co de s ication is a to ma ter ial s for easy locati on of ma ter ial s . For Example, a nu mb er all oc ate d to ea ch ite m an is d su b groups are indicated by de cim als e.g Steel 3 Co rd ing sy ste m ma y be nu Steel nails 3.4 me ric al, alphabetical or bo th (al ph an um eri 4. cal ). St oc k taking It is the du ty of the store ke ep er to know the quantity of stock in the stores at an on e wa y of kn ow ing this y on e mo me nt is by use of a perpe tual inventory system (PIS) sy ste m sto ck ba lan ce s are in a perpetual inv en tor y recorded after every receip t and issue of materials. This is do us e of the bin card or stores ne by the ledger. Th is en ab les the store ke eper to know the quantity and value of stock at any ph ys ica l sto ck tak ing coun time, wi tho ut t. St oc k tak ing relates to the physical counting of store ite ms to ensure that the physi in the sto re correspond to cal quantities reconcile with the records ma int ain ed in the stores . It also ensur pe rio dic review of the stores es procedures. It can be of two types. (a) Pe rio dic Sto ck tak ing .: This is where the physical counting of materials in the stores is done at the time wh final accou nts are prepared. en the Usually this is at the end of the financial year. (b) Co nti nu ou s sto ck tak ing This is where the physical counting of the materials in the stores is done on a conti basis by the sta ff not conn nuous ected with the stores. It can be done weekly, monthly or ti mes dail y. The differences at discovered are investigated and corrective action taken. 34 MANA GEME NT OF DEBT ORS DEBT ORS ers in the near future .. Debtors are receivables which a firm in expect s to collect from custom on credit but also Debtors arise out of sale on credit. There are benefi ts associ ated with selling there are costs involv ed . Benefits include: Buildin g custom er relatio nship 1. Increase on sales 11. Provision for high profits 111. Cost include: Leads to busine ss loss arising from bad debts 1. Declin e in stock 11. Loss of custom ers u 1. Purpo se of manag ing debtor s ion costs, Debtor s are manag ed to mm1m1ze the associ ated costs e.g collect (i) opport unity costs and implic it costs To avoid the occurr ence of bad debts which may lead to busine ss loss (i i) They are also manag ed becaus e they lead to the increa se of sales (ii i) They are used as marke ting tools (iv) Debto rs build end user ' s relatio nship (v) Measu res to manag e debtor s Debto rs should be accele rated to pay (i) Credit terms; (ii) includ e; There are condit ions under which a firm grants credit to custom ers. They custom er e.g "net 60" (a) Credi t period : This is the length of time for credit is extend ed to 60 days. meani ng all credit custom ers are expect ed to settle their obliga tions within them settle their (b) Cash discou nt: This is a price reduct ion offered to custom ers to entice 3 reduct ion of obliga tions earlier than credit period e.g ho, net 45" meani ng that a price days otherw ise 3% will be grante d to all custom ers who settle their obliga tions wi th in 20 a ll credit obliga tions should be settled within 45 days. (iii ) Autho rizatio n Credit sales should be author ized by a responsible person only. (iv) Credit limit Ensure that credit limit is not exceed ed (v) Worth y custom ers Credi t should only be g iven to freque nt and worth custom ers (vi ) Recor din g Ensur e tha t a ll cred it sales are proper ly record ed . (vi i) . . Person al contac t ssively mforrr~ Endea vour to make person a l contac ts with credit custom ers and progre the custo m ers o f your intenti on to use legal action. 35 (viii) Insuring debtors (ix) . This is where a firm insures all its debt ors With an insura t f fail nee company so that irr case ure o pay by some cli ents the insura o ' come in . will company nee ' Collatera l (x) These are the assets of val id th at can be used to · · f;allure access credit as a security against to settle obligatio ns. Collecti on procedur es These are efforts under taken by the firm to collect payments from slow paying custome rs. It is a step by step process . . · • Sending a reminde r t o customers e.g sending note credit • T he above can be fo llowed by sending letters to remind the customer that their credit is due. GROSS WORK ING CAPITA L INVESTMENT Working capital refers to the firm's investment in short terms assets and is required to ensure business operatio ns to take place on a day to day basis in order to produce a desired goods and services . Short term assets like inventory, pre-payments, debtors, short term commercial paper, cash and so on make up a firm's gross working capital. When short term liabilitie s like creditors, accruals, bank over draft etc when these are off set from across working capital the resultant is net working capital. Net working capital It is given by obtainin g the total current assets minus the total current liabilities Exampl e been extracted from a firm's balance sheet. The followinCa balances have . Stock is 40m, cash 15m, creditors 20m, retained profit 22m. debtors 30m, accruals wages l Om Required to determin e gross working capital and net working capital Solution = Gross working capital Stock 40m + Cash· I Sm + Debtors 30m 85m = Gross working capital Current Liabiliti es: Accrual wages Creditor s Retained profit Short term assets = = = 10m 20m 22m 52m Total - Liabiliti es (85 - 52 Therefo re; Net working capital = GWC Therefo re, compon ents of working capital they include; Total current assets and total current liabilitie s 36 = 33m) -BU DGE TIN G Budg€:,ting is an act of preparing budgets. "The entire process of preparing the budgets" . action in advance for a . . · A budg;t is defined as a quantitative statement expressing a plan of s and defined period of time, which may include planned expenses, revenues, assets, liabilitie cash flow. Thus it is a statement which expresses future plans in financial terms. period which ·. ·"A budget is pre-detem1ined statement of manage ment policy during a given provides a standard for compar ison with the results actually achieve d" function Budget can be prepared for the organization as a whole (master budget), department, capital such as production purchas e, sales etc, or for financial resources for exampl e cash, expend iture etc. organiz ation Budget prepara tion process is a means and a way of translating the overall under two objectives into detailed agreed feasible action plan. Budgets may be prepare d approac hes i.e increme ntal budgeti ng and zero-ba sed budgeting. IMPOR TANC E OF BUDG ETING Plannin g set targets, Making manage rs to prepare and implem ent budgets is forcing them to look ahead, foresee problem s, hence giving directio n to be followe d by the firm . Contro l enterpr ise can Once a budget act has been set out for a period, control over the perform ance of an taking con-ect ive be exercis ed by regular compar ison of actual and budgete d perfom 1ance and by action if necessa ry as per the compar ison results. Comm unicat ion tion of senior Bud get act as good commu nicatio n channe ls with .respec t to the expecta entatio n of manag ement commu nicated to lower level manage rs who are respons ible with implem to problem s the budgets . Lower manage rs in tum commu nicate to the top leaders hip with regards and their own ideas. Co-ord ination master budget be Severa l departm ental and functio nal budgets must finally be linked, that the finally achieve d and becom e feasible . The budgets in process therefo re forces separat e the master budget departm ent or manag ers of firm to work togethe r as a team ensurin g that expect ation are realize d . Motivation such areas and Final budget of particu lar areas are express ion of what exactly is expecte d from tions become hence manag ers there in, over the budget period, it follows then that these expecta to · achieve the · challen ges to all manag ers and employ ees concer ned, and hence motiva te them bud geted perform ance. 37