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Communication Barriers & Solutions

Describe the communication process and outline and explain barriers at each of
the process which are likely to hinder effective communication. Suggest ways to
avoid such barriers. [25 marks]
Physical Barrier
The physical barriers affect both verbal and non-verbal communication. These
hindrance are present around us for example in the environment, such as noise,
technical problems, design problems. All or any ideas presented by an individual are
prone to physical barriers. Physical barriers can be divided into two and these are
writing and speaking. In writing the print out may be unclear or unreadable and in
speaking the one communicating maybe mumbling and speaking in an clear manner.
Attitude Barrier
This type of hindrance can arise due to overconfidence, poor management, lack of
motivation, and behavior in others. Attitude hinders people from communicating
effectively with other individuals . This type of hindrance arises due to a lack of
understanding that can cause a person to misjudge and ignore another
person.Respectful, polite and pleasant behavior helps us move upward in the work
space leading to increased sales and productivity.
Emotional Barrier
The emotions in a person determine the ease and comfort in which he or she can
communicate. It arises due to a lack of emotional intelligence. A better understanding
of inner emotions will help us to respect the emotions of other people and a
prosperous work area. Overcoming emotional barriers is an essential skill for effective
Cultural Barrier
Cultural barriers usually exists between countries, religions just to name a few
examples. Different people have different values, body language, gestures, beliefs,
and behaviour. These differences often lead to misunderstandings around the work
area and often hinders effective communication.
Language Barrier
Language barriers are also known as linguistic barriers. A small difference in
language can lead to misunderstanding between two or more people who are trying to
communicate. It is recommended to use simple language and words while
communicating so as to get the point across more easily and avoid misunderstanding
one another. Those having a conversation can choose to use one language to
communicate so as to avoid misunderstanding one another for example using English
instead of using jargon, unfamiliar expressions and abbreviations.
Gender Barrier and Differences
Gender barriers signify how men and women behave; such barriers include different
choices, styles of decision-making, etc. Women prefer to discuss the problems
verbally. Overcoming gender barriers are essential to maintain equality in the work
space. Gender barriers occur when one for example a male thinks that women are
inferior and not worth being listened to. This in turn hinders communication.Women
and men are different therefor their needs and wants are different. It is through those
different wants and needs that barriers occur in putting their opinions out there for
others to hear. So this leads to the person whether him/her to keep quiet so as to avoid
criticism and being ridiculed.
Lack of focus and eye contact
Lack of focus and eye contact is another hindrance to effective communication . Lack
of focus and eye contact may lead to the listeners or the audience to lose interest in
the message being delivered hence that is why it is a hindrance to effective
communication. People tend to trust people who maintain eye contact and stay
focused. Lack of focus can be due to various reasons such as improper sleep,
overworking hours or alcohol.
Fear of mistakes
Mistakes are a part of the communication process. The fear of mistakes will make one
not take the opportunity or leap to communicate with other individuals hence that is
why the fear of mistakes is a hindrance to effective communication. Practice is the
best key to reduce mistakes. One can practice exercises to improve his or her
communication skills. One must always try to learn from his or her mistakes.
Psychological Barrier
The psychological state of a person can be a barrier in communication, such as
opinion, consciousness, emotions, attitude, and behaviour. It distracts the user form
paying attention while communicating for example a person will low confidence may
not respond inappropriately while talking to his or her superior.
Perceptual Barrier
Perceptual barriers are the barriers that prevent a person from correct predictions
about others, such as expectations. It depends on how that particular individual
analyzes the things around them to recognize any information. The best way to
overcome such barriers is to find a positive solution in everything.
Socio-religious barriers
In the society that we live in a transgender may face many difficulties and barriers
while communicating because of the religious views of people.
Feedback Issue
Feedback ensures that the receiver has correctly interpreted the message from the
speaker or sender. It is also an hindrance of communication because the sender or
speaker does not know if the message got received correctly.
Organizational structure barrier
Organizational structure barrier occurs when there is no transparency among the
employees and employers. This particular barrier arises because of misinformation.
This type of barrier can have a domino effect in an organization and cause work
productivity and morale to be low.
Technological barrier
Technology is developing fast and as a result it becomes difficult to keep with it.
Hence that is why technology becomes a hinder because of the fast advancements and
developments. The cost of technology is very high hence that is why some
organizations will not be able to afford it. Hence this becomes a hindrance.
Systematic barriers
This hindrance may exist in structures and organisations where there is inappropriate
information systems and communication channels. In such situations people may be
unclear of their roles in the communication process.
Interpersonal barriers
This type of hindrance occurs when two or more individuals hate or do not like one
another in an organisation and this in turn creates a situation where progress cannot
occur within the organization because of the dislikes among the co-workers.
Non verbal communication
Non verbal communication is another hinder of communication. This type of barrier
is used when two or more people are communicating with each other in a form other
than written or spoken words such as gestures, facial expressions or body language. It
is a type of barrier when the other person in the conversation analyses too much into it
for example when Sam and John are non verbally communicating with each other and
Sam is a sweater and starts sweating profusely. John would think that Sam is lying to
him when that is not the case.
Selective perception
Selective perception is another hinder of communication. This type of barrier refers to
filtering what one sees and hears to suit his or her needs or background. This occurs
when the one receiving the information is bombarded with too much of it and decides
to ignore what he deems un useful to him/her.
Semantics is another hinder of communication. This type of barrier refers to the
studying the meaning of words. The two or more individuals communicating may not
understand each other because the relationship between the words they are using and
their meaning may mean a totally different thing altogether resulting in the message
being distorted.
It is a type of barrier to effective communication for example a manager who keeps
his/her division’s poor sales figure from his or her boss the vice president fearing the
bad news will make him angry. So in turn filtering prevents members of the
organization from getting the complete picture of the way things are.
Emotional Barriers and Taboos
Some individuals have difficulty in expressing their emotions and therefor cannot put
their points or views across. Some topics may be considered to be taboo or completely
off-limits and these include sex,racism,religion and politics just to name a few.
There are different ways to avoid such barriers and these are;
Suitable time
We should always check that the current time is suitable for the communication or not.
Sometimes talking to a person who is sad or uninterested will not be two-way
communication or wheeled any good results. The other person might not respond
appropriately or even deem the information as useless.
Be aware of tone, language, and pitch
The voice should be audible for the listener. It should not harm the feelings of other
Try to make the content attractive
The content for effective communication should be clear and precise. It should not
contain the use of excessive technical words, difficult words, brief paragraphs,
explicit words etc. The content should be attractive and pleasant. One should also
check for the grammars, spelling, and errors in the content. The content can be verbal
and written.
Look for feedback
Communication is a two-way process. One should ensure that the receiver has
properly understood the message. In face-to-face communication, facial expressions
can easily depict that the receiver has correctly interpreted the message or not. But in
other types of communication, we should always try to seek for the feedback while
not fearing whether it will be good or bad.
Focus on listening skills
Listening skills are essential both for the sender and listener. One should always try to
communicate with a positive attitude, clarity and attention to detail. Good listening
skills also help listeners to extract maximum information from the content or message
being portrayed or delivered.
Work on the body language
Sitting and standing positions depict the positive attitude and interest of a person in
communication. So one should sit and stand straight without any unnecessary hand
movements. One should not try to slump the shoulders in between the communication
for it shows interest . Body language, postures, and facial expressions are an essential
part of the communication process. One should know how to control his or her body
Maintain eye contact
Proper eye contact depicts the interest and attention of a person towards others. It is
an essential skill for effective communication.
Practice verbal communication skills
If one is not confident about speaking in public,one can practice beforehand. One can
take speech classes to improve his or her verbal communication skills.
Do not focus on distractions
Communication becomes better with less or no distractions. One should not focus on
the people passing nearby, opening and closing the door, other people talking, mobile
phones, etc. Such distractions can affect ones attention and presence from the
Identify and remove the noise source
Noise is a significant barrier in the communication process. We need to overcome the
sources to avoid any interference. It is essential to identify the factors that cause
interference and try to remove such sources of noise.
Do not work under pressure
Immense work pressure can adversely affect our work performance. One should try to
maintain his or her work from the beginning so that he or she can effectively manage
our communication with it. It will help one to easily manage his or her work and
communication at the end without any pressure.
Focus on weakness
Effective communication means managing every aspect of communication, either
formal or informal. One should regularly work on his or her weaknesses. One can also
ask for suggestions to know which aspect of communication will be better.
Business Communication An Introduction
English for Business Communication Teacher's book