Uploaded by Raghul Prasath

LookML Learning Path

alex.scherbina@osome.comSection 1: Model management — 39%
Get Ready for Development
LookML Reference
Set Up and Administer Looker
Editing and validating LookML
Error: Measures with Looker Aggregations (Sum, Average, Min, Max, List Types)
May Not Reference Other Measures
Access Control and Permission Management
Impersonating (Sudoing) Users
Setting Permissions for Looker Extensions
Working with Folders in the IDE
Set Up and Administer Looker
Viewing User Attributes
LookML Terms and Concepts
Looker Blocks
Understanding Model and View Files
Exploring data in Looker
Managing Business User Features
Generating a Model
How a Project Works in Looker
sql_table_name (for Views)
View Parameters
Creating a New LookML Project
Accessing and Editing Project Information
Using Version Control and Deploying
LookML Project Files
Content Validation
Error: view_name.field_name No Longer Exists on explore_name and will be Ignored
Additional LookML Basics
LookML Quick Reference
Section 2: Customization — 30%
Looker: Retrieve and Chart Data
Find and Organize Content
Get Ready for Development
LookML Reference
Adding custom fields
Creating Visualizations and Graphs
sql (for Fields)
Organizing and managing access to content
Incorporating SQL and Referring to LookML Objects
How Looker Generates SQL
Using SQL Runner to Create Queries and Explores
How to "Dimensionalize" a Measure in Looker
Creating Looker expressions
Working with Joins in LookML
type (for Joins)
sql (for Joins)
from (for Joins)
fields (for Joins)
Join Parameters
view_label (for Joins)
A User Cannot Remove Every Filter When conditionally_filter Is Used
hidden (for Fields)
Reusing Code with Extends
extends (for Views)
Merging Results from Different Explores
Section 3: Optimization — 18%
Looker: Retrieve and Chart Data
Get Ready for Development
LookML Reference
Merging Results from Different Explores
Using Derived Tables
Creating Native Derived Tables
sql (for Derived Tables)
Using SQL Runner to Create Derived Tables
persist_for (for Derived Tables)
Templated Filters and Derived Tables – Looker Help Center
Filtering and Limiting Data
Caching Queries and Rebuilding PDTs with Datagroups
persist_for (for Explores)
persist_for (for Models)
Section 4: Quality — 13%
Looker: Retrieve and Chart Data
Get Ready for Development
LookML Reference
Configuring Project Version Control Settings
Development Mode and Production Mode
Git Command Reference
Setting Up and Testing a Git Connection
group_label (for Fields)
label (for Fields)
group_label (for Explores)
Changing the Explore Menu and Field Picker
Field Parameters
Localizing your LookML model
description (for Fields)
Using include in a Model File
Understanding Other Project Files
SQL Runner Basics
Data tests
Managing Database Functions with SQL Runner
Using table calculations