GRADE 8 GEOGRAPHY Unit 1: Factors influencing temperature & rainfall Factors influencing temperature and rainfall 1.1 Distance from the equator (latitude) 1.2 Distance from the sea 1.3 Height above sea level (altitude) 1.4 Ocean currents and winds 1.5 Mountains (relief) 1.1. Distance from the Equator (Latitude) Temperature Cooler/Colder temperatures are found near the poles (North and South Poles). Hot temperatures are found near the equator. Hot and cool temperatures are found near the Tropics. Rainfall In polar areas we can expect snowfall because the air is colder and descends. Because it is warmer around the equator, we can expect more rainfall here. 1.2. Distance from the Sea Inland areas are Hotter in Summer and Colder in Winter; and receive LESS rainfall due to the distance travelled from the sea. SEA Temperature changes at a slower rate than LAND temperature; therefore coastal areas will have milder winters & cooler summers. 1.3. Height above sea level (Altitude) Temperature: The higher you go, the colder it becomes because air temperature depends on air density. Air at higher altitudes: less dense and colder (convection) Air at lower altitudes: more dense and warmer (conduction) Rainfall: The higher the altitude, the cooler it becomes, therefore cooling moisture condenses and forms rain droplets. Mountain areas receive more rainfall than flat or lower areas. 1.4. Ocean Currents and Winds COLD BENGUELA CURRENT (from the Poles) cools down the WEST COAST of South Africa WARM AGULHAS CURRENT (from the Tropics & Equator) warms up the EAST COAST of South Africa LESS rainfall along the WEST COAST of South Africa due to the COLD current. MORE rainfall along the EAST COAST of South Africa due to the WARM current. 1.5. Mountains (Aspect) 1.5. Mountains Warmer slopes have higher temperatures so they receive more rain. The closer the slopes are to the equator, the warmer they are. The closer the slopes are to the poles, the colder they are. Leeward slopes (facing away from the equator) have less rainfall. Slopes close to the poles have snowfall.