SCIENCE 5 LESSON 1 – 2 What are the designed product you did out of the local recyclable materials? Why do prefer such project? Have you experience to construct projects in your EPP subject? What kind of projects did you make? How did you find the activity? Why? What learnings did you gain in doing such kind of projects? Show pupils powerpoint presentation of sample products out of Resourcefulness, creativeness, time management, patience recyclable materials. Group Activity Activity Do it Yourself What You need: recyclable materials, project design, materials for constructing the designed project What to do: 1. Prepare the materials you needed in constructing your desired project. 2. Follow the steps in constructing your project. 3. Make sure to consider your time table. 4. Evaluate every stage/ process to ensure the desired output. 5. Consult your teacher assistance and advices if needed. Group Presentation How do you find doing your project? What common problems do you encounter? What do you do to solve these? What useful outputs did you construct out of recyclable materials? What are you planning to do with your outputs? Do you think it is possible to make earnings out of your outputs? How? Do you appreciate what you did? Why? Why not? Check whether pupils have finished/completed the projects on time. Tell them to get ready for the evaluation. Assignment Bring your outputs. Be ready for the checking/evaluation. LESSON 3 – 5 Resourcefulness What are some of the finished products you made out of local, recyclable solid materials in making useful products? How did you find doing the activity? Why? Scoring Rubrics to Evaluate the Finished Products How did you evaluate the finished products? What characteristics should these projects possess? When will the project consider outstanding? very satisfactory? satisfactory? poor? What factors contribute to the success of your project? Why? What did you learn when you are making your project? If you will be given another chance to make project output out of recyclable materials what another project idea do you have? Why? Should you submit one’s project on time? Why? Evaluate and record the rating of the project. Use the rubrics. Scoring Rubrics to Evaluate the Finished Products out of Recyclable Materials Assignment Research about outstanding Filipino inventions out of local recyclable materials. Report this on class.