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Brainstorming internal assessment

Name: Erick Olaya Morán
Date: 25-08-2022
What is the main idea in the photograph? How does it relate to the
title of the section, ¨Urban and rural environments¨ and an English
speaking community?
The main idea in the photograph is how poverty affects the societies’
development and wellbeing especially in children, who are the future and also
the present of our society. Moreover, these photos are related with the main
topic of the section ¨Urban and rural environments¨ by showing how people
especially children demostrates in their lifestyles, feelings and actions, the
reality of different societies (poverty, needs, inequality, neglicence, etc.).
What do you see in the background of the photograph? What does the
background tell you
about the location and context of the photograph?
In both photos, I see the unfair and sad situation that these children are
facing day per day by living in extreme needs such as not having bed to sleep
properly, a house to live inside in case of the picture number two, or not having
acces to many basic services such as water, electricity, medicine, education,
etc. This background shown in the picture tells me that those children are
demostrating the inequality, the needs and neglicence presented in our society;
that if we don’t make a change, it will triple in side and number, and our sons,
grandsons our any future generation will face and live it in a bad way.
Look at the foreground of the photograph. Describe the person or people you
can see.
According to the pictures, I can see diferent unfair and sad situations that 3
childrens are facing in their life. In the photo #1, I can see how a girl is
neglected by her parents who probably are poor and they don’t have the
neccesary resources or supplices to take care of her, without making any effort
to change and improve her life. We can see this on the ¨bed¨ that she is
sleeping. In case of picture #2, I can see how 2 children are living in extreme
conditions of poverty by not having a house to live inside or any accomodations
such as toys, a bed and room to live; moreover, it can also show another case
of infants negligence as picture #1, because there is not sign of their parents
or any family member, who must worry about their life and growth as children.
What is happening in the picture? How does the action relate to the title of
the chapter, ¨Portecting the planet¨?
In both pictures, there are shown two cases of infant negligence and extreme
poverty by looking the place where they are living, and what are their
accomodations. This relates to the title of the chapter ¨Protecting the planet¨
in a negative way. Extreme poverty is a great problem to our society’s
development and environmental ecosystems as well, because a lack of resources
or supplies such as food or water, promotes violence, war and crimes. A great
example of this is what happen to the Mayan Empire between the nine and ten
century. According to a research doing by the BBC News, the mayans suffer a
great drought that was promoted by the jungle’s deforestation from Guatemala
and Belice; this produce great periods of war and violence between differents
cities such as Tikal or Peten, making that these cities were abandoned.
Another way of how poverty affects the planet is in the environmental
ecosystem because a lack of resources in a dterminaded region or area,
produces a negative effects on people who will start moving to green areas,
which have a lot of resources such as water, food, wood and minerals in order
to explote them for satisfying their deep need feelings; making this a cycle of
¨consume resources and destroy green areas¨.
If you were in a position of power, what policies would you pursue to improve
the lives of the children in the picture?
If I were in a position of power, I would offer a food, education, job, a place
to live and basic resources as free to poor people which don’t have to cover its
needs. They wouldn’t need to pay at first, because the money for doing this
may come from donations or charity institutions.