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[Idêntico] contain, , He said he was opposed to some of the provisions contained in the
bill., Countable; in/within; to contain ,
[Idêntico] crop, cultivo/colheita, he replacement of traditional crops with cash crops for
export, countable of, cultivategrowproduce
[Idêntico] demand, a very strong request for something; something that somebody
needs, a demand for higher pay, countable on demand; demand for/from,
[Idêntico] feed, alimentar, The animals are fed with hay and grass., transitive on/to/with,
help (to)afford to
[Idêntico] increase, aumentar, The rate of inflation increased by 2 per cent,
transitive/intransitive countable/uncountable by/from/in, be expected tobe likely to
[Idêntico] raise, crescer/aumentar, They raised their offer to $500, Countable
[Idêntico] owe, dever/ estar em dívida, I still owe you for the taxi., countable for/to,
[Idêntico] sight, vista, After ten days at sea, we had our first sight of land., uncountable
sight of; at the sight of/ on sight, haveloseregainthe/your sense of sight
[Idêntico] spot, lugar/ mancha/marca/pinta, This is a favourite spot for walkers and
climbers., countable on the spot/ a spot to, markpoint toreach
[Idêntico] structure, estrutura, the grammatical structures of a language,
countable/uncountable of a…structurein a/the structure, havelackneed…
[Idêntico] control, , The Democrats have lost control of Congress, uncountablebeyond
your controloutside your controlin control (of)under control, haveachieveassert
[Idêntico] limit, , Do not exceed the recommended limit of 6g of salt per day., countable
over the/ate the limit / limit on/of, haveapproachnear…
[Idêntico] sheet, lençol/lamina/folha, a sheet of glass/plastic/plywood/steel, countable
of, takeuseripsheet of paper
[Idêntico] consume, , The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.,
countable of/in/with,
[Idêntico] length, comprimento, Measure the length of the line from A to B,
Count/Uncount along the length ofin length, estimatemeasurehave
[Idêntico] Wonder, perguntar a si mesmo, I was just beginning to wonder where you
were., transitive/intransitive about, begin tostart tocannot help but
[Idêntico] realize, compreender/perceber/alcançar, It is important to realize that there
are still potential problems, with/to...that, begin tocome tomake somebody
[Idêntico] Board, tábua, The exam results went up on the board., Prep: on a/ the board,
[Idêntico] country, , , across a/the countryall over a/the countryaround a/the country,
[Idêntico] hide, to put or keep somebody/something in a place where they/it cannot be
seen or fo, I hid under the bed., amongbehindbeneath…, prefer towant tocarefully
hiddencompletely hiddenwell hidden
[Idêntico] process, , , process forprocess of, graduallengthylong…
[Idêntico] pound, golpe/pancada libra prisão, a run on the pound (= when many people
sell pounds and the value of the pound fa, ,
[Idêntico] clue/ hint, something that you say or do in an indirect way in order to show
somebody what y, He resented any hint that he might be to blame.,
hint abouthint fromhint toclue aboutclue (as) to,
[Idêntico] apreciate, , , , reallytrulyfully
[Idêntico] available adj, that you can get, buy or find, We have plenty of office space
available., forfromto…, bebecomemake something
[Idêntico] determine v, , , , exactlypreciselyreliably…
[Idêntico] disappear v, , , prepositionbehindfromintophrasesdisappear from
sightdisappear from view, altogethercompletelyentirely…
[Idêntico] fair adj, acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation, To be fair, she
behaved better than we expected., to, beseemmake something
[Idêntico] level, , The river has fallen to its lowest level since 2012., above a/the levelat
a/the levelbelow a/the level, highlowground
[Idêntico] puddle, poça de agua suja/ charco, , Puddle is used after these nouns:mud,
[Idêntico] solution', , , Countsolution forsolution to, completecomprehensivepartial
[Idêntico] wast noun, , I hate to see good food go to waste, uncountwaste of, go
[Idêntico] argue, , , aboutoverwith, bitterlyfiercelyfuriously…
[Idêntico] communication, , a breakdown in communicationa breakdown in
communicationschannels of communicati, uncounin
communication withcommunication betweencommunication by,
[Idêntico] indicate v, , , to, clearlystronglynot necessarily
[Idêntico] offer v, , , for, be able tobe unable tocan
[Idêntico] product, , a range of products, , adjectivegoodrightinnovative…verb +
[Idêntico] select, , , according toasfor…, adverbcarefullyspeciallyspecifically…verb +
selectallow somebody toenable some
[Idêntico] property n, , be the exclusive property of somebodybe the sole property of
somebody, , adjectivepersonalprivatecommon…verb + propertyprotectdispose
[Idêntico] purchase v, , to buy something, prepositionforfrom,
adverbnewlyrecentlycompulsorily…verb + purchaseagree tobe willing towish to
[Idêntico] gather, to come together, or bring people together, in one place to form a
groupreunir, , A large crowd was gathered outside the studio., ,
[Idêntico] Bother, incômodo/preocupação, He doesn’t bother much about his
appearance, with; to,
[Idêntico] conclusion noun, , , countable in, on, from, about, verb + conclusionarrive
atcome todraw
[Idêntico] explore verb, , , for, verb + exploreneed tobe keen towant to
[Idêntico] foreign adj, , , , verbsbelooksound…adverbslightlydistinctly
[Idêntico] Policy noun, Política (público), , coun or uncount of; on,
adjectiveclearcoherentexplicit…verb + policydesigndevelopformulate
[Idêntico] Destroy, , , , verb + destroycancouldetc.…phrasesan attempt to destroy
somethingbe capable of
[Idêntico] Opinion, , , Countprepositionin your opinionopinion aboutopinion on, verb +
[Idêntico] Reflect verb, , , prepositionin, adverbclearlydirectlyaccurately
[Idêntico] Worth adj, to have a particular value, especially in moneyvaler algoto be
useful or enjoyab, Our house is worth about £300,000.It was a long climb up the
mountain, but the , ,
[Idêntico] base, , , countable for, adjectivefirmsecuresolid…verb +
[Idêntico] effort noun, , your best effortsa reward for your effortsmake every effort, in
an/your effortthrough somebody’s effort, verb + effortmakeinitiatelaunch
[Idêntico] inform, , , about; of, verb + informbe pleased toregret tobe required to
[Idêntico] hurry, apressar-se, Please hurry – the train is about to leave., ,
[Idêntico] leave verb, , , for, verb + leavedecide tointend toplan to
[Idêntico] switch, ligar/desligar (eletricidade) mudar, I decided to switch my focus from
swimming to cycling., prepositionbetweenaway fromfrom, verb + switchdecide to
[Idêntico] charge noun, custo, despesa e tonelagem, We have to make a small charge for
refreshments., at a chargefor a chargecharge for, imposeintroducelevy
[Idêntico] customer, cliente, , , adjectivebigfavoured/favoredfavourite/favorite
[Idêntico] occur verb, acontecer, , prepositionamongin, verb + occurbe likely totend
tobe unlikely to
[Idêntico] earn verb, receber, , verb + earnhave toneed toexpect to, phrasesa/the chance
to earn somethinga/the opportunity to earn somethingea
[Idêntico] Reward, , , prepositionas a rewardreward for, verb + rewardearnenjoygain
[Idêntico] Set, por, colocar e pousar, , ,
[Idêntico] average, média, , on average - em média,
[Idêntico] lower, baixo, mais baixo, , prepositionintoontoto,
[Idêntico] match, corresponde/combina, , prepositionmatch betweenmatch for, verb +
[Idêntico] pole, polo vara/bastão , , ,
[Idêntico] cheer, aclamar/aplaudir/animar, The crowd cheered the president as he drove
slowly by., prepositionfor,
[Idêntico] fit, caber/ adequar/ apropriado, , prepositioninintoontoforwith,
[Idêntico] lack, falta/ caência, Fans of classic comedy should be happy with this disc,
despite the lack of extr, prepositionby lack offor lack offrom lack of,
[Idêntico] environment, ambiente, , ,
[Idêntico] instance, a particular example or case of something, Students described many
instances in which they had felt uncomfortable speaking, prepositionfor instancein…
instanceinstance of, verb + instancegiveproviderepresent
[Idêntico] feature, funcionalidade/componente , There are a number of special features
included on the disc., , verb + featurebrim withhaveinclude
[Idêntico] range, gama/variedade, , prepositionin a/the range, verb +
[Idêntico] tip, ponta, , ,
[Idêntico] wide, largo/amplo, Her music appeals to a wide audience, ,
[Idêntico] drop verb, pingo/queda/descida , , prepositioninintoon,
[Idêntico] imply Verb, implicar / dar sinais/ insunuar / sugerir, , , verb + implyseem
tointend tomean to
[Idêntico] otherwise, de outra maneira/ de outro modo, , ,
[Idêntico] standard noun, padrão / norma / critério, , prepositionabove (the)
standardbelow (the) standardaccording to a/the standar, verb + standardhaveboastenjoy
[Idêntico] earthquake - ortografia , terremoto , , ,
[Idêntico] Puzzle, quebra-cabeça/enigma trad, , ,
[Idêntico] barely, pobremente/escassamente/ mal tive, , ,
[Idêntico] driveway, estrada local, , ,
[Idêntico] notice verb, reparar/notar ou notícia, , , verb + noticefail tonot appear tonot
seem to
[Idêntico] within, dentro, , ,
[Idêntico] stage, palco , , ,
[Idêntico] rush, pressa, , prepositionalongfrominto, phrasescome rushinggo rushingrush
to somebody’s rescue
[Idêntico] assign verb, atribuir, The teacher assigned each of the children a different
task., ,
[Idêntico] competition, , , prepositionin a/the
competitioncompetition betweencompetition for, competition + verbtake placebe open
to somebody
[Idêntico] knowledge - ortografia , , , ,
[Idêntico] gain, , , prepositionfrom, verb + gainstand toexpect tohope to
[Idêntico] mean adj, maldoso, indecente, malicioso, , ,
[Idêntico] prefer verb, , , prepositionoverto, verb + preferwouldtend toappear to
[Idêntico] progress, , , prepositionin progressprogress from… to…progress in, verb +
[Idêntico] ahead adj, em frente; à frente, , ,
[Idêntico] amount, montante, quantia e importância, , prepositionamount of, verb +
[Idêntico] demonstrate, , , prepositionto,
[Idêntico] idiom, expressão idiomática , , ,
[Idêntico] memory, , , prepositionfrom memorymemory for,
[Idêntico] scan verb, examinar cuidadosamente, , prepositionforacrossaround,