Uploaded by Abdi Abera

Low-Cost Spirometer Design: Biomedical Engineering Research

Hawassa University Institute Technology
Faculty Of Electrical Engineering
Department Of Biomedical Engineering
Title: Low cost Spirometer
Group Member
Id no:
1. Abdi Abera
2. Amanuel Godo
3. Firaol Wasihun
4. Tokuma Diriba
Hawassa, Ethiopia
Executive summary
Current spirometers on the market are too expense to purchase for some healthcare centers. As a result of
this high cost, many physicians practicing in developing countries, like Ethiopia lack the resources to
purchase spirometry equipment. The development of a low-cost, reliable spirometer would allow these
physicians to make more quantitative assessments of their patients’ pulmonary health. A standardized
coaching program that would instruct and motivate patients through spirometry maneuvers would also
prove beneficial to the reproducibility of results. Through testing and redesign of an earlier prototype, we
have developed a prototype that is capable of measuring the volume of lung. It also yields precise,
reproducible results when tested against constant air flows. In the future, the accuracy will be improved
and audiovisual coaching will be integrated with the spirometer with open source software that we will
develop. Spirometry parameters are derived from pressure and/or flow measurements. The spirometer
records exhaled air volume, and produces graphic and numeric information in the form of spirometric
parameters and tracings that can depict and describe the mechanical properties of the lung. Some possible
measurements are like Pressure and gas flows behave during one respiratory cycle in volume controlled.
Patient Spirometry measures airway pressures, flow, volumes, compliance, and airway resistance breathby-breath at the patient’s airway. The flow of gas is measured, and the inspiratory and expiratory
concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide is analyzed.
Table of contents
List of Figures……………………………………………………………iv
List of Tables……………………………………………………………..v
List of Abbreviations……………………………………………………..vi
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………1
2. Problem statement……………………………………………………..2
3. Objectives
1. General objectives……………………………………………..3
2. Specific objectives…………………………………………….3
4. Literature review………………………………………………………4
5. Materials and methodology
5.1.1 Hardware components………………………………..6
5.1.2 Software components…………………………………8
5.2 Methodology……………………………………………………..8
6. Action plan and Research Time line…………………………………….9
7. Budget breakdown………………………………………………………10
List of Figures
Figure 1: Computer with Arduino and MATLAB…………………………………………....6
Figure 2: Pressure difference sensor………………………………………………………….6
Figure 3: Mouthpiece and flow tube………………………………………………………….6
Figure 4: Instrumentation amplifier…………………………………………………………..7
Figure 5: Second order low pass filter………………………………………………………..7
Figure 6: Micro controller…………………………………………………………………….7
List of Tables
Table 1: Action Plan and Research Timeline………………………………………………………………………….9
Table 2: Budget Breakdown………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
List of abbreviations
Matlab: Matrix Laboratory
IDE: Integrated Development Environment
VC: vital capacity
RV: Residual Volume
COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
ATS: American Thoracic Society
HTML: Hyper Text Mark-up Language
1. Introduction
The human body consists of many organs and tissue that unite to perform various functions in a way that
ensures the continuity of life, as the existence of a defect that would stop life gradually and then die
human, and these devices are intertwined, as indispensable to one of them from the other, and the organs
of the human body Nervous, periodic, polyps, digestive and respiratory systems. Respiratory system is
one of the most important organs that perform the function of breathing and the transfer of oxygen to all
parts of the body and the disposal of carbon dioxide, and in this article will talk about some general
information about the respiratory system with some clarification.
Spirometry monitoring can be used in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of occupational and
non-occupational respiratory disease and in the maintenance of workers’ fitness. Primary prevention of
occupational respiratory disease through control or elimination of adverse exposures in the workplace is a
priority. With respect to primary prevention, spirometry monitoring of workers can be used to assess the
respiratory health status of subgroups of workers exposed to a particular agent (or production process) to
determine if exposures to that agent (or production process) is unsafe and needs to be controlled.
However, even with exposure controls in place, some workers may be adversely affected; such residual
occupational risks and nonoccupational exposures (e.g., tobacco smoke) provide a role for spirometry
monitoring in secondary and tertiary prevention. With respect to secondary prevention, spirometry can be
used to monitor worker populations exposed to potential respiratory hazards to identify otherwise healthy
individuals who are experiencing excessive lung function decline; individualized preventive intervention
can then be applied to prevent further excessive loss and subsequent lung function impairment. With
respect to tertiary prevention, spirometry can be used to carefully monitor an individual worker with
established lung function impairment and/or symptoms as part of clinical management to help prevent
disabling impairment and limit symptoms.
Generally, respiratory disease prevention is best done as part of an overall health maintenance program in
which results of spirometry evaluations are linked with exposure control, smoking cessation, and general
health-promotion interventions. Vital graph has used many different precision technologies for measuring
flows and volumes. In the early days of office spirometry these included measurement of volume by
water displacement and the displacement of volumes by mechanical movement, including bellows, rolling
seals and precision syringes which are still used as reference devices. Today, flow measuring technology
predominates in modern office spirometers and respiratory monitors because the technologies tend to be
less expensive and of smaller size.
Our main idea is to design full working, functional and simple spirometer provides with all sensors
needed to this purpose such as Flow meter, Differential pressure sensor and in order to program it we use
an Arduino micro controller. Our point is to focus in fixing or redesign the spirometry to make it more
practical, easier, more accuracy, reduce its maintenance for replaying the sensors after blockage and to
make it faster in measuring the variables. There is no doubt that this subject is one of the important topics
in our lives, so we will try as much as we can to spend our time and our knowledge to design and build
this idea Spirometry.
2. Problem statement
Current spirometers on the market are too expense to purchase for some healthcare centers. As a result of
this high cost, many physicians practicing in developing countries, like Ethiopia lack the resources to
purchase spirometry equipment. The development of a low-cost, reliable spirometer would allow these
physicians to make more quantitative assessments of their patients’ pulmonary health. A standardized
coaching program that would instruct and motivate patients through spirometry maneuvers would also
prove beneficial to the reproducibility of results.
Temperature and humidity are factors that can greatly affect the function of electronic devices. The
climates of emerging countries vary greatly not only between different countries, but within a specific
country as well. Therefore, we need to design the spirometer to be able to function in the many possible
weather conditions that it may face.Electronic circuits are prone to failure in high temperatures and damp
conditions. Sensor components are especially sensitive to these conditions. To limit the effect that the
climate conditions will have on the accuracy of our circuit, we select a pressure sensor that is recalibrated
to be accurate in temperatures ranging from 0 to 85°C.
In attempt to increase global access to spirometric equipment, is seeking the design of a low-cost, reliable
spirometer. The project includes the physical design of the spirometer, software development, and
designing a universal interface. The spirometer should be capable of measuring lung flows and volumes
and should be usable by patients without the aid of a trained technician. The device should also be able to
connect to a computer to display and store for the data. The software should also carry out some
rudimentary analysis and interpretation using algorithms that are programmed on matlab. The entire
product should be widely affordable to physicians in developing countries and increase the reproducibility
of pulmonary function measurements by delivering the standardized instruction and coaching across test
3. Objectives
3.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is to design low cost and reliable spirometry that all physician and
health centers can have it easily affordable and to limit the effect that the climate conditions will have on
the accuracy of it. Develop the Arduino and MATLAB interface to display flow-time and volume-time
curves obtained with a spirometer.
3.2 Specific objectives
- Design mouthpiece and two airflow tubes attached to it from materials is less costly
- Use pressure difference sensor that is sensitive to different whether condition
- Design instrumentation amplifier and second order low pass filter.
- ARDUINO code
- Build ARDUIINO MATLAB interface
- MATLAB code to display graph
4. Literature review
The earliest attempt for the measurements of lung volumes can be dated back to period 129-200 A.D.
Claudius Galen, who was a Roman doctor and philosopher, first did a volumetric experiment on human
ventilation. He had a boy breathe in and out of a bladder and found out that the volume did not change.
The experiment proved inconclusive.1681, Borelli tried to measure the volume of air inspired in one
breath. He assembled a cylindrical tube partially filled with water, with an open water source entering the
bottom of the cylinder. He occluded his nostrils, inhaled through an outlet at the top of the cylinder, and
measured the volume of air displaced by water. This technique is very important in getting parameters of
lung volumes nowadays.1813; Kentish E used a simple "Pulmometer" to study the effect of diseases on
pulmonary lung volume. He used an inverted graduated bell jar standing in water, with an outlet at the top
of the bell jar controlled by a tap. The volume of air was measured in units of pints.
1831, Thrackrah C.T described the "Pulmometer" similar to that of Kentish. He portrayed the device as a
bell jar with an opening for the air to enter from below. There was no correction for pressure. Therefore,
the spirometer not only measured the respiratory volume, but also the strength of the respiratory
muscles.1845, Vierordt in his book named "Physiologies des Athmens mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die
Auscheidung der Kohlensäure" in which his main interest was to measure the volume of expiration
accurately. However, he also completed accurate measures of other volume parameters by using his
"Expiratory". Some of the parameters described by him are used today which included RV and VC 1846
The water spirometer measuring VC was developed by a surgeon named John Hutchinson. He invented a
calibrated bell, inverted in water, which was used to capture the volume of air exhaled by a person. John
published his paper about his water spirometer and the measurements he had taken from over 4,000
subjects, describing the direct relationship between VC and height and inverse relationship between VC
with age. He also showed that VC does not relate to weight at any given height. He also used his machine
for the prediction of premature mortality. He coined the term VC, which was claimed as a powerful
prognosis for heart disease by Framingham study.
A spirometer is used to conduct a set of medical tests that are designed to identify and quantify defects
and abnormalities of various lung conditions in human respiratory system (Fishman, 1998; Hyatt et al.,
1997). These tests also help in monitoring the response of lungs to medical treatment. With the help of a
spirometer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can be detected well in advance (American
Thoracic Society, 1995a). Monitoring cough and wheezing may not provide an accurate assessment of the
severity of asthma in a patient. With the help of the breathing tests conducted using a spirometer, the
response, and improvement in an asthma patient’s condition during the treatment can be monitored
accurately. This improves the quality of treatment by reducing the judgment errors. American Thoracic
Society (ATS) has recommended these breathing tests for all those who have a family history of chronic
respiratory illness, cough, or dispend and even for habitual smokers (American Thoracic Society, 1995b).
In fact, this test is mandatory to confirm the physical fitness for entry into government services and the
armed forces in many countries. Spirometer measures the flow and volume of gas (air) moving in and out
of the lungs during a breathing maneuver (Downing, 1995).
Another (digital) spirometer, based on the principle of hot wire sensor, has been proposed by Lin et al.
(1998), This spirometer exhibits good performance but replacing of sensor is expensive. However, this
digital spirometer can be connected to a nearby computer, which can be very advantageous. Many a times
these tests need to be performed right at the time of the asthma attack. It is very unlikely that a doctor will
be present with the patient at that moment. A possible solution is to embed a web server and make the
device (spirometer) network available for online treatment. Online treatment occupies a prominent place
in today’s world as internet provides access to the data from anywhere in the world through standard
browser technology (Economic et al., 1996). Consulting a specialist, who is located far away from a
patient, can be achieved through the internet (Levy and Lawrence, 1992; Szymanski, 2000). Web server
also helps in maintaining and accessing the records of a patient. As the web servers have become a
popular tool for sharing data, this feature may be embedded into the spirometer (Lovell et al., 2001;
Finkelstein et al., 1998). This enables the spirometer to share the data with a doctor who may be located at
a distant place (Levy and Lawrence, 1992; Szymanski, 2000). By using a web-server-based spirometer, a
physician can, forexample perform online dynamic lung function test and obtain the results. Thus,
Patient’s test results (graphs etc.) and symptoms are available online to the doctor. Functionally, an
embedded web server can be as powerful as a full web server. The embedded web server knows all about
the system in which it is embedded. It can provide access to the data and perform tasks as requested. It
can activate routines to interpret the requests and modify applications via a standard Hyper Text Mark-up
Language (HTML) browser. The embedded web server should also have appropriate signal processing
capability (Leung et al., 1998) to deal with the acquired medical data from tests such as a pulmonary
function test.
This paper presents the design and development of a simple, low-cost digital spirometer. A new feature of
embedding in a spirometer is described and implemented in the developed prototype. Spirometers with
computer connectivity are available, but to the best of author’s knowledge, spirometer with 1617
embedded web-server technology has not been reported so far. But we will develop ARDUINO
MATLAB interface spirometer. All the details of this work are presented in the subsequent sections.
Materials and Methodology
5.1.1 Hardware Components
Computer with Arduino IDE and MATLAB: The computer processes the data (using MATLAB) and
display the graph
Figure 1: Computer with Arduino IDE and MATLAB
 Pressure difference sensor: This pressure difference is measured by a differential pressure sensor type
MPX5050DP, which generates an electrical signal output from which the assets of flow
Figure 2: Pressure differential sensor
 Mouthpiece and flow tube: Air flow causes a slight pressure difference P between the two sides of
Figure 3: Mouthpiece and flow tube
 Instrumentation amplifier (one): Because the pressure differences are very low and hence the output
voltage is very small, we need a signal conditioning stage in which it uses a type instrumentation
amplifier whose main features are to have high input impedance and a high rejection of common signs.
Figure 4: Instrumentation amplifier
 Second order low pass filter (one): low-pass filter Butterworth 2nd order with a cutoff frequency of
15Hz and Smooth.
Figure 5: Second order low pass filter
Micro controller: The low-pass filter output is recorded by the Arduino and sent to a computer.
Figure 6: Micro controller
5.1.2 Software components
1. Matlab: Combines a desktop environment tuned for iterative analysis and
design processes with a programming language that expresses matrix and array
mathematics directly. It includes the Live Editor for creating scripts that combine
code, output, and formatted text in an executable notebook.
2. Arduino IDE: is an “open source software that is mainly used for writing and compiling the
code into the Arduino Module. The hardware components of Arduino contain a microcontroller
on the board that is actually programmed and accepts the information in the form of code also
known as a sketch, created on the IDE platform which will ultimately generate a Hex File which
is then transferred and uploaded in the controller on the board. The IDE environment mainly
contains two basic parts: Editor for writing the required code and Compiler where former for
compiling and uploading the code into the given Arduino Module. This environment supports
both C and C++ languages”.
5.2 Methodology
1) The mouthpiece:
 Air flow causes a slight pressure difference P between the two sides of tube.
2) The sensor convers P into a differential voltage V.
3) The sensor output V is then:
 Amplified by the AD620 instrumentation amplifier.
 Smoothed (low-pass filter) by the TL081 op amp. 4) The low-pass filter output is recorded by the
Arduino and sent to a computer. 5) The computer processes the data (using MATLAB).
6. Action Plan and Research Timeline
Plan project
Literature review
Proposal writing and
Project analysis
Gathering materials
Circuit design and
finish hardware part
Development of
matlab and arduino
Finalizing the project
Final report and
Table 1
7. Budget Breakdown
Unit price
Total price
Low-pass filter
Instrumentation Amplifier
Pressure sensor
Arduino-MATLAB program to
the computer
print and copy
Travel cost
Manpower cost
Internet and communication
Total price
Table 2
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