CTE 6070 Assignment 4 MO CTE Base and Performance Funding Calculations 50 Points You will need to use the CTE Funding Guidance Document in this week’s folder to work through these formula problems. Since this is a word document you may do your calculations on this document and upload it, or create your own document and upload it to the folder. Please round all numbers to 2 decimal points. 1. What are the mathematical steps to determine the CTE Base funding for an area career centers and comprehensive highs schools? Using the documents provided in the folder list the steps for calculating the funds. I have helped you with hints below, just fill in the blanks. (6 pts.) ACC Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Core Support + (FTE CTD) X $2,500 = _____________________________? ACC School credits earned/MO CTE credits earned = _________________? Credit Earned Percentage X State total allocation $ = __________________? Core Support + FTE Support + Credit Earned Support = ________________? Comprehensive HS Step 1: FTE CTD for the high school/ Total State FTE # = ________________? Step 2: FTE Percentage X total funds available = ________________________? 2. Using the information listed below calculate the total CTE Base funding $ that this ACC will receive. (8 pts.) Area Career Center Scenario 1 Your FTE-CTD # is 12 You school awarded 933 credits last year There were 50,000 credit earned statewide The entire state allocation is $5,000,000 3. Using the information listed below calculate the total CTE Base funding $ that this ACC will receive. (8 pts.) Area Career Center Scenario 2 Your FTE-CTE # is 15, but 2 of the 15 teachers are only teaching 4 of 8 periods each day. You school awarded 1050 credits last year There were 50,900 credits earned statewide The entire state allocation is $6,000,000 4. Using the information listed below calculate the total CTE Base funding $ that this comprehensive high school will receive. (8 pts.) Scenario 1 Your FTE-CTD # is 6 The state FTE-CTD # is 1,200 comprehensive HS teachers The entire state comprehensive HS allocation is $3,500,000 5. Using the information listed below calculate the total CTE Base funding $ that this comprehensive high school will receive. (8 pts.) Scenario 2 Your FTE-CTD # is 8, but 3 of these teachers are teaching CTE courses 6 of the eight periods during the school day. The state FTE-CTD # is 1,250 Comprehensive HS teachers The entire state comprehensive HS allocation is $3,000,000 6. List the six areas the CTE Base and Performance Funds can be used. (4 pts.) 7. What are two other education areas that can receive CTE Base and Performance Funding? (2 pts.) 8. What two previous MO CTE funding mechanisms were replaced by the CTE Base and Performance Funding? (2 pts.) 9. Describe how the state will calculate the distribute the New CTE Performance Funding to districts. (5 pts.)