THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO BUILD ® THE BODY YOU WANT Store Workouts Diet Plans Expert Guides Videos Tools DOUG’S SUPER SHREDDING ROUTINE Super shedding routine designed for muscle definition, muscle shaping and fat loss! Hit muscles hard with this ultra slow rep timing! Link to Workout: Main Goal: Lose Fat Training Level: Intermediate Program Duration: 10 Weeks Days Per Week: 5 Days Time Per Workout: 45-60 Mins Equipment: Barbell, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines Author: Doug Lawrenson workouts/25-doug--s-super-shredding-routine.html Monday: Shoulders Exercise Sets Reps Timing Dumbbell Press 8 8 8-1-8 Dumbbell Side Laterals 8 8 8-1-8 Rear Delt Fly 8 8 8-1-8 Barbell Upright Row 8 8 8-1-8 8 - 1 - 8 Timing: 8 Secs Eccentric, 1 Sec Hold, 8 Secs Concentric. See this article for more information on Eccentric Training. Be sure to perform the designated ab routine (below) following your workout. Tuesday: Arms Exercise Sets Reps Timing Barbell Preacher Curl 8 8 8-1-8 Seated Dumbbell Curl (Alternate Arms) 8 8 8-1-8 EZ Bar Close Grip Bench Press 8 8 8-1-8 Seated Dumbbell Extension (2 Arm) 8 8 8-1-8 Sets Reps Timing Hack Squats 8 8 8-1-8 Leg Extension 8 8 8-1-8 Leg Curl 8 8 8-1-8 Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts 8 8 8-1-8 Seated Calf Raise 8 8 8-1-8 Sets Reps Timing Barbell Rows 8 8 8-1-8 Lat Pull Down 8 8 8-1-8 V - Bar Pull Down 8 8 8-1-8 Hyperextension 8 8 8-1-8 Sets Reps Timing Flat Dumbbell Press 8 8 8-1-8 Incline Dumbell Press 8 8 8-1-8 Incline Flys 8 8 8-1-8 Cable Crossover 8 8 8-1-8 Wednesday: Legs Exercise Thursday: Back Exercise Friday: Chest Exercise Post-Training Abdominal Workout Exercise Sets Reps Timing Weighted Crunches* 8 8 8-1-8 Machine Seated Knee Raises** 8 8 8-1-8 Machine Twisting Crunches* 8 8 8-1-8 To be performed every training day. *Use the Pushdown Machine w/ rope. **Bench knee raises w/ feet in straps on low pulley. MUSCLEANDSTRENGTH.COM