NO. 8 / 2022 INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE ON DISTRICT HEATING AND COOLING DISTRICT HEATING AND THE GROWING MARKETS Sign up to receive Hot Cool Contents WANT BETTER DISTRICT HEATING NETWORKS? L E DISTRICT HEATING AND THE GROWING MARKETS FOCUS: 5 DESIGN OF BASE LOAD HEAT SOURCES IN DISTRICT HEATING NETWORKS By John Tang Jensen Feedback from our 2019 Conference HYDROGEN IS HOT – VERY HOT 8 Adriana: made By Morten What Jordt Duedahl me laugh was to see how uncomfortable the room was at the beginning of the session with the drag DISCOVERING HOT WATER queens. WeBywere like 'oh, this Giuliaall Spirito is so weird...' And I was sitting next to people that I'm negotiating with or consultants that I work with and we were all like 'aaah....this is not what we do...". And as time went by, things just changed. People embraced it and were designing their dolls… T 4 COLUMN IT'S TIME TO CHANGE OUR NARRATIVE! By Anton Koller 13 14 MEMBER COMPANY PROFILE: BWSC By Alain Ruiz HEAT 4.0 – DIGITIZATION CREATES MEASURABLE EFFICIENCY RESULTS IN THE DISTRICT HEATING SECTOR By Alfred Heller, Eva Lange Rasmussen, Per Sieverts Nielsen, and Henrik Madsen 10 Lina: ...there was dancing… Adriana: …dancing - that made me laugh a lot! We were just so awkward and out of our comfort space as soon as we had to do something with glitter and glue and paper! The data suggests diversity correlates with better financial performance. Likelihood of financial performance above national industri median, by diversity quartile, % Ethic diversity 58 Top quartile Bottom quartile 43 +35% Gender diversity 54 Top quartile 47 Bottom quartile +15% Gender and ethic diversity combined 53 Top quartile 40 All other quartiles +25% Source: McKinsey Diversity Database DBDH Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 DK-2000 Frederiksberg Phone +45 8893 9150 Editor-in-Chief: Lars Gullev, VEKS Total circulation: 5.000 copies in 74 countries 10 times per year Coordinating Editor: Linda Bertelsen, DBDH ISSN 0904 9681 Grafisk layout Kåre Roager, Have you prepared your district heating network for expansion? Avoid expansion challenges by using accurate data District heating networks will experience significant changes in the coming years. Increase in the use of renewable energy and expansion of your network will make it necessary to have accurate data. With Kamstrup’s Heat Intelligence, you’ll get usable insights which lead to fewer challenges. The visualisation tool allows you to view exact data on temperature, flow, and pressure, making it possible to target optimisation efforts. Read more on At EU level, the heat pump industry has just started a campaign calling for a “heat pump accelerator”, the hydrogen industry already has one, and now Euroheat and Power has also published its 10-point paper about district energy. By Anton Koller, Divisional President District Energy & Buildings and Leanheat Software Suite, Danfoss Climate Solutions Will district energy get the same kind of attention as heat pumps and hydrogen? As a matter of fact, we have an amazing story to tell – a story that holds the key to quite a few of the energy and climate problems that Europe is struggling with right now. But district energy is still perceived by many as a way of locking in fossil fuels as the heat fed into the grid is often a “byproduct” of coal powerplants and the likes, leaving a bad aftertaste. High time to change the narrative … and, wherever possible, the type of heat we use! cases electrically powered, and that electricity will be increasingly based on renewables, that way we will use these resources much more efficiently. Adding a heat pump dots the I’s and crosses the T’s – allowing to achieve the required temperatures in a highly energy efficient way. And with artificial intelligence we can further optimize the process. Will this make a difference to address the energy crisis? No doubt. Let’s have a quick look at the numbers in Europe. Heating and cooling represent half of the total final energy consumption. Roughly 80% is still based on fossil fuels, most of them imported. And unsurprisingly, most of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions are related to energy production and consumption. Meaning that we must address heating and cooling as a top priority. How? Significantly stepping up the share of renewable energies is indispensable. The International Energy Agency (IEA), for example, found that at global level, the share of renewables both in electricity and in final use needs to at least double until 2030 compared to 2019. Who says more renewables, says higher need for operational flexibility and thermal storage. Can we help with district energy? You bet. So what? I guess, we should not waste our time by enviously glancing at other technologies such as heat pumps and the political attention they are now receiving. And rightly so. The challenge to decarbonize heating is massive and heat pumps are an essential part of the puzzle to solve the energy and climate crisis. What we should do, though, is to reposition district energy in a much more modern and proactive way. It’s not this thing from the past, powered by dirty fossil fuels. Rather, it is the solution to transition to renewable energies and use our resources much more efficiently. We also need to get much better in working with local decision makers. It’s one (important) thing to get the overarching framework right in Brussels, but it’s at least as important to make the local decision makers such as for example our mayors aware of the benefits that district energy provides to citizens. Coming back on the heat we use. Does it have to be the excess heat of coal powerplants? Absolutely not. Rather, we have the luxury to be able to use many different heat sources. Let’s take the example of cooling. There are many facilities that heavily rely on cooling, therefore systematically generating excess heat from the cooling process. I am thinking of datacenters, supermarkets, hospitals to only name a few. Today, this heat is in most of the cases “wasted”. But it does not have to be like that. We should use it, either on site, directly, or by feeding it into a district energy network – thereby reducing the need to generate heat. This is not only energy efficient, but even more so resource efficient! Given that the cooling process is in most Take the example of Sonderborg - city on Als in the southern part of Denmark - which has committed to decarbonize its energy system by 2029. Local decision makers set up “project zero”, bringing on board all relevant stakeholders in town. A plan was made back in 2007, mapping among others heat sources and heat demand. Meanwhile GHG emissions have already been more than halved. Today, we have a fully integrated energy system in Sonderborg which is based on three pillars: energy efficiency, renewable energies and recovery and reuse of excess heat – with district energy being a central part of the solution. Now, if that’s not highly attractive, I wonder what else is? 4 HOTCOOL no.8 2022 Design of base load heat sources in District Heating networks By John Tang Jensen, BEIS By expanding district heating networks, building transmission lines, and intelligent design of heat sources in combination with heat storages fitting to heat demand profiles, it is possible to use waste heat sources 100%. This way, you can avoid losses, get peak load heat demand covered by nonfossil solutions, keep affordable heat prices, and deliver a supply of security to heat consumers, all at the same time. This article explores how heat sources should be designed for the next generation of district heating networks and how this will benefit consumers and society. Originally district heating heat source design When buildings in an urban zone are designated to be supplied from district heating networks, the heat sources commonly are chosen and designed to cover demand and deliver security of supply. It is also designated to deliver low or zero carbon emissions and ensure affordable heat prices by combining heat sources and technologies suitable for different purposes. Heat sources for district heating were originally mainly based on the waste heat from power production in CHP plants, heat from waste incineration, and in some cases, waste heat from industrial production plants. In most cases, the heat sources existed, and the possible heat delivery was higher than the demand in the district heating network being built for using these waste heat sources. Figure 1 shows the combination of waste heat and the needed reserve capacity that district heating networks need to cover the waste CHP supply when this unit is stopped for maintenance or if it falls out. The baseload waste heat source can supply all heat in the district heating system, and reserve capacity is only built to ensure 5 Capacity MW Heat sources Capacity MW Heat sources 200 % 0 - 2 % of production Reserve load 100 % Around 5 - 15 % of production 98 - 100 % of production Peak and reserve load Around 85 - 95 % of production 100 % Base load capacity 50 % Base load capacity Heat demand 50 % Heat demand Annual days 0 365 Annual days 0 365 Figure 1: Duration curve heat demand – ranked from coldest day Figure 2 Increased delivery and decreased heat loss the security of supply. The area below the red line and blue shaded area shows the actual delivery of heat covering 98 – 100% of heat demand in the district heating network. the lost heat in figure 1 can be delivered to consumers without additional investment in production capacity. Figure 2 shows an example of a design where the supply loss is reduced by expanding heat networks. The blue shaded area shows how much more heat the waste heat source could deliver by the installed capacity if delivering is constant at full capacity. The shaded area can easily be up to half the possible heat delivery. If a heat supplier needs to produce power, incinerate waste, or produce industrial goods, the waste heat in the grey-shaded area will be lost, which is not an issue if the price for power, waste, or goods covers costs. The only problem may be the lost energy, which could have been used to reduce carbon emissions and save resources elsewhere in the energy system. Suppose the power plant, the waste incineration plant, or the industrial plant, due to competition, are getting dependent on the income from heat. In that case, the symbiosis between district heat networks and waste heat suppliers may not work the same way anymore. The heat supplier may need to stop production when heat demand is not present, for example, in the summertime. This can be an issue for CHP plants and waste incineration plants, losing the ability to compete on electricity or municipal waste prices if heat cannot be sold. The district heating network company then may not have a reliable and constant baseload supply anymore. This issue can be solved, and the solutions are discussed in the next sections. Adjusted original heat source design In most urban areas, district heating networks are not covering all buildings, and some areas may be industrial, using natural gas, which could be replaced by district heating. There may be block-centrals or nearby district heating networks based on boilers or other more expensive heat sources. Heat sales will increase if the district heating network can expand the covered area by connecting more consumers and/or establishing a transmission line to neighbouring networks. Then a part of 6 HOTCOOL no.8 2022 The base load capacity, in this case, delivers between 50% and 80% of capacity (MW) but up to 95% of the total heat demand (MWh). The share can vary greatly from plant to plant and depends on local conditions and available heat sources. Compared to the previous example shown in figure 1, the potential heat loss shown in the blue shaded area is reduced by 40% to 70%, depending on the heat demand profile. This design is very common today. The heat loss is often reduced further if the heat source is a fossil fuel-based CHP plant, not necessarily needing to produce when the electricity price is low and heat demand also is low in the summertime. It often can be beneficial to add a heat storage system making it possible to produce the heat according to electricity prices making electricity production independent of heat demand simultaneously. The storage also decreases the need for reserve and peak load heat capacity. It reduces the fuels used for reserve and peak load, which can be important due to low carbon requirements, and to avoid using expensive fuels like oil and gas for peak load purposes. The blue shaded loss in figure 2 will be more difficult to remove if the waste heat source is constantly producing – from waste incineration plants or from industries. Design future heat source supply system The constant running baseload heat capacity needs to be reduced or constructed to around 45% to 55% of the total peakload heat capacity demand to reduce the blue-shaded loss shown in figure 2 to a very low level. Suppose tap water heating uses 25% of production year-round and heat loss in the network, for example, is 20%. In that case, the lowest capacity Capacity MW Heat sources Around 2 - 5 % of production 100 % technologies can ensure low heat prices because the technology getting more expensive by increasing prices can be turned down and other technologies turned up Peak load/ Reserve capacity Around 10 - 45 % of production Around 50 - 85 % of production (Middle load capacity) 50 % Base load capacity Annual days 0 365 Figure 3 Base load heat source design according to capacity demand demand in the summertime will be around 45% of the total demand, which should be the lowest designing point for base load heat sources. Often it can be beneficial to design the base load capacity a little higher, significantly if a storage system can absorb some of the extra waste heat. Figure 3 shows a situation where the base load covers 55% of peak load heat demand. When the base load capacity is 55% (MW), the share of heat delivered heat would be around 70% of demand (MWh). Potential heat loss if the base load source needs to run constantly is reduced to a very low level. The original heat source design will not be able to deliver all heat demand in the wintertime if the target is to use peak load source as little as possible. The heat source design then needs a low carbon “middle load” source to deliver heat in the wintertime. This can be a heat pump using air, other ambient sources, or low-grade heat waste heat from infrastructure sources - municipal wastewater treatment, water systems, Transformers, underground trains, gas compressors, mines, etc. - or allowed biofuels. The choice of middle load technology should complement the base load technology or at least not be dependent on the same fuel. If baseload technology is CHP-dependent on high electricity prices, it would be a good choice to choose a middle-load technology dependent on low electricity prices, like heat pumps using ambient or low-grade waste infrastructure heat sources. The capacity of these middle-load technologies can be higher than the expected 40%, as shown in figure 3 if higher, the middle load capacity can deliver peak low capacity and additionally be able to deliver reserve load capacity for the base load unit. This way, it can reduce fossil peak load capacity to zero. It additionally can be recommended to design these middle load source technologies in combination, maybe both having a heat source using a heat pump, a waste heat source, and/or a biomass boiler. If the power system needs power capacity, even CHP solutions could be considered. The combination of Design of new district heating networks Two main approaches can be considered when designing new networks and heat sources for new networks. If a large existing waste heat source is already available, it would be convenient to start delivery from this source the same way as the original heat source design. Focus should then be on expanding the heat network until the heat source design needs to be adjusted and supplemented with middle load sources. In the network expanding phase, the chosen reserve load technologies should be suitable for middle load and, in the beginning, maybe only used for peak and reserve load purposes. In the end, the heat network demand may reach a level having a heat source design like the future design shown in figure 3. If no large existing waste heat source is available from the beginning, another approach may be better and recommendable. Often it takes time to get consumers connected in new networks, and it can then be recommended to start up with the middle load technologies, also providing base load capacity when the heat network is being built. This gives time to find a better high-grade waste base load technology that can take over with full capacity from finished construction a little later. This will make base load suppliers get the expected sales and revenue from the beginning. If no waste heat sources are available for base load in the new network area, this way of designing heat sources gives time to attract, for example, a new waste incineration plant to an area or to attract data centres, hydrogen production plants, Power-to-X, all wanting to run constantly and deliver full load heat capacity. Especially for waste incineration plants and large, continually running waste heat suppliers, high heat delivery is essential and can trigger incentives for establishing solutions for delivering waste heat. The feasibility simply gets better when supply can be expected full-time, and no heat is wasted like the blue shaded areas shown in figures 1 and 2. The middle load technologies, which were delivering all heat from the start, will now be able to deliver heat in the wintertime, deliver flexibility to the electricity system if based on electricity and/or CHP, and ensure low heat prices. This is because the production can be changed according to electricity and fuel prices. If a heating system is constructed the right way, including heat storage, it will work the same as a battery, which can be very valuable for society and the electricity system saving capacity and balancing costs. For further information please contact: John Tang Jensen, 7 Hydrogen is hot – very hot You risk being very disappointed with this podcast. If you think buildings should be heated with hydrogen or believe that hydrogen is not an essential part of the future energy system, rest assured to be disappointed. Here you will listen to two experts talking about how the production of hydrogen, CCS, and PtX can become an important source of surplus heat for city-wide district heating systems. They even say it can revolutionize the district heating sector the way CHP did – and still does. First, all three of us agree that hydrogen looks like the only real option for the hard-to-decarbonize sectors – like heavy industry and transport. Oddgeir Gudmundsson then introduces his idea of blue district heating – to be able to compare the energy efficiency of heating buildings and to compare to blue hydrogen. And you will see that district heating always wins! I´m glad to be back after giving my favourite chair to Charlotte Owen, who hosted our diversity podcast. Definitely worth a listen if you care the least about diversity in our industry. But now I’m back with two top experts Jørgen Nielsen, chairman of DBDH and managing director of VEKS, and probably the only one who actually has a district heating system that harvests surplus heat from (or, as he says, provides a cooling service to) a manufacturer of hydrogen. In the other chair, you will find Oddgeir Gudmundsson, who has looked deep into many aspects of district heating and has made new ways to compare DH and hydrogen – our scientist here! The two experts also discuss how cities and nations should plan in the best way to be both carbon-neutral and as energy efficient as possible. And argue that even cities with no district heating should be careful to find ways to reap the benefits of hydrogen. The answer is to ensure the future city infrastructure is well with district heating. It is fair to conclude from our talks that the district heating sector should welcome the hydrogen sector 100%. We can support the H2 industry with an improved economy and better performance. But hydrogen should not be used to heat buildings – that is never directly. But very much so indirectly through district heating. The demand for hydrogen will be enormous in the future – let’s use it in the right and most energy-efficient way. Listen in, get all the details, and find us on LinkedIn to discuss this highly relevant topic. Welcome to DBDHs district heating podcasts. In this series of podcasts, we invite experts from the industry to highlight important and current developments in our industry. The goal is to share knowledge, to inspire and maybe also to provoke a bit – to give insights. And I always ask the experts to share one recommendation each. This is the DBDH district heating podcast, and your host is Morten Jordt Duedahl. 8 HOTCOOL no.8 2022 "It is fair to conclude from our talks that the district heating sector should welcome the hydrogen sector 100%. We can support the H2 industry with an improved economy and better performance. But..." Meet the experts Jørgen Nielsen,, Oddgeir Gudmundsson, managing Director at TVIS director, Danfoss Climate Solutions – DBL-AP Member’s profile at DBDH Member’s profile at DBDH TVIS is a heat transmission company in Jutland, based in Fredericia. 26 employees Heat sale – 2.000.000 MWh/Year Sixty stations with heat exchangers, pump stations, etc. 123 km main pipe trace from Vejle in the north to Kolding in the south Holding a Ph.D. degree in engineering, Oddgeir has been working with district energy within Danfoss since 2012. He holds a global role ranging from new market development, project development, system and concept analyses, knowledge transfers between markets and sectors, and participation in international research projects. Oddgeir advocates for district energy as a sustainable and future-proof solution for urban thermal demands. Founded in 1933, family-owned Danfoss has 42.000 employees in a global operation. Danfoss delivers an extensive range of products and solutions across its business segments: Danfoss Climate Solutions, Danfoss Drives, and Danfoss Power Solutions. Podcast links: Apple Podcasts Connect Google Podcasts for Android Spotify RSS.COM 9 DISCOVERING HOT WATER In Italy, the expression “scoprire l’acqua calda,” if literally translated into English, stands for “discovering hot water.” It means that what you just discovered is nothing new; indeed, it is pretty obvious. District heating is nothing more than a network of pipes distributing hot water. So, I thought that “scoprire l’acqua calda” could be a funny expression to stress this article’s aim: to inspire you, dear readers, and make you aware of the benefits this technology can bring in a global context. A novel, replicable methodology for assessing district heating potential will be presented. By Giulia Spirito, PhD Student at the Energy Department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy The novel methodology has been developed in a project funded by AIRU, the Italian District Heating Association. It was conducted by the research group “ReLab” of Politecnico di Milano and by Politecnico di Torino. clusters of heat demand are generated. They identify areas where the heat demand is high and very dense and, thus, where DH is expected to be feasible. The distribution network’s length and topology are estimated in each cluster, so that heat losses and costs related to the heat distribution can be computed. In step 3, the available heat sources are identified, and the amount of recoverable heat is estimated. At this point, the transmission network connecting sources and heat demand cluster can also be designed in step 4. In step 4a, a triangulation algorithm generates the energy graph in which all the previously identified heat demand and heat sources are connected. Step 4b uses a routing algorithm to turn the linear connection into paths along the streets. In this way, more realistic costs associated with the transmission network can be estimated and considered in the ultimate step, step 5. Here, an optimization algorithm is applied to identify, for each cluster, what is the most economically feasible heating technology among DH and the individual solutions. The strength of this method, and this algorithm, in particular, is the capability of considering the spatial distribution of the elements that make up the whole system, with the possibility to take into account all the associated aspects and costs related to their location and mutual position. It consists of 5 main steps that are illustrated in Figure 1. Step 1 illustrates the quantification and the mapping of the heat demand, and step 2 its spatial aggregation. In this way, For each demand cluster, the total cost associated with DH, thus the sum of heat generation, heat transportation, and distribution, is compared to the cost that would be paid if the District heating (DH) is a well-known technology, in a way invented by the ancient Romans thousands of years ago. However, despite the energy, economic and social benefits it can bring, it still is a niche technology. In this sense, district heating should be “discovered”: anyone should become aware of its potential to promote its diffusion. The methodology I will present has been developed based on open-source data and software to make it replicable in other contexts and so that results can be available for everyone. In the following, the main steps of the method and then the results obtained by applying it in Italy will be illustrated. The focus was on district heating based on renewables and excess heat sources. The main novelty stands in the high spatial resolution achieved, with which it was possible not to overlook local parameters. It is, in fact, essential, when planning a DH network, to properly consider its local nature. Methodology Figure 1: Illustration of the five steps composing the methodology 10 HOTCOOL no.8 2022 T TIS SCIEN CO RN ER same amount of supplied heat is met by any alternative individual heating solution (e.g., natural gas boilers, air or water heat pumps). The optimization algorithm, aiming to minimize the system’s overall cost, identifies the areas where DH is competitive to any local technology. It indicates the optimal heat demand clusters, the heat sources to be connected, and how (along which network path). The result of the methodology is the definition of DH potential in Italy on an annual basis and based on an optimally designed network, thus with a high spatial resolution. Results This section deals with the results obtained by applying the developed methodology to the case study in Italy. DH potential in the country in terms of quantity is presented in Figure 2. At the same time, the identified optimal paths are shown in Figure 3 in a portion of the Italian map for greater clarity. All the results can be explored interactively in the web map created in ArcGIS: Renewables- and excess heat-based DH in Italy can meet a heat demand of 38 TWh annually and given the minimum cost for the overall system. It corresponds to 12% of the estimated heat demand, about 329 TWh/year. A four-fold expansion is envisaged since DH currently covers only 3% of the overall heat demand. These results appear very promising, and since Italy presents a very peculiar territory, they also suggest obtaining even higher results in countries where the environment may be intrinsically more suitable for a technology like DH. Indeed, Italy presents a variegated territory and different climate conditions, passing from the northern regions with cold winters to central and southern regions characterized by a mild Mediterranean climate. Moreover, it presents a widely uneven demographic distribution, with very dense metropolitan cities such as Milan and Rome and sparsely populated areas along the Alps, the Apennines, and in the two major islands, mainly. Despite this peculiar territory conformation, a fourfold DH expansion can be obtained based on renewables and existing excess heat sources. This confirms the important role that district heating can have in mitigating climate change and in facing the current energy crisis in Italy and globally. Regarding the visualization of the results, in the map, it is possible to see the heat demand clusters represented as orange polygons, the heat sources described as points, and the optimal heat fluxes as directed arrows. Industriel excess heat Thermoelectric plants Solar Thermal energy Geothermal energy Figure 2: Estimated DH potential in Italy in terms of covered heat demand Figure 3: 11 The considered heat sources are waste incineration plants (in green), wastewater treatment plants (in blue), and low-temperature and high-temperature effluents from industries (in yellow and red, respectively). The size of the points indicates the amount of recoverable heat, while the amount of transported heat along the arrows is specified by their colour. You may notice that not only sources and heat demand clusters are connected. There are paths linking sources with sources and clusters with clusters. Indeed, if the available heat from a source is more significant than the demand in its vicinity, it can be distributed to multiple clusters; if the heat entering a cluster exceeds its heat demand, this residual heat can be conveyed to one or more adjacent clusters; if a cluster’s demand cannot be met by a single source, multiple sources can be used. The developed methodology can be improved since some simplification was made, but the results are reliable and encouraging. They can be extrapolated from the map and used as a starting point for further analysis of specific districts in Italy or other countries. Future efforts will go towards an increased temporal resolution, considering demand and load profiles and heat storages to balance them, and towards sector coupling, thus by considering the interaction of the heating sector with the electrical and transport sectors. CONCLUSION How to make a plan? The developed methodology enables the assessment of DH potential on a large-scale level by considering the magnitude, location, and costs of all the elements constituting the energy system. The local aspects that are essential when dealing with DH are therefore contemplated. The outcome of the optimization problem is very promising and can provide a reliable starting point for any decision-making authority, such as policymakers, cities’ mayors, and DH operators. District heating is indeed an energy infrastructure in which local aspects are fundamental for a proper potential assessment and planning. As proved by the great development DH experienced in Denmark since the intervention of the Government in the late 70s, adequate regulation at the national level is required to foster the market uptake of this technology. But together with policymakers, it is helpful that also engineers, system operators, managers, and even users (non-expert people) are made aware of this technology’s potential. It is important that everyone knows that the advantages of this technology are many and assured, even though a great investment cost is generally required for the construction of the distribution network. Moreover, it is important to stress that everyone can take advantage of the environmental, social, and economic benefits that arise from DH if the system is properly built and properly managed, operated, and used. That is why results are made available online and open for consultancy. Everyone, even non-experts, can access them and get an insight into a specific area’s potential in terms of DH systems’ ability to provide thermal energy. Everyone can “discover hot water”! Giulia Spirito What makes this subject exciting to you? I have focused on DH&C since my degree in 2020. I was motivated and still am because DH’s role in decarbonization appears increasingly relevant, with countless rising opportunities. I am devoting myself to learning more about them, contributing to this development, and disseminating the acquired experience. This article proves it. What will your findings do for DH? The intention is to foster DH diffusion by highlighting its benefits. This is done by developing a replicable methodology for assessing DH potential based on RES and excess heat. Fundamentally, each of the involved players of a DH system has a clear vision of the potential advantages of this technology and how they can be maximized while minimizing costs. The results obtained in Italy can be the stepping-stones for many other applications and more detailed research. Giulia is a Ph.D. student at Politecnico di Milano. Her research focuses on DH at local and national scales, intending to merge these two scales of analysis. She manages tools to design and optimize DH networks holistically based on geo-referenced data. She has been involved in several national and EU-funded projects and is participating in the activities of the IEA. She is a co-author of 6 indexed scientific publications. For further information please contact: Giulia Spirito, 12 HOTCOOL no.8 2022 Member company profile: Taking a step toward the future It is without a doubt that the energy sector worldwide is undergoing major unforeseen changes, which place the attention on sustainable energies. This has allowed us to build specific competencies we employ in our transition toward providing green energy. Ever Better Energy BWSC recognizes the value that green energies can provide, and thus, we have been exploring our role within green energy solutions - namely carbon capture, energy storage, and Power-to-X. Thanks to our long-standing experience, today, we can confidently help green players as we reposition ourselves in the industry. We aim to be more complete service providers and grow within green solutions. Power-to-X has been particularly in the spotlight of the green energy industry. This technology helps companies achieve their decarbonization goals by using surplus electric power from electricity conversion, energy storage, and reconversion pathways. In the long term, Power-to-X is expected to be able to compete with fossil fuels and provide companies with a more sustainable and cleaner energy alternative. Our current strategy (launched two years ago) shifted us from supplying turnkey power plants to providing our clients with comprehensive advisory and technical services. This strategy is already showing promising results: our clients are improving profitability (due to greater efficiency) and making their plants more reliable and available. More importantly, they are reducing their carbon footprint and transitioning to cleaner energy. Thus, BWSC has been broadening its offer to include Power-to-Hydrogen projects. This is possible due to our adaptability and the strong competencies we developed throughout 40 years in engineering, installation, and technology integration. So, as BWSC moves towards a greener future, our corporate identity changes to reflect our values better today. Our drive is now based on one simple goal: to provide “Ever Better Energy.” Powerplant experts Over time, we have specialized in providing facilities with lifetime extensions, increased capacity and efficiency, turnkey O&M contracts, maintenance work, ad-hoc rehabilitation, and more. A fascinating and upcoming project area for BWSC has been the optimization and shift in nature of existing powerplants. Engine-based plants are increasingly converting from oil to gas or from heavy to lighter fuel, while boiler-based plants transition from coal to biomass or gas. Our role is to work with restrictions in flexibility in terms of the fuels possible to use so that companies can broaden their fuel configuration. FACT BOX With roots stretching back to the 20th century as a stationary engine division of Burmeister & Wain, BWSC has long evolved into a world-class provider of sustainable energy solutions focused on providing more value to its customers. They trust us to help them reach their energy targets, solve challenges, and reduce their carbon impact on the environment. This environmental focus has grown in importance, especially throughout the last decade, and is becoming increasingly relevant to our strategy and service offering. For further information please contact: Alain Ruiz, 13 HEAT 4.0 – Digitalization creates measurable efficiency results in the district heating sector By Alfred Heller - HEAT 4.0 Project Manager NIRAS, Eva Lange Rasmussen - Communication consultant NIRAS, Per Sieverts Nielsen - Senior Researcher, Ph.D. DTU, Henrik Madsen - Professor, Head of Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science DTU Compute District heating utilities have long used consumption data and prognoses to plan their production and meet the local heat demand. But to achieve more operational goals, the use of large amounts of existing data has been limited. The HEAT 4.0 project has therefore set this on the agenda and has successfully demonstrated new methods and an open digital platform where IT and OT can meet in new harmonies. The main objective of the implementation of digitalization was to create environmental, operational, and economic efficiency for district heating companies. HEAT 4.0 started in 2019 and was a 3-year project supported by Innovation Fund Denmark. Software customization HEAT 4.0 addressed the digital needs of the entire sector, from the production site to distribution to energy consumption – and it has created synergy between the design, operation, maintenance, and supply of district heating on a new and unprecedented digital level. The invented solution is called Cross System Optimization (CSO) and has been created in close collaboration between the project's 16 partners: component suppliers, researchers, district heating companies, and software developers. 14 HOTCOOL no.8 2022 In the project, three district heating companies were involved: Hillerød Utility, Brønderslev Utility, and TREFOR, who each demanded that the project add genuine efficiency improvements to the district heating system, from which all heating companies could benefit. The standard digital procedure is that each district heating company installs and integrates the software systems they would like to use in their own district heating operation - with- HEAT 4.0 16 partnere: Aarhus Universitet Brønderslev Forsyning Center Denmark Danfoss Dansk Fjernvarme DESMI DTU EMD International ENFOR Hillerød Forsyning Kamstrup Kingspan/Logstor NIRAS Neogrid NorthQ Trefor out setting requirements to communicate across the different software solutions and services. The first step in the HEAT 4.0 project was to find secure methods for the OT systems to be opened up to their surroundings in a controlled way and thus be able to both send and simultaneously receive data from other surrounding IT systems. In the development process of this new IT architecture, strict requirements were set for cyber security to protect data and prevent possible hacker attacks. It was necessary to standardize the IT language used to improve operators' performance and control capabilities. Here, the recommendation was to use OPC-UA as a standard protocol for data exchange, which has been developed within Industry 4.0 and has inspired the name of the current project. In addition, HEAT 4.0 recommends the use of REST-API interfaces for the data exchange between software packages. form aimed to ensure data quality by, for example, validating data, troubleshooting missing data, and resampling data at the required sampling rates. In addition, the platform's purpose was to enable the district heating plants to select and replace several different digital services/software systems and connect them via plug-n-play technologies through common data interfaces. At the time of writing, work is continuing to develop such a commercial cloud, of which the project partner 'Center Denmark' is in charge. The cloud solution will save district heating companies many hours of integration, make usage data much more intelligent, provide freedom of software choice to operators, and simultaneously comply with the high requirements for IT security and privacy rules (GDPR), of course. Prospect to efficiency and financial savings First, a so-called peer-to-peer (p2p) solution was developed for communication purposes, which denotes the agile and flexible communicative IT structure without a centralized server. But the project's ambition was higher – and work was subsequently done to create a 'common data platform.' The plat- The goal of the entire HEAT 4.0 project was to demonstrate savings of heat losses in the pipe network of 1-2% through digitalization. But research results during the project process showed that the saving potentials were much higher for the already efficiently managed District Heating plants like the 15 Figure: The development of IT architecture in the District Heating system. 1 Special Features of HEAT 4.0 A data-driven solution Available to all suppliers, developers, and district heating companies An agile and flexible IT archi­ tecture A common communication platform 2 Use of standardized language System independent Foreign software can be integrated Make data available in secure manner Enable digital interconnection of data and IT architecture across systems Improves control capabilities for optimal production and operation Creates synergy for the entire district heating system, i.e., between production, distribu­ tion, and consumption and between design, operation, and maintenance 16 HOTCOOL no.8 2022 3 Danish. The project has documented the following possible savings from data-driven optimization of the district heating system: Significant savings using improved weather and temperature forecasts and heat consumption predictions 10 – 30% savings from predictive control of heat pumps 5 – 20%savings by integrating forecasting into the buildings' smart management systems (smart house) Up to 20% savings by using the grid and houses for flexible energy storage 10 – 40% improvements in electricity and heat load forecasts Up to 20% savings through optimal operation and bidding, i.e., purchase of energy at the most advantageous times The above results are research-based feedback from the partners involved, each representing its part of the holistic district heating system: production, distribution, and consumption. The results testify to the fact that through digitalization, it is possible to create valuable synergy and efficiency for the entire district heating system through intelligent use and interconnection of data. (heating season 1: 2019-2020), the year after various software solutions were installed (heating season 2: 2020-2021), and again in heat season 3: 2021-2022. The purpose was to prove savings between seasons 2 and 3. For TREFOR, the result was 2-3 % with the integration of selected HEAT 4.0 tools. Similar values were documented for Brønderslev Utility, who has calculated the savings to the amount of €135,000 per year as an economic effect of a reduced heat loss in the heating network. In addition to the large financial savings, Brønderslev Utility reports achieving optimized pump operation, a better balance between pressure and temperatures, and an improved analysis tool for operational planning. Both plants represent a typical district heating plant. Therefore, it is evident that many district heating utilities – both in Denmark and abroad – will benefit from using HEAT 4.0 tools to optimize their district heating operation and distribution. An equal cross-disciplinary collaboration HEAT 4.0 is based on a cooperative business approach that aims to support the district heating sector with digitally supported solutions, services, software, hardware, methods, and algorithms. Despite potential competition conditions among the HEAT 4.0 partners, all companies in the project have worked closely together with a professional, open-minded business approach and heading towards a common digital goal. Each has offered its technology and knowledge on equal terms, making HEAT 4.0 a unique innovation project. Read the individual results for each participating partner on Positive results At the participating HEAT 4.0 district heating plants, the described cross-cutting optimization (CSO) solution and some of the above savings options were tested. Thus, measurements were carried out both before the implementation of HEAT 4.0 For further information please contact: Michael Lassen Schmidt, Senior Project Director, 17