CHAPTER-1 COMPUTER SYSTEM Name- Bhavya Agrawal Class- 11thComm. Submited to- Apurv Sir INTRODUCTION Computer:- Computer is an electronic device which is used to manuplate the data. Computer System comprises of two parts: Hardware Software I.P.O. CYCLE I.P.O. stands for Input Process Output It receives the input from the user and after processing, it gives the desire output. DATA Input PROCESS STORAGE Output INFORMATION INPUT DEVICES An INPUT UNIT fetches the input and converts it into binary form which is directly understood by the computer. There are many types of Input Devices as follow:KEYBOARD:- It directly enters the data in the form of letters, digits, commands into the computer. MOUSE:- It is a pointing device with a roller at its base, used for pointing on a computer monitor. LIGHT PEN:- It is a pointing device that can be used to select anything on the computer screen simply by pointing at it. OMR:- It stands for Optical Marker Reader. It is capable of recognizing a pre-specified type of mark made with a dark pencil or ink. BAR CODE READER:- A machine which is used to read the barcode is called Bar Code Reader. SCANNER:- It is an electronic machine that can look at, send images or electrical information. OCR:- Optical Mark Recognisation. It recognizes text within a digital image. Used in scanned document and images. It converts physical paper document into electronic version with text. OUTPUT DEVICES Plotter:- It is a printer that interprets commands from a computer to make line drawings on paper with one or more automated pens. Monitor:- It is an output device which is used to display information in pictorial or textual form. LCD:- It stands for Liquid Crystal Display. It is a type of flat panel display which uses liquid crystals in its primary forms. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT CPU is a control center or brain of a computer. It consists of three components:ARITHMETIC LOGICAL UNIT (ALU) CONTROL UNIT (CU) REGISTERS ALU:It stands for Arithmetical and logical unit. It is used to carry out arithmetical instructions like addition(+), subtraction(-), etc and logical units like <, >, = . CU:It stand for Control Unit. It is used to control the processing of the computer. REGISTERS:They are high speed temporary storage areas found in the C.P.U. MEMORY UNIT They are of two types:Primary unit Secondary unit PRIMARY UNIT:- It is the internal volatile memory where data and instructions are stored. SECONDARY UNIT:- It is an external memory which is used to store the data permanently. PARTS OF PRIMARY UNIT Random Access Memory (RAM) Read Only Memory (ROM) RAM:- The memory cells can be exist for information transferred from any desire random location. It is volatile in nature as when power goes off, content gets deleted. Types:- DRAM, SRAM DRAM:- These are made up of transistors and capacitors. The amount of time taken to produce data required for memory, from the start to excess until the availability of data in all memory on time. DRAM access time is btw 20-70 nano-seconds. SRAM:- It stands for Static Random Access Memory. They are made up of flip locks and offers faster access time about 10 nano-seconds. ROM:- It stands for Read Only Memory. It only performs the react operations and Does not have the right capabilities. There are various types of ROM:PROM Flash ROM EP-ROM EEP-ROM SECONDARY MEMORY Hard Disk:- It is the secondary storage device and used to store all the programs and data on the device. Compact Disk:- It is an optical device used for storing digital data. They have 700 Mb of storage. Digital Versatile Disk:- It is also an optical disk but faster then CD. It can hold 4.7 Gb to 17Gb of data. Blue-Ray Disk:- It is also an optical storage device but use blue violet lase instead of a red laser beam to store. It can sore up to 25 Gb of data. Types of Software:- System software :- Application software SYSTEM SOFTWARE:- It is a software that controls internal computer operation. Types of System Software Operating System:- It is a type of program which acts as an interface between a user and a computer. E.g. :- Windows, Mac OS, etc. Command Based Interface:- It provides the user to type command to instruct the operating system to perform the desire action. E.g. :- Docs Generating User Interface:- It is a type of user interface that allow the user to interact with the computer through images rather than the text command. These images can be in the form of icons, value at other option. E.g. :- GUIR Touch Based Interface:- These type of interface accept input as touch as like the mobile operating system. E.g. :- 8.1 windows Voice Based Interface:- In this type of interface, we don’t need any input unit like mouse, keyboard, etc. They use only voice commands to make a computer work in the desired way. Gesture Based Interface:- In this type of interface, user interact with the device using gesture slide, eye contact, shaking, etc. This technology is involving faster and it has promising potential for application mobile gaming. NEED FOR OPERATING SYSTEM It provides user interface. Programming execution. Resource allocation Manipulating of full system Input / Output System Input Operation Error Detection FUNCTIONS OF OPERATING SYSTEM Resource management Process management Memory management File management Device Management Language Translator Assembler:- It is used to translate the program written in assembly language to machine language. ASSEMBLER SOUCE CODE ASSEMBLER OBJECT CODE Compiler:- The language processor that process the complete source program as a whole in one go into machine language is called compiler. E.g. :- Compilers of C and C++ Interpreter:- The language processor that translates a single statement at once into machine language and execute it immediately before moving on to the next line. Application Software Application software are bought by the user to perform applications or task. They are of two types:General Purpose Application Software(GPAS) Specific Purpose Application (SPA) SPAS / Customized Software This software is one which is tailor made as per the user requirement. Such type of software is customer specific. UTILITY SOFTWARE They are those application programs that assists the computer by performing housekeeping functions like searching, removing viruses, etc. Examples of Utility Software Backup Utility:- This utility helps in taking backup of data, i.e., duplicating the disk information. It creates a copy of complete or partial data store in a disk or other external device. Anti-Virus Software:- It is a utility software which detect and remove computer viruses infected areas from the computer hardware for smooth functioning. E.g. :- Nortan, Abg, etc. Device Drivers:- It is a program that controls a particular type of device that is attached to the computer. This device driver provide the familiar environment to the new device for the smooth working. Thank you