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Halloween Customs Worksheet

Miss Paulina Naimán
Customs and Traditions
Name: ___________________________ Grade: __________ Date: ______________
Objective: To identify characteristics by reading a text of Halloween
Item I: Match the traditions (a-h) with the pictures (1-8)
a. ________________ b. ________________ c. _______________ d. _______________
e. ________________ f ._________________ g. _______________ h. _______________
Item II: Read the text and answer the questions
When and where is it celebrated?
It is celebrated in America, Great Britain and more countries all
over the world on the night of 31st October.
Why is it celebrated?
Halloween has Celtic origins. The Celtic calendar was in two parts: summer and winter.
Summer was from May to the end of October, and winter was from November to the end of
April. The ancient Celtic festivity Samhain celebrated the end of the year: the start of winter.
It began on the evening of October 31st and continued until the next year. The Celts believed
that ghosts, witches and evil spirits returned on the night of October 31st. They believed that
evil spirits entered the body of a person or animal. They wore frightening costumes and
made big fires to send them away.
During the centuries, the Roman Catholic Church put Christian festivities in the place of preChristian festivities. In the 8th century the Church decided to call 1st November All Saints'
Miss Paulina Naimán
Day. Another name for this day was All Hallows' Day. The evening of 31st October was All
Hallows' Eve. This became Halloween.
How is it celebrated?
Costumes: On Halloween, kids dress up in costumes. Some kids wear a mask on their face
and others paint their face with make-up. Many boys like to dress up as a pirate because
they can carry a sword.
Trick or Treat: At night, kids go trick-or-treating, which means they go from house to house
and say trick-or treat. Then, the owner of the house will give the kids candy. The kids usually
carry a pillowcase to carry the treats they get. The house owners usually carve a pumpkin
to make a jack-o’lantern. When they are finished carving, they put a candle inside to light up
the face.
Monsters: There are many monsters on Halloween. A vampire is a monster that likes to
drink blood. A mummy is a monster from Egypt covered in white bandages. A werewolf is a
monster that comes out when the moon is full.
Taken from: islcollective
1.- Where is Halloween celebrated?
A: It is celebrated only in America
B: It is celebrated in many countries around the world
C: It is celebrated only in Great Britain and America
2.- Halloween has ____ origins
A: Nordic B: Celtic
3.- Celtics believed that in October 31st appeared the
A: ghosts, witches and evil spirits
B: witches and spirits
C: ghosts, shadows and spirits
4.- The evening of October 31st was also known as
A: All Saints' Day
B: All Hallows Day
C: All Hallows Eve
5.-According to the text: How is Halloween Celebrated?
A: Through costumes, parties and watching movies
B: Through costumes, "trick or treat" and "monsters"
C: Through costumes, "trick or treat" and fireworks
Miss Paulina Naimán
Item III: Guess the halloween movies