NAME: MONJIR C. JAMAANI COURSE&YEAR: BSED ENGLISH 3 Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 English I. II. a. b. c. d. e. III. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to: a. Identify statements that show biases and prejudices; b. Appreciate the significance of determining the bias and prejudice in everyday life; c. Show understanding on the importance of showing sensitivity to other people. Subject Matter: Topic: Bias and Prejudice Reference: MELC: EN9LC-IVf-13.3, Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, Learner’s material (page 165-169) and Teacher’s guide (page 147-150) Author: Monjir C. Jamaani Chapter: 3 Pages: 8 Materials: Laptop, projector, Instructional Materials, pilot pens, Manila paper Procedure: Teacher’s Activity Preliminary Activities Students’ Activity Greetings “Okay, good morning class” “Good morning, sir Monjir” “How are you feeling today?” “We are feeling good sir” Opening Prayer “Everybody, please stand and lead the prayer Princhar” “Dear God ……” Checking of Attendance “Before we start our lesson, class mayor please give me lists of names who are present. “Yes sir.” Motivation The teacher will group the students into four groups. give the students an activity called “Spell the Words”. The activity is about spelling the words correctly dictated by the teacher while used in the sentence. The student will answer in an activity sheet provided by the teacher. Then the groups will exchange papers and check the answers. “Okay, as we start our lesson, let’s play an activity called “Spell the Words”. I will group you into 4 and move to your group silently, and let’s start counting 1 to 4 starting here.” “Instruction, all you have to do is to listen attentively then spell the words correctly. I will dictate the word and used it in a sentence for you to understand. I will only read the sentence twice then you spell the given words. Are you ready?? “Okay, let’s start!” (Students counting 1 to 4) “Yes sir!” It is hypocrisy when you speak a word but your action is different. His grief was inconsolable after the death of his wife. Jin’s gruesome car accident cost him his life, he was unrecognizable When I broke her precious base, my mother’s incessant scolding lasted until the next day His doctor advised him to not engage in extremely strenuous activity after his operation “Okay, shall we check your answers now?” “Exchange your papers by group and do it silently. I will flash the correct spelling of the words on the screen.” “Okay very good everyone. Give yourselves a round of applause. I hope you enjoyed our spelling drill and add new words to your vocabulary banks” Hypocrisy Inconsolable Gruesome Incessant Strenuous “Yes sir.” (Groups exchanging papers and checking the answers) (Everyone clapping) Lesson Proper/Discussion The teacher will use DIRECT INSTRUCTION method to discuss the lesson. Students will interact attentively. “Okay, our topic for today is all about Bias and Prejudice” “What is Bias and Prejudice? Kindly read Eula” “What is Bias and Prejudice? Bias and prejudice are closely related and often used interchangeably. Both have a negative impact on our dealings. Let us explore the differences between these concepts. Bias is a tendency to look at things in a certain way, in preference to another way. It means a tendency to favor or support or against a particular one person, group, thing, or point of view over another resulting in unfairness. (The teacher further explains the topic) “Now, there are 5 common types of Bias. Kindly read Alexe the first type which is Anchoring Bias” Common Types of Bias (The teacher further explains the topic) 1. Anchoring Bias -This happens when people are too relied on current information or the initial information they find in decision-making. Example: From what I know, I chose you because I believed others are not as good as you. “Next Media Bias. Kindly read Patricia” 2. Media Bias -This happens when the journalists and news producers in the mass media select what to report and cover. Example: As a witness to the incident, I can attest that the reported news is far from what I see because the events are reversed and untrue. (The teacher further explains the topic) “Kindly read the next type, Jane” 3. Confirmation - This happens when one tends to search for, interpret, favor and remember information supporting one's belief and views. Example: When he found out that the report did not agree with his views, he immediately researched facts to prove that he was right. (The teacher further explains the topic) “For the next type, kindly read Brenda” 4. Conformity - This happens when one makes a wrong or uncomfortable decision to fit in to please the group of people. Example: Although I did not agree with my will, I went with them to be happy. I was ashamed of my own helpless decision. (The teacher further explains the topic) “For the last type, kindly read Rose” 5. Halo Effect - This happens when one sees the wonderful thing about a person and let the perceptions on everything else about that person be distorted. Example: Among the applicants, only Leo's papers were completely reviewed because the manager was impressed with his awards and commendations. (The teacher further explains the topic) “What is Prejudice? Kindly read Princhar” “Prejudice refers to pre-judging before looking at the evidence. It is an unfavorable opinion or feeling beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Prejudice can have a strong influence on how people behave and interact with others, particularly with those who are different from another group (The teacher further explains the topic) “Now, there are 5 common types of Prejudices. Kindly read Alexe the first type which is the Racism” “Racism - This is the idea that groups of people exhibit different personality characteristics and can be separated based on the dominance of one race over another. Example: All Chinese in the country are considered virus carriers due to the COVID-19 disease” (The teacher further explains the topic) “For the next type, kindly read Brenda” “Sexism - This is a prejudice based on sex or gender. Example: Women are considered weak and lack the strength and ability to do the work of men.” (The teacher further explains the topic) “For the next type, kindly read Eula” “Classism - This is a prejudice based on social class or grouping of individuals based on wealth, occupation, income, education, and social network. Example: The poor are uneducated and do not help our country; they should not be treated well by the government” (The teacher further explains the topic) “For the next type, kindly read Dalnaine” “Ageism - This is a prejudicial attitude towards older people, old age, and the aging process. Example: All adults should not be hired because they only become a burden, especially those who deserve to retire.” (The teacher further explains the topic) “For the last type, kindly read Sheila” “Religious prejudice - This is the attitude towards a person or group differently because of the particular beliefs about religion. Example: He lost his job because of his religion, which was believed to conflict with his employer. These types of prejudice can also be a form of bias. Similarly, a person can be biased because of prejudice. However, prejudice and discrimination are different. Prejudice refers to a person's thought or attitude, while discrimination is the behavior acted upon by a prejudice regarding a certain group of people.” (The teacher further explains the topic) Application: “Now, I have here manila paper and pilot pen. I want you to write bias and prejudices as many as you can and explain how it affects people. I will only give you 2 minutes to do this activity” (Students are writing on the Manila paper) “Okay time is up! Kindly post your output on the board” “Let’s start from group 1” “Yes ma’am” “Okay very good group 1. Next group 2” (Group 1 is presenting) “Thank you group 2. Let’s move on to group 3” (Group 2 is presenting) “Okay very good. Next group 4” “Thank you group 4. Now give yourselves around of applause for presenting your output very well.” (Group 3 is presenting) (Group 4 is presenting) Generalization The teacher will ask students to give a short review about Bias and Prejudice. Teacher will give 10 points to those students who can answer. Focus Questions: 1. What is bias and prejudice? 2. What are the types of Bias? How about the types of Prejudice? 3. In your own words, what is the importance of showing sensitivity to people around you? “Okay let’s have a short review about our lesson for today” “What is bias and prejudice?” “Very good Dalnaine” “What are the types of Bias? How about the types of Prejudice?” “Sir, bias and prejudice is a tendency to look at things in a certain way, in preference to another way. It means a tendency to favor or support or against a particular one person, group, thing, or point of view over another resulting in unfairness.” “The types of Bias are anchoring bias, media bias, confirmation, conformity, and halo effect. And the types of Prejudice are racism, sexism, classism, ageism, and religious prejudice” “Wow, very good Jane” “In your own words, what is the importance of showing sensitivity to people around you?” “For me ma’am, the importance of showing sensitivity to people around you is it helps to create a positive and supportive environment for everyone. When you are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, you are able to show empathy and understanding, which can help to build trust and strengthen relationships” “Okay, that’s impressive! Thank you, Alexe” “Now to evaluate your understanding about Bias and Prejudices, I want you to get 1/4 sheet of paper and answer the following.” Evaluation Test I. Multiple Choice Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answers on your paper. ANSWER KEY: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer 1. What is Bias and Prejudice? A. Bias and prejudice is a tendency to favor or support or against a particular one person, group, thing, or point of view over another resulting in unfairness. B. Bias and prejudice is a fair treatment to one person, group, and thing. C. Both A and B D. None of the above 2. This happens when people are too relied on current information or the initial information they find in decision-making. What type of Bias is this? A. Media bias B. Anchoring bias C. Halo effect D. Confirmation 3. This is the idea that groups of people exhibit different personality characteristics and can be separated based on the dominance of one race over another. Example: All Chinese in the country are considered virus carriers due to the COVID-19 disease. What type of Prejudice is this? A. Sexism B. Ageism C. Classism D. Racism 4. “He lost his job because of his religion, which was believed to conflict with his employer”. This statement is an example of religious prejudice. A. B. C. D. True False Maybe Not sure 5. The following are types of Prejudice EXCEPT: A. B. C. D. MPS: Scores No. of students 5 4 3 2 1 Mean x = Total score of Students Total number of takers MPS = Computed Mean x Total number of test items x100 Assignment Study in advance about the Bias and Prejudice in the Philippines. MONJIR C. JAMAANI Pre-Service Teacher Racism Classism Sexism Halo effect