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Constitutional Influencers Worksheet

WQ: Constitutional Influencers
Instructions: Use this worksheet to collect your answers from the WebQuest.
Slide 1: Influenced by Many
Why should you learn about the Constitution?
Slide 2: Introducing: The Magna Carta
1. Why did the barons demand King John obey the law?
2a. The Magna Carta’s most famous clause gave all free men the
right to justice and a fair trial. What does this mean?
2b. Why do you think this clause was important to the barons?
Slide 3: Limited Government
Slide 4: More Self Government
1. How did the English Bill of Rights limit the
monarch’s power?
1. What conflict did the passengers on the
Mayflower face? What might have happened if
they didn’t agree to the Mayflower Compact?
2. What is a constitutional monarchy?
2. What reason does the Mayflower compact
give for forming a “civil body politic”? In your
own words, explain what this means.
© 2019 iCivics, Inc.
Constitutional Impacts WQ Companion Worksheet ̶ Side A
WQ: Constitutional Influencers
Slide 5: The Best Ideas Come from...
1. According to Locke, why do governments
Slide 6: Are We Not Englishmen?
Using your own words, what rights did the two
key chapters of the Magna Carta give?
2. When does Locke feel it is okay to replace
a government?
Slide 7: Declaration of Independence
1. Where does the Virginia Declaration of Rights say the government’s power comes from?
2. Where does Locke’s Two Treatises of Government say that governments get their start?
3. The Declaration of Independence says that governments get “their just powers from the consent
[or agreement] of the governed.” Based on the ideas found in the Virginia Declaration of Rights and
Locke’s Two Treatises, who are the governed? Where do governments get their power?
© 2019 iCivics, Inc.
Constitutional Impacts WQ Companion Worksheet ̶ Side B
WQ: Constitutional Influencers
Slide 8: Monarchy No More. Separate That
Slide 9: Let’s Talk About Rights, Bay-bee!
1. How does the separation of powers work?
1. You’ve already read about three English
documents that influenced the Bill of Rights.
What were they?
2. Why do you think Montesquieu said there
would be no liberty if one person or body had all
three powers?
2. Take a look at headings 16-29 of the English
Bill of Rights, what similarities do you see
between this document and the U.S. Bill of
Rights? List at least two.
Slide 10: The Ultimate Influence: YOU!
1. How has the Constitution’s idea of “We the People” changed over time?
2. Who are “We the People”?
© 2019 iCivics, Inc.
Constitutional Impacts WQ Companion Worksheet ̶ Side C