Preserve Life -Your first aim is to preserve life by carrying out emergency first aid procedures. For example, opening a victim’s airway or performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). -Preserving life should always be the overall aim of all first aiders. Remember though, this includes your own life! You should never put yourself or others in danger, This is why the first stage in assessing a victim is to conduct a risk assessment and check for any dangers to yourself or bystanders. If a situation is too dangerous to approach, you should stay back and call for professional help. Prevent Deterioration -The second aim of first aid is to prevent the victim’s condition from deteriorating any further. For example, asking a victim with a broken limb to stay still and padding around the injury will prevent the fracture from moving and causing further injury or pain. -In addition, this aim includes preventing further injuries. You should attempt to make the area as safe as possible and removing any potential dangers. Promote Recovery Finally, you can promote recovery by arranging prompt emergency medical help. In addition, simple first aid can significantly affect the long-term recovery of an injury. For example, quickly cooling a burn will reduce the risk of long-term scarring and will encourage early healing. Incident Management Incident management refers to the skills required to manage the scene of an emergency. First aiders may be ‘first on scene’ at an incident so need to know basic principles of incident management. -The main principle of incident management is that you are the most important person and your safety comes first! Your first actions when coming across the scene of an incident should be to: 1.Check for any dangers to yourself or bystanders 2.Manage any dangers found (if safe to do so) 3.Ensure continuing safety of yourself and bystanders Iraq 112 or 911 Think about the following situation: think about the following questions: -What would your first action be? -What dangers could there be in this situation? -How would you manage these dangers? -Which other emergency services would be required? โจIn some situations it may be too dangerous for you approach the scene, you must stay back. Calling for Emergency Help -IRAQ = 112-911 -United States: 911 Give clear, precise information about – The location of the incident – The number of victims / people involved – The nature of their injuries – In some cases, their age – Any hazards at the incident (e.g: spilt fuel, fire, electricity) Infection Control -Infection control is important for two reasons: 1.To protect yourself. Remember you are the most important person (think back to the incident management unit) 2.To protect the victim -Why is Infection Control Important? A/ Various diseases can be transmitted via blood and body fluids including HIV (AIDS) and Hepatitis B & C. The risk of infection can be reduced by following standard infection control precautions. Infection Control Precautions -Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands with soap and running water whenever possible. Ensure any cuts/open injuries to your hands are covered with waterproof plasters or dressings. Keep nails short if possible. If soap and running water is not available, alcohol hand gel can be used. However, alcohol hand gel will not clean visibly dirty hands. In addition, some bugs will not be killed by alcohol hand gel. โจ -Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Always wear disposable latex or nitrile gloves when there is a risk of coming into contact with bodily fluids. However, this is not always practical so, in an emergency, you can improvise and use anything to create a barrier. e.g: a plastic carrier bag Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) also includes masks, aprons, and safety glasses. The purpose of PPE is to prevent blood and body fluids from reaching the first aider’s skin, mucous membranes, or personal clothing. PPE must create an effective barrier between the exposed first aider and any blood or other body fluids. Clinical waste: “Clinical waste” is waste which is contaminated with bodily fluids (for example a bloody dressing). This should be disposed of appropriately and not placed in general waste/rubbish. Normally this will involve being sealed in a separate bag and taken for incineration. You should always inform the ambulance crew of any clinical waste so it can be disposed of appropriately. Any used sharps should be placed in a sharps bin How to Wash Your Hands Calling for Emergency Help -IRAQ = 112-911 -United States: 911 Give clear, precise information about – The location of the incident – The number of victims / people involved – The nature of their injuries – In some cases, their age – Any hazards at the incident (e.g: spilt fuel, fire, electricity) Infection Control -Infection control is important for two reasons: 1.To protect yourself. Remember you are the most important person (think back to the incident management unit) Introduction Practical work in physics is intended to teach the student how to select and set up apparatus skillfully. Furthermore, it makes careful observations and precise measurements while at same time realizing the limitations of the measuring instruments employed. Also, it uses the experimental results obtained to the best advantage. Conducting the experiment The student should follow the gives instructions, both what to do and when to do it. First, should understand what the experiment is about, what it is intended to measure and the exact form in which the result is to be stated. Second, applying the method outlined and the experimental details mentioned in the text. With regard to the latter, student should be train how to get the best out of the apparatus that are available, what sort of things to lookout for and concentrate upon, what to eliminate and where to improve. Writing the account of the experiment 1- Title: This should be a clear statement of the objects of the experiment 2- The aim of experiment 3- Theory: A brief descriptive of theoretical and background information 4- Methodology: It indicate the procedures of the experiment. 5- Measurements or Reading: These should be recorded where possible in tabular form, this method being both compact and easy to follow. Record measurements in the most convenient unit. 2 6- Result: A clear statement for the result of an experiment is as essential as an accurate title to indicate its objective. 7- Calculation: It is at this stage that conversion of all measurements to the appropriate SI unit should take place before any working out is begun or substitution made in any formula that may be given. 8- Discussion and errors: writing of an experiment should always content the discussion of the sources of inaccuracy in the experiment, the possible errors involved in the various measurements taken and the problem error in the final result. 9- Medical application: The experiment should always end with a medical application. Types of graph :Straight line relationship where: X = x axis Y= y axis Slope (m) = ๐๐−๐๐ / ๐๐−๐๐ 1- Y = mX (Through origin point) 3 2- Y = mX + C ( positive intercept) 3- Y = mX – C ( Negative intercept) Curverelationship 4 The errors 1- The error in any particular measurement is an estimate: a- The error in any scale is taken to be half the distance between adjustment scale marking for example: The current measured on an ammeter whose scale divisions is 0.1 apart is judged to be 2.7A. The possible % error is (0.1/ 2.7 )× 100% = 3.7%. b- Error may be lessened taking several observations of the same reading. Some quantities are difficult to measure accurately and so we seek to improve the accuracy of their measurement by taking several additional readings the measurement of the diameter of a wire is an obvious Example: Let us suppose the six readings of the micrometer screw gauge are 1.22, 1.25, 1.24, 1.22, 1.26 and 1.24 mm. In order to calculate the most likely error in this mean, first evaluate the deviations of the reading. These are the differences without regard to sign between each reading and the mean, then calculate the mean of the deviations (0.02, 0.01, 0.0, 0.02, 0.02, and 0.0) The mean of the deviation is: 5 6 โซุงูุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุงูุนู ููุฉ ูู ุงุฏุฉ ุงูููุฒูุงุก ุงูุทุจูุฉโฌ Experime nt No. 1 Title Pag. No. Flow of water through a capillary tube 8 2 The focal length of convex lens 11 3 4 A.C. Circuit with Inductance and Resistance The surface tension of water by the capillary tube 16 19 5 X-ray Detection by using ionization chamber 23 6 Laser Application for Measuring single Slit 31 7 Viscosity of Liquid 35 8 Speed of sound 39 9 The Oscilloscope 43 10 Radiation Detection 46 7 EXP.NO.( 1 ) Flow of water through a capillary tube The aim of experiment: a-To show that the flow rate of water is proportional to the applied pressure. b-To deduce the viscosity of water. Theory:Viscosity is the quantity that describes a fluid resistance to flow. Poiseuilles law states that the flow through a tube depends on the pressure difference from one end to the other, the length of the capillary tube (L), the radius of the tube (r) and the viscosity (η). The flow rate varies inversely with the length of capillary tube (L) and the viscosity (η) while, directly proportional with pressure (ρhg ) and the radius of the tube (r) parameters. Where: , ρ: is density of water =1000 kgm-3 h :represent the distance between the water level in the container and the level of the capillary tube. g :is the gravity = 10 ms-2 The value of the viscosity can be calculated from the following equation: 8 Apparatus:Glass capillary tube of internal radius 0.04 cm and length 4cm, stop watch, a graduated cylinder, ruler, thermometer and rubber tube. Methodology 1-Connect the rubber tube to a tap water and see the surplus water discharges into the sink as shown in Figure 1. 2-When the water start flow through the capillary tube, make sure that there is no air bubbles in the tube. 3- When the flow of water is steady, hold the capillary tube horizontally in the clamp . 4-measuer the temperature of the water. 5-Measure the height between the level of water and the horizontal capillary tube , record the height in the table . 6-Hold the stop watch in one hand and the beaker in the other, collect the water in the beaker for a time of 30 second. 7-Read the volume of water and record as shown in Table 1. 8-Change the height by increase it 5 cm , and go back to step 5and repeat it 5 times. 9-Plot a graph between the values of h/cm on the X axis against the corresponding values on the Y axis v/t cm3 s -1 . 9 10-The slope of the plotted graph represent the flow rate value h/(v/t) cm2s-1. Medical application 1-blood and nutrition transfusion . 2-Sickle cell test ( which is screening test for sickle cell anemia ). 3-Studying hematocrit , fibrinogen level . 10 EXP. No. (2 ) The focal length of convex lens by graphical method The aim of experiment: Determination the focal length of the convex lens by graphical method Theory:Focal length :-Is the distance between center of the lens and the focal point of the lens. This point produce from the meeting of parallel rays of light . A lens is a transparent curved surface that is used to refract light. It is usually made from glass. There are two different types of lenses. _ Convex lenses :- They are thick at the middle. The rays of light that pass through the lens are brought closer together (light converging). The image formed by a convex lens is real and inverted and can be bigger or smaller than the object as shown in Figure 1 11 Concave lenses: They are thin in the middle and thicker at the edges. A concave lens is also called a diverging lens. A concave lens will disperse light and make an image that is always virtual, upright and smaller than the object as shown in Figure 2. The lenses are used in making of medical glasses to treat the vision defects Long sight:A person who has a long sight vision can focus clearly on distant objects but cannot focus on near objects. This is because the eyeball is too short. Light from near objects is focused at a point behind the retina resulting in a blurred image. This defect can be corrected by wearing a convex (converging) lens. Short sight :A person sees near objects clearly while distant object is formed in front of the retina This may be caused due to elongated eyeball or excessive curvature of the cornea . This defect can be corrected by using a concave (diverging ) lens. It’s known that there is length formula used to determine the focal length of the lens: 12 Which stated the relationship between the object distant (u/cm) , image distant (v/cm) and the focal length of spherical convex lens (F/cm). Where: U= the distance of an object from the lens V= the distance between the lens and the image F= the focal length of the convex lens Apparatus :- Convex lens , Meter scale , Source of light ( lamp ) ,White screen , Object , Two holders for lens and object . Methodology First obtained a rough value for the focal length of the lens by focusing the image of the window panes on the screen 1-Place the object pin between the lamp and the lens . 2-Move the lens away from the object slowly to the place where the sharpest image is formed on the screen , record the distance between the object and lens and the distance between lens and the screen . 3-Increase the distance of the object (3cm) and move the lens until the sharp image formed on the screen record the distance of object and image. 4-Repeat step 3 at least 5 times, every time you should change the position of the screen and move the lens until the formation of the sharp image. 13 5-Record the readings as in the table below: 14 Medical application 1-To diagnose and treat eye defects such as long sight and short sight. 2-To diagnose and treat the Astigmatism. 3-It is used in medical and biological devices like microscope, endoscope. 15 EXP.NO. ( 3 ) A.C. Circuit with Inductance and Resistance The aim of experiment: Measuring the inductance Theory: Electricity plays an important role in medicine. There are two aspects of electricity and magnetism in medicine: electrical and magnetic effects generated inside the body. For each value of current ( I/A) calculate the impedance in ohm: 16 17 Medical application 1-handheld blood analyzes, glucose monitors, and blood pressure monitors, which require switching regulators to operate at high efficiency with low –load current. 2- Capacitor series which are used in MRI application. 3- X-ray machines and laser systems, inductance combined with capacitor and resistors in high voltage e circuit. 18 EXP.NO. ( 4 ) The surface tension of water by the capillary tube The aim of the experiment: Determine the Surface Tension of Water Theory : surface tension, property of a liquid surface displayed by its acting as if it were a stretched elastic membrane. This phenomenon can be observed in the nearly spherical shape of small drops of liquids and of soap bubbles. Because of this property, certain insects can stand on the surface of water. Surface tension depends mainly upon the forces of attraction between the particles within the given liquid and also upon the gas, solid, or liquid in contact with it. The molecules in a drop of water, for example, attract each other weakly. Water molecules well inside the drop may be thought of as being attracted equally in all directions by the surrounding molecules. However, if surface molecules could be displaced slightly outward from the surface, they would be attracted back by the nearby molecules. The energy responsible for the phenomenon of surface tension may be thought of as approximately equivalent to the work or energy required to remove the surface layer of molecules in a unit area. Surface tension may be expressed, therefore, in units of energy (joules) per unit area (square metres). Water has a surface tension of 0.07275 joule per square metre at 20 °C (68 °F). In comparison, organic liquids, such as benzene and alcohols, have lower surface tensions, whereas mercury has a higher surface tension. An increase in temperature lowers the net force of attraction among molecules and hence decreases surface tension. 19 . Why use capillary tubes to calculate surface tension? Cohesion and Adhesion Molecules in the liquid state experience strong intermolecular attractive forces. When those forces are between like molecules, they are referred to as cohesive forces. For example, the molecules of a water droplet are held together by cohesive forces, and the especially strong cohesive forces at the surface constitute surface tension. When the attractive forces are between unlike molecules, they are said to be adhesive forces. The adhesive forces between water molecules and the walls of a glass tube are stronger than the cohesive forces. Factors affecting surface tension 1- Type of liquid: the effect of the phenomenon of surface tension varies from one liquid to another; For example, the surface tension in a mercury liquid is greater than in a water liquid, so mercury droplets appear as more cyclic than water. While the drops of alcohol are less ballistic than water. 20 2-Temperature: the relationship between the phenomenon of surface tension and temperature is an inverse relationship; The higher the temperature, the lower the surface tension of the liquid. Apparatus: 1.Set of one clean glass capillary tubes of diameter (0.5) mm. 2. rule . 3.Beaker full of water. 4.Stand and clamp. 5.Thermometer. Method: 1.Select the capillary tube of medium bore and attach bent pin to it by means of a rubber band. 2.Hold the capillary tube in a clamp with its lower end immersed in the water. 3.Adjust the position of the bent until its point touches the water surface. 4.Focus the microscope on the meniscus of water level in the capillary tube and adjust the microscope until the horizontal cross –wire is tangential to the bottom of the meniscus which is of course seen inverted in the eyepiece of the microscope. 5.Read the position of the travelling microscope on its vertical scale (h1). 6.Record the position of travelling microscope on its vertical scale (h2). 7.Measure the internal diameter (d) by the travelling microscope, taking the mean of two diameters at right angles. 8.Record the temperature of the water 21 CALCULATIONS Radius of the capillary tube (r) =……….cm Height of water in the capillary tube(h) =…………….cm RESULT The surface tension of water =…………. Surface tension, T = r h pg โ2 T= slop * pg โ2 Medical applications Alveoli of the Lungs The oxygen exchange in the lungs takes place across the membranes of small balloon-like structures called alveoli attached to the branches of the bronchial passages. These alveoli inflate and deflate with inhalation and exhalation. The behavior of the alveoli is largely dictated by and surface tension. It takes some effort to breathe in because these tiny balloons must be inflated, but the elastic recoil of the tiny balloons assists us in the process of exhalation. If the elastic recoil of the alveoli is compromised, as in the case of emphysema, then it is difficult to exhale forcibly. 22 EXP.NO. (5 ) X-ray Detection by using ionization chamber The aim of experiment: 1- Studying x-ray properties 2-How to generate x-ray 3-X-ray applications through radiography, and the diagnosis of various pathological conditions 4-X-ray risks and side effects on the patient Theory:X-ray is an ionizing electromagnetic radiation with approximate wavelength range (0.001nm-10 nm) and photon energies range of( 100ev – 1Mev) . In this experiment , the photons energy range of ( 5Kev -35 Kev ). The most frequent method of generating X-ray radiation is based on the use of " hot cathode "X-ray tube . Which is vacuum device containing two electrodes the positive electrode is the anode and the negative electrode is cathode and a high voltage applied between the two electrodes . the cathode is heated to emit electrons from its surface . The emitted electrons are accelerated by the mentioned voltage and strike the surface of the anode . The interaction of the fast electron with the material of anode which is ( Molybdenum Mo ) in this experiment causes the emission of X-rays from the anode . The X-ray beam passes through the capacitor plates ionizing part of the air volume in the capacitor , when we apply voltage Vc to the capacitor the electron or ions are collected at its plates . the current generated at the capacitor correspond to an ionization current Ic in the outer circuit that can be measured using a measuring 23 amplifier. At low voltages Vc ,fewer and fewer charges recombine in the gas volume as Vc increases more charge carries and collected at the capacitor plates . Thus the ionization current Ic increases with the voltage Vc . When Vc is increased beyond a certain point ,Ic ultimately reaches a saturation value , as all of the charges carries formed by the incident radiation per unit of time are captured . 21 This saturation value is an indicator for the intensity of the incident X-radiation. The capacitor function is storing charges onto its plates , the amount of electrical charges known as its capacitance value and depends upon three main factors -The surface area , of the two conductive plates, the larger surface area the greater the capacitance. -The distance (d ) between the two plates the smaller the distance the greater capacitance. -Dielectric material the type of material separates the two plates , the higher permittivity of the dielectric the greater the capacitance. 24 How do medical x-rays work? The tiny particles of electromagnetic radiation emitted by an X-ray machine pass through all but the most solid of objects in the body. As such, the image it creates, known as a radiograph, is useful for healthcare providers interested in visualizing significant internal structures. Sometimes a contrast medium, a type of dye, is introduced into the body to help images show up in greater detail. The individual elements render in various shades of white and grey. Because bones and metal objects are solid, less radiation passes through them, making them appear white on the radiograph. Skin, muscle, blood and other fluids, and fat will be grey because they allow the largest amount of radiation to pass through. 25 This technology is also used to support other types of diagnostic procedures: 1-Fluoroscopy In an X-ray image of the patient's body, it does not show any traces of blood vessels or organic organs such as the liver, stomach or intestines, and to show any of these organs in an X-ray image for the purpose of diagnosing a disease, the X-ray specialist injects the patient's body with a contrast media such as barium. .This contrast material consists of a liquid that absorbs X-rays more efficiently than the surrounding tissues. When the patient is injected with liquid barium into the vein, the blood vessels are able to absorb X-rays, which results in an image of the blood vessels on an X-ray film. Imaging by injecting a patient with a contrast material is called fluoroscopy. 26 2-Computed tomography sometimes referred to as a CT scan involves the use of multiple X-ray images that are translated by a computer and converted to form a threedimensional image. This allows doctors to look at an organ, injury, or growth from different angles. A CT scan allows for more insightful analyses than other imaging tests without the need for invasive interventions. It is used for a wide variety of reasons, such as detecting tumors, identifying blood clots, assessing a bone fracture, and more. X-ray technology is used to examine many parts of the body: Bones and teeth 1- Fractures and infections. In most cases, fractures and infections in bones and teeth show up clearly on X-rays. 27 2- Arthritis. X-rays of your joints can reveal evidence of arthritis. Xrays taken over the years can help your doctor determine if your arthritis is worsening. 3- Dental decay. Dentists use X-rays to check for cavities in your teeth. 4-Osteoporosis. Special types of X-ray tests can measure your bone density. 5- Bone cancer. X-rays can reveal bone tumors. 28 Chest 1-Lung infections or conditions. Evidence of pneumonia, tuberculosis or lung cancer can show up on chest X-rays 2- Breast cancer. Mammography is a special type of X-ray 3-Enlarged heart. This sign of congestive heart failure shows up clearly on X-rays. 4- Blocked blood vessels. Injecting a contrast material that contains iodine can help highlight sections of your circulatory system to make them visible on X-rays. Abdomen 1-Digestive tract problems. Barium, a contrast medium delivered in a drink or an enema, can help reveal problems in your digestive system. 2-Swallowed items. If your child has swallowed something such as a key or a coin, an X-ray can show the location of that object. 29 Risks As in many aspects of medicine, there are risks associated with the use of X-ray imaging, which uses ionizing radiation to generate images of the body. Ionizing radiation is a form of radiation that has enough energy to potentially cause damage to DNA. Risks from exposure to ionizing radiation include: 1- a small increase in the possibility that a person exposed to X-rays will develop cancer later in life. 2- tissue effects such as cataracts, skin reddening, and hair loss, which occur at relatively high levels of radiation exposure. 30 EXP.NO. (6) Laser Application for Measuring single Slit The aim of experiment: 1-Observe Fraunhofer diffraction and interference from single-slit a diffraction grating 2-Calculate the slit spacing of a diffraction grating Apparatus: Helium-Neon laser, single slit (grating), Screen, Ruler theory Diffraction occurs when a portion of a wave passes through a slit. Interference occurs when two or more coherent waves overlap. (Coherent means that the waves have a fixed phase relationship.) Constructive interference takes place at certain locations where two waves are in phase (for example, both waves have maximum). Destructive interference takes place where two waves are out of phase (for example, one wave has maximum, the other has minimum). In the case of a single-slit, diffraction is the only effect present. In the case of two or more slits, two effects are present: a) diffraction from each individual slit; b) if the incident light is coherent and the diffraction patterns of each slit overlap, then interference takes place in the region of the overlap, (i.e., inside the diffraction envelope). The simplest diffraction and interference patterns involve plane waves (collimated or parallel light beams). Diffraction patterns associated with plane waves are called Fraunhofer patterns, named after the German scientist who first explained the effect. In this experiment, we will use a laser as our light source. A laser produces collimated and coherent light beams at one wavelength. 31 The phenomenon that is observed is interference and not as its name suggests diffraction. The condition here for interference maximum is the same as for double-slits, but the pattern may be very different because d (the slit spacing) for gratings is very small. d sin θm = mλ EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The wavelength (λ) of He-Ne laser used in this experiment is 632.8 nm = 6.328 x 10-4 mm. a) Place the grating in the laser beam (close to the screen, not far away). b) Measure the distance from the plane of the grating to the screen (D) and record it in an Excel spreadsheet. 32 c) Record the labeled ruling density (grooves/mm) in your Excel spreadsheet. d) Tape a piece of paper across the screen. Mark carefully the positions of the principal maximum and the interference maxima. Remove the paper from the screen and attach it to your lab report. e) Measure the distance of each interference maximum from the principal maximum (Xn) fringe (X2) ………as nd fringe (X1), 2 nd and record them in your Excel spreadsheet. 1 follows: And plot a graph between number of diffraction (n) and Xn f) Apply slop(n/x) λ × d/D Where d is the width of slit Medical application 1-For glucose monitoring in diabetic patents . 2-To measure changes in chemicals and enzymes ,as it is very difficult to monitor these aspects of human body. 3- Use wavelength near IR to analyzed metabolites and proteins . 4-Tt is used to identify cancerous liver cells. 33 CAUTION: Even though the lasers used in the laboratory are of low power and do not require special eyewear, serious injury may still occur. The following precautions MUST be observed at all times: • keep the laser turned off when not in use; • do not move the laser around when it is on; • do not mount the laser at eye level; • do not look head on at the beam or at its reflection from a mirror or other shiny surfaces; • Never aim a laser at another person. 34 EXP. NO.(7) Viscosity of Liquid Purpose: To determine the viscosity of the medium by using a small sphere falls with constant terminal velocity. Apparatus: 1. A long glass tube about 50 cm long closed at one end 2. Oil 3.Meter scale. 4. Small sphere. 5. Rubber bands 6. Magnet. 7. stop watch Theory: Viscosity of a fluid is defined as a quantitative measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow.More specifically, it determines the fluid strain rate that is generated by a given applied shear stress. Viscosity is a thermodynamic variable varying as a function of: ๏ท Pressure ๏ท temperature. The viscosity of a fluid increases only weakly with pressure. Temperature can have a major effect on the value of the viscosity of a fluid. In gasses, viscosity increases with temperature, due to the increased interaction between gas molecules. In liquids, the viscosity decreases 35 with the increase in temperature, due to the increased spacing between molecules. Current commonly used viscosity measurement techniques require that the fluid comes into contact with a solid material. One of these common viscosity measurement techniques is the falling sphere viscometer shown in Figure1. The fluid is stationary in a tube and a sphere of known diameter and density is dropped into the tube. If the density of the fluid is known the viscosity can be determined from the terminal velocity of the sphere by using stokes law. In the example in Figure 1 the velocity is measured by timing how long it takes the sphere to pass between the two lines. Figure 3: Falling Sphere Viscometer The following equation use to deduce the viscosity (η) for liquid : 36 Stokes law Procedure: 1. Adjust the distance between the rubber band 2. Record the distance (h) between them. ( about 30 cm ): 3. Drop a sphere centrally down the jar & with stop-watch find the time it take to traverse the distance between the rubber band 4. Obtain two values of the time of fall. 5. Repeat the experiment for different value of (h) & obtain two values of the time of fall for each new distance apart. Reading: Distance between rubber bands H (cm) Time of fall T1(sec) T2(sec) 37 Tmean (sec) ๏ท Plot a graph with values of (h) cm as ordinates against the corresponding values of t(sec) as abscissa ๏ท From the-graph calculate the terminal velocity ๏ท Slope= h/ =velocity (cm/sec) ๏ท Calculate the viscosity from equation (1) Medical application Viscosity is of critical importance in medicine as fluids are introduced into the body intravenously: 1-measurement of blood viscosity before and after dialysis. 2-Plasma viscosity measurement , amniotic and synovial fluid . 3-measuring the viscosity of bile . 4-Determining the sedimentation rate of RBCs ( ESR ). 38 EXP. NO.(8) Speed of sound Aim : To determine the speed of sound from the sound waves set up in the closed resonance tube . Apparatus : 1. Closed A tube of variable length . 2. Meter scale . 3. Tuning forks of different frequencies . 4. Rubber bad . 5. Thermometer . Theory: Sound is a major method of communication. ๏ฑGeneral properties of sound: 1- A sound wave is a mechanical disturbance in a gas, liquid, or solid, that travels outward from the source with some definite velocity. 2A sound wave is longitudinal wave in which the pressure changes occur in the same direction the wave travels. The vibrations cause local increases and decreases in pressure relative to atmospheric pressure. These pressure increases called compressions and decreases called rarefactions as shown in next (fig.). 39 The formula using to find the speed of sound at 0ห C is : the relationship between the frequency of vibration (f) of the sound wave , the wave length (λ) and the velocity (v) of the sound wave is: v = λf Procedure : 1. select the fork of highest frequency 2. Strike it smartly on a rubber pad and hold it over the mouth of the tube 3. Adjust the length of the resonance column until resonance occurs . 4. Measure the length of the air in the tube . 5. Repeat the measurement two or three times and take the mean ( L1 ) . 6. Now , find the second and different position of resonance using the same fork , but with about three times the length of air and again take the mean ( L 2 ) of several readings of the length when resonance occurs . 7. Obtain different values of L 1 and L 2 using other forks. 40 Medical application 1- Infrasound : Refers to sound frequencies below the normal hearing range or less than 20Hz . It is produced by natural phenomena like earthquake waves and atmospheric pressure changes. 2-Ultrasound ; Is the frequency range above 20KHz. ๏ฑUltrasound is used clinically in a number of specialties: A-It used by obstetricians to examine the unborn child. B- It often gives more information than an X-ray and it is less hazardous for the fetus. C- In Ultrasonic imaging of the body. Ultrasound is very safe. There is no firm evidence that it does any harm to the body (or the baby in the case of pregnancy scans). ๏ฑUltrasound is often gives more information than X-rays. ๏ฑX-rays are dangerous, 41 particularly to young children and pregnant women (they damage the unborn baby), because of that, Ultrasound is less hazard for the fetus 3- Percussion in Medicine :Percussion (tapping) is a method of tapping on a surface to determine the underlying structure, and is used in clinical examinations to assess the condition of the thorax or abdomen. 42 EXP. NO.(9) The Oscilloscope Objective: The object of this experiment is to learn how to use the oscilloscope by measuring the periods and amplitudes of various waveforms as well as analyzing a sound wave. Equipment: 1 oscilloscope 1 BNC cable 1 sound level meter 1 phono-BNC adapter 1BNC to banana plug adapter 2 tuning forks of different frequencies 1 BK oscillator 1 Oscilloscope video 1 Kelvin 200 DMM THEORY The oscilloscope, or scope for short, is a device for drawing calibrated graphs of voltage vs time very quickly and conveniently. Such an instrument is obviously useful for the design and repair of circuits in which voltages and currents are changing with time. There are also many devices, called transducers, which convert some non-electrical quantity such as pressure, sound, light intensity, or position to a voltage. By using a transducer the scope can make a plot of the changes in almost any measurable quantity. This capability is widely used in science and technology. The heart of the oscilloscope is a cathode ray tube or CRT, of the sort you have already studied. Looking at the face of the instrument, you are viewing the screen that the electron beam strikes. Electronic 43 circuits in the scope apply voltages to one set of deflection plates to sweep the beam across the screen from left to right at a constant rate, thereby providing the time axis. Other circuits amplify or attenuate the input signal as needed, and apply voltages to the other set of deflection plates to move the beam vertically, providing the voltage axis. Controls are provided to select the time and voltage scales needed for any given situation. At the end of each sweep, the beam is shut off and the horizontal deflection voltage is reset so the beam would start at the left edge of the screen again. Since a scope is usually used to plot a rapidly changing quantity, one sweep and therefore one plot may last only a few microseconds. If the phenomenon we are studying can be made repetitive, we can repeat the sweep sequence many times to get a display suitable for a more leisurely examination. A special circuit, called a trigger circuit, examines the incoming voltage signal and starts the sweep at the same point in the repetitive cycle for each new sweep. This results in a visually steady display of the input. Several controls are provided to set the trigger as needed. 44 The Medical Applications of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 1. To study the electrical signals form the muscle through the electromyogram ( EMG). 2.To study the electrical signals form the heart through the electrocardiogram ( ECG). 3.To study the electrical signals form the brain through the electroencephalogram ( EEG). 4.To study the electrical signals form the eye through the electroretinogram( ERG), and the electrooculogram (EOG) 45 EXP.NO. (10 ) Radiation Detection The aim Of experiment – To distinguish among alpha, beta and gamma radiation -To verify inverse square relationship between the distance and the intensity. Apparatus:The radiation detector (Geiger- Muller counter ( GM )) is a simple device which is used using for measuring radioactivity. It consists of a metal tube called cathode, containing inert gas at low pressure and a wire along its central axis called anode. One of the end tube usually has a very thin window made of some low-atomic mass material, such as mica or beryllium, through which radiation can easily enter as shown in Figure 1. When the ionizing radiation enters to the GM tube. It is ionizing the inner gas and producing ions and free electrons. The flow of charge causes a pulse current and this current amplified and detected by external counter. Radioactive sources are (ฦ-source Co-60) and (Cs-137), α source (Am241), β- sources (Ti-204) and Sr-90). Also, the sheets of aluminum and lead used in this experiment. 46 Inverse square law in general it’s a physical law can applied to many sources such as electrical field, light, sound and radiation. The radiation intensity proportional to the square of distance from the source of that physical quantity as follow the equation 1. ๐ฐ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ∝ ๐ /๐ซ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ -------------(1) Medical application Alpha particles: 1-To treat various form of cancer by inserting tiny amount of α –particles into cancerous mass, such as brain tumor, pancreatic, ovarian and melanoma cancers. 2- α-particles are used for treating bone cancers. 3-Treating leukemia: which may involve bone marrow transplant by kill the defective bone marrow by lethal dose of radiation before being replaced with healthy bone marrow. Beta particles: 1-To treat thyroid disorder by using Iodine 131. 2-Treating eye disease. 3-Treating skin cancer. 47 Gamma rays 1-Gamma photons are used in treating cancer by irradiating cells that need to be kill. 2-It is used in diagnoses by using radioisotopes emitter ษฃ rays off sufficient energy to escape from the body and it have short half-life to decay away soon after imaging is completed. 3-It is used in sterilizing medical products such as syringes, gloves, clothing and instruments. 48