Eco5020F Advanced Microeconomics Term 1: Producer and Consumer Theory Open book 80 marks Duration 4 hours Question 1 40 marks For this candidate indirect utility function 𝑣 ∗ (𝑝1 𝑝2 , 𝑦) = 0.022 𝑦 6 𝑝1−4 𝑝2−2 1.1 Determine the function’s legitimacy as indirect utility function by verifying the usual properties 1.1.2 Homogeneity of degree zero in 𝐩, 𝑦 4 1.1.3 Strictly increasing in 𝑦 2 1.1.4 Decreasing in 𝐩 3 1.1.1 Continuity 3 1.2 Solve for this function’s Marshallian demands 7 1.3 List thee properties that you expect the demand functions to obey. 9 1.4 Invert the indirect utility function to find the expenditure function 3 1.5 What are the two ways in which the Hicksian demand functions can be derived from the information above? 4 Question 2 15 marks Battese and Coelli (1992) fitted the following OLS model estimated with with a maximum likelihood routine for a pooled sample of n = 129 small-scale rice farms in India: ln(𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠) = 𝑎0 + 𝑎1 ln(𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑) + 𝑎2 ln(% 𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑) + 𝑎3 ln(𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑟) + 𝑎4 ln(𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑠) + 𝑎5 ln(𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡) + 𝜀 Sales are in Indian rupees Land is in hectares Irrigation captures farm quality. Quality is proxied by the percentage land that is irrigated Labour is in hours As the main source of draught power, bullocks, serves a proxy for capital. This variable is measured in hours Costs, in rupees, include fertiliser, manure, pesticides and other purchased inputs The estimation results were: Coefficient Constant Land % irrigated land Labour Bullocks Cost Std error 3.71 0.62 0.80 0.74 -0.45 0.079 t-statistic 0.66 0.15 0.27 0.14 0.16 0.048 5.62 4.13 2.96 5.29 -2.81 1.66 Log likelihood statistic -50.806 Note that a t-statistic >|2| is significant 2.1 Comment on the plausibility of the estimate 7 2.2 What are the function’s global returns to scale? 4 2.3 How would you go about finding the profit maximising level of output for this technology? Give reasons. Hint: It has to do with first and second order conditions for maximisation and returns to scale. 4 Question 3 25 marks 3.1 Use the Lagrange method to derive a cost function for the following CES technology 1⁄ 3 𝑦 = (𝑥1 1⁄ 3 + 𝑥1 3 ) ℒ(𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , 𝜆) = 𝑤1 𝑥1 + 𝑤2 𝑥2 + 𝜆 (𝑦 − 3.2 Show that your answer is concave in 𝑤 15 1⁄ (𝑥1 3 + 1⁄ 3 𝑥2 3 ) ) 10