POSRIASIS A. INTRODUCTION Chronic inflammatory skin condition Autoimmune Well-dermarcated, erythematous plaques with “silver scale” Psoriasis /səˈraɪəsɪs/: Bệnh vảy nến - psora : itchy - iasis : condition Autoimmune /ˌɔːtəʊɪˈmjuːn/: Tự miễn Demercate /ˈdiːmɑːkeɪt/: có ranh giới Erytherma / ɛrɪˈθiːmə/: ban đỏ Plaques /plæk/: mảng Accelerate /əkˈseləreɪt/ tăng tốc Skin replaced every 3-5 days instead of 28-30 days, so we have this accelerated reproduction of skin cells and that’s what creates the redness and the scaling, and the little white flakes like qlaque. T-cell Dysfunction : ↑↑ TH cell 17 + Cytokines (An additional Inflammatory Signal) Regulatory T-cell: prevents autoimmune diseases in the first place → Suppressed T Regulatory Acquired Immune : Miễn dịch thu được Alter microbiome: Sự thay đổi hệ vi sinh trên bề mặt da Dysfunction : sự hoạt động bất thường Regulatory T-cell /ˈreɡjələtəri/ : TB T điều hòa Suppressed /səˈpres/ Ức chế B. ONSET & RISK FACTORS Onset : Lúc bắt đầu, cơn cấp Onset: Any ages (two peaks: 30-39, 50-69) Obesity /əʊˈbiːsəti/: Béo phì Risk Factors: Malarial /məˈleəriəl/: Bệnh sốt rét 1. Family history PSORS1 locus on MHC (Chromosome 6 p21 HLA-Cw6 (early-onset) 2. Smoking 3. Alcohol 4. Obesity 5. Medications Beta blockers Lithium Chloroquine (and other anti-malarial medications) 6. Infections Post-streptococcal (acute) HIV C. TYPES 1. Plaque Psoriasis The most common type Symmetrical distribution: If you see it on one area on arm, you’ll generally see it on the same area on the other arm. Scalp, Knees, Extensor surface of elbows, gluteal cleft Worse in winter (Dryness, Lack of sunlight) Auspitz Sign (A little bit of the silver scale is removed, there’s some bleeding) Symmetrical /sɪˈmetrɪkl/: đối xứng Scalp /skælp/ : da đầu Elbow /ˈelbəʊ/ : khuỷu tay Gluteal cleft : khe hở giữa mông Auspitz Sign: Dấu hiệu giọt sương máu Guttate : Thể giọt (Falling to gutter) Eruption /ɪˈrʌpʃn/ : Sự phát ban Lesions /ˈliːʒn/ : Tổn thương Trunk /trʌŋk/ :phần thân 2. Guttate Psoriasis Small acute eruption preceded by strep infection Lesions <1cm in diameter Trunk and Proximal Extremities Proximal /ˈprɒksɪməl/ : gần nhất Extremities /ɪkˈstreməti/ : Chi, đoạn cuối Pustular : Dạng mủ Leukocytosis : Tăng bạch cầu 3. Pustular Psoriasis Possibly life-threatening Sudden onset with leukocytosis, malaise, fever, hypocalcemia Triggers: Pregnancy, withdrawal of oral glucocorticoids 4. Erythrodermic Psoriasis Head-to-toe generalized erytherma (more than 90% body surface area) Issues with sepsis and fluid loss due to issues with barrier protection Desquamative Scale 5. Inverse Psoriasis (opposite of plaque) Occurs in skin folds No visible scaling Malaise /məˈleɪz/ : Khó chịu Hypocalcemia : Hạ calci máu Withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/ : ngừng Generalized /ˈdʒenrəlaɪzd/: Toàn thân Sepsis : Nhiễm trùng huyết (hệ thống) Barrier Protection: Hàng rào bảo vệ Issues /ˈɪʃuː/ : sự chảy máu, chảy mũ Desquamative : tróc vảy da Skin folds : Nếp gấp da Pitting : rỗ Arthritis /ɑːˈθraɪtɪs/ : Viêm khớp 6. Nail Psoriasis Pitting of the nail Can precede or proceed other forms of psoriasis More common in patients with psoriatic arthritis D. TREATMENTS Topical /ˈtɒpɪkl/ : Tại chỗ Limited Disease 1. Topical Corticosteroids 2. Emollients 3. Calcitriol Topical Retinoids Severe Disease 1. Phototherapy 2. Retinoids 3. Methotrexate 4. Biologics Vitamin D Suppress TH 17 Acts like cortisol → A natural Predinone without side effects 40,000 IU every single day Cod Liver Oil = Vit D + Vit A + Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA,EPA) Bile Salts (TUDCA) Allow Vit D to work a lot better Directly modulate and control TH 17 3 – 4 per day, take an empty stomach Emollients /ɪˈmɒliənt/ : Kem dưỡng ẩm NO GLUTEN FASTING Phototherapy : Quang trị liệu Biologics : Thuốc sinh học Cod Liver Oil : Dầu gan cá tuyết Fasting: ăn kiêng