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Filipino Internet Use: Outcomes & Self-Regulation

Issue: the main objective or problem of the article
examining Internet use and linking to its outcomes among Filipino Internet users.
Introduction: give an overview of the article. Site how the author/s conduct the study, why they
are conducting the study? What are the specific problems of the study?
Technology is a tool for personal, social, and professional enhancement or as a weapon for
both personal and social harm. A history of media addictions is presented, with Internet
addiction and its later refinements situated in their appropriate historical context. The study of
Internet use, its outcomes, and self-regulation originated from different perspectives, each with
its unique implications. These perspectives can be understood in the context of Internet habits.
Internet use and kindred concepts such as internet usage outcomes make up a growing
research field. The good, the bad and the ugly: internet use, outcomes and the role of regulation
in the Philippines by Ma. Regina M. Hechanova and Renee Ortega-Go, the title itself show what
the article was all about, it focuses on internet use and its positive and negative outcomes
among Filipino users, linking usage to outcomes as well as the role of regulation. The article
provides a comprehensive overview of internet use, outcomes, and the role of regulation from a
holistic perspective. The paper highlights both positive and negative outcomes of internet
usage. Examining the role of both self and external regulation on Internet use outcomes.
problematic internet use may include deficient self-regulation and negative outcomes, high selfregulation can control their internet use, this article shows the importance of self-regulation in
internet usage.
This study utilized mixed methods through a sequential exploratory strategy, involving two
phases. In the first phase, qualitative data were obtained through semi-structured interviews to
elicit the usage and outcomes of Internet use. In the second phase, a quantitative survey was
constructed and administered to identify the taxonomies and establish the relationship between
self-regulation and internet use outcomes. The authors expand the Uses and Gratification Theory
by examining Internet use and its outcomes among Filipino Internet users. The study applies the
Uses and Gratification (U&G) Theory as a frame for developing a taxonomy of Internet use as
well as outcomes of Internet use in a collectivist and developing society such as the Philippines.
Further, it seeks to contribute to the theory by extending the U&G theory by examining the role of
regulation in predicting outcomes of Internet use. how the Internet is used as well as perceptions
of healthy versus problematic Internet use. The goal of the U&G Theory is to explain and
understand the psychological needs that shape media use behavior and identify the positive and
negative consequences of media use.
The authors conduct the study to add to the knowledge in the area to know the negative and
positive outcomes of internet use, to help individuals monitor and discipline their Internet use, to
be aware of the number of practical implications. to address an existing gap in the knowledge
about internet use and outcomes, and even the role of regulation, to devise and test a solution to
an existing problem which is the problematic internet use, outcomes and the and relating the
internet use outcomes and role of self-regulation. Explanations concerning Internet addiction, and
contends that these problematic behaviors. Adds to the understanding of the relationship between
use and outcome by highlighting the role of self-regulation.
The specific issue raised in the article is internet use and its outcomes, as well as the dynamics
between internet use outcomes and self-regulation, and how they are related to one another.
Article Summary: what do the author/s found out?
By using and expanding the Uses and Gratification Theory, the results reveal a sevencomponent taxonomy of Internet use in the Philippines: expression and interaction, basic
Internet use, recreation, news and information, school-related activities, e-commerce, and
technology deviance. In addition, whereas past studies tended to focus on problematic
outcomes of the Internet, the study highlights both positive and negative outcomes. Positive
outcomes of Internet use are greater productivity and personal enhancement. Negative
outcomes can be described in terms of social harm and Internet addiction. Results link specific
usage with outcomes. The use of the Internet to express oneself and interact predicted both
personal enhancement and problematic Internet use. The two types of regulation which is
internal and external regulation– it is self-regulation rather than external regulation that is
predictive of both positive and negative outcomes. findings that that deficient self-regulation
predicts habit strength that, in turn, predicts Internet usage. However, when carried to the
extreme, Internet use can also lead to social harm and addictive tendencies. Those who have
poor time management skills or those who have difficulty with self-control or regulation are more
likely to be addicted to the Internet. there was no relationship between external regulation and
addiction. Results show that usage predicts various outcomes, over and beyond that which was
predicted by self and external regulation. Interestingly, expression and interaction are
associated with both positive and negative outcomes. linking uses to outcomes. In addition,
using the Social Cognitive Theory adds to the understanding of the relationship between use
and outcome by highlighting the role of self-regulation.
Analysis: in your own analysis, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the study? what are
the pros and cons?
The article combines quantitative and qualitative methods, providing a much more
comprehensive picture. A well-designed trial process evaluation provides valuable insights into
participant attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts about the intervention and its acceptability. It has a
strong and clear thesis statement; it gives a general overview, and you can easily provide
insight into what the article was about.
The flaw is that it does not broaden the causes and effects of problematic internet use. There
are many behaviors that are not included in the taxonomy, which is incomplete. It only depicts
the relationship between usage and outcome, not the entire picture, and makes no
recommendations on how to regulate internet use. Because it only focuses on the relationship
between usage and outcome, it has both advantages and disadvantages, and the article
demonstrates inflexibility and a lack of potential depth. Despite the length, there is still a lack of
The article's weakness is that the study only gathered respondents from cities or urban areas, so
Internet use may differ by geography and population within the country. There are some limitations to
the theory of uses and gratification. Individualism is at the heart of the theory. They theory only
considers the psychological satisfaction derived from personal media use. On the other hand, the theory
ignores the social context of the media. Theory focuses on individual needs while ignoring the sociocultural context.
Resolution: what can you recommend after reading and understanding the article?
I would recommend the author to be flexible and conduct a more in-depth study because,
despite being a lengthy article, there is still a lack of information. It should investigate the
dynamics of Internet use in rural and urban areas, between generational cohorts, and between
students and workers.
A longer article may contain more information, but if it takes too long to read, users will leave
and read shorter, easier pieces. They are primarily interested in skimming the highlights. Focus
on short, scannable content that provides comprehensive coverage.
Documentation: Provide a picture/image during and after you make your own paper critic.