Geography Bowl: Middle East Study online at 1. Sea of Marmara What sea lies between the Bosporus and the Dardanelles? 2. Aegean Sea What sea lies between Greece and Turkey? 3. Ankara What is the capital of Turkey? 4. Syria Damascus is the capital of what country? 5. Damascus What is the capital of Syria? 6. Turkey Ankara is the capital of what country? 7. Syria and Israel What 2 countries border Lebanon? 8. Turkey The Plateau of Antalia is in what country? 9. Turkey Other than Russia, name the other country in both Europe and Asia? 10. Jordan What is Amman the capital of? 11. Amman What is the Capital of Jordan? 12. Dead Sea What sea borders both Israel and Jordan? 13. West Bank What name is given to the disputed land west of the Jordan River? 14. Jerusalem What is the capital of Israel? 15. Israel Jerusalem is the capital of what country? 16. Turkey In what country are the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates? 17. Beirut What is the capital of Lebanon? 18. Lebanon Beirut is the capital of what country? 19. Istanbul What is the largest city located on the Bosporus? 1/3 Geography Bowl: Middle East Study online at 20. Bosporus Istanbul is located on the... 21. Sinai Peninsula What peninsula lies between the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba? 22. The Gulf of Suez The Sinai Peninsula lies between what two Gulfs? and the Gulf of Aqaba 23. Oman Muscat is the capital of what country? 24. Muscat What is the capital of Oman? 25. Iraq The mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates is in what country? 26. Riyadh What is the capital of Saudi Arabia? 27. Saudi Arabia Riyadh is the capital of what country? 28. Nicosia What is the capital of Cyprus? 29. Cyprus Nicosia is the capital of what country? 30. Gulf of Aden Name the body of water that lies between Somalia and Yemen? 31. Somalia and Yemen The Gulf of Aden lies between what two countries? 32. Kuwait Name the small oil-rich nation at the top of the Persian Gulf. 33. Qutar Name the peninsula that juts into the Persian Gulf. 34. Saudi Arabia Mecca is a holy city in what country? 35. Mecca What is the holy city in Saudi Arabia 36. Bahrain Al Manamah is the capital of what country? 2/3 Geography Bowl: Middle East Study online at 37. Manamah Bahrain is the capital of what country? 38. Kuwait What is the capital of Kuwait? 39. Kuwait Kuwait is the capital of what country? 40. Saudi Arabia "The Empty Quarter" is an area of what country? 41. Iraq The Kurds are an ethnic group killed in what country? 42. Persian Gulf The United Arab Emirates border what body of water? 3/3