Q1/ What are the branches of the ophthalmic nerve..? Q2/ Chooses the answer correct of the following questions..? 1) The superior rectius nerve branch from...! a) Abducent nerve. b)Glossopharyngeal nerv. c) Oculomotor nerve d) Trochlear nerve. 2) Which of the following arise from cerebrum..? a) spinal root. b) cranial root. c) optic nerv. d) vagus. 3) Stylopharyngeal nerve which supply. a) stapedius M b) palatoglossus M c) stylohyoid M d)stylopharyngeal M 4) One of these nerves branch from facial nerve.. a) chorda tympani b) Pharyngeal plexus c) Laryngeal plexus d) buccal nerve 5) Abducent nerve leaves the cranium through.. a) supraorbital fissure b) infraorbital fissure c) optic canal d) infraorbital fissure 6) What are the longest nerve of cranial nerve..? a) Trigeminal nerve b) Facial nerve c) Vagus nerve d) Accessory nerve 7) The vestibular nerve responsible for.. a) hearing. b) equilibrium. c) hearing and equilibrium. d) smell. 8) How many of nerves that are arise from the pons..? a) three nerves b) five nerves c) two nerves d) four nerves 9) The lateral rectus muscle is supplied by.. a) Abducent. b) inferoir recti nerve. c) trochlear nerve. d) medial recti nerve. 10) Which of the following is sensory..? a) oculomotor. b) trochlear. c) hypoglossus d) olfactory 11) The chorda tympani is communicate with.. a) mental nerve. b) lingual nerve. c) buccal nerve. d) inferior alveolar nerve. 12) Which of the following is branch inside the middle ear. a) stapedius nerve. b) posterior auricular nerve. c) stylohyoid nerve. d) occipital branch.