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MTP Challenge Workbook: Build Your Purpose

Build a Massive Transformative Purpose
(A purpose statement for yourself & the
Day 1: Why an MTP?
1. Fill out this 2-question survey
2. Set a 10-min calendar invite for the next 10 days
Day 2: MTP Attributes
1. Massive / Inspires You
2. Emotional (Wonder, Pain)
3. Commit the next 10 years
4. Your mission / focus
5. Feels Authentic to You
6. Brief / Easy to Memorize
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Day 3: What is your fuel? (positive)
What field MOST excites/fascinates you?
What did you want to do as a kid?
What’s a conversation you engage in with friends that gives
you incredible energy?
As you look back 30 years from now, what could you imagine
to be THE highlight of your life?
Please list 3 to 5 of positively-fueled purposes here:
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Day 4: What is your fuel? (negative)
What problem do you fear most?
If I gave you $1 BILLION to make the world better, where
would you spend it?
What grand challenge do you desire to dedicate your mind &
money to solve?
What is a ‘wrong’ that you need to right?
Please list 3 to 5 of negatively-fueled purposes here:
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Day 5: Whom are you serving?
Here are a few examples:
Creators and artists
Scientists working to extend the human healthspan
Engineers rebuilding infrastructure in Africa
Orphans in Ukraine
List 3 potential focus groups here:
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Day 6: Choose Your MTP Action Verbs
Here are some examples of action verbs to consider (there are, of
course, many more!):
Solve Engineer Create
Invent Enable Inspire
Guide Educate Finance
Teach Disrupt Reinvent
Please list 3 - 5 that excite you here:
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Day 7: Craft Your MTP
Let’s create your MTP, we’ll be using the Action Verbs (Day-6),
the group you wish to serve (Day-5) and your emotion-driven
purpose (Day-3 or Day-4), and plugging those into the sentence
My MTP is to {action verb} and {action verb} {the group you want
to be a hero to} to {objective end goal}
For example, my MTP fits this format: “To inspire & guide
entrepreneurs to create a hopeful, compelling and abundant
future for humanity.”
Your turn.
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Day 8: Pressure Testing Your MTP
Our goal for today is simple: to determine if the MTP you’ve
written works for you, or if it needs to be modified.
Pull up the MTP that you crafted yesterday, say it out loud a few
Say it outloud in this format:
“I see, hear, feel and know, that the purpose of my life is to…
(insert MTP here)”
When you say that outloud (with energy):
Does it inspire you?
Are you proud of it?
Can you easily memorize it?
Are you willing to share it with your family and friends?
Will it help you to guide and focus your time and resources?
Remember, you can easily change it. Feel free to iterate your
MTP. Words have meaning, and sometimes just shifting one
word can make all the difference. AND, if you do change it,
please update here in this document.
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Day 9: Share your MTP Everywhere
It’s now time to make your MTP known to your world, in your
surroundings and to share it with the world!
Here’s three things i’d like you to do today:
Print it out, big and bold, 48 point font, and tape it over your
Share it on social media (Tweet, TikTok, LinkenIn)... put it out
into the world. Read the comments that emerge and take
them to heart.
Commit to telling at least 5 different people (friends & family)
today. Keep count. How does it make you feel? What
conversations emerge when you share that simple sentence
with them?
Every time you share it, make a mental note of how it felt to
share it.
Did it feel authentic and empowering? Or were you embarrassed
and feeling awkward?
Ask for feedback each time. Ask them how it sounded to them?
How does it hit them?
At the same time, please remember that what matters most is
how YOU feel.
This step is VITAL. If you don’t share this everywhere you won’t
develop an identity around your MTP and it will lose its power
quickly. It will also fail to attract amazing people and
So start sharing it everywhere!
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Day 10: Who Else Should Create an MTP?
Today is the final day.
I believe we would have a better world if more people were
driven by a Massive Transformative Purpose. That’s why I created
this 10-day exercise and why I continue to put the concept of an
MTP out into the world.
I want to see more purpose-driven people in the world.
If you share this belief and if you found this exercise valuable,
share it with others.
Share it with your employees, friends, or family.
Copy and paste this link to share: diamandis.com/mtp
Use your newfound purpose wisely, and if you’d like, I’d love to
hear your MTP on Twitter. Tweet at me @peterdiamandis.
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