Discharge Process Reversible intercalation reactionoccurs d lithium Li entersandexit the electrodes anode cathode I Telectode lithiumion batteries LIBS arecommonly used in phones tablets and electricvehicles LIBS are rechargeable LIBS include an anode a cathode and an electrolyte conductor thecathode ismadeofmetaloxide theanode is made of porouscarbon during discharge lit ions flowfrom anodeto cathode the lit ionsflowthroughtheseparatorand electrolyte during changing cathodeto anode the flowis reversed TIME Lit joy is electronflow reversed change discharge generates heatmainly through resistive heating JouleHeating additional heat canbegenerated or absorbed during chemical reactions exo kendo anddischarge reversible intercalation reactionoccurs duringcharge this reaction is dueto lit ions enteringand exiting theelectrodes agingis inevitable aging decreases battery performance overtime themostcriticalfactoraffecting aging is temperature High temperatures 350C formsandgrowsthe solid electrolyte interface SEI layerIndignis Lowtemperatures Loc causelithium plating agingmechanism 2 thermalbehaviorof libs is affected by intrinsicfactors of LIBS extrinsic factors temperature currentload effectof temperature changeon electric vehicles batteries isreduced thermal managementsystem Tms by the Tms keeps the temperature between 25 C and 350C Tms effectiveness decreases with battery aging van metastable SEI E hi n amountof metastable intercalated lit electrolytes Intercalated Lithium SEI Xf van stable SEI SEI NA energyforconversion of metastable SEI tostableSEI er activation heatof reaction fortheformation of stable SEI from metastable SEI Ilg fortheconversionof reactionorder metastable set tostable set na K rateconstantfortheconversion of metastable SEI tostables mini A tou h metastableSEIto conversion of Iggy tatty Xi of intercalated lithium NA amount activationenergyforreaction E lithiumwith electrolyte ev of intercalated hot heatofreaction ofintercalated lithium withsolventto eventually formstableSEID g electrolyte m t reaction orderforthereaction ofintercalated lithium with electrolyte NA ht rateconstant forthereaction ofintercalated lithium with electrolyte min Az frequency factorforthereaction of intercalated Li with electrolyte nil Common Neutral Variables Z a amountof lithium inthe SEI perunitsurfacearea m Zu initialamountof lithiuminthe KB Boltzmann's constant eV do 2 SEI perunitsurfacearea m 2 initial SEI K thickness m dildts selfheating rate Kmin C t specific heat of the Arcsample a at a 9 J gk specific surface area of the low surface area materials a specific surfacearea ofthehighsurfacearea specific surface area ofthesample under t reference specific surface area mtg mtg materials mtg ionsideration mtg assume a 1