1.Blood pressure on the lower extremities is measured 2.Hemophilia is inherited by type: X-LINKED RECESSIVE INHERITANCE (haemophilia A and B) HEMOPHILIA is a hemorrhagic disease resulting from a genetically determined decrease in the 1:-activity of factor VIII (hemophilia A), 2:-factor IX (hemophilia B) or 3:-factor XI (hemophilia C) of blood coagulation. 3. Aerotherapy is: 4. Normal blood pressure in the lower extremities 5. B 12, deficiency anemia refers to anemia: = megaloblastic anemia B-12 deficiency anemia refers to a large group of anemia associated with a violation of dna rna synthesis, united by a common sign of the presence of large megaloblasts in the bone marrow of a special structure of bone marrow cells of the red row (megaloblastic anemia). 6. The leading pathway of bacterial agent penetration into tubulo-interstitial tissue in pyelonephritis Different pathways:1 -Ascending (urinogenic) (pathogens penetrate through the periurethral and urethral regions) This is the answer =2- Hematogenic(first year of life) (more often happens in newborns, with septicemia and/or with diseases occurring with bacteremia) 3- Lymphogenic (retrograde, in organic and functional intestinal diseases) 7. ( Intoxication)The leading bacterial agent in prielonephritis is: Causes of pyelonephritis in children the most common etiological agent that causes pyelonephritis in children is E. coli(most common 1st priority); also, proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, enterococci 8. For urinary syndrome with pyelonephritis, it is characteristic: URINARY SYNDROME. :-LABORATORY CRITERIA LEUKOCYTURIA; BACTERIURIA ; MODERATE PROTEINURIA; LEUKOCYTOSIS; NEUTROPHILOSIS; LYMPHOPENIA; ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE (ESR) INCREASE; (Urinary syndrome: bacteriuria - more than 10^9 microbial bodies in 1 ml of urine; leukocyturia - more than 1 in 1 ml (more than 50% of neutrophils), leukocyte cylinders; minor proteinuria (up to 1 g / l); ph of urine above 6.5.j 9. During oral rehydration, fluid loss is accounted for by: Repeated vomiting (1-2 days) stool is liquid, watery, profuse, without pathological impurities, often frothy 10. Secondary hypothyroidism is characterized by a lesion: Secondary hypothyroidism occurs when a special part of the brain is affected Lesion of = the hypothalamic-pituitary system - - with insufficient release of TSH and subsequent decrease in thyroid function. 11. Iron deficiency anemia is anemia: Def.:Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin and / or the number of red blood cells per unit volume of blood. Normal values: full-term newborn 0.3-0.4 g, premature newborn 0.1-0.2. g Causes:= 1-Antenatal (fetal iron deficiency): Fetoplacental and fetomaterine bleeding Intrauterine Milena Fetofetal transfusions for multiple pregnancies Prematurity, multiple pregnancy Deep and long-term iron deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman 2- Intranatal causes (iron deficiency at birth): Placental transfusion Premature or incorrect cord ligation Premature detachment of an abnormally attached placenta, damage to the vessels of the umbilical cord 3- postnatal 12. Hypotrophy is :- Hypotrophy in children is a chronic eating disorder accompanied by an insufficient increase in the child's body weight in relation to his height and age. deficiency of weight as a result of a complex of various adverse factors as congenital (prenatal), and acquired (post-natal) origins hypotrophic option – weight is lower than the 10th tsentilya (less than 2500): influences in the III trimester beremen. causes of the acquired hypotrophy Endocrine diseases: giperparatireoz, diabetes, adrenogenital syndrome Metabolic defects:violations of exchange of amino acids, accumulation diseases Infectious diseases: chronic inflammatory diseases, AIDS Adverse sanitary and hygienic conditions: insufficient stay in the fresh air, rare bathings, wrong swaddling 13. Anemia is a decrease decrease in hemoglobin less than110g/l, hematocrit decrease in 14. The onset of acute rheumatic fever occurs mainly in:- mostly young (7-15 years), Clinical definition of Rheumatic fever Systemic inflammation of the connective tissue, of toxico-immunological genesis, resulting from infection with beta- haemolytic streptococcus group A, mainly localised in the cardiovascular system, joints, brain and skin, in young adults (7-15 years) with a genetic predisposition. Pathogenetic definition of rheumatic fever Post-infection complication of A-streptococcal pharyngitis (angina) in predisposed individuals due to development of an autoimmune response to Streptococcus epitopes and cross- reactivity with similar epitopes human tissues (skin, joints, heart and brain). 15. Anemia of the 2nd degree is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin: 1st.:-light (Нв 110 - 90 g / l), erythrocytes (3.5*10^12/L) This is answer = 2st.:-medium-heavy (HB 90 - 70 g / l),erythrocytes (2.5*10^12/L) 3st.:-heavy (HB less than 70 g / l),erythrocyte (less then 2.5*10^12/L) 16. Children with chronic glomerulonephritis are observed Def.:- group of primary glomerulonephritis, different in morphological, clinical and immunological variants, characterized by a progressive course with the development of sclerosis and the outcome in many cases in CRF. Type by course:-course of CGN can be 1:-recurrent 2:- persistent 3:- progressive Symptoms:- hematuric, • nephrotic or • mixed (nephrotic syndrome in combination with • hematuria and arterial hypertension) variants Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a symptom complex, which is characterized by: • proteinuria more than 3 g per day (50 mg/kg per day); • hypoalbuminemia less than 25 g/l; • dysproteinemia (decrease in the level of γ-globulins, an increase in the level of oc2globulins); • hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia; • edema. 17. Diarrhea is considered chronic if its duration is over = (Over 3 months ) 1.Acute (up to 1 month) 2. Prolonged (up to 3 month) 3. Chronic(more than 3 month) 18. The level of hemoglobin is characteristic of the 1st degree of anemia: This is answer =1st.:-light (Нв 110 - 90 g / l), erythrocytes (3.5*10^12/L) 2st.:-medium-heavy (HB 90 - 70 g / l),erythrocytes (2.5*10^12/L) 3st.:-heavy (HB less than 70 g / l),erythrocyte (less then 2.5*10^12/L) 19. For the 3rd degree of anemia, the hemoglobin level is characteristic: 1st.:-light (Нв 110 - 90 g / l), erythrocytes (3.5*10^12/L) 2st.:-medium-heavy (HB 90 - 70 g / l),erythrocytes (2.5*10^12/L) This is answer =3st.:-heavy (HB less than 70 g / l),erythrocyte (less then 2.5*10^12/L) 20. For the 2nd degree of respiratory failure, it is characteristic: By :- Shortness of breath at rest, increases with movements. cyanosis. anxiety, sleep disorders 41. What is the mechanism of action of parathyroid hormone • PTH increases blood calcium by acting on parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (high levels in bone and kidney) The parathyroid hormone 2 receptor (high levels in the central nervous system, pancreas, testis, and placenta). • PTH half-life is approximately 4 minutes. PTH uses G-protein mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase and cAMP second messenger for its actions. 42. Body weight deficit with hypotrophy of 1 st.: >hypotrophy I St. - deficiency of weight 10-20 %, reduction p / a layer on a stomach, the turgor is reduced, there is no vitamin functional violation of bodies and systems,aya nedostatochnost, smaller resistance to an infection 43. Body weight deficit with hypotrophy 2 art.: >hypotrophy II St. - deficiency of weight 21 - 30%, lag in growth, p / a layer disappears on a stomach, is reduced by breasts and extremities, glycogen stocks, muscle weakness, functional frustration decrease: Central nervous system, a GIT, CCC, DS, is increasediye liver, polyhypovitaminosis, serious, long illness 44. Classical rickets is classified according to the flow DEGREE I the article is easy II the article - cf. weights 111 the article is heavy PERIODS Initial I !eat Convalescences Residual phenomena COURSE Sharp Subacute Recurrent - · 45. Classical rickets is classified according to the severity of the course: >see question no.44 46. The precursor cells of hematopoiesis are located in >the peripheral blood and the bone marrow. 47. Clinical manifestations of hemophilia most often make their debut >Bleeding in hemophilia is often "delayed" - 1-4 hours after injury or mechanical damage, which is due to the primary reaction of vascular-platelet hemostasis in the first 2 hours of bleeding, followed by the inclusion of a defective coagulation link of hemostasis (phase I). 48. Clinical syndromes in pyelonephritis: • INTOXICATION • PAIN SYNDROME (visceral renal pain) • DYSURIC DISORDER SYNDROME NB! The absence of dysuria DOES NOT EXCLUDE Pyelonephritis •URINARY SYNDROME 49. Clinical signs of gastrointestinal bleeding are >Abdominal pain syndrome Patients complain of abdominal pain, either of uncertain localization, or in the epigastric region. Pain occurs on an empty stomach (night pains are possible) with duodenitis and after eating - with gastritis. >Dyspeptic syndrome >Autonomic Disorder Syndrome SO.Clinical signs of gastric ulcer perforation are: >Leading Pain Syndrome... Moinigan's rhythm of pain {hunger - pain - food intake-light interval -hunger - pain ...) 51. Asthma control 52. The criterion of goiter is: > Level O - no goiter >Level 1 -goiter isn't visible, but palpatable, besides the size of its lobes is larger than the distal phalanx of the subject's thumb >Level 2 - goiter is palpatable and visible by eye 53. The criterion of thrombocytopenia is the level of platelets less: > thrombocytopenia with a decrease in the number of platelets less than 100.0 x 109/1. 54. The criteria for the diagnosis of latent diabetes mellitus are: - (ISPAD, 2009) _ ;II detections is considered as accidental at any time of the day, without taking into account the time that has passed since the last meal 1 2 55. Therapeutic effect of de-nol: 1. Colloidal bismuth subcitrate (De-nol®) 4 mg/ kg Used to aid healing of ulcers in the stomach and intestine (peptic ulcers) 56. Medicinal properties of omeprazole >Antacids >Antisecretory drug >Proton pump blocker 57. Treatment of acute tetany with hypocalcemia begins with: >Calcium supplements. Vitamin D supplements. Magnesium tablets. Later IV calcium gluconate 58. Lymphadenopathy is: >swelling of lymph nodes 59. Incubation period for chickenpox: >14-16days 60. lncubation period for whooping cough: >The incubation period is shortened to 4-7 days in young children....in Adult -7-1Odays 61. Manifest diabetes mellitus is diagnosed with hyperglycemia Diagnostic criteria for GPN GPN 5,6 6,9 mmol/L-impaired fasting glycemia (IFG) GP 2 h<?,S mmol/li- normal glucose tolerance; GP2 h 2:11,1mmol/1 - Suspected diagnosis of DM, which should be 62. The mechanism of bronchial obstruction in asthma is due to >Bronchoconstriction *reference 13. : :- ::: ! Mucu, tnd E<ltma a,onet1o•p.,.,.., 63. To assess the concentration function of the kidneys, use: >Zimnitsky's test 64. Nikturia is the need for a patient to get up at night on a regular basis to urinate 65. The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in boys indicates premature puberty 66. One of the characteristic clinical signs for the initial period of rickets is > concern >sleep disorder > start in a dream > perspiration >nape baldness > hyperesthesia >weakness of sheaves and hypotonia of muscles >hypotonia of muscles of an anterior abdominal wall > disturbance of static functions 67. One of the characteristic clinical signs for the period of the height of rickets is • Craniomalacia • Closing of a big fontane "Rachitic beads "on average edges (thickening of edges and a costal cartilage) • The sunk-down nose bridge, the high, Gothic sky, later and the wrong order of eruption, break. bite of teeth • "Rachitic brasletka • Deformations of legs on valgus or varus type • Narrowing of an entrance to a small pelvis, flat basin • Kyphosis in nizhnegrudny and lumbar department, scoliosis of chest department. a lumbar lordosis 68. Shortness of breath is a violation 69. Obesity in the ltsenko-Cushing syndrome is characterized by: >Central obesity >presence of endogenous central hypercortisolism due to an ACTH-secreting brain tumor >facial roundness, weight gain around the middle body and upper back, thinning of the arms and legs, easy bruising, and stretch marks. 70. Obesity in the ltsenko-Cushing syndrome is: See question no.69[increased cortisol for long time] 71. Oliguria is >reduction of diuresis less than 1/3-1/4 of the daily norm or less than 300 ml / day. for newborns - less than 0.5 ml/ kg per hour; for infants less than 1.0 ml/ kg per hour or less than 20 ml/ kg per day or less than 180 ml/ m2 per day. 72. Complications of peptic ulcer disease of the duodenum are: >Leading Pain Syndrome.. >Moinigan's rhythm of pain >Dyspeptic syndrome: >heartburn, >belching >vomiting >Nausea 73. The main symptoms of congenital hypothyroidism : >Stature - stature delay !Weight - excess weight I Appetite loss I Mentality - debility, fatigability, sleepiness I Nephrotic syndrome (NS) - delayed speech, awkward movements I Gastrointestinal tract - constipations I Skin - pale, dry, cold I Appendages of skin - loss of hair; dry, dull hair 74. The main syndrome in chronic gastroduodenitis is: Abdominal pain syndrome Dyspeptic syndrome Autonomic Disorder Syndrome 75. The main link in the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic vasculitis is 76. Primary hypothyroidism is characterized by a lesion: I Primary- aplasia, hypoplasia, ectopia of GT in 85-90 % of cases; s 10-15 % c11y4aes innate hormonopoiesis abnormalities in TG 77. Pyelonephritis is a process: It is a non-specific microbial inflammatory disease, accompanied by the interstitial tissue of the kidneys and the pyelocaliceal system damage with the involvement of tubules, blood and lymphatic vessels in the pathological process. 79. Indication for transfusion of er-mass in hypochromic . anemia: D decrease in hemoglobin less than 110 g / I, D reticulocytosis, D erythrocyte microcytosis D color index less than 0.8 D decrease in hematocrit D anisocytosis, poikilocytosis D decrease in the average content of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte and the average concentration of HB in erythrocytes 80. An indication for the appointment of prednisolone in acute glomerulonephritis . 1s: To maintain remission with frequently recurrent nephrotic syndrome 81 ans : Indications . Treatment of megaloblastic anemia, with methanol poisoning as an additional remedy. Hypo- and avitaminosis of folic acid , including with tropical and non-tropical sprue, malnutrition, pregnancy, infancy and childhood, in patients taking antiepileptic drugs.,,, 82 ans : INDICATIONS FOR ANTIBACTERIAL THERAPY FOR SARS (1) In an uncomplicated course of SARS, antibiotics can be individually indicated: with a history of recurrent otitis media; unfavorable premorbid background (severe malnutrition, rickets, malformations) in a child under the age of 6 months; the presence of clinical signs of immunodeficiency. INDICATIONS FOR ANTIBACTERIAL THERAPY FOR SARS (2) Antibiotic therapy for ARVI is mandatory (!!!) in the presence of obvious bacterial foci: * suppuration from the ear, suppuration from the eyes, paratonsillar abscess, fluctuations of the lymph node, swelling of the face (orbits, neck), physical signs of pneumonia. 83. ans : For diagnostic purposes, gastroscopy is prescribed for suspected stomach ulcers, gastritis, heartburn, polyps in the stomach or a malignant tumor , 84. ans : Cefazolin, zinnate, amoxiclav, unazine, ceclor aminoglycosides,,Chlamydia, pneumocystis, ureaplasma Macropen, rulid, sumamed Metronidazole, biseptol, fluoroquinolones 85. ans :Therapy for Mycoplasma Pneumonia Antibiotics of choice for the treatment of various forms of mycoplasma infection in children and adults are macrolides: erythromycin, roxithromycin (roxihexal at a dose of 5-7.5 mg / kg of body weight per day in 2 doses), josamycin, clarithromycin, spiramycin in a course of 7-14 days, azithromycin 3-5 days. In children older than 8 years, doxycycline may be used. Pathogenetic therapy: detoxification agents; drugs, microcirculants, antispasmodics, expectorants; antioxidants, Aerosols with proteolytic enzymes; oxygen therapy. Physiotherapy is used (electrophoresis with heparin, etc.) 86. ans : delayed psychomotor development,latent or expressed tetany,an endocrinologist 87. ans : 88 ans : Смекту[smektu], FOR DIARRHEA WITHOUT DEHYDRATION - PLAN A Give extra fluids. Recommend to mother: Breastfeed more often and increase the duration of each feeding If the baby is exclusively breastfed, give extra ORS or clean water in addition to breast milk If a formula-fed or bottle-fed child is given any combination of the following liquids: ORS solution, liquid food or water Explain to the mother how much fluid to give before her usual intake: Up to 2 years 50-100 ml after each liquid stool; 2 years and older 100-200 ml after each loose stool 89. ans : on deficiency anemia ( IDA ) is an acquired disease characterized by a decrease in the iron content in the blood serum, bone marrow and tissue depots, as a result of which the formation of hemoglobin and erythrocytes is disrupted, hypochromic anemia,,,, 90. ans : Treatment of hypothyroidism Thyroid hormone replacement therapy Thyreoidin - dried thyroid preparation Levothyroxine - synthetic preparation Triiodothyronine - synthetic. Begin treatment with small doses. 0.05 mg levothyroxine, 10 mcg 2-4 times / day - excreted very quickly. Full replacement dose: levothyroxine 0.15 mg, triiodothyronine 0.18 g, thyroidin 0.18 mg. Levothyroxine in the elderly 0.075 mg - replacement dose, the initial dose is 0.02 mg. 91. ans : hronic mitral regurgitation ( insufficiency ) is a lesion of the mitral valve apparatus (cusps, tendon chords, papillary muscles), in which there is a reverse flow of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium during systole. ,,, MITRAL VALVE INSUFFICIENCY Auscultation weakening of the 1st tone, often heard at the top of the 3rd tone, accent and splitting of the 2nd tone over the pulmonary artery. . systolic murmur at the apex is soft, blowing or rough with a musical tone, depending on the severity of the valvular defect, is conducted into the armpit or at the base of the heart. The noise is loudest with an average degree of mitral insufficiency, less intense - with a slight or very pronounced. In the position on the left side in the exhalation phase, the noise is heard better 92. ans : RESTORATION OF URINE PASSAGE INDICATIONS: . Obstructive acute pyelonephritis of moderate and severe degree; . Postrenal acute renal failure; . ICD, accompanied by a violation of the outflow of urine, renal colic, anuria, obstructive pyelonephritis; . Anomalies of development (hydronephrosis, doubling of the kidney ...) with obstruction, severe pain and obstructive pyelonephritis.,,,,Classification of pyelonephritis . Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis Congenital (various anomalies in the development of the kidneys and urinary tract leading to disruption of the normal passage of urine) Acquired: Urolithiasis (calculous pyelonephritis) Tumors of the kidneys and urinary tract Injuries of the kidneys and urinary tract, and their consequences Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (including cystitis, urethritis, etc.) leading to disruption of the normal passage of urine. Hydronephrosis (as an outcome of obstruction) 93. ans : the volatility of pain,,,,mucoid swelling,,,,Aschoff-Talalaev granulomas genetic markers ARF is more common in individuals with blood groups (I), B (III) and "non-secretors" AB and H. A certain regularity of associations with HLA antigens and phenotype was revealed. With ARF in patients with Russian nationality is dominated by HLA-All, B35, DR5 and DR7. Patients with valvular heart disease have an increased frequency of HLA-AZ carriage. A search is underway for genetic markers of ARF that determine hereditary predisposition to the disease. B-lymphocyte alloantigen, as determined by the D8M7 monoclonal antibody, has been shown to be associated with susceptibility to ARF. 94. ans : : the volatility of pain,,,,mucoid swelling,,,,Aschoff-Talalaev granulomas etiology Acute rheumatic fever develops after 2-4 weeks. after suffering a sore throat or pharyngitis caused by highly contagious "rheumatogenic" strains (beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A (serotypes M3, M5, M18, M24). M-protein (a specific protein that is part of the cell wall (beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A and phagocytosis that suppresses it) contains antigenic determinants that are similar to components of the heart muscle, brain, and synovial membranes. 95. ans : the degree of anemia 96. ans : Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis is a kidney disease that occurs in all age groups, but more than 70% of patients with pyelonephritis are in the age group from 20 to 40 years, that is, this disease affects people in the most working age. The development of pyelonephritis is based on a violation of urodynamics and a loss of resistance of the kidney tissue to infection, followed by the development of an inflammatory process that consistently captures everything. structures of the kidney tissue. 97. ans : 98. ans : see 97 99 ans : see 97 100 ans:- : 161 - high fever, cough, runny nose, and watery eyes. 162 - How does whooping cough affect the eyes? The coughing associated with Pertussis may cause a sudden increase in the pressure within the blood vessels of the nose and/or eyes. This may lead to nosebleeds (epistaxis) and the appearance of red blood vessels in the white of the eyes (scleral hemorrhage). 163 - What are the severe symptoms of whooping cough? Struggling to breathe. Turning blue or purple. Coughing violently. Coughing rapidly, over and over. Not drinking enough fluids. 164- What is mumps characterized by an infection of? Ans :-Salivary glands Mumps is an illness caused by a virus. It usually affects the glands on each side of the face. These glands, called parotid glands, make saliva. 165- Stool tests,What are the bacterial etiological agents of food poisoning? More than 90 percent of the cases of food poisoning each year are caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Bacillus cereus, and Entero-pathogenic Escherichia coli. These bacteria are commonly found on many raw foods. 166- The most common sites of diphtheria infection are the pharynx and the tonsils. 167- You should not give legumes, beets, cucumbers, sauerkraut, radishes, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, grapes. Oatmeal is not recommended, as it enhances fermentation processes. Fatty varieties of meat and fish products (pork, lamb, goose, duck, salmon, etc.) should be excluded from the diet 168- Prohibited products in the acute period of intestinal infections are: a) white bread crumbs b) lactic acid products (kefir, cottage cheese) c) porridge with whole milk d) meat and fish broths e) citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines) !Answer! c, d, e 169Ans:- acyclovir, vidarabine, foscarnet, virazole (ribavirin), alpizarin, valacyclovir, famciclovir, interferon, cycloferon, viferon, anaferon were used for the etiotropic treatment of chickenpox [1, 2, 10-21]. Most of them relate directly to antiviral agents, the rest are immunomodulators with more or less proven antiviral activity. 170-FOR MEASLES, ANTIBACTERIAL THERAPY IS PRESCRIBED Ans:-Antibacterial therapy is prescribed if a bacterial infection has joined the measles . As medicines are used: "Clarithromycin" (introduced intravenously through a dropper - 500 mg twice a day) or "Sumamed" (1 tablet (500 mg) once a day). 171-THE DOCTOR'S TACTICS IN CASE OF SUSPICION OF A GENERALIZED FORM OF MENINGOCOCCAL INFECTION IN A PATIENT IS AS FOLLOWS: Ans:urgent hospitalization in an infectious disease hospital 172:-WHAT GROUP OF DRUGS IS RECOMMENDED FOR SCARLET FEVER? Ans :- protected penicillins 173:- AN ETIOLOGICALLY VALID ANTIBIOTIC FOR THE TREATMENT OF SCARLET FEVER IN CHILDREN IS Ans :- Penicillin 174:-IN THE TREATMENT OF MILD SALMONELLOSIS USED Ans :- 175. BASIC TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH VIRAL HEPATITIS A IS AS FOLLOWS: Ans:- 176. THE SPECIFIC TREATMENT OF INFLUENZA IS 177. ACUTE INTESTINAL INFECTIONS HAVE A MECHANISM OF INFECTION 178. IN MOST CASES, HEPATITIS ENDS WITH RECOVERY ANS :- HAV 179.HEPATITIS IS MOST COMMON IN HOT COUNTRIES 180. IN MOST CASES, HEPATITIS ENDS WITH RECOVERY Ans :- HAV 181-1: Africa (Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt,Mali) 2:Asia(china,mangolia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia) 3:South America (united states, Canada, Greenland) 4: north America (Brazil,Peru, Columbia) 5: middle east(Saudi Arabia) 182-People spread meningococcal bacteria to other people by sharing respiratory and throat secretions (saliva or spit). Generally, it takes close (for example, coughing or kissing) or lengthy contact to spread these bacteria. 183 : proteinuria,leukocytouria, hematuria 184-bacilluria over than 100 thousand microbial bodies in 1 ml of urine obtained by natural urination from a "medium" jet or catheter 185-cardiovascular system (carditis), joints (migratory polyarthritis), brain (chorea) and skin (erythema rings, rheumatic nodules), 186-heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract or by presence of respiratory symptoms (wheezing, dyspnea, chest congestion, cough), which are varied in time and intensity, and are shown with variable airway obstruction.• it takes on average from 2 to 5 years from the first symptoms of bronchial asthma to establish a diagnosis 187: palpable lymph nodes are normal in anterior cervical , axillary and inguinal regions in healthy children.Palpable lymph nodes are usually observed between the ages of 3 and 5 years. ■Lymphadenopathy is enlargement of the lymph nodes beyond this normal state. Size of Lymph Nodes Rules of thumb: - Axillary and cervical nodes < 1 cm - Inguinal <1.5 cm - Epitrochlear <0.5 cm Nodes tend to be larger in young children Odds of malignancy is higher in larger nodes especially those > 2 cm 188-1: ultrashort acting analogs(insulin aspart,glulisine lispro) 2: simple short acting (actrapid HM,Humulin regular,Insuman rapid ) 3:medium acting(protaphane HM, Humulin NPH,Insuman basal). Basal insulin analogs : -Glargine , insulin analogs -Detemir , Insulin analogs 189-1:oily fish 2:egg yolks 3: red meat, liver 4: cheese , milk 5 : mushrooms 6: fortified foods 7: cord liver oil 190-(rickets)#Stop in growth, the signs of which often #persist for life. #Epileptic seizures. #Damage to the kidneys and cardiovascular system. #Reducing immunity. #Failure. #Cardiosclerosis. #Exhaustion of the body. 193-194-the premature destruction of red cells, anaemia , increase in blood unconjugated bilirubin(jaundice),gall stones (bilirubin stones usually in hereditary spherocytosis), hepatosplenomegaly(RE hyperplasia) 194-Hemolytic anemia: Morphology Abnormal RBC shapes spherocytes in WIHA(Warm Ab Hemolytic Anemia), target forms in thalasssemia etc. Polychromatophils. (Immature RBC - large, bluish, no central palor - Reticulocytes) Nucleated RBCsmall nucleus inside reticulocyte. Giems stain (routine blood film) -> Bluish, Lage BC (1 MCV) HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA Premature destruction of RBCs - inherited defects/acquired intravascular abnormalities. Hemolysis -Intravascular or extravascular General features of hemolytic anemia Hemolysis Normal General examination-Pallor, jaundice Other physical findings-Splenomegaly, bossing of skull Hemoglobin-Normal to severely reduced MCV, MCH-Usually increased Reticulocytes-Increased Bilirubin-Increased (mostly unconjugated) Haptoglobin-Reduced to absent LDH-Increased( upto 10 times with intravascular hemolysis) 195-HEMOPHILIA is a hemorrhagic disease resulting from a genetically determined decrease in the activity of factor VIII (hemophilia A), factor IX (hemophilia B) or factor XI (hemophilia C) of blood coagulation. 196- ans :- the goiter is not visible but palpable , while the size … 197-1. Pallor of the skin and mucous membranes; 2. Decreased appetite 3. Physical and mental fatigue, decreased performance; 4. Cardiovascular disorders (tachycardia, dizziness, muffled tones and systolic murmur during auscultation of the heart) 198ans :- Loss of appetite, vomiting , constipation.. 199- nephritic syndrome • massive proteinuria (>2-3g/l or more or urine protein /creatinine >2 mg/l), • hypoproteinemia, • hypoalbuminemia (<25 g/l), • hyperlipidemiawith pronounced edema to the degree of anasarca. 200-nephrotic syndrome • massive proteinuria (>2-3g/l or more or urine protein /creatinine >2 mg/l), • hypoproteinemia, • hypoalbuminemia (<25 g/l), • hyperlipidemiawith pronounced edema to the degree of anasarca. 201-hemorrhagic syndrome Mikulich syndrome Hepatolienal syndrome 202appendages and mucous membranes: and stomach, accompanied by malabsorption and dyspeptic disorders; and smell; accompanied by bedwetting, daytime urge to urinate, inability to hold urine while laughing and coughing). 203. Chronic glomerulonephritis is characterized by the duration of the disease Ans-More than 12 months. 241 :242 :- Feeling more thirsty than usual Urinating a lot Bed-wetting in children who have never wet the bed during the night Feeling very hungry Losing weight without trying Feeling irritable or having other mood changes Feeling tired and weak Having blurry vision 243:- hematuria, Proteinuria, Hypertension, Fluid retention (edema) with swelling evident on face, hands, feet and abdomen, Urinating less than usual, Nausea and vomiting, Muscle cramps, Fatigue. 244 :- Vitamin D. High doses of vitamin D, generally in the form of calcitriol, 245 :- sudden, unintended, and uncontrollable jerky movements of the arms, legs, and facial muscles. 246 :- 1 week or more 247 :- oral administration of prednisolone is 2 mg / kg day (60 mg / M2), the maximum dose is 60 day, continuously for 4-6 weeks. Then in the alternating that is, every other day at a dose of 2/3 of therapeutic dose (1.5 mg / kg per day or 40 m2, but Not more than 40 mg / day according prednisone). The duration Of alternating glucocorticoid intake is 4-6 weeks. After completion this course, the dose is gradually reduced by mg / m2 in 7-10 Days until complete withdrawal. total duration of Glucocorticoid therapy should be 4-5 hs. per mg / mode, the mg / to Of 10 The mont 248 :- 249 :- Streptococcal pharyngitis typically precedes the onset of acute rheumatic fever by 1 to 5 weeks 250 :- ? 251. Anomalies of the constitution in infants and young children include Not found 252. The clinical manifestations of hemolytic anemia include: -Abnormal paleness or lack of color of the skin Yellowish skin, eyes, and mouth (jaundice) -Dark-colored urine -Fever -Weakness -Dizziness -Confusion -Can’t handle physical activity -Enlarged spleen and liver -Increased heart rate (tachycardia) -Heart murmur 253. Laboratory tests for diabetes include: Laboratory Examination: 1. Hgb(A1C) 2. Fasting lipid profile 3. Test for microalbuminuria 4. Serum creatinine level 5. Urine analysis 6. electrocardiogram >During biochemical blood test Hyperglycosemia • Glycosuria • Ketonuria • Glycohemoglobin • Autoantibodies to beta-cell antigens • C-peptide, insulin 254. Somatic mutation of hematopoietic progenitor cells leads to >Hemorrhagic diathesis (this answer is not confirmed) 255. Which of the following insulins are long acting insulins? >Glargine, Insulin analog, Detemir 256. Which of the following insulins are short acting insulins? >Insulin aspart, Glulisine ,Lispro 257. What complications can develop in the abdominal syndrome of hemorrhagic vasculitis:. Abdominal syndrome 1. It is caused by edema and haemorrhages in the intestinal wall, mesentery or peritoneum. Observed in almost 70% of children. 2. Moderate to severe abdominal pain and cramping, not well localized. 3. There may be nausea, vomiting, erratic stools, episodes of intestinal and gastric bleeding. 4. The presence of abdominal syndrome from the onset of the disease, the recurrent nature of pain requires joint observation of the patient by a paediatrician and a surgeon, since pain syndrome in haemorrhagic vasculitis can be caused both by the manifestation of the disease and its complication (intussusception, intestinal perforation) 258. What are the symptoms of hemorrhagic vasculitis? -arthralgia and arthritis -soreness, swelling and changes in the shape of the joints - abdominal pain and cramping - nausea, vomiting, erratic stools, episodes of intestinal and gastric bleeding - glomerulonephritis (Shenlein-Henoch nephritis) -moderate haematuria 259. What syndromes are isolated in hemorrhagic vasculitis: -cutaneous syndrome (skin) - articular syndrome (joint) - abdominal syndrome - renal syndrome 260. Deficiency of body weight with malnutrition 2 tbsp.: > The girl of 8 months the real weight – 5.6 kg., growth – 69cm. The must weight – 8.0 kg. Deficiency of weight – 30%Hypotrophy ΙΙ degrees hypotrophy II St. - deficiency of weight 21-30%, lag in growth p/ a layer disappears on a stomach, is reduced by breasts and extremities, glycogen stocks, muscle weakness, functional frustration decrease: Central nervous system, a GIT, CCC, DS, is increased in liver, polyhypovitaminosis, serious, long illness 261:- Arterial switch operation. 262:-thrombocytopenia ,leukopenia and anemia 263:-There are no signs of the leukemia after treatment. 264:-_______ 265:- PTH 266:-presence of cholelithiasis in combination with the sonographic *Murphy sign* Or gallbladder wall thickening (> 3 mm), wall edema, gallbladder distention 267:-clotting factor 268:- Diffuse hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue 269:-_________ 270 :- elevated reticulocyte count or pale , dizziness 271 ans : large variegated kidneys,,,,glomeruli,,,, 272. ans : 11.1mmol/l 273. ans : localization of metastatic foci,,,,, 274. ans : SELECTIVE PROTEINURIA IS DEFINED FOR FUNCTIONAL STATE ASSESSMENTS of glomeruli ,,,,, urea level 275. ans : ? 276. ans : Moderate anemia - hemoglobin level from 90 to 70 g / l . 277. ans : Less than 70 g / l - a severe form of anemia 278. ans : 500 279. ans : For full-term children from 1 month to 1 year, for the purpose of prevention, vitamin D preparations are recommended at a dose of 1000 IU per day, 280. ans : the largest relative surface of the body[A FEATURE OF THERMOREGULATION NEWBORNS AND YOUNG CHILDREN ARE] 281. Folate deficiency anemia refers to anemia: Ans:( Folate-deficiency anemia is the lack of folic acid in the blood. Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps your body make red blood cells.) megaloblastic anaemia macrocytic anemia -Symptoms: Pale skin,Decreased appetite,Being grouchy (irritable),Lack of energy or tiring easily,Diarrhea,Smooth and tender tongue. -Causes: Don’t eat a healthy diet, Drink a lot of alcohol, Are pregnancy , Can’t absorb folic acid -Treatment: Vitamin and mineral supplements,Changes in your diet,Treating the underlying disease. 282. Folate deficiency anemia refers to anemia: Ans: (281) 283. B12 deficiency anemia refers to anemia: Ans: (Vitamin B12–deficiency anemia, also known as cobalamin deficiency, is a condition that develops when your body can't make enough healthy red blood cells because it doesn't have enough vitamin B12.) Pernicious anemia -Symptoms: extreme tiredness. a lack of energy. pins and needles (paraesthesia) a sore and red tongue. mouth ulcers. muscle weakness. disturbed vision. -Causes: not enough vitamin B12, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, bacterial growth, or a parasite -Treatment: injections of vitamin B12, called hydroxocobalamin 284. A characteristic sign of hypoplastic and aplastic anemia: Ans: Aplastic anemia is a condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. The condition leaves you fatigued and more prone to infections and uncontrolled bleeding. 285. Wheezing in bronchial asthma Ans: Wheezing in asthma can be triggered by exposure to airborne allergens such as pollen, mold, animals, or house dust.In asthma, the wheezing is due to narrowing of the lower airways. 286. Which of the following is the cause of secondary chronic non-obstructive pyelonephritis 287. Which of the following is the cause of secondary chronic obstructive pyelonephritis 288. What is characteristic of long-acting insulin: Ans: Protaphane HM, Humulin NPH, Insuman Basal Begin of Acting: 2-4 h Peak of Actions: 4-12 h Duration: 12-24 h 289. What is characteristic of short-acting insulin: Ans: short-acting (Actrapid HM, Humulin regular, Insuman rapid) Begin of Acting: 0.5-1 h Peak of Actions: 2-4 h Duration: 5-8 h 290. What is characteristic of ultrashort-acting insulin: Ans: Ultrashort-acting analogs (Insulin aspart, Glulisine, Lispro) Begin of Acting: 0,15-0,35 h Peak of Actions: 1-3 h Duration: 3-5 h 291. The etiology of viral diarrhea is ~9 groups of viruses: 1) rotaviruses (most significant in children); 2) Norfolk (most significant in adults) and related viruses (Hawaii, Snow Mountain, Taunton, etc.); 3) caliciviruses; 4) astroviruses; 5) coronaviruses; 6) adenoviruses; 7) enteroviruses; 8) cytomegaloviruses; 9) other small round viruses (Ditchling, Cockle, Wallen). 292. The etiology of acute bronchitis is ~ARVI, the influenza virus, rubella or measles. Less commonly, bacterial factors are the cause coccal flora, chlamydia, mycoplasma infection 293. The etiology of functional delay in puberty is ~Sexual underdevelopment is accompanied by the absence or a sharp decrease in gonadotropic hormones, 17-ketosteroids and estrogens. 294. Symptoms characteristic of congenital hypothyroidism ~• decreased muscle tone; • lethargy, immobility; • lag in growth and weight; • late closure of the fontanel; • delayed teething; • delay in the formation of basic skills (the ability to hold your head, roll over, sit down, stand, walk 295. For goiter 1 degree is characteristic ~is determined by palpation, but invisible visually. The size of the patient's thyroid lobes does not exceed the size of the phalanx of his thumb 296. For goiter of the 2nd degree is characteristic ~ the thyroid gland is visualized in the normal position of the head As the organ enlarges, compression of the esophagus increases, leading to difficulty swallowing 297. For the clinic of anemic syndrome with iron deficiency anemia, it is characteristic ~ Anemic syndrome is characterized by a drop in hemoglobin levels and is manifested by general weakness, increased fatigue, dizziness, increased sensitivity to cold, and tinnitus. With severe anemia , shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, rapid heartbeat, flashing "flies" before the eyes appear. 298. Pain in hyporeflex gallbladder dysfunction is characterized by ~Biliary dyskinesia is a functional gallbladder disorder. It affects your gallbladder's motility right upper quadrant or epigastric pain often with postprandial exacerbation, radiation to the back or shoulder, nausea, vomiting, gaseous symptoms, or diarrhea 299. Depot iron in the body are ~Ferritin is a storage protein for iron. Consisting of a protein shell (apoferritin) and an iron atom inside in the body are the liver, skeletal muscles . 300. Children with diathesis are classified as ~Children have skin, gastrointestinal, respiratory and combined (dermatorespiratory, dermatointestinal) manifestations, as well as lesions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, violations of thermoregulation. Hidden markers of allergic diathesis include: genetically determined hyperproduction of IgE; insufficiency of IgG2 blocking reagins; deficiency of T-suppressors that inhibit the synthesis of reagins, as well as a decrease in their functional activity; transient or permanent deficiency of secretory IgA; eosinophilia; instability of tryptophan metabolism; an increase in the relative content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular arachidonic acids, in lipid structures of cell membranes; decreased sensitivity (a-adrenergic receptors; positive tests with non-bacterial allergens; positive family allergological history; vagotonic orientation of autonomic homeostasis. ◦