JOURNALIEEE [11 ELECTRONICS, OF QU.4NTUM VOL. QE-8, N O . 3, MARCH 1972 REFERENCES C. A. Burrus and R. W. Dawson,“Small-areahigh-current- densityGaAs electroluminescent diodesand a method of operationforimproveddegradation characteristics,” A p p l . Phys. Lett., vol. 17, pp. 97-99, 1970. E21 C. A. BurrusandE. A. Ulmer, Jr., “Efficient. small-area GaAs-Gal-,Al,,4s heterostructure electroluminescent diodes coupled toopt~ical fibers,” Proc. I E E E , vol. 5 9 , pp. 1263-1264, Bug. 1971. [31 C . A. BurrusandB. I. Miller,“Small-area,double-heterostruckure aluminum-gallium arsenide electroluminescent diode 373 sources for optical-fiber transmissionlines,” Opt. Commun., to be published. [41 J. J. Brophy,“Fluctuationsinluminescent junctions,” J . Appl. Phys., vol. 38, pp. 2465-2469, 1967. r.51 G. Guekos and M. J. 0. Strutt,“Current noise spectra of GaAslaserdiodes in the luminescence mode,” I E E E J . QuantumElectron. (Corresp.), vol. QE-4, pp. 502-503, Aug. 1968. E61 G. GuekosandM. J. 0. Strutt,“Correlation between laser emission voltage noise and noise in GaAsdiodes,” CW laser I E E E J. QuantumElectron. (Corresp.), vol. QE-5, pp. 129130, Feb. 1969. Astigmatically Compensated Cavities for CW Dye Lasers Abstract-An analysis is given of folded 3-mirror laser resonators with an internal cell set at Brewster’s angle. A method is described tocompensatethe astigmatic distortionsintroducedby both the internal mirror and the cell. This compensation is achieved for a specific relation between cell thickness and folding angle. It allows the formation of a tight intracavity focus as required in applications such as C W dye lasers.A discussion is given of the mode characteristics of compensated cavities and of the limitation on beam concentration set by the thicknessof the Brewster cell. < r 2e 1 ’ “>C 7;- - - d2 - \ R‘ *<y Z Fig. 1. Folded 3-mirror cavity with internal Brewster-angle cell. I. INTRODUCTION N CWdye-laserapplications [1]-[3] there is a need for cavity designs that provide an intracavity focus where the modal beam is highly concentrated (to typical beam diameters of 10 pm). This small spot is demanded by pumpingrequirements. I n addition, i t is desirable to have fairly long cavity length (of typically 1 m) for tuning and mode-locking purposes. Cavities of thiskindhaveotherapplications.Oneexample isacavity-dumpingsystem [4] where an acoustooptic deflector is positioned at the focus to allowhigh-speed operation.Anotherapplicationisinthepassivemode locking of low-gain lasers [5]. Cavity configurations that satisfy the seemingly contradictoryrequirements of longlengthandtight focus are resonators with internal lenses [ 1j . An equivalent systemisathree-mirrorresonatorsuchas shown in Fig. 1. This is oftenpreferred [2]-[5] because the reManuscript receivedOctober 27,1971. The authors are with Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Holmdel, N. J. 07733. flection losses of thecentermirrorcaninpracticebe kept to much smaller values than the Fresnel and bulk losses of the internal lens. Such a folded cavity, however, requires an oblique angle of incidence a t t h ecenter mirror and introduces astigmatic distortions that limit the performance of the syst’em. In addition,theabovegroup of applications requires an optical element to be inserted at the focus (Le., the dye cell or the acoustooptic plate) This element is preferably inserted a t t h eBrewster angle to minimize Fresnel losses. A Brewster window also has astigmatic properties that can limit the performance of the system. The effect of either astigmatic distortion becomes more severe the smaller the desired spot size. We havefounditpossibleto designa three-mirrorlaser reeonator with an internal Brewster-anglecell that is astigmatically compensated. The compensation is achieved by offsetting the distortionsof t.he center mirror by those of the Brewster cell. If, on the other hand, a. Brewsterangle cell is used in an “in line” resonator with an internal lens [ l ], then only the astigmat.ism of the cell is. present and no compensationis possible- 374 IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, MARCH In the following, we will first discuss the properties of small-spot cavities, then we will describe the astigmatic properties of mirrors and Brewster-angle cells and how they can be used t o compensate each other. This paper is concluded byadiscussion of theproperties of compensated small-spot resonator systems. 6d , _I_ I I d, I - 1972 , 11. SMALL-SPOT CAVITY WITFI IKTERNAL LENS T o prepare t.he ground for the discussion of compensatedcavities we will recapitulate,inthissection,the properties of resonators wit.h an interna,l lens. The properties of interest are the resonator stability, the location of the beam focus or "beam waist", and the beam radius at the waist. Expressions for t.hese quantities are available in the literature [6], but we will cast these into a form that is geared towards the achievement of a tight internal focus and that makes transparent the behavior 'of the system. Fig. 2 shows a resonator with an int,ernal lens of focal length f. The spacings between the lens and the mirrors are dl and dz and the curvature radii of the mirrors are Rl and R2. To achieve a small internal spot or focus, one designs the system with a large spacing d2 >> f and a short spacing dl that is approximately dl s R1 f. The small spot is produced in the vicinity of the cent'er of curvature of the mirror R1, Le., in the short leg of the system. T o analyze this system we can use the imaging rules of [7]. These allow ustoreplacethecombination of mirror R z andthe lens byasingleequivalentmirror RT2,which is indicated in Fig. 2. The result is an equivalent resonator that is empty and to which we can applystandardformulas.Theimagingrulesgiveusthe mirror spacing as + Fig. 2. Resonator with internal lens and equivalent empty resona,tor. In small-spot designs we usually have dz >> f and Rz z 00, which leadstostabilityranges thatare approximately 2S = f"/& The nextquantity of interestisthe localtion of the be'arn w8aistwhere the mode of the resonator is focused to a small spot. For the distance tl, from mirror R1 to the waist, we have the expression [6] + t1 = d ( ~ ' , d ) / ( ~ ~R', Aftm inserting (1)-(5) $1 = +6.(R1 + 6 (R1 (1) .and the curvature radiusRrZ we can rewrite this (6) in the form 6maJ + 26 - (7) I n inspecting this formula, it should be noted that the waist location tl stays very much fixed a t Rl as one adjuststhemirror-lensspacing dl throughthestability range. We have - amin)/(Rl &mar d = dl - d2f/(dz - f), - 24. tl = = &min R1 = - 6mas. - 6min). R, X2/&. (8) At the limits of the range, the waist location is exactly R1 and at the center of the range (i.e. for 26 = ,S tl center deviatesonly a littlefrom R,. As anuIn small-spot systems of this type, the adjustment of mericalillustration,considertheparameters of a systhe spacing dl is crit'ical, as the cavity is stable only over tern used in dye-laser experiments [ 2 ] ,where R1 = f = asmallrange of values(typicallya few millimeters) 5 cm, dz = 190 em, and Rz = co. This resonator has a near dl = Rl + f. It is, therefore, convenient to define stability range of 28 = 1.3 mm. In the range center the an adjustment measure S by R1 by S2/R1 = 8.5 pm, waistlocationdeviatesfrom indeed, a small deviation. dl = R1 f 6. (3) The third quantity of interest is the beam diameter at The stability range of the resonator extends from a adthe waist.The waist radiuswo is given by the formula[6] justment value aminto a. maximum value s,, which we cancalculatefromtheusualstabilityconditions [6] (~wo'/lX)~ = d(R1 - d)(R'z - d ) (i.e., d = R1 R f zand d = R 1 ) .We obtain *(R1 Rz - d ) / ( R , R2 - 2d)2. (9) R'2 = R2f2/(dz- f ) ( d z - Rz - f). + (2) + + + + 6min = fz/(dz amax = - R2 f2/(dz - For the stability range2X we get f> * - f> + After inserting (1)-(5), we get, after some algebra, (4) KOGELNIK 375 e t Ul.: ASTIGMATICALLY COMPENSATED CAVITIES Here the approximate expression is good a s long as R1 is large compared to the stability range 28. We see that w o = 0 a t t h elimits of the stability range.As dl is tuned away from these limits, wo increases rapidly reaching a rather flat plateau that extends almost throughout the range (see Fig. 4). I n t h e range center we have ( T W C / X ) , , ~ ~ ~ S2(1 ~ : - S2/R12). (11) For R1 >> S the second term is negligibly small and we can write for the confocal parameter b of the mode b = 2awZ/X M 28 k 5 f2/& (12) This implies that for a small-spot cavity, which is adconpustednearthe of itsstabilityrange,the focal parameter of the modal beam is equal to the stability range. Related to the confocal parameter is the far-field angle of the beam, which is Fig. 3. Brewster-angle cell geometry.Coordinatesandparameters used in analysis are shown. using the propagation laws for Gaussian beams is indicated in Section V. Referring to the geometry shown in Fig. 3 and a Brewster window of thickness t and refractive index n, one gets + 4 = x/awo M a. f .4 M f dx/,xM dm. d, (13) From thisfollows the beam radius at the lens Wxena R5 d, = t d m / n 2 = t d G / n 4 . IV. COMPENSATION OF THREE-MIRROR CAVITIES (14) 111.ASTIGMATICELEMENTS I n a three-mirror cavity of the type shown in Fig. 1, there are two optical elements that introduce astigmatic distortions,thecentermirrorandtheBrewster-angle cell. This astigmatism means that geometrical ray bundles in the (sagittal) xx plane behave differently than ray bundles in the (tangential) yz plane. In this section we will characterize the two optical elements within the paraxial ray formalism. This will give us the elements of the corresponding raymatrices,whichcanthenbe used to determine the properties of the resonator modes in the Gaussian-beam approximation [6] (ABCD-law) . We consider, now, resonator systems of the typeshown in Fig. 1, which have two internal astigmatic elements, thecentermirror,andtheBrewster cell. To analyze such systems, the assumptions and the results of Section I1 canbe used.However, theastigmatismmakes it necessary to consider the ra'y and mode characteristics ( a ) andthetangential (yz) planes of thesagittal separately. T o makethisdistinction, we will use the subscripts x and y. Following Section 11, two adjustment measures 6, and 6, are defined by dl, dl, + + 6z = + dz R1 + + 6, = dair+ d, R1 fz dair (17) where fs and f, arethe effective focallengths of the center mirror, and d, and du are the effective distances A) Mirror Astigmatism of the Brewster cell, as discussed in the previous section. It is well known [SI that amirrorused a t oblique The effective mirror-lens separation dl, and dl, are madeincidence focuses sagittal (zx)ray bundles a t a different up of the respective cell distances d, and d, and of the locat,ion Ohan tangential (yx) bundles.Thisis reflected optical-path distance in airclair, which is the same for the in two different effective focal lengths f, and f,, which x and the y cases. are related to the actual focal length f of the mirror by Let us, first, inspect the stability limits , , , ,S and amin and the stability range 2s. In the presence of astigmafz = f/cOS e tism,thesequantitiesare,inprinciple,differentfor x f,= f . COS e, (15) and y. Equations(4)and (5) show thatthedominant factor causing a change in these quantities is the astigmawhere 8 is the angleof incidence asshown in Fig. 1. fz appearing in these tism of the center mirror. The factor B ) Brewster-Cell A s t i p a t i s m equations has to be modified to fGz and fg2. However, in practice,thesefactorsdonotdifferverymuch,as the ABrewster cell orBrewster-anglewindowalsoacts differently on the sagittal and the tangential ray bundles. practical angles of incidence 6 are very small. For 8 '= This action can be expressed by two different effective 6O, for example, we have cos2 6" = 0.99, which implies distances d, and d,, which the rays have t o traverse [9]. that the mirror astigmatism leads to a one-percent inA precise definition of the concept of an effective distance crease in the sagittal stability range and limits and to a is provided by the ray-matrix formalism. T h e distances corresponding decrease in the tangential quantities. The quantities a,,, amin, and 2s are,therefore,essentially d, and d, can be derived from Snell's law and also by the same for x and y, which allows a considerable simusingHuygen'sprinciple [9]. Yetanotherderivation fY IEEE JOURNAL OF QUAKTUM KLECTRONICS, MARCH 2.4 1.6 1972 3.2 WY mm I 1 10 I 0.5 1.5 2 .o (Nt/R)X 10' Fig. 5 . Compensationangle f wx 0 = 0" plification of our argument. It is important to note, however, that the x and y values of theselimits occur a t differen,t values of clair. Theadjustmentmeasures 6, and 6, are,ingeneral, ,different.Thesemeasuresdependon the adjustment of dair,as indicated by (17). For a given clair, the resonator willgenerallyoperatein a differentportion o,f thex stabilityrangethanthat of the y stabilityrange.In fact, it is possible that a resonator is stable in z and unstable in y, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The purpose of an astigmatic compensation is to produceamaximumoverlap of the 2- andy-st,ability ranges,whichshouldleadto,adjustmentmeasuresand mode characteristics that are more or less equal in x and y (we shall see later that some differences remain even after compensation). We can calculate the difference in theadjustmentmeasuresfrom(17)andobtain = (d, - d,) - (L - f,) + t(nz- 1) v'n2 1ln4 - f sin e tan e. (18) When the adjustment measures are equal, the resonator operates in correspondingportions of the x and y stabilityranges andwehavecompensation. According to (18), this is assured when = 2Nt where cavityparam- ~MICRoNS' Fig. 4. Beam waist radiiandstabilityrangesfor a folded 3-mirror ca.vity for various angles of incidence 0 at center mirror. The horizontal scale measures the relative adjustment of 2%fz and wI are thebeam waistradii inthe xz and yz R1 = 5cm, planes,respectively. Thecavityparametersare Ra 100, f = 5 cm, d, = 190 cm, dl 2 10 cm, t = 1.5 mm, n = 1.45, and x = 0.57 ,urn. 8, - 6, versusnormalized eter N t / R . = 2f sin e tan e R sin e tan 0 (19) This shows that we can achieve compensation by tradingt,he cell thickness t for the angle of incidence 8 on the center mirror. Fig. 5. shows a normalized plot of the relation between t and 0 leadingtocompensation (19). The factor N is a function of t,he refractive index n only. A selection of numericalvaluesfor A T is given in the following table. n N 1.3 0.396 1.4 0.430 1.5 0.445 1.6 0.449 1.7 0.446 It should be noted that the above compensationcan only be achieved for the cell orientation shown in Fig. 1, i.e., fora conmion plane of incidence,forbothcenter mirror and Brewster cell. If the two planes of incidence are oriented perpendicular to each other, then the astigmatic effects add and compensation is impossible. V. PROPERTIES OF COMPENSATED CAVITIES I n this section we will invest,igate in further detail the properties of compensat.ed three-mirror cavities and, in particular, the characteristics of the modal beam inside and outside the Brewstercell. Fig. 4 illustrates the effects of compensationforour numerical example from above, using values n = 1.45.,t = 1.5 mm, and = 0.57 pm. I n this figure we plot the sagit'tal (w,)andthetangential (w,) beam-waistradiiasa function of t.he relative adjustment of the distance d l . From (10) w;.and w, arecalculatedandthe region for whichonegets real wl valuesindicatesthestability range. We not'e that for 0 = 0 only one half of the x-stabilityrangeoverlapsthe y range.For 0 = 6.46" compensation and good overlap of the st,ability ranges are achieved. In the center of the common range, the waist radii w, and w, are approximately the same and they are relatively stationary with respect to a. change in dl.For 0 = 13" there is no stability overlap a t all, and the cavity is always unstable in a t least one of the z or y coordinates. Theapproximateequality of wg and w, holdsquit,e generally,notjustfortheabovenumericalexample. KOQELNIK 377 et al. : ASTIGMATICALLY COMPENSATED CAVITIES It followsfromtheequality of thestabilityranges (2&. z 2S,), which we havedemonstratedpreviously. Inserting this into (11), we get for the waist radii in the center of t.he stability range w, NN w, = (21) wo- I n addition, it follows from (8) that the effective distances tl, and tl, from the mirrorR1 to thex and y waists .are approximaOely equal t,, M t,, NN R,. Next we have to consider the change in beam radius w,,which takes place when a beam enters a Brewstercell. This change is the consequence of the refractional change of the direction of propagation and it'can be calculated from a simple geometrical projection. For a beam with radius w just before entering the cell, we get t.he in-cell beam radii (22) The above relations are very simple and they specify the beam in the short leg of the cavity. It must be kept i n mind,however, that the aboveparametersrefer to the properties of the beam in air. For dye-laser applications, we also need to know the behavior of the beam inside theBrewster cell, whichcontainsthedyeand is required.Theremainder of whereahighintensity this section is devoted to the investigation of this behavior. Inparticular, we shallderivetheobtainable beam concentration in thecell. First we recall ( 1 6 ) , which tells us that the effective distances in the Brewster cell aremeasureddifferently in x and y. Then we choose position of the cell, which is such thatthe beam waists occur inside the cell. The effective mirror-to-waist spacings are now made up of two parts, the distance tairfrom the mirror to the cell entrance, and the effective distance inside the cell from the entrance to the waists w, = w w, = w . cos *%/cos *B = nw, (27) where g R is the angle of incidencein air(Brewster's angle), whichobeys tan gR = n,and gn is the corresponding angle in t.he cell medium. As shown in Fig. 3 we use the parameter [ t,o measure thepropagationdistancealongthebeamaxisinside the cell. It is related to the cell-depth parameter (measured perpendicular to the cell surface) by t = r/cos *,, = rdn2 + l/n. (28) Now we apply the laws of beam expansion by diffraction [6]. In air the beam radius w ( x ) expands as w(2) = wodl + (x2/7rw:)2, (29) where z is measured from the beam waist and wo is the waist radius. Assuming for the moment that the beam waist is located a t t h e cell entrance, we apply (27) and obtainfortheexpansion of beamradiiinsidethe cell + (xt/-nnw:)' n w o d l + (~t/7rn~w:)~, w,(3-> = w 0 d 1 t,, rZ and = tsir + r , d n 2 + 1/n4 w R,. indicatethelocation of the twowaistsin the cell measuredperpendiculartot,he cell surfaceas shown in Fig. 3. These waist locations change as a function of tair.However, it follows from ( 2 3 ) , thatthere is a relation T, rY NN n2r, (24) that is independent of the cell adjustment tair. We now postulate a symmetrical configurationsuch that the x and y waists are equidistant from the center of the cell. This implies 7, + 7, (25) = t. This case of symmetry should be very close to a practical optimum.Combining (24) and ( 2 5 ) we get = t/(n2 T, = tn2/(n2 I ) , AT = r , - + 7, = t(n2 - + (26) where AT isthespacingbetweenthe x and y waists in the cell. For our numerical example of n = 1.45, we find that T, = tJ3, rY 2t/3, and AT t/3, i.e., waists that are spaced by. about one third of the cell thickness. = K t ) = (30) = TWZW, maw: * l)/(n2 l ) , = where the reduced wavelength (X/n) in the cell medium has been taken into account. The reader will take note that at this pointwe have an alternate devrivation of (16). Comparing (29) and (30) effective path lengths can be assigned to the cell. In this comparison, we have to use (28) and the result agrees with the effective cell distances given in ( 1 6 ) . The difference between da and d, is seen t o be a direct consequence of the geometrical change of w, on entry into the cell. I n order to be able t o determine the beam intensity in theBrewster cell, i t isnecessarytoknowthe crosssectional beam areaA ([) = rrw,~,. T o allow for different waist locations [,and f, we write = + I), T, w,@) (23) dl 41+ (x/mw,2)'({ + (A/rn3w:)2(5. - sz)' - tJ2 1)(3 where we have used (30). For the special case of symmetrically arranged waist locations we have found with (26) and (28) lz = t/nv'n2 t, = tn/-. +I (32) 378 IEEE JOURNAL O F QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, MARCH A 3 1.4 - 1.2 - 1972 t f 57.5 - I m m P '0 1.0 - x x 2 N E - ( r l - -a5 .8 - 4 W WAIST LOCATIONS 1 U f-5 W LL a IT- a I. a .6 I - 4 W m W m I .4 - .2 - p-CELL REGION-q I I II DISTANCE V I 05 I I I 1.5 C E L LT H I C K N E S S (Cml (a) Fig. 7. Minimumbeamarea versus cell thickness forvarious focal lengths of the center mirror. Other cavity parameters are same as in Fig. 4. A 14 - 12 - '2 I O - hyperbola. For large values of f the beam focus (minimum A ) occurs approximatelyin cell center,shifting - m X N s I - a W Lz 4 z 6 - W m 4 - 2 - I i - C E L L REGION q- DISTANCE Fig. 6. Beam area versus distance (y) in the Brewstercell for a compensated cavity with various focal lengths of the center mirror. (a) t = I mm. (b) t = IO mm.Othercavityparameters are same as in Fig. 4. Fig. 6 illustrates the variation of t,he beam area A as a function of the distance [ in the cell for the symmetricalcaseandfortwodifferent cell thicknesses t. The cavity parameters are thoseused in our previous numerical examples with several values for the focal length f of the center mirror. Fig. 6 ( a j shows the situation for a 1-mm-thick cell. The waist locationslrn and &, are marked on the plot. We note that A varies approximately as a somewhattowards Cs (thesmallwaistradius) for decreasing valuesof f. Fig. 6(bj shows a similar plot for a cell thickness of t = 1 cm. There we notice the limiting effect of the cell thickness on theachievablebeamconcent,ration. As before, the beam concentration tends t o improve as f is decreased. B u t a t values lower than f z 5 em, a double minimum develops and the beam area in the cell center increases again. The minima occur near the waist locabetions Crn and bU where the beam areas seem to have come insensit.ive tochangesin f . For this case, f = 5 cm is a better choice than f = 2.5 ern and we do not gain in beam concentration by reducing f beyond that value. Inspecting (31j, the twoextrehesforthebehavior illustratedabovearefoundtodependontherelative magnitudes of the confocal bean1 parameter (i.e., the stability ranges) and thecell thickness t. For X z r w o 2 / ~ >> t , we obt'ain for ( 5 = $) A FZ m w O 2E nAX = nAf2/dz, (33) i.e., abeamarea that isapproximatelyequaltothe product between wavelength and stability range. In the limit of large cell thickness t >> 8, we get (also a t 4 = &) A NN M(n" - l ) / n 3 d n 3+ I, (34) which tells us that the achievable minimum beam area is now limited by the cell thickness. For n G 1.45,this limit is approximately A = 0.2ht. Fig. 7 illustrates how the minimum beam area varies IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, VOL. QE-S, NO. 3, MARCH 379 1972 as a funct.ion of cell thickness for various values of f. The dashed line indicates the large t limit of (34). The (exactly)calculatedintersections of the curveswiththe ordinate are very nearly a t t h evalues predicted by (33). VI. CONCLUSIONS We have shown t h a t it is possible to designfolded three-mirror cavities such t h a t t h eastigmatic distortions of the center mirror are compensatedby the astigmatism of the internal Brewster cell. T h e compensation leads t.0 beamcharacteristicsthatarequitestablerelativeto small adjustments of the length of the short leg of the cavity and it allows the achievement of small internal beam spots. However, even with compensation, the thickness of the internal cell limits the minimum attainable beam area t o about 0.2Xt, which is usually a much more severe restriction than that posed by the F numbers of the cavity mirrors. The results that we have derived are applicable to any tightly focused system that requires the use of either a Brewster-angle element or an off-axis mirror. I n particular,thegreatbeamconcentration achievablewiththecompensatedthree-mirrorcavities have made this system of considerable interest for CW dye-laser applications. REFERENCES M.HercherandH. A. Pike. “Tunable dve laser confisurations,” Opt.Commun., vol. 3 , pp. 65-67, Gar. 1971. ” R. L. Kohn, C. V. Shank, E. P. Ippen, and A. Dienes, “An intracavity pumped CW dye laser,”-Opt. Commun., vol. 3, pp. 177-178, May 1971 * dso, A. Dienes, E. P. Ippen, and C. V. Shank, “High-effidency tunable CW dye laser,’’ I E E E J . Quantum Electron, this issue, p. 388. A . Dienes, E. P. Ippen, and C. V. Shank, “A mode-locked CW dye laser,” A p p l . Phys. Lett., vol. 19, pp. 258-260, Oct. 1971. D. Maydan, “Fast modulator for extraction of internal laser power,” J . App2. Phys., vol. 41, pp. 1552-1559, Mar. 1970. P. K. Runge, “Mode-locking of He-Nelasers with saturable organic dyes,” Opt. Commun., vol. 3, pp. 434-436, Aug. 1971. H. Kogelnik and T. Li, “Laser beams and resonators,’’ AppZ. Opt., ~051.5, pp. 1550-1567, Oct. 1966. H.Kogelnik, “Imaging of optical modes-resonators with internal lenses,” Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 44, pp. 455-494, Mar. 1965. F. A. Jenkins and H. E. White, Fundamentab of Optics. New York:McGraw-Hill, 1957, p. ‘95. D. C. Hanna,“AstigmaticGaussian beams produced by axially asymmetric lasercavities,” I E E E J . QuantumElectron., V O ~ .&E-5, pp. 483-488, Oct. 1969. Correspondence Experimental Tests of Proposed Mechanisms for Gradual Degradation of GaAsDouble-HeterostructureInjection Lasers D. H. NEWMAN, S. RITCHIE, AND S. O’HARA Absiruci-Degradation rates of double-heterostructe GaAs lasers have been measuredand found to vary superlinearly with the injected current density above threshold. The results are discussed in the context of the Gold-Weisberg phonon-kick and the extended Longini field-inhibited diffusion degradation mechanisms. The purpose of this correspondenceis to comment on the difficulties of interpreting the experimentalresultson gradualdegradation of GaAslasers in terms of either the or the extendedLonginifieldGold-Weisbergphonon-kick inhibited diffusionmecha.nisms [l]. Othermechanisms,including the effect of the environment andtransport of impuritiesonorfromsurfaces, may alsoexplainexperimental results. The objectivehereis to considerspecifically the feasibility of the two mechanisms mentioned above and about Manuscript received Au ust 20, 1971: revised November 10,1971. The devices described in this oorresponfencewere supplied by P. R. Selway andA. R. Goodwin of Standard Telecommunication Laboratories, Harlow, England, under a Ministry of Defense (Navy Department) contract. The authors are with the British Post Office Research Department, Martlesham England. Suffolk, Ipswich, Heath, whichextensivediscussion has taken place intheliterature C11-[51. It does not appear to be generally appreciated in the &erature ondegradation that theories of laseractioninperfect homogeneous p-n junctiondiodes imply that the gain in the activeregion satura,tes at the threshold current and remains constant for steady currents abovethreshold [6], [7]. The round trip gainmust in fa.ct be unity regardless of current density above threshold for steady-state conditions to prevail. As the gain is determined by the separation of the quasi-Fermi levels for electronsand holes [ 8 ] , thelatter becomefixed relativet.0 the bandedges. Thus in a perfecthomogeneous p-n diode laser, all the excess current injected above threshold goes into the stimulated emissionprocess. Also the electron and hole densities inthe conduction and valence bands respectivelyremain constant above the threshold.Hence: 1) any electron-holerecombinationprocess (other than stimulated emission) is held at a fixed rate for all injection current densities greater than threshold; 2) the voltage drop a t the junctionremainsconstant above the threshold current density; the current can increase because of the shortenedlifetime for electron-holerecombination at the junction due to the stimulatedemission process. It follows that if either the Gold-Weisbergphonon-kick mechanism (dependent rate on the of nonradiative recom-