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Where's Waldo Coordinate Plane Worksheet

Where’s Waldo
on the Coordinate Plane?
___________’s Waldo:
( __ , __ )
© 2019 Lynnette Gall Lucky in Math
Where’s Waldo
on the Coordinate Plane?
Your mission is to find your partner’s Waldo before
he/she finds your Waldo on the coordinate plane!
How to Play:
1. Each player will place his/her Waldo somewhere on the coordinate plane by placing a
plotted point on a coordinate to represent Waldo.
2. After placing Waldo on the coordinate plane, carefully write the coordinates on your
game board. Be sure to write your ordered pair as (x , y).
2. Once each player is finished placing his/her Waldo on the coordinate plane, get ready
for game play by making sure opponents cannot see each other’s game board.
3. You will take turns guessing (naming an ordered pair) where Waldo is.
4. After your opponent guesses “Where’s Waldo?”, you must tell
him/her if he/she f​ ound​ your Waldo​ o
​ r he/she m
​ issed​ your Waldo.
5. Continue taking turns until one of you has found the other’s Waldo
and is declared the winner.
6. Done? Get a new game board and play again!
7. Having trouble? Give a hint and get a hint from your opponent! What quadrant is
Waldo in? Is the value of x negative or positive? Is the value of y negative or positive?
Players’ Names:
Name: ________________
Your Opponent: ___________
© 2019 Lynnette Gall Lucky in Math