Names: Section: Date: Review of Related Work A. Title of Article A: Effects of Jasmine Rice Flour, Glutinous Rice Flour, and Potato Flour on Gluten-Free Coffee Biscuit Quality 1. What was the research question? -What are the Effects of Jasmine Rice Flour, Glutinous Rice Flour, and Potato Flour on Gluten-Free Coffee Biscuit Quality? 2. How did they address the problem? -To address this problem, they investigated the effects of jasmine rice flour, glutinous rice flour, and potato flour on the physical, sensory properties and consumer acceptance of biscuits. 3. What did they learn from their study? (Results and Findings) - The learned that increasing the ratio of glutinous rice flour while keeping the ratio of jasmine rice flour constant increased the biscuit hardness, crispness, lightness , appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall acceptance by >70% - They found that higher crispiness and lightness of biscuits was made from a ratio of jasmine rice flour, glutinous rice flour, and potato flour at 0:100:0. The maximum hardness was found in biscuits made from the ratios of 0:100:0 and 50:50:0. - They found that higher acceptance score of appearance and color in the ratios of 66.7:16.7:16.7 and 50:50:0. The higher acceptance score of hardness and crispiness was found in the ratios of 16.7:66.7:16.7 and 50:50:0. And the ratios of 16.7:6.7:16.7, 16.7:16.7:66.7, 50:50:0 and 33.3:33.3:33.3 received high overall acceptance scores. 4. What was their contribution to the field? - The contribution to the field is providing valuable insights into the effects of using different types of flours on the physical and sensory properties of gluten-free coffee biscuits. . 5. What else can be done? -Possible future research would be to continue studying gluten-free starch in different products. The trend in this research can be applied for the desirable characteristics of other food product. 6. Descriptive Summary: What: A short description of the related work How: A summary of the approach it utilized Findings: If applicable, the results and findings Why: Relevance to your work The study addresses this problem by investigating the effects of using different types of flours, specifically jasmine rice flour, glutinous rice flour, and potato flour, on the quality of gluten-free coffee biscuits. They utilized a sensory analysis method to evaluate the quality of gluten-free coffee biscuits made with different types of flours.The results of their study shown that increasing the ratio of glutinous rice flour while keeping the ratio of jasmine rice flour constant increased the biscuit hardness, crispness, lightness , appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall acceptance by >70%. They found out that higher acceptance score of appearance and color was found in the ratios of 66.7:16.7:16.7 and 50:50:0. The higher acceptance score of hardness and crispiness was found in the ratios of 16.7:66.7:16.7 and 50:50:0. The ratios of 16.7:6.7:16.7, 16.7:16.7:66.7, 50:50:0 and 33.3:33.3:33.3 received high overall acceptance scores. The relevance of the article is that it can provide useful insights into the development of gluten-free baked products and can contribute to improving the quality of life using different types of flours on the physical and sensory properties of gluten-free coffee biscuits. .