UNDERHAND SERVE To perform an underhand serve, the player's feet should be placed behind the service line, shoulder-width apart, and perpendicular to the end line. Then, the player will hold the ball in his off-hand in front of his body with the palm facing up and toss it about 0.3 meters straight into the air with his offhand. As the ball descends, the player will swing his or her dominant hand across the body with a closed fist, hitting the bottom third of the ball toward the net. The amount of force used depends on how far the serve is intended to fall in the opposite court. OVERHAND SERVE In the overhand serve, the player should face the net with his feet slightly staggered and slightly step forward with the foot opposite the dominant hand. The ball shall be held in the nondominant hand at arm's length in front of the body with the palm facing up. Also, the dominant arm shall be held above the shoulder, with the elbow facing backward and the hand pointing forward. After this, the player will toss the ball one meter in the air, bend forward, and rotate the dominant arm upward and into the ball's path. Then, the player will hit the ball with an open hand and follow through on the arm swing, rotating the upper body for more power. PASSING For the player's athletic position, he should face the direction from where the ball will arrive with feet slightly staggered and shoulder-width apart. His knees should also be bent with the upper body slightly leaned forward, and hands held loosely in front of the body. Then, when the player has decided to pass the ball, the player will clasp his hands together with his thumbs exactly even and pointing at the floor 1 meter in front of him while maintaining straight elbows. The athlete should observe the flight of the ball and position his feet such that the ball contacts a place on his forearms above the wrist, between his outstretched arms while remaining in a crouching stance and without reaching off balance in any direction. HAND SETTING Hand setting requires the player to face the target and stand with feet shoulder-width apart and the left foot slightly in front of the right foot. The hands should also be slightly above and in front of the forehead with thumbs pointing towards the forehead and fingers pointing skyward. The setter must wait for the ball to come into contact with both hands at the same time. Then, the setter adjusts the direction of the ball toward the target by pushing with both arms toward the target. This will conclude the skill with arms fully extended and fingers pointing at the ball as it curves toward the target.