MANUKAU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY PARK CAMPUS SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING Assessment For: BET 243.521 MG5029 Strength of Materials 1 Assessment: Assignment 4 Assessment Weighting: 1 % Assessment Due Date: Friday 4.30PM on 12/05/2023 (Week 11) Lecturer: Cornelis Kok Semester: 1, 2023 This Assessment Covers the Following Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcome 2: Design jointing systems. Time Taken: ____ hours ______ minutes Student Name: __________________________________________ Student ID: _____________________________________________ Additional Assessment Comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Any candidate, who aids, attempts to aid, obtains aid or attempts to obtain aid from another candidate will be disqualified and further dealt with under the institutional disciplinary procedures for cheating. This could result in the offender’s expulsion from the institution. All work must be completed by the candidate. This is an OPEN BOOK assessment. You may make use of the information in the Data, Formulae and Tables booklet All answers must be written in this book, in the ruled spaces available, or on extra sheets (including graph paper). Write your student ID and the question number on each extra page, including graph paper, and enclose it in the book adjacent to the relevant question. CROSS OUT any work that you do not wish to have marked. Show ALL working in calculations to obtain full marks. In any question that does not ask for numerical answers to a specified accuracy, answers should be rounded appropriately. Answer ALL questions and submit a scanned copy of the completed assignment via CANVAS. For Official Use Only: Question: Out of: Student’s Mark: 1 10 2 10 Total 20 Weightage 1% Page 19 of 31 Question One – Bolted (and welded) Joints [10 marks] NZDE LO2 : BET LO2 4.1.1) A plate is attached to fixed support by a bracket. The bracket is welded to the fixed support and bolted to the plate. The plate has a 50 kN load applied along the axis of the bracket as sketched below. a) Determine the weld length required for a 6 mm weld if the allowable weld shear stress is 135 MPa. (3 marks) b) Determine the number and diameter of grade 4.6 bolts required. Include a sketch of a possible arrangement for the joint. Allowable shear stress = 0.62*Tensile stress. (Bolt information at end of exam paper). Explain any assumptions you have made. (4 marks) c) Give a brief description (with sketches) of the stress concentrations that would result from each joint. (3 marks) Weld Weld length Bracket Fixed Support 50 kN Plate Location of Bolts Question Two – Welded (and bolted) Joints [10 marks] NZDE LO2 : BET LO2 4.2.1) A steel plate is welded to a column as shown in figure 3 below (column not shown). If the weld shear stress is limited to 135MPa, determine the minimum weld width required to support a load of P = 60kN. State any assumptions that are made in your calculation. (3 marks) P 243.521 MG5029 Strength of Materials 1 Assignment 4 Semester 1, 2023 Page 20 of 31 4.2.2) A lap joint is made by attaching two side plates onto the main member. One end is bolted with M16 grade 5.8 bolts, the other end is welded with 5 mm weld. Bolt properties table are available at the end of the exam paper. Bolt allowable shear stress 200 MPa. Weld shear stress 135 MPa. i. Determine the maximum load for the joint. Explain any assumptions you have made. (5 marks) ii. Determine the length of 5 mm weld required so that the welded joint is the same strength as the bolted joint. (2 marks) Side plate Force Force Side plate Weld (each plate) Force Force M20/5.6 bolts Weld (each plate) RELEVANT FORMULAE & TABLES Strength Properties Bolt Area in mm2 SHANK AREA Ao STRESS AREA AS CORE AREA AC M5 20 14.2 12.7 M6 28 20.1 17.9 Bolted joints ๐น = . M8 50 36.6 32.8 M10 79 58 52.3 M12 113 84.3 76.2 M16 201 157 144 M20 314 245 225 M24 452 353 324 M30 706 561 519 M36 1016 817 759 Welded joints ๐น = × × ∑ ๐น = ๐น = ๐น = โ๐๐๐โ๐ก = √2 × ๐กโ๐๐๐๐ก 243.521 MG5029 Strength of Materials 1 Assignment 4 Semester 1, 2023 Page 21 of 31 Extra work space. Number your questions carefully. Cross out work not to be marked. 243.521 MG5029 Strength of Materials 1 Assignment 4 Semester 1, 2023 Page 22 of 31 Extra work space. Number your questions carefully. Cross out work not to be marked. 243.521 MG5029 Strength of Materials 1 Assignment 4 Semester 1, 2023 Page 23 of 31 Extra work space. Number your questions carefully. Cross out work not to be marked. 243.521 MG5029 Strength of Materials 1 Assignment 4 Semester 1, 2023