Uploaded by Auria Graceil Alabaso

Student Commuter Learning Experiences Research Proposal

Republic of the Philippines
Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur
I. Research Title
Distance from home to school:
Learning experiences of student commuters
II. Background/Rationale Students face different experiences in their
everyday life. Some have comfortable place to
study and
have time to rest. Some spend their time on to
things that they can’t control. One of these is
Commuting is a mean of traveling distance
between home and a place of regular basis.
Students are
one of the people who commutes to go to school.
They need to travel minutes and hours everyday
to attend classes.
Traditionally in the higher education (HE) system,
students relocate to their place of study and live in
temporary student accommodation. Increasingly,
however, university students are continuing to live
at home and commute to their place of study
(Donnelly & Gamsu, 2018a, 2018b; Maguire &
Morris, 2018; Thomas, 2020; Thomas & Jones,
2017). This has been in contrast to the traditional
form of relocation to the place of study and staying
in temporary student accommodation.
The study “It feels like a job …” Understanding
commuter students: Motivations, engagement, and
learning experiences” (Stalmirsk, 2022) found out
that the reason of commuting is that it a cheaper
option. Similarly, according to Emma Hancock,
(2018) the most obvious benefit of commuting to
your college is the amount of money you save.
This can come from not having to pay for room and
board, not having a meal plan, and having to worry
about the general upkeep of having a room on
Related studies show the reason why they
commute every day and their experiences
physically and mentally. The paper set out to fill
the gap in the literature on commuter students.
This study will focus on the learning experiences of
student commuters inside their classes.
It will benefit the parents where they will able to
know the experiences faced by the commuters, the
school administration and teachers where they will
be knowledgeable enough on how to handle
their commuter students to non commuter students
and to the students where they will be able to
describe commuting in their academe.
The distance will be 45 minutes to one-hour
commute and the respondents will be students
commute every day and has no other means of
private transportation going to school.
III.Specific Objectives
In this study, we will be able to witness a life of a
student as commuters and their learning
experiences as they face this challenge every day.
This study aims to describe and understand the life
of student commuters as they go to school and
to know their learning experiences.
Exploring the impact of commuting every day on
the lives of students
Investigating how commuting everyday affects
their studies
Exploring the role of commuting to the lives of
Brief Description A phenomenological approach was chosen as the
of Methods
research method for this study. The approach
investigates the everyday experiences of human
beings while suspending the researchers'
preconceived assumptions about the phenomenon
One on one interview is selected to carry out this
research study using an interview guide.
College students from any schools who commutes
everyday will be the respondents. Referral will be
used in choosing the respondents.
V. References
Stalmirska, A. M., & Mellon, V. (2022). “It feels like
a job.” Understanding commuter students:
experiences. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure,
Sport &Amp; Tourism Education, 30, 100368.
L. (2022, September 1). What is
Phenomenological Research Design? Delve.
A. M. Fillone, C. M. Montalbo-Jr and N. C. Tiglao,
"Transportation mode choice models for Metro
Manila and urban transport policy implications,"
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for
Transportation Studies, vol. 7, p. 454–469, 2007
Prepared by:
Name of Student
Auria Graceil S. Alabaso
Signature of Student
Date Signed
December 06,
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