Uploaded by jade.carter

Ecosystem Diorama Project Worksheet

Teacher Notes & Ideas:
• Students LOVE to research & design this
Ecosystems Diorama!
• Environmental Ecosystems: forests,
grasslands, deserts, tundra, freshwater
and marine
• You may allow students to either handwrite
or type information and paste it on the box.
That choice is up to you!
• Copy the information sheet & planning page
front to back to save paper!
• Happy teaching!
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Copyright 2016-HappyTeacherHappyStudents
Name: ___________________ Ecosystem: ____________________________ Due Date: _________
Your assignment is to create a diorama related to an ecosystem!
inside box: The inside of your shoe box diorama must reflect the
ecosystem you have researched. Use materials to create a creative
and well-organized scene. Plan your scene in the space below!
Right Side: Include the name of the ecosystem and your name.
Left Side: Write 2-3 sentences explaining the scene in your diorama
and how it showcases what you know about that ecosystem.
Back of Box: Write a two-paragraph summary of your chosen
ecosystem. Include details about locations, importance, plant & animal
life, unique facts, etc.
Don’t Forget!
Proofread carefully to avoid errors in grammar, spelling and/or punctuation.
Your diorama must be colorful and creatively designed. The diorama must be
neatly assembled and written portions need to be easy to read!
Copyright 2016-HappyTeacherHappyStudents
Name: ______________________________
Ecosystem: _________________________
Planning Sheet
Right Side: Ecosystem type and your name: ________________________
Left Side: 2-3 sentences explaining the scene in your diorama
Back of Box: Two-Paragraph summary description of your ecosystem
Copyright 2016-HappyTeacherHappyStudents
Name: ______________________________
Ecosystem: _________________________
Research Notes
Name of Your Ecosystem: ________________________
Importance of Your Ecosystem: ___________________
Aquatic or Terrestrial?________________________
Examples Locations on Earth: ____________________
Threats to your Ecosystem: ______________________
Living Organisms in your ecosystem: ______________
Example Food Chain: ____________________________
Non-Living Environmental Factors In your ecosystem:
Copyright 2016-HappyTeacherHappyStudents
Student: _____________________
Ecosystem: ___________________
Ecosystem Diorama
Grading Rubric
____/5 Right Side:
Name of ecosystem and your name
____/10 Left Side: 2-3 sentences explaining diorama scene
____/15 Back of Box: Two-paragraph summary description of the ecosystem
____/20 Inside: Scene accurately represents the chosen ecosystem
____/25 Spelling/Grammar: Student uses correct spelling, grammar & punctuation.
____/25 Overall Creativity & Neatness: Colorful & creatively designed.
Written portions are easy to read.
Total Points: _____/100 = _______ %
Student: _____________________
Ecosystem: ___________________
Ecosystem Diorama
Grading Rubric
____/5 Right Side:
Name of ecosystem and your name
____/10 Left Side: 2-3 sentences explaining diorama scene
____/15 Back of Box: Two-paragraph summary description of the ecosystem
____/20 Inside: Scene accurately represents the chosen ecosystem
____/25 Spelling/Grammar: Student uses correct spelling, grammar & punctuation.
____/25 Overall Creativity & Neatness: Colorful & creatively designed.
Written portions are easy to read.
Total Points: _____/100 = _______ %
Diorama Example Projects
Copyright 2016-HappyTeacherHappyStudents
Happy Teacher Happy Students
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© Copyright 2016 HappyTeacherHappyStudents
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(DMCA). Intended for single classroom and personal use only.
Happy Teacher Happy Students
A Special Thank You to:
Juliette Roman – Heart 2 Heart Teaching,
Font Sources:
KB font by Khrys Bosland , https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Khrys-Bosland
KB3 Fonts, https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Kb3teach
Clip Art Sources:
Teaching in the Tongass
Graphics from the Pond, http://frompond.blogspot.com
Zip a Dee Doo Dah Designs, https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Zip-a-deedoo-dah-Designs
Whimsy Clips, www.whimsyclips.com
Graphics by Ashley Hughes, https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/AshleyHughes-38
EduClips Clipart, www.edu-clips.com
Melonheadz, https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Melonheadz
Creative Clips, http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Krista-Wallden
Doodle Borders from Chirp Graphics,
Copyright 2016-HappyTeacherHappyStudents