Unit I1-Introduction to Training o Edwin B. Flippo Said, "Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job." o Training and development programs help employees learn and acquire new skills, as well as gain the professional knowledge required to progress their careers - IBM 0 Organizations also have to rethink the larger framework of what skills will be needed in the near future. muchskills Top 15 skills of 2025 2020 2025 A recent meta-level 1BM study (PDF, 916 KB) predicts that more than 120 million workers in the world's twelve largest retrained in economies may need to be the next three years because of Al- enabled automation Objectives of Training o (i) To provide job related knowledge to the workers. o () To impart skills among the workers systematically so that they may learn quickly. o(in) To bring about change in the attitudes of the Workers towards fellow workers, supervisor and the organization. o (iv) To improve the productivity of the o workers and the organization. (v) To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to the workers, o(vi) To makethe workers handle materials, machines and equipment efficiently and thus to check wastage of time and resources. o (vi) To prepare workers for promotion to higher jobs by imparting them advanced skills Need for Training o when company revises its objectives and adjust the changing market conditions. goal to o to improve the performance of the employees s e t up a benchmark of performance whichfinancial employees are expected to achieve in a year o team and management, communication management to teach the employee new skills such as leadership behavior. o to test new methods of enhancing organizational productivity. Importance of Training Training isn't just important to any company, it is vital o is a key for the succession planning of the organization as it helps in improvement of skills like team management and leadership. o the investment in training that a company makes shows ernployees that they are valued. o Addressing weaknesses o Increased innovation in new strategies and products o Reduced employee turnover Methods of Training On the Job Trainings ob Rottion offthe Job Trainings ClestoomLecure RolePying 8 Learning and Development (L&D) Trends to Watch in 2022 oUpskiling &Reskilling for the Digital Workplace: L&D teams can are now incentivizing internal workforces to complete courses: Other types of upskiling includes o Company Culture Training o Leadership & Management Training oDiversity & Inclusion Training o Role or Industry-Specific Training o Compliance Training Content Repurposing A trend to watch in 2022 is repurposing existing training content into multimodallearning content - ie the same L&D course content being reformatted across Video,audio reading. and visual content Its now easier with LMS, other Learning softwares In-App Experiences In-app experiences allow L&D teams to create learning onboarding. training. and overall support content embedded directly inside the digital tools their workforce is using Examples of L&D in-app experiences include o Contextual workflows to guide employees through advanced or underutilized features of a software application such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics or other enterprise software to teach them to improve their proficiency with the tools. Interactive walkthroughs that guide new hires through their onboarding process. Knowledge bases with searchable FAQs that allow team members to find answers to answers to troubleshooting questions. o Embedded anonymous surveys that allow employees to give feedback on the current L&D and support content o Microlearning: Microlearning is the act of breaking up L&D course content into small, bite-sized chunks of learning that typically last less than 5 minutes. Research has shown that microlearning can improve knowledge retention by as much as 80%, while also improving engagement of learners by 50%. o Knowledge-Sharing Ecosystem:A successful knowledge management (KM) strategy starts with companies creating process documentation, ie. detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do different internal processes. Similar to Internal wiki o Real-Time Employee Feedback:With real-time employee feedback, L&D teams can ask learners for their feedback in short NPS surveys or more in-depth long-form answer surveys- directly after or in an employee training course. Bussess opiCs Creeirve Business Araf;sis and Strate Busiess Softwäre ard Tools Caree Dev9Cgm-=e* Machel.y PIotessamv Deveiegrt * Custo:mer Seryice Lroder stp aii tarie geseet CASES from the o At Facebook, most of the Corporate learning happens organically within functional departments and is peer-to-peer and employee-driven. oFacebook's Engage Coaching Program provides new managers with one-on-one sessions with an executive coach to help them develop effective people management skills. oFacebook's FLiP (Facebook Leadership in Practice) Program: The best and FLiP program goes deep practices, coaching case into leadership studies, team-building circle exercises where rising leaders receive feedback and coaching from their peers and Facebook executive team members Facebook's nationally recognized Managing Unconscious Bias program trains employees to acknowledge bias in the workplace and build productive working with co-workers. relationships Thus, Facebook successfully uses L&D to create a culture that puts people first,and fosters employee engagement, collaborative relationships and continual learning. Types of Training o Technical or Technology Training: new employee the to teach the technological aspects of the job. Eg: New software o Quality Training: Quality training refers to familiarizing employees with the means of preventing, detecting, and eliminating non quality items, usually in an organization that produces a product. Eg:ISO,Six Sigm oSkills Training o Skills training, proficiencies the third needed to type of training, includes actually perform the job. o Example:.An example of a type of skills training9 is from AT&T and Apple (Whitney, 2011), who in summer 2011 asked their managers to accelerate retail employee training on the iPhone 5 Soft Skills Training: Soft skills refer to personality traits, social graces, communication, and personal habits that are used to characterize relationships with other people.Sometimes it could include sexual harassment training and ethics training. oProfessional Training and Legal Training Professional training is a type oftraining required to be up to date in one's own professional field. For example, tax laws change often, and as a result, an accountant for H&R Block must receive yearly professional training on new tax Codes o Team Training The goal of team training is to develop cohesiveness among team members, allowing them to get to know each other and facilitate relationship building. o Managerial Training: Succession Planning(Training), Leadership Training, Preparing managers to lead effectively. oSafety Training: Safety training is a type oftraining that occurs to ensure employees are protected from injuries caused by work-related accidents. Example:The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is the main federal agency charged with enforcement of safety and health regulation in the United States. OSHA provides external training to companies on OSHA standards. UNIT II o Needs Assessment refers to the process used to determine whether training is necessary. It involves: o Organization Analysis - determines the appropriateness for training ie., resources required, how does it link to the business strategy. o Person Analysis - VWho needs training? Determines whether performance deficiencies results from lack of SKA, motivational or work design problem, employees readiness for training Task Analysis- Identifies the important task related knowledge/skills to be imparted. Why is Needs Assessment necessary? Training may be incorrectly used as a solution to a performance problem Trainees may be sent to training programs for which they do not have the basic skills,prerequistic skills or confidence needed to learn. Money wasted due to TP unrelated to the company's business strategy. Causes and Outcomes of Needs Assessment Feasans or PeSsure Foaishalls the Certext? Atcones Vinat irareés lHFeito Léan Lgseon Pecr Petamac YhoRecevS Trar tg Yhatl Traning elh:t Is ganizay Nes Technake In Vns Nec Produts Her Peto1310 St4%. JCDS Apropinale FrequEticy cl Traning CusTt ReqUEStS Arayss Need Pescn Arvalysis Wto Needs Trarirg? Trariny' Buy versus Bu'd iraru-a Decision Trainng versus CUler HR Optens Sucn es Selaes.on 01 kb Roksign Hcw Tran rig Sthcuid Be EvalilJsted ct Tiatg Who should participate in Needs Assessment? y ConoermsorUpper and vliallyel ivlar1E1Jsr n rainers in Needs ASeSsrrerit Organizational Analysis ls training importantto achieve ourbusiness objectives? Trainers Midlevel Managers Upper-Level Managers Do l want to spend money on training? Do l have the budget to How much? Will managers support buy training services? training? How does training support ourbusiness strategy? Person What functions or Analysis business units need Howwill I identity which Who should be trained? employees need training? Managers? training? Professionals? Core employees ? ******** Task Analysis Does the companyhave the people with the knowledge. skills. and ability needed to compete in the marketplace? Whattas ks should be For whatjobs can training make the trained? biggest difference in product quality or customer Whatknowledge. skills. service? characteristics are ablity, or other necessary? 2005 The ieGraw-iill Companies, Inc. All rights reserred 3 8 Methods used in Needs Assessment TABLE 3.2 Adantases and Dsinh.antiyes ui e r d s As**sient Techniqjues Techrique Oserv3.i Disadvantages Advantages entaies d a t a relevant t ) work Cstarnares o t v3rk nexDensive e n piiect uata t r a a largt imber Dat Needs Skiiled oUserver Egeayees' t:hávior eny tbe atfeciei ioy CRirorHTient Mini'TV2es nterupiio Reepitres Time PSSitzi icvv u r i rát:es. it3PrCutale taily s1FTiIYi2e0 an SME irecafariurv Oly i 1o S1,lis Cvitiue inietidtiiyI tuv ttunk yois Viait K3 tFa't ' \atk Yctinày pe u 1aDie t i r i i THE NEEDS ASSESSMENT PROCESS o Organization Analysis: Identifying whether training supports the whether managers, support company's strategic training peers, activity; and and direction; employees what training resources are available. Questions to ask in an Organization Analysis Leam Succeed Questions to Ask in an Organizational Analysis Table 3.3 How might the training content affect our employees' relationship with our customers? need to know about the training program? What might suppliers, customers, or partners needs of the business? the with strategic How does this program align this to devoted program? Should organizational resources be this for and training to succeed? peers What do we need from managers interfere with training (e.g, lack of environment might work the features of What new skills)? equipment, no time to use content and ensure that we can help us develop the program who have we experts Do the program? asS we develop understand the needs of the business as an opportunity? reward? punishment? the program training Will employees perceive waste of time? managers, vendors, suppliers, program developers) Which persons or groups (employees, succeed ? Whosesupport do we need? have an interest in seelng tralning Hat 3-11 Questions to ask Vendors and Consultants nect Succe Table 3.4 Questions to Ask Vendors and Consultants How much and what ypeof experience does your companry have in destgning and delveringtraining? What are the qualications and eiperiences of your statfi? Can you provide demonstations or examples of training programs you havedeveloped? Can you provide relerences of cients for whom you have worked? What evidence do you have that your programs work? What irstructionel design methods do you Use? How do your products orsevicesfitour needs? 3-12 o When using consultant for training its important to check whether they are going to offer Generic content or Customized content according to their needs PERSON ANALYSIS Person Charecteristics Basic Skills Self-Efficlency Awareness of Timing Needs, Career Interests, Goals Input Understand What, How, When to Perform Situational Constraints Soclal Support Process for analyzing the factors that Opportunity to Perfom Output Expectations for Learning and Performance Consequences Influence employee performance and learning Norms Benefits Rewards Feedback Frequency Motivation to Learn Specificity Learning Performance Detail |AMcGra-}HilUlnvin 2005 The MkGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All ighis reserved. TASK ANALYSIS Task analysis results in a description of work activities, including tasks performed by the employee and the knowledge 3-17 Connect Succeed Table 3.9 - Key Points to Remember When Conducting a Task Analysis Atask analysis shoud idernty both what employees are actualy doing and uhat they shoud be doing on the jo. Task analysis begins by breaking the job into duties and tasks Use more than tuo methods for colecting task information to inxtease the validity of the analysis. tax anas to be wetu, ntomatian needs to be experts (SMES). SMEsinclude job incumbents, managers, and ermployees familar with the coleted tom stijet-nater job. h deciding how to evaluate tasks, the focus should be on tasks necessary to acomglish the company's goals and objectves. These may not be the tasks that are the most difcut or take the most time. 3-30 Steps in a Task Analysis o lt involves 4 steps: o 1. Select the job or jobs to be analyzed 2 . Develop a preliminary list of tasks performed on the job of o3. Validate or confirm the preliminary list tasks.(help of SMEs,managers) been identified, itis o4. Once the tasks have to important to identify the SKA necessary perform each task. successfully Example of a Task Analysis Example ota TaskAnalyslai Figure 7.3 Sample Items from Task Analysis Questionnaires for the Electrical Maintenance Job Job: Electrical Maintenance Worker Task Performance Ratngs Frequency of Task Tasks Descriptton Performance Importance Dimculty Replace a light bulb o1 23 4 5 012 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 45 199-264 199-265 199-266 Replace an electricaloutat 199-267 Replacea light switc 199-268 Install a light fixture Instali a new circuit breaker 012 3 4 5 01 2 345 o 1 2 3 46 o 12 3 4 5 0 12 3 4 5 o 12 345 012 3 5 01 2 3 45 0 1 2 34 5 0 1 2 34 5 0 1 2 3 45 Frequency of perfomance Importance DiMeulty Qnever 1=neghgibke 5a often 5zextremey easiest $=most high dificult 0 1 23 4 5 64 outof c6 o Technicians were asked to rate each task on importance, difficulty and frequency of performance. Task identifies as difficulty, important were designated for training. o The list of tasks designated for training was reviewed by the SMEs to determine if it accurately described job tasks Steps in Training Process 5. Evaluation of the Training 1. Decide If Training is Needed Programn 2. Determine 4. Implementing What Type of Training Training is Needed 3. Identifying Goals and Objectives CuNote com o1. Decide if training is needed: It is the Need Analysis the organization need to undergo o 2. Determine what type of training is needed:regulatory considerations may require certain training in certain industries and/or job classifications. 3. Identify goals and objectives: Clearly stated training objectives will help employers communicate what they want their employees to do. o4. Implement Training: Training should be conducted by professionals with knowledge and expertise in the given subject area Points to note: Trainer(In-house or Consultant, Instructional methods, Learner's Environment, Materials/content/selection of method/On-the -job or Off-the job o5. Evaluation of the Training Program:One way to make sure that the training program is accomplishing its goals is by using an evaluation of the training by both the trainees and the instructors. Identification of Job Competencies o Tests oSelf Assessments o 360 Degree Assessment o Observations o Manager Assessments