electronics Article Distributed-Ledger-Based Blockchain Technology for Reliable Electronic Voting System with Statistical Analysis Rupa Ch 1 , Jaya Kumari D 2 , Thippa Reddy Gadekallu 3, * 1 2 3 4 * and Celestine Iwendi 4, * Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VR Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada 520007, India Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Tadepalligudeam 534101, India School of Information Technology and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 632014, India School of Creative Technologies, University of Bolton, Bolton BL3 5AB, UK Correspondence: thippareddy.g@vit.ac.in (T.R.G.); c.iwendi@bolton.ac.uk (C.I.) Abstract: In today’s society, voting is crucial to choosing the representatives of the people. The current voting process is filled with a vast array of disputes and manipulations. The leader must be selected in a precise manner without any malpractices. In addition, the people and authorities are not happy with the election results and label them unpredictable. We offer a better solution to the current problems, such as tampering, non-residents voting outside of the polling place, quick results analysis, quick counting, and reduced use of staff and funds during the electoral franchise process. In this offer, blockchain technology is used to create the distributed application (dApp) framework that will be used for the proposed e-voting system. Additionally, it offers unique characteristics such as immutability, transparency, privacy, and reception freedom that reduce crimes involving the processing of sensitive data in the electoral process. Ganache, MetaMask, and specified dagger hashing algorithm are used to develop the dApp. A key strength of this paper is the statistical analysis of transactions on the blockchain. Moreover, it also provides security to voters’ identity and leads to immediate acceptable counting results with more accuracy. Citation: Ch, R.; Kumari D, J.; Gadekallu, T.R.; Iwendi, C. Distributed-Ledger-Based Blockchain Technology for Reliable Electronic Keywords: blockchain; e-vote; unique ID; Ethereum; secure preservation Voting System with Statistical Analysis. Electronics 2022, 11, 3308. https://doi.org/10.3390/ electronics11203308 1. Introduction Academic Editor: Juan M. Corchado Electronic voting (sometimes known as e-voting) is a mode of voting in which votes are cast and counted via electronic methods. E-voting may employ freestanding electronic voting machines (EVM) or computers connected to the Internet, depending on the implementation. It might include a variety of Internet services, ranging from simple transmission of tabulated results to full-function online voting via ordinary connectable household devices. Persons with limitations can have full access to electronic voting machines. Electronic machines can use headphones, sip-and-puff, foot pedals, joysticks, and other adaptive technology to provide the necessary accessibility. Punched card and optical scan machines are not fully accessible for the blind or visually impaired, and lever machines can be difficult for voters with limited mobility and strength. Blockchain ensures transparency by storing information in such a way that it cannot be altered without recording the changes made using the necessary encryption and control mechanisms. The necessity of a paper trail in connection with EVMs is acknowledged on a global scale. In several countries, electronic voting was implemented. The security, precision, dependability, and verifiability of electronic elections, however, were quickly disputed. The types of hacking are always evolving, and the advisors for Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) identified that when two wires were soldered together (the “diode and triode period”), the data can be tampered with. They are unable to refute the claim made by worldwide experts that no electronic device has ever been created that cannot be Received: 23 September 2022 Accepted: 9 October 2022 Published: 14 October 2022 Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/). Electronics 2022, 11, 3308. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11203308 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 2 of 13 tampered with or compromised. Concerns have grown for years that political opponents or foreign powers could manipulate voters or even entire elections. Even if it is not possible to influence an election’s outcome, attempts at manipulation will cause frustration and uncertainty. These doubts are poisonous to any democracy because they undermine the foundations of our political system, namely the need for basic trust in the legality of electoral decisions and respect for the wishes of the majority. They have the potential to cast doubt on democracy itself, especially at a time when it is up against formidable foes such as autocrats, populists, and other opponents of pluralism. Blockchain technology was developed to address these problems, and it now provides decentralized nodes for electronic voting. Blockchain technology is used to develop electronic voting systems primarily due to the advantages of end-to-end verification. This technology is a great alternative to traditional electronic voting systems since it has distributed, non-repudiation, and security protection characteristics. The security of remote participation must be practical for a blockchain-based electronic voting system to be scalable, and transaction speed needs to be addressed. These issues have led to the conclusion that the current frameworks needed to be modified before being used in voting systems. The remaining paper is organized in the following way: In Section 2, recent works are discussed. Materials and methods are discussed in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the proposed methodology. Section 5 addresses results and analysis. 2. Literature Survey X. Yang, X. Yi et al. [1] suggested a solution that combines public blockchain and Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) to ensure that all conventional voting system criteria are satisfied while also providing protection against malevolent adversaries with administrative access. The SGX checks the vote’s eligibility and authenticity and encrypts it within the SGX enclave. Fingerprints (i.e., the hash values) of the encrypted votes are published on the public blockchain ledger before the deadline of the election. All encrypted votes are disclosed until the deadline. The main limitations of this work are Intel SGX Cache timing attacks and a lack of protection against side-channel attacks. F. D. Giraldo et al. [2] proposed the idea to use blockchain and other technologies to enable an electronic voting system for the election of unique candidates. They used Ethereum Smart Contracts and the cryptographic security of public and private keys in order to evaluate blockchain technology as a potential replacement for current voting systems. This was accomplished through the specification of an architecture created specifically for electoral processes. The disadvantage of this study is its inability to be scaled and shared networks. S. Gupta et al. [3] critically examined the evolution and present condition of blockchainbased online voting systems, its features and limitations, as well as quantum computing and post-quantum cryptography breakthroughs. They offer a structure of the system for an online voting system that uses post-quantum cryptography, as well as methodical and critical viewpoints and findings on quantum-resistant blockchain for such a system in the future. The major drawbacks of this work are large key sizes and performance costs and non-ideal scalability. S. Donepudi et al. [4] introduced this methodology based on blockchain that uses a cryptographic signature known as a hash to record transactions for the online voting process. Several blockchain voting mechanisms/strategies have been suggested by various scholars. The purpose of this article is to compare and contrast blockchain voting technologies with a “Performance Driven Framework for Mass e-Voting” leveraging Hyperledger Caliper. The drawbacks are underutilization due to performance limitations imposed by species and charge transports. D. K and U. K et al. [5] discussed that creating a crowd in the existing scenario of COVID-19 also adds a lot of complications. As a result, in such a situation, the online voting system will be a huge success in the election. However, the online system’s security and transparency raise certain concerns. Incorporating blockchain into online e-voting Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 3 of 13 will eliminate all of these flaws. The method allows voters to register and vote for any candidate. The vote will be saved in a secure blockchain, but all other information, such as the voter’s name, city, and whether they voted or not, will be accessible to anybody via the website. This system will provide security by denying duplication of votes. One of the limitations is that block votes can have unpredictable and often undesirable impacts on election outcomes. A. Parmar et al. [6] proposed a blockchain-based decentralized national e-voting system. It provides an admin interface for scheduling voting, managing candidates, and declaring results. At the time of voting, the online application will prompt users to provide their Aadhar card ID (unique Indian ID) as text input and a photo of themselves. The voter’s eligibility will be verified when they submit their Aadhar card ID. The phone numbers of eligible voters will be confirmed using a One Time Password (OTP). Individual voters will be regarded as eligible to vote after voter verification. Voters will be observed using a webcam/front camera while voting. The votes will be maintained in a blockchain, and any tampering will be instantly recognized. The voting results will be declared on a specified date and will be handled by the administrator. The main limitations are a greater threat to individual and societal privacy. S. T. Alvi et al. [7] proposed a blockchain-based e-voting system. Blockchain has a variety of benefits that will alter the traditional system. However, Ethereum-based blockchain implementation is costly because each transaction has a processing fee. The authors have taken advantage of this principle to develop a low-cost blockchain-based voting system since sidechains extend the functionality of blockchains by doing additional actions outside of it with duplicate currency and returning the results to the mainchain for use. The disadvantages are insecurity and lack of transparency. In order to create an anonymous cloaking region and meet the requirements of both the request vehicle and the cooperative vehicle, as well as combining the traits of these two roles, the authors in [8] developed a blockchain-enabled trust-based location privacy protection scheme in the VANET. It ensures that both the requester and the cooperator will only work with vehicles they trust [9]. Verifiable Query language (VQL) is a query-based service provider for the blockchain system. H. Wu et al. [10] used Ethereum blockchain, Rinkeby, and cloud environment to test the proposed system. H. Wang et al. [11] proposed a searchable blockchain system that uses two query searches mechanism. The proposed system doesn’t have separate query search-supported system that can reduce the complexity of the application system in terms of time and space. The summary of the literature survey is depicted in Table 1. Table 1. Literature Survey Summary. Author Administrator BCT Type Statistical Analysis Distributed Application Design/ Develop [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] Proposed Model Not Existed Not Existed Not Existed Not Existed Yes Not Existed Not Existed Not Existed Yes Private-Bit Coin Private-Bit Coin Private-Bit Coin Private-Bit Coin Private-Ark Public-Ethereum Public-Ethereum Not mentioned Public-Ethereum No Part No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Design Both Design Design Design Design Design Analysis Both 3. Material and Methods To implement the proposed framework, we used the following system setup: Intel® Core ™ i7 -8550U CPU @ 1.80 GHz, 16 GB RAM, and 64-bit processor on Windows 10. To design and deploy blockchain-based smart contracts, we used Ganache to set up an Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 4 of 13 Ethereum public blockchain. MetaMask, which is a browser extension cryptocurrency wallet, was also used. Furthermore, Solidity was used to develop and deploy the required smart contracts, which can be deployed on EVM. An overview of the voting system qualification testing is given in this section. The process of demonstrating that a voting system complies with the standards and the conditions of its certification are known as qualification testing. Problem Statement The people and authorities are not happy with the election results and label them unpredictable. We can offer a better solution to the current problems, such as tampering, non-residents voting outside of the polling place, quick results analysis, quick counting, and reduced use of staff and funds during the electoral franchise process. Blockchain technology is used to create the distributed application (dApp) framework that will be used for the proposed e-voting system. Additionally, it has unmatched characteristics such as immutability, transparency, privacy, and receipt freedom that limit the number of crimes involving the processing of sensitive data in the electoral franchise system. The dApp was created using Ganache, MetaMask, and the provided dagger hashing algorithm. Additionally, it ensures the privacy of each voter and produces quicker, more accurate results when the votes are counted. Eth coins: Ethereum processing stage depends on the blockchain, which opens a working framework with a keen agreement process. This supports a modified variation of Nakamoto’s results by the exchange-based condition [20]. Ether is a digital currency created by Ethereum and is used to reward digging-hubs for calculations. Each eth account has an eth equivalent and can start with one record and move to the next. Ganache: Ganache is utilized to run an individual Ethereum blockchain for decentralized applications. Moreover, It is used to create, test, compile and execute smart contracts. Metamask: It is a digital currency wallet utilized on Chrome, Firefox, and other programs. MetaMask is also used to store keys for Ethereum digital currencies. Metamask does not need any login and does not store any private keys in any worker, and all the passcodes are exceptionally secured [21,22]. The main problems encountered while using Metamask only supports Ethereum and Ethereum Request Comment (ERC20) token. ERC20 token is a standard that used to create and issue smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain Solidity: Solidity is a statically composed programming language intended for creating keen agreements that sudden spike in demand for EVM. EVM implies Ethereum Virtual Machine [23]. Here, the designers can design applications that can be actualized by utilizing self-authorizing business rationale encapsulated in shrewd agreements, definitive records of exchange, and no reputation. Smart contracts: Smart contracts check, authorize, or execute a shrewd agreement, and it is a PC convention. Keen agreements permit us to play out the exchanges without outsiders. The wise deal enables us to share cash, offers, or property. Smart contracts have rules and punishments for a specific concurrent transaction [24–29]. Every new arrangement should create new principles and penalties for each agreement and naturally uphold those commitments. Creation of a Smart Contract: Smart contracts are a commonly made programming language called “Solidity”, which is practically like the dialects C++ and JavaScript. Dialects such as Vyper and Bamboo are additionally utilized. Contract: In all the top programming dialects, they allow clients to pass functions legally, and some low-level programming dialects use the stack to provide attributes for efficiency. In any case, an electronic democratic machine uses a 256-piece register stack in which ongoing 16 things can be controlled or gotten to once. Deploying a Smart Contract: An exchange is made without addressing when a smart contract is executed. Additionally, some bytecodes are included as information. These bytecodes go about as constructors, which are expected to compose starting factors to store Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 5 of 13 before replicating the runtime bytecode to contracts code [30–37]. The bytecode has to run once in it, and a runtime bytecode has to run on each agreement call. 4. Proposed Methodology The proposed system improves the integrity and privacy of the present conventionalbased electoral franchise system due to blockchain’s additional features. Transparency is the best way to prevent all forms of rigging, whether at the polling station, during the count, or during aggregation. In this application, for each candidate or contestant, a block must be allotted over a blockchain. Electors’ votes are maintained as transactions in the block. Dependent on citizens, a unique BCTID (blockchain innovation ID) is created by considering their credentials. Additionally, face or fingerprint or some other biometrics are considered for avoiding infringement. As citizens seek enlistment and are enrolled, they must obtain their BCTID to cast a ballot. At the time a citizen goes to vote the ballot, the voter must be verified by the assigned unique BCTID by considering their proof submitted at the time of initial registration. This feature helps to reduce fraudulent votes and can be easily verified as a legitimate voter. After that point, the elector can cast a ballot for the candidate they need to decide in favor of. If the citizen goes to the polling office without the BCTID, they have to obtain Eth from an approved individual. Then, they have to be allocated with a BCTID and can go for the democratic cycle. This blockchain innovation can be utilized in different fields for making clinical records, making a computerized legal official (i.e., e-public accountant), and in any other event, such as gathering charges, as shown in Figure 1. The blockchain system uses the asymmetric cryptographic system through public key and private key pairs [38–48]. These key pairs are randomly generated pairs and are also one-way-based. Each block consists of a unique address that has been evaluated from the public key and Markel hash function. Hence, users can monitor immutable transactions. All nodes that are in the network should approve if anyone would like to do any alterations or modifications. Furthermore, it is not possible to make any alterations or update the data over the network. Moreover, it is an interconnected blocks-based technology [42–48]. All the record transactions are directly assigned with the session and transaction keys that act as personalized digital signatures. This safe Electronic Democratic Framework utilizing blockchain innovation holds various modules. Those are party/candidate enrollment, BCT-based citizen ID creation, elector enlistment cycle, and casting a ballot cycle. To reduce the crimes on sensitive data processing in the electoral franchise system, we create file back-ups, data back-ups, and back-up bandwidth abilities. This will help a company to retain its information in the event of extortion. 4.1. Contestant Block Creation Initially, a unique block is generated for each contestant. This process depends on the Eth balance of a contestant account. If a contestant has a sufficient cryptocurrency (Eth/Gas) balance, it can generate a block. If there is no adequate balance for developing a block, it is not possible to create a block. The required credit has to be credited into the wallet from external sources to continue the block creation process, as shown in Figure 1 and Algorithm 1. Here, the currency name is Eth and gas is considered a commodity. The gas fee will be refunded in Eth currency. Gas prices are quoted in gwei [27]. In this application, solidity programming is used to create a block for each eligible contestant. Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 Electronics 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 13 6 of 13 Voting(v Unique ID Voters Candidates Unique ID 1,v2,..) Creation BCTIDs Registration No Chec Eth-Gas N k EthBalanceupd Unique ID for Yes Che ating voters (BCTID) Yes NoBlock Blocks create SmartContra ct Block1 T1 T2 : Block2 T3 T4 : Figure 1. Proposed System Architecture. The blockchain system uses the asymmetric cryptographic system through public key and private keyCreation pairs [39–49]. These key pairs are randomly generated pairs and are Algorithm 1: Block also one-way-based. Each block consists of a unique address that has been evaluated from Input: Contestant Details, BalanceHence, users can monitor immutable transacthe public key and Markel hashEth function. Output: Creation of a Block tions. All nodes that are in the network should approve if anyone would like to do any Process: or modifications. Furthermore, it is not possible to make any alterations or upalterations Take contestant date the data over thedetails. network. Moreover, it is an interconnected blocks-based technology for All j = Contestant ‘1’ to Contestant ‘n’ do assigned with the session and transaction [42–48]. the record transactions are directly Check Eth_balance keys that act as personalized digital signatures. This safe Electronic Democratic FrameIf Eth_Balance ≥ Threshold_cost then a block (block [j]) is created, otherwise no block work utilizing blockchain innovation holds various modules. Those are party/candidate is created. enrollment, BCT-based citizen ID creation, elector enlistment cycle, and casting a ballot Eth_balance←(Eth_balance—Threshold_cost) cycle. To reduce the crimes on sensitive data processing in the electoral franchise system, 4.2. Creationdata and Allotment Voter weBlockchain create fileID back-ups, back-ups,for and back-up bandwidth abilities. This will help a Using to theretain Ganache platform, ain distinct blockchain-based company its information the event of extortion. identity (BCTID) is created for each citizen. All voters need to first register, after which a special BCTID will be assigned to them. Algorithm 2 demonstrates the suggested system procedure, which enables online registrations, using a DAPP built on an Ethereum-based public blockchain foundation. Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 7 of 13 Algorithm 2: Unique ID Creation (BCTID) for Voter Input: Electors credentials Output: BCTID generates. Process: All voters take registration through frontend-based DAPP. For i = ‘Voter 1’ to ‘Voter n’ do Voter [i] BCT_ID[i]//A unique BCTID allotted to the voters Where n = No. of balloters As shown in Algorithm 3, when the electors go for the vote, they have to validate their BCTID. If it is a valid BCTID, they can go for the electing process. If the citizens’ BCTID is not valid or the citizens are not registered yet, then they need to purchase the cryptocurrency from an approved person. Later, that citizen is going to be assigned with a BCTID. Then, they have to choose to vote, verify the BCTID if it is a legitimate BCTID, then redirect to the contestants block. Electronics 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 13 Algorithm 3: Electing Process Input: 5.Output: Results Blockchain-based unique ID i.e BCTID Vote transaction creation into a block Process: The proposed blockchain based distributed application (dApp) provides a secure Initially, Elector registration verified. voting system with the following features: privacy, convenience, receipt and physical tally or count freeness, and cost and fraud voting reduction. The model uses the smart contracts For i = 1 to n do of add_voter ( ), start_vote (), do_vote ( ), total_votes ( ) total_voters (). Figure 2 shows If BCT_ID(Elector [i]) exists then they can useand their voting right otherwise request for MetaMask-based eth balance that has to be used to perform the operations of a proposed registration. system. gasinto (in terms of Eth) is required call the functions by the regulatory ElectorGenerally, vote stores a block (block [j]) as a to transaction. authority. Table 2 shows the gas consumption cost for each operation over the blockchain. 5. Results Table 2. System operations with gas cost. The proposed blockchain based distributed application (dApp) provides a secure TxN Size Caller Function Name Gas Cost voting system with the following features: privacy, convenience, receipt and physical tally (In Bytes) or count freeness, and cost and fraud voting reduction. The model uses the smart contracts Administrator Add_Voter ( ) 0.001138 132 bytes of add_voter ( ), start_vote ( ), do_vote ( ), total_votes ( ) and total_voters ( ). Administrator Start_Vote ( ) 0.000861 4 bytesFigure 2 shows MetaMask-based eth balance that has to be used to perform the operations Vote Holder Do_Vote ( ) 0.01619 36 bytes of a proposed system. Generally, gas (in terms of Eth) is required to call the functions by the regulatory Administrator Total_votes ( ) 0.15879 8 bytes authority. Table 2 shows the gas consumption cost for each operation over Administrator Total_voters ( ) 0.1138 8 bytesthe blockchain. Figure 2. EthEth Balance. Figure 2. MetaMask MetaMaskInitial Initial Balance. Table 3 and Figure 3 represent the ETH balance consumption to process the votes in the Ganache-based Ethereum blockchain. In this work, we tested cryptocurrency (ETH) consumption rate by considering 100 votes. Furthermore, Table 3 shows the gas consumption for a specific number of votes. Table 4 shows the operational cost of every smart contract function in the blockchain environment. Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 8 of 13 Table 2. System operations with gas cost. Caller Function Name Gas Cost TxN Size (In Bytes) Administrator Administrator Vote Holder Administrator Administrator Add_Voter ( ) Start_Vote ( ) Do_Vote ( ) Total_votes ( ) Total_voters ( ) 0.001138 0.000861 0.01619 0.15879 0.1138 132 bytes 4 bytes 36 bytes 8 bytes 8 bytes Table 3 and Figure 3 represent the ETH balance consumption to process the votes in the Ganache-based Ethereum blockchain. In this work, we tested cryptocurrency (ETH) consumption rate by considering 100 votes. Furthermore, Table 3 shows the gas consumption for a specific number of votes. Table 4 shows the operational cost of every smart contract function in the blockchain environment. Table 3. Eth consumption for votes. Gas No. of Votes Electronics 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 1 10 20 30 40 50 100 Limit (Units) Cost Price (CGWEI) 71,894 56,894 113,748 170,682 227,576 284,470 5,689,400 0.01138 0.1138 0.2276 0.3414 0.4552 0.5690 0.11380 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Eth (Total) 0.001138 0.01138 0.02276 0.03414 0.04552 0.0569 9 of 13 0.01138 0.6 Crypto Balance 0.5 0.4 0.3 Gas Cost ETH Cost 0.2 0.1 0 1 10 20 30 40 50 100 No of Voters Figure3.3.Eth Ethconsumption consumptionfor forvotes. votes. Figure Table 3. Eth consumption for votes. Gas No. of Votes 1 10 20 30 40 Limit (Units) Cost 71,894 56,894 113,748 170,682 227,576 0.01138 0.1138 0.2276 0.3414 0.4552 Price (CGWEI) 20 20 20 20 20 Eth (Total) 0.001138 0.01138 0.02276 0.03414 0.04552 Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 9 of 13 Table 4. Smart contracts operational cost over blockchain environment. From Address: 0x2863B2f5ECE0de3aafc1eE5500e7E4ac6E852Ae5 To Address: 0xC31DDe674098rftv897hfty4BGOI2RS876e5987Td004 Function Amount Gas Used Fee (TxN) addVoter ( ) 1138 0.001138 Eth startVote ( ) 861 0.000861 Eth doVote ( ) 1619 0.01619 Eth Totalvotes ( ) 15,879 0.15879 Eth Totalvoters ( ) 1138 0.1138 Eth Hash (TxN) Block Details (Mined) Size of a Block (Bytes) Nonce (TxN) Index (TxN) 57 132 40 57 168 4 150 168 170 36 162 172 187 8 175 178 194 8 179 182 0x1649261e01550957dd8b aa8527790ca1f7526fda956 d93ce6f229f90bcf1b993 0x615ec41c5b56707566933 a741346a5f1e4941045ed36 e009fefec2c86817c3a3 0xb71c0b33b37b034e4c87 9d21648952d0f04a012d05 e3f83b19e6c8334cc25d54 0x34c895c20880c429595ef 922b23bd5194a43aec3181 a046414b07237d3b460a8 0x4316Fb7f44E2715c614C 15B9aB62b6a3184aa84c00 7763213d394d66 Figures 4 and 5 show the proof of the transaction over a blockchain from Ganache. It consists of details of the transaction such as hash value (Txn Hash), block number of the Electronics 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 13the transaction, and transaction fee (Txn Fee), from address and to address. Table 5 shows comparison of the proposed system with existing related works. Electronics 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 13 Figure 4. Transactions information in Ganache. Figure 4. Transactions information in Ganache. Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 10 of 13 Figure 4. Transactions information in Ganache. Figure 5. Blocks information in Ganache. Author Contributions: R.C.: data curation, methodology, writing—original draft; J.K.D.: literature review, writing—review and editing; T.R.G.: formal analysis, writing—original draft, supervision; C.I.: methodology, writing—review and editing, supervision. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding. Figure 5. Blocks information in Ganache. Figure 5. Blocks information in Ganache. Author Contributions: R.C.: data curation, methodology, writing—original draft; J.K.D.: literature Table 5. Comparison withand existing related works. review, writing—review editing; T.R.G.: formal analysis, writing—original draft, supervision; C.I.: methodology, writing—review and editing, supervision. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Application Blockchain Tool Application Performance Analysis Authors Funding: This research received no external funding. UAV Data Remix Not dApp [36] Functional and non-functional requirements based [37] Voting Designed Not dApp Not analyzed [38] Voting Designed Not dApp Not analyzed [39] Token Transaction Designed Not dApp Functional requirements Based [40] Medical Certificates Test RPC dApp Functional and non-functional requirements based [41] Vehicular Network Hyperledger dApp Functional requirements Based [42] IoT Designed Not dApp Non-functional requirements Based [43] IoT Designed Not dApp Not Analyzed [44] Blockshare: Prototype for data sharing Python & Solidity Not dApp Non-functional requirements based [45] Scaling blockchain Hyperledger Not dApp Functional requirements based [46] Lineage Chain: Blockchain system Hyperledger Not dApp Functional Requirements [47] Arithmetic circuits Symme Proof: A protocol Not dApp Non-functional requirements based [48] Lineage Chain: Blockchain system Hyperledger Not dApp Functional Requirements Proposed System Voting Ganache dApp Functional and Non-functional requirements based Electronics 2022, 11, 3308 11 of 13 6. Conclusions An online voting system must be able to show proof that it effectively upheld election integrity and that there was no fraud committed during the voting or tallying procedures. The necessity to confirm the precision and correctness of the decrypting procedure without disclosing private decryption key information or voter identities makes it difficult to achieve this degree of verifiability. The paper contributes the following: identifying the holes in the present e-voting system; evaluating existing blockchain-based e-voting systems; and the potential for the blockchain idea to enhance e-voting systems by classifying the major current problems into five categories: general, integrity, coin-based, privacy, and consensus. In this work, we utilized Ethereum to implement a blockchain-based e-voting system. In the future, an e-voting system based on a private blockchain with a digital signature feature can be implemented. Author Contributions: R.C.: data curation, methodology, writing—original draft; J.K.D.: literature review, writing—review and editing; T.R.G.: formal analysis, writing—original draft, supervision; C.I.: methodology, writing—review and editing, supervision. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding. Data Availability Statement: No data is used in this work. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Yang, X.; Yi, X.; Kelarev, A. Secure Ranked Choice Online Voting System via Intel SGX and Blockchain. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), Shenyang, China, 20–22 October 2021; pp. 139–146. Giraldo, F.D.; Gamboa, C.E. Electronic Voting Using Blockchain And Smart Contracts: Proof of Concept. IEEE Lat. Am. 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[CrossRef] CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.u Provided by UWL Repository Secure Digital Voting System based on Blockchain Technology Kashif Mehboob Khan1, Junaid Arshad2, Muhammad Mubashir Khan1 1 NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan 2 University of West London, UK. ABSTRACT Abstract: Electronic voting or e-voting has been used in varying forms since 1970s with fundamental benefits over paper based systems such as increased efficiency and reduced errors. However, there remain challenges to achieve wide spread adoption of such systems especially with respect to improving their resilience against potential faults. Blockchain is a disruptive technology of current era and promises to improve the overall resilience of e-voting systems. This paper presents an effort to leverage benefits of blockchain such as cryptographic foundations and transparency to achieve an effective scheme for evoting. The proposed scheme conforms to the fundamental requirements for e-voting schemes and achieves end-to-end verifiability. The paper presents details of the proposed e-voting scheme along with its implementation using Multichain platform. The paper presents in-depth evaluation of the scheme which successfully demonstrates its effectiveness to achieve an end-to-end verifiable e-voting scheme. Keywords: electronic voting, e-voting, blockchain, e-government, verifiable voting INTRODUCTION Elections are fundamental pillar of a democratic system enabling the general public to express their views in the form of a vote. Due to their significance to our society, the election process should be transparent and reliable so as to ensure participants of its credibility. Within this context, the approach to voting has been an ever evolving domain. This evolution is primarily driven by the efforts to make the system secure, verifiable and transparent. In view of its significance, continuous efforts have been made to improve overall efficiency and resilience of the voting system. Electronic voting or e-voting has a profound role in this. Since its first use as punched-card ballots in 1960’s, e-voting systems have achieved remarkable progress with its adaption using the internet technologies (Gobel et al, 2015). However, evoting systems must adhere to specific benchmark parameters so as to facilitate its widespread adoption. These parameters include anonymity of the voter, integrity of the vote and non-repudiation among others. Blockchain is one of the emerging technologies with strong cryptographic foundations enabling applications to leverage these abilities to achieve resilient security solutions. A Blockchain resembles a data structure which maintains and shares all the transactions being executed through its genesis. It is primarily a distributed decentralized database that maintains a complete list of constantly germinating and growing data records secured from unauthorized manipulating, tampering and revision. Blockchain allows every user to connect to the network, send new transactions to it, verify transactions and create new blocks (Rosenfeld, 2017; Kadam et al, 2015; Nakamoto, 2009). Each block is assigned a cryptographic hash (which may also be treated as a finger print of the block) that remains valid as long as the data in the block is not altered. If any changes are made in the block, the cryptographic hash would change immediately indicating the change in the data which may be due to a malicious activity. Therefore, due to its strong foundations in cryptography, blockchain has been increasingly used to mitigate against unauthorized transactions across various domains (Nakamoto, 2009; Kraft, 2015; Narayanan et al, 2015). Bitcoin remains the most distinguished application of blockchain however researchers are keen to explore the use of blockchain technology to facilitate applications across different domains leveraging benefits such as non-repudiation, integrity and anonymity. In this paper, we explore the use of blockchain to facilitate e-voting applications with the ability to assure voter anonymity, vote integrity and end-toverification. We believe e-voting can leverage from fundamental blockchain features such as selfcryptographic validation structure among transactions (through hashes) and public availability of distributed ledger of records. The blockchain technology can play key role in the domain of electronic voting due to inherent nature of preserving anonymity, maintaining decentralized and publicly distributed ledger of transactions across all the nodes. This makes blockchain technology very efficient to deal with the threat of utilizing a voting token more than once and the attempt to influence the transparency of the result. The focus of our research is to investigate the key issues such as voter anonymity, vote confidentiality and end-to-end verification. These challenges form the foundation of an efficient voting system preserving the integrity of the voting process. In this paper, we present our efforts to explore the use of the blockchain technology to seek solutions to these challenges. In particular, our system is based on the Prêt à Voter approach (Ryan, 2008) and uses an open source blockchain platform, Multichain (Multichain, 2017) as the underlying technology to develop our system. In order to protect the anonymity and integrity of a vote, the system generates strong cryptographic hash for each vote transaction based on information specific to a voter. This hash is also communicated to the voter using encrypted channels to facilitate verification. The system therefore conforms with the fundamental requirements of an e-voting system as identified by (Rura et al, 2016). More discussion around this is presented in section 2. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the next section presents the requirements for an e-voting system as identified by (Rura et al, 2016) and explains how our proposed system fulfils them. Section 3 presents the state-of-the-art with respect to e-voting and how we contribute to it followed by a detailed description of the system design in section 4. Section 5 presents the implementation of our proposed system with Multichain and user interface along with evaluation of the system highlighting how it achieves the requirements presented in section 2. Section 6 concludes the paper identifying current progress and plans for further work. E-VOTING BACKGROUND AND REQUIREMENTS Electronic voting has been an area of research focus for many years by using computing machines and equipment for casting votes and producing high quality and precise results in accordance with the sentiments of the participating voters. Various attempts have been adopted in practice to support election process. Initially computer counting system allowed the voter to cast vote on papers. Later on, those cards went through the process of scanning and tallying at every polling cell on a central server (Kadam et al, 2015; Rockwell, 2017; Hao et al, 2010). Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting systems were put in place later on which were admired and acknowledged greatly by the voters in-spite of the resistance from computer scientists. If the voting system is well understood by the voters, the system’s usability can be increased remarkably. DRE systems in particular have gathered a lot of successes in bringing the voters to use this technology. These systems work more or less in the same way as any conventional election system does. In the case of DRE, a voter begins his journey by going to their polling place and get their token to vote where he utilizes his token at the voting terminal to vote for his candidate. When the candidate selection procedure is completed, DRE systems present the final selection to the voter before actually casting it (in case if the voter wants to change his opinion) and after the final selection, the ballot casting is completed (Multichain, 2017; Dalia et al, 2012). More recently, distributed ledger technologies such as blockchain have been used to achieve e-voting systems primarily due to their advantages in terms of end-to-end verifiability. With properties such as anonymity, privacy protection and non-repudiation, blockchain is a very attractive alternative to contemporary e-voting systems. The research presented in this paper also attempts to leverage these properties of blockchain to achieve an efficient e-voting system. A detailed analysis of such systems is presented in the next section along with the identification of comparison with these approaches. e-Voting Requirements and Compliance by the Proposed System The generic requirements for a typical e-voting system have been defined in (Rura et al, 2016). We present a brief description of each requirement along with an explanation of how the proposed system fulfils it. Privacy - Keeping an individual’s vote secret The system leverages cryptographic properties of blockchain to achieve privacy of a voter. More specifically, as voter is registered into the system, a voter hash is generated by blockchain which is the unique identifier of a voter into the blockchain, and is protected from misuse due to collision resistance property of the cryptographic hash. Due to this, the traceability of a vote is also non-trivial thereby protecting the voter when under duress. Eligibility - Allowing only registered voters to vote, with each such voter voting only once All eligible users are required to register using unique identifiers such as government-issued documents to assert their eligibility. In addition to this, our system implements strong authentication mechanism using finger printing technology to assert that only authorized voters can access the system. Furthermore, the use of biometrics also enables the system to protect against double voting. Receipt Freeness - Voters should be unable to prove to a third party that they voted in a particular way The proposed system enables a voter to vote as per their choice and creates a cryptographic hash for each such event (transaction). This is important to achieve verifiability i.e. to verify if a certain vote was included in the count. However, possession of this hash does not allow to extract information about the way voter has voted. Convenience - Voters must be able to vote easily, and everyone who is eligible must be able to vote The system has been implemented using a user friendly web based interface with the voting process requiring minimal input from the user. For instance, fingerprinting is implemented for authentication mechanism to avoid the requirement to remember username/passwords. Furthermore, the overall process is integrated which enables the user to interact with it in a seamless manner. Verifiability - The ability to trust the vote tallying process Upon casting their vote successfully, a user is provided with their unique transaction ID in the form of a cryptographic hash. A user can use this transaction ID to track if their vote was included in the tallying process. However, this process does not enable a user to view how they voted which has been adopted to mitigate threats when under duress. The analysis presented above highlights the performance of the proposed system with respect to the specific requirements of e-voting. It also highlights the significance of defining characteristics of blockchain and their profound role in achieving the cornerstones of an efficient e-voting system. Therefore, we believe the work presented here makes significant contribution to the existing knowledge with respect to the application of blockchain technology to achieve a secure digital voting system. RELATED WORKS In (Kiayias & Yung, 2002), a self-tallying voting system is proposed that does not require any trusted third parties for vote aggregation and any private channel for voter-to-voter privacy. The proposed protocol involves extensive computation. In (Hao et al, 2010) a two round protocol is proposed that computes the tally in two rounds without using a private channel or a trusted third party. The protocol is efficient in terms of amputation and bandwidth consumption but is neither robust nor fair in certain conditions (Dalia et al, 2012). In (Dalia et al, 2012) a protocol is proposed to improve the robustness and fairness of the two round protocol (Hao et al, 2010). In (Shahandashti & Hao, 2016), authors propose E2E verifiable voting system named DRE-ip (DRE-i with enhanced privacy), that overcomes limitations of DRE-i (Chaum et al, 2008). Instead of pre-computing ciphertexts, DRE-ip encrypts the vote on the fly during voting process. DRE-ip achieves E2E verifiability without TAs, but at the same time provides a significantly stronger privacy guarantee than DRE-i. In (Chaum, 2004) end-to-end verifiability is achieved through the Mixnet protocol (Chaum, 1981) that recovers the plaintext ballot in an unlikable manner by randomizing the ciphertext through a chain of mix servers. Scantegrity is proposed in (Chaum et al, 2008) that achieves end-to-end (E2E) verifiability with confirmation codes that allow voters to prove to themselves that their ballots are included in the final tally as they really are. Another scheme Prêt à Voter based on (Chaum, 2004) is proposed in (Chaum et al, 2005) that ensures privacy by constructing the ballot with two columns i.e. voting options are listed in one column and the voter's choice is entered in an adjacent column. The work in (Adida & Rivest, 2006) is based on Prêt à Voter but using homomorphic tabulation and it uses scratch stripes to allow off-line auditing of ballots. Other systems that have been proposed for electronic voting include: Bingo Voting (Bohli et al, 2007), Helios (Adida, 2008), DRE-i (Hao et al, 2014 ) and DRE-ip (Shahandashti & Hao, 2016), Star-Vote (Bell et al, 2013) and (Sandler et al, 2008) to name a few. Fig. 1 Architecture for proposed e-voting system. The existing approaches perform well for end-to-end verifiability without compromising the privacy of voters. In (McCorry et al, 2017), authors presented the implementation of decentralized and self-tallying internet voting protocol over the blockchain using Ethereum. Authors used the openvote (Chaum et al, 2008) e-voting approach as their baseline. The focus of our research is to explore the exciting opportunities presented by blockchain technologies by investigating their application in diverse application domains. Within this context, this paper presents our efforts to develop an e-voting system by leveraging blockchain technology. To this end, our proposed scheme fulfils the specific requirements for e-voting as discussed in section 2 and illustrated further in the following sections. PROPOSED SYSTEM DEISGN The proposed e-voting system is based on the well-established Prêt à Voter e-voting approach identified in (Ryan, 2008). The system has been designed to support a voting application in the real world environment taking into account specific requirements such as privacy, eligibility, convenience, receiptfreeness and verifiability. The proposed system aims to achieve secure digital voting without compromising its usability. Within this context, the system is designed using a web-based interface to facilitate user engagement with measures such as finger printing to protect against double voting. With a clear need to administer the voters, constituencies and candidates for constituencies, a user-friendly administrator interface is implemented to enable ease of access. Furthermore, the system allows all voters equal rights of participation and develops a fair and healthy competition among all the candidates while keeping the anonymity of the voters preserved. The cryptographic hash of the transaction (ID) is emailed to the voter as a proof that the vote has been casted which may later on be tracked outside the premises of the constituency. Detailed Description of the Layered Approach The proposed e-voting system architecture is presented in Fig. 1 and has been divided into several layers to achieve modular design. These layers are described below; User Interaction and Front-end Security layer is responsible for interacting with a voter (to support vote casting functions) and the administrator (to support functions pertaining to administering the election process). It encapsulates two key functions i.e. authentication and authorization of the users (voters and administrators) to ensure that the access to the system is restricted to legitimate users in accordance with the predefined access control policies. A number of different methods can be applied to achieve this function ranging from basic username/password to more advanced such as fingerprinting or iris recognition. Therefore these are rendered specific to individual implementation of the proposed architecture. Overall, this layer serves as the first point of contact with the users and is responsible for validating user credentials as governed by the system-specific policies. Access Control Management layer is envisaged to facilitate layer 1 and layer 3 by providing services required for these layers to achieve their expected functions. These services include roles definition, their respective access control policies and voting transaction definitions. The role definition and management provides core support for the access control functions implemented by layer 1 whereas the voting transaction definitions support the blockchain based transaction mapping and mining performed at the layer 3. Overall, this layer enables a coherent function of the proposed system by providing the foundations required by individual layers. e-Voting Transaction Management layer is the core layer of the architecture where the transaction for evoting constructed at Role Management / Transactions layer is mapped onto the blockchain transaction to be mined. This mapped transaction also contains the credentials provided by a voter at layer 1 for authentication. An example of such data can be the fingerprint of the voter. This data is then used to create the cryptographic hash and contributes towards creating the transaction ID. The verification of such credentials is envisioned to be achieved at User Interaction and Front-end Security layer (layer 1). A number of virtual instances of nodes are involved in the process of mining to get this transaction finally enter into the chain. Ledger Synchronization layer synchronizes Multichain ledger with the local application specific database using one of the existing database technologies. Votes cast are recorded in the data tables at the backend of the database. Voters are able to track their votes using the unique identifier provided to them as soon as their vote is mined and added into the blockchain ledger. The security considerations of the votes are based on block-chain technology using cryptographic hashes to secure end-to-end communication. Voting results are also stored in the application’s database with the view to facilitate auditing and any further operations at a later stage. The Voting Process We now describe a typical interaction of a user with the proposed scheme based on our current implementation of the system. Typically, a voter logs into the system by providing his/her thumb impression. If the match is found, the voter is then presented with a list of available candidates with the option to cast vote against them. On the contrary, if the match is unsuccessful, any further access would be denied. This function is achieved using appropriate implementation of the authentication mechanism (fingerprinting in this case) and predefined role based access control management. Furthermore, it is also envisioned that a voter is assigned to their specific constituency and this information is used to develop the list of candidates that a voter can vote for. The assignment of voter to a constituency is rendered an offline process and therefore out of scope of this research. After a successful vote-cast, it is mined by multiple miners for validation following which valid and verified votes are added into public ledger. The security considerations of the votes are based on blockchain technology using cryptographic hashes to secure end-to-end verification. To this end, a successful vote cast is considered as a transaction within the blockchain of the voting application. Therefore, a vote cast is added as a new block (after successful mining) in the blockchain as well as being recorded in data tables at the backend of the database. The system ensures only one-person, one-vote (democracy) property of voting systems. This is achieved by using the voter’s unique thumbprint, which is matched at the beginning of every voting attempt to prevent double voting. A transaction is generated as soon as the vote is mined by the miners which is unique for each vote. If the vote is found malicious it is rejected by miners. After validation process, a notification is immediately sent to the voter through message or an email providing the above defined transaction id by which user can track his/her vote into the ledger. Although this functions as a notification to the voter however it does not enable any user to extract the information about how a specific voter voted thereby achieving privacy of a voter. It is important here to note that cryptographic hash for a voter is the unique hash of voter by which voter is known in the blockchain. This property facilitates achieving verifiability of the overall voting process. Furthermore, this id is hidden and no one can view it even a system operator cannot view this hash therefore achieving privacy of individual voters. Fig. 2 Asset creation using Multichain IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION Implementation The implementation of the proposed system has been carried out within a controlled environment with a web-based application created to serve as the front end application enabling the users to interact in a convenient manner. This application is implemented via Java EE within the Netbeans platform with native Glassfish server used for hosting the application. Glassfish managed server side container for holding the application’s EJBs and the data source. The application uses a MySQL as the backend database for the application and contains the data entered manually by an admin such as the voter details, constituency details and the information about different political parties running for the election. An application screenshot demonstrating the admin function to view list of eligible voters is presented in Fig. 2. In addition to manual entries, the application also supports importing data using MS Excel spread sheets to perform bulk import in view of the size of the data in real-world voting scenarios. We have used Multichain as the blockchain platform to create a private blockchain for this application which is used for recording the voting transactions. This choice is influenced by the ease of use provided by this platform and therefore it was easily integrated into our proposed architecture. Evaluation and Experimentation The primary objective of evaluation was to assess the performance of the system in view of the e-voting system requirements presented in section 2 and to identify any considerations with regards to its application in a real world scenario. The experimentation consisted of multiple steps i.e. conducting multiple transactions, verification of transactions, mining transactions into blockchain, reflection of the changes made in the public ledger to all the nodes in the network and the usability of the system. A test run was made directly at Multichain by starting from asset creation. An outcome of this is demonstrated by Fig. 3. We can refer these assets as votes. Since Multichain by default ideally suits to cryptocurrency, therefore we wrote our API’s to design it in the context of vote. In order to perform transaction in Multichain, we identified the address and the balance in the address of the node of Multichain from where the asset (vote) will be sent. While sending the asset to the address, the transaction hash was generated carrying the transfer of vote. The balance of the receiving node was incremented by one vote (asset). The transaction becomes a part of the public ledger which shows that it has been mined. A sample transaction within the proposed system is presented by Fig. 3. Since our customized API for asset creation is designed in such a way that an address can have at max only one vote (asset), therefore, it will not be possible for a voter to caste multiple vote unless the node receives it from some other address which is only allowed in the case of the candidate. Fig. 3 A sample transaction information for the proposed system CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Electronic voting has been used in varying forms since 1970s with fundamental benefits over paper based systems such as increased efficiency and reduced errors. With the extraordinary growth in the use of blockchain technologies, a number of initiatives have been made to explore the feasibility of using blockchain to aid an effective solution to e-voting. This paper has presented one such effort which leverages benefits of blockchain such as cryptographic foundations and transparency to achieve an effective solution to e-voting. The proposed approach has been implemented with Multichain and in- depth evaluation of approach highlights its effectiveness with respect to achieving fundamental requirements for an e-voting scheme. In continuation of this work, we are focused at improving the resistance of blockchain technology to ‘double spending’ problem which will translate as ‘double voting’ for e-voting systems. Although blockchain technology achieves significant success in detection of malleable change in a transaction however successful demonstration of such events have been achieve which motivates us to investigate it further. 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Junaid Arshad is a Senior Lecturer in cyber security emphasising impact of novel and emerging technological paradigms such as blockchain, distributed systems, cloud computing and big data.. He has worked as distributed systems security specialist for a number of EU funded projects focusing on mitigating specific security threats to the project partners. Dr. Junaid Arshad has been actively involved in publishing high quality research within this field and has a number of publications at high quality venues including journals, book chapter, conferences and workshops. Dr. Junaid Arshad has served on Program and Review Committee of a number of journals and conferences. Muhammad Mubashir Khan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology at NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi Pakistan. He received his PhD degree in Computing from University of Leeds, UK in 2011. He did postdoctoral research in Quantum Information Group University of Leeds, UK in 2015-16. His current research interests include Network and Information Security, Cybersecurity and Quantum Cryptography. sensors Review Blockchain for Electronic Voting System—Review and Open Research Challenges Uzma Jafar * , Mohd Juzaiddin Ab Aziz and Zarina Shukur Faculty of Information Science and Technology, The National University of Malaysia, Bangi 43600, Malaysia; juzaiddin@ukm.edu.my (M.J.A.A.); zarinashukur@ukm.edu.my (Z.S.) * Correspondence: uzmajafar@gmail.com Citation: Jafar, U.; Aziz, M.J.A.; Shukur, Z. Blockchain for Electronic Voting System—Review and Open Research Challenges. Sensors 2021, 21, 5874. https://doi.org/10.3390/ s21175874 Academic Editors: Hong-Ning Dai, Abstract: Online voting is a trend that is gaining momentum in modern society. It has great potential to decrease organizational costs and increase voter turnout. It eliminates the need to print ballot papers or open polling stations—voters can vote from wherever there is an Internet connection. Despite these benefits, online voting solutions are viewed with a great deal of caution because they introduce new threats. A single vulnerability can lead to large-scale manipulations of votes. Electronic voting systems must be legitimate, accurate, safe, and convenient when used for elections. Nonetheless, adoption may be limited by potential problems associated with electronic voting systems. Blockchain technology came into the ground to overcome these issues and offers decentralized nodes for electronic voting and is used to produce electronic voting systems mainly because of their end-to-end verification advantages. This technology is a beautiful replacement for traditional electronic voting solutions with distributed, non-repudiation, and security protection characteristics. The following article gives an overview of electronic voting systems based on blockchain technology. The main goal of this analysis was to examine the current status of blockchain-based voting research and online voting systems and any related difficulties to predict future developments. This study provides a conceptual description of the intended blockchain-based electronic voting application and an introduction to the fundamental structure and characteristics of the blockchain in connection to electronic voting. As a consequence of this study, it was discovered that blockchain systems may help solve some of the issues that now plague election systems. On the other hand, the most often mentioned issues in blockchain applications are privacy protection and transaction speed. For a sustainable blockchain-based electronic voting system, the security of remote participation must be viable, and for scalability, transaction speed must be addressed. Due to these concerns, it was determined that the existing frameworks need to be improved to be utilized in voting systems. Jiajing Wu and Hao Wang Keywords: electronic voting; security; blockchain-based electronic voting; privacy; blockchain technology; voting; trust Received: 6 July 2021 Accepted: 25 August 2021 Published: 31 August 2021 Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/). 1. Introduction Electoral integrity is essential not just for democratic nations but also for state voter’s trust and liability. Political voting methods are crucial in this respect. From a government standpoint, electronic voting technologies can boost voter participation and confidence and rekindle interest in the voting system. As an effective means of making democratic decisions, elections have long been a social concern. As the number of votes cast in real life increases, citizens are becoming more aware of the significance of the electoral system [1,2]. The voting system is the method through which judges judge who will represent in political and corporate governance. Democracy is a system of voters to elect representatives by voting [3,4]. The efficacy of such a procedure is determined mainly by the level of faith that people have in the election process. The creation of legislative institutions to represent the desire of the people is a well-known tendency. Such political bodies differ from student unions to constituencies. Over the years, the vote has become the primary resource to express the will of the citizens by selecting from the choices they made [2]. Sensors 2021, 21, 5874. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21175874 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 2 of 22 The traditional or paper-based polling method served to increase people’s confidence in the selection by majority voting. It has helped make the democratic process and the electoral system worthwhile for electing constituencies and governments more democratized. There are 167 nations with democracy in 2018, out of approximately 200, which are either wholly flawed or hybrid [5,6]. The secret voting model has been used to enhance trust in democratic systems since the beginning of the voting system. It is essential to ensure that assurance in voting does not diminish. A recent study revealed that the traditional voting process was not wholly hygienic, posing several questions, including fairness, equality, and people’s will, was not adequately [7] quantified and understood in the form of government [2,8]. Engineers across the globe have created new voting techniques that offer some anticorruption protection while still ensuring that the voting process should be correct. Technology introduced the new electronic voting techniques and methods [9], which are essential and have posed significant challenges to the democratic system. Electronic voting increases election reliability when compared to manual polling. In contrast to the conventional voting method, it has enhanced both the efficiency and the integrity of the process [10]. Because of its flexibility, simplicity of use, and cheap cost compared to general elections, electronic voting is widely utilized in various decisions [11]. Despite this, existing electronic voting methods run the danger of over-authority and manipulated details, limiting fundamental fairness, privacy, secrecy, anonymity, and transparency in the voting process. Most procedures are now centralized, licensed by the critical authority, controlled, measured, and monitored in an electronic voting system, which is a problem for a transparent voting process in and of itself. On the other hand, the electronic voting protocols have a single controller that oversees the whole voting process [12]. This technique leads to erroneous selections due to the central authority’s dishonesty (election commission), which is difficult to rectify using existing methods. The decentralized network may be used as a modern electronic voting technique to circumvent the central authority. Blockchain technology offers a decentralized node for online voting or electronic voting. Recently distributed ledger technologies such blockchain were used to produce electronic voting systems mainly because of their end-to-end verification advantages [13]. Blockchain is an appealing alternative to conventional electronic voting systems with features such as decentralization, non-repudiation, and security protection. It is used to hold both boardroom and public voting [8]. A blockchain, initially a chain of blocks, is a growing list of blocks combined with cryptographic connections. Each block contains a hash, timestamp, and transaction data from the previous block. The blockchain was created to be data-resistant. Voting is a new phase of blockchain technology; in this area, the researchers are trying to leverage benefits such as transparency, secrecy, and nonrepudiation that are essential for voting applications [14]. With the usage of blockchain for electronic voting applications, efforts such as utilizing blockchain technology to secure and rectify elections have recently received much attention [15]. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains how blockchain technology works, and a complete background of this technology is discussed. How blockchain technology can transfer the electronic voting system is covered in Section 3. In Section 4, the problems and their solutions of developing online voting systems are identified. The security requirements for the electronic voting system are discussed in Section 5, and the possibility of electronic voting on blockchain is detailed in Section 6. Section 7 discusses the available blockchain-based electronic voting systems and analyzes them thoroughly. In Section 8, all information related to the latest literature review is discussed and analyzed deeply. Section 9 addresses the study, open issues, and future trends. Furthermore, in the end, Section 10 concludes this survey. sors 2021, 21, 5874 3 of 23 Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 3 of 22 2. Background The first things that come to mind about the blockchain are cryptocurrencies and 2. Background smart contracts because of the well-known initiatives in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Bitcoin was the first crypto-currency solution that to used a blockchain data structure. Ethereum The first things that come mind about the blockchain are cryptocurrencies and introduced smart smart contracts contractsbecause that leverage the power ofinitiatives blockchain immutability and dis-Bitcoin was of the well-known in Bitcoin and Ethereum. the first while crypto-currency solution that used a blockchain data structure. introtributed consensus offering a crypto-currency solution comparable to Bitcoin.Ethereum The ducedcontracts smart contracts that leverage the power blockchain immutability and concept of smart was introduced much earlier byofNick Szabo in the 1990s and is distributed while offering a crypto-currency comparable Bitcoin. The concept of described asconsensus “a set of promises, specified in digital form,solution including protocolsto within which contracts was introduced much earlier by aNick Szabo in theis1990s andofis described the parties smart perform on these promises” [16]. In Ethereum, smart contract a piece as “atosetthe of network promises,so specified in digital form, including protocols which the parties code deployed that everyone has access to it. The result within of executing promises” [16]. In Ethereum, a smart contract is anetwork piece ofas code this code is perform verified on by these a consensus mechanism and by every member of the a deployed to the network so that everyone has access to it. The result of executing this code is verified whole [17]. by a consensus mechanism and by every member of the network as a whole [17]. Today, we call a blockchain a set of technologies combining the blockchain data strucToday,consensus we call aalgorithm, blockchain a setkey of technologies blockchain data ture itself, distributed public cryptography,combining and smart the contracts itself, distributed consensus public key cryptography, and smart [18]. Below structure we describe these technologies in more algorithm, detail. contracts [18]. Belowofwe describe these technologies in more detail. Any block Blockchain creates a series blocks replicated on a peer-to-peer network. Blockchain creates a series of blocks replicated on a peer-to-peer Any block in in blockchain has a cryptographic hash and timestamp added to the previousnetwork. block, as blockchain has a cryptographic hash and timestamp added to the previous block, shown in Figure 1. A block contains the Merkle tree block header and several transactions as shown in Figure 1. A blockmethod containsthat the Merkle treecomputer block header and and several transactions [19]. It is [19]. It is a secure networking combines science mathematics a secure networking method that combines computer science and mathematics to hide data and information from others that is called cryptography. It allows the data toto hide data and securely information from others that isnetwork, called cryptography. allows the dataforms to be transmitted be transmitted across the insecure in encryptedItand decrypted securely across the insecure network, in encrypted and decrypted forms [20,21]. [20,21]. Figure 1. The blockchain structure. Figure 1. The blockchain structure. As was already mentioned, the blockchain itself is the itself nameisfor datafor structure. As was already mentioned, the blockchain thethe name the data structure. All the written datawritten are divided intodivided blocks,into andblocks, each block a hash of alla the data All the data are and contains each block contains hash of all the data from the previous as part of its [22]. using a data structure is from theblock previous block as data part of its The dataaim [22].ofThe aimsuch of using such a data structure is to to achieve provable immutability. If a piece of is changed, block’sthe hash containing achieve provable immutability. If adata piece of data isthe changed, block’s hash containing this piece needs to be needs recalculated, and the hashes subsequent blocks also blocks need toalso be need to be this piece to be recalculated, and of theallhashes of all subsequent recalculatedrecalculated [23]. It means the hash latest block hasblock to behas used to used guarantee [23].only It means onlyof thethe hash of the latest to be to guarantee that that all the all data unchanged. In blockchain solutions, data data stored in blocks are are formed theremains data remains unchanged. In blockchain solutions, stored in blocks from all the validated transactions during creation, which means no can one can insert, formed from all the validated transactions during theirtheir creation, which means no one delete or alter transactions in already an already validated block without it being noticed [24]. The insert, delete or alter transactions in an validated block without it being noticed initial zero-block, called “genesis block,” usually contains some network [24]. The initial zero-block, called thethe “genesis block,” usually contains some network set-settings, for example, the initial set of validators (those who issue blocks). tings, for example, the initial set of validators (those who issue blocks). aretodeveloped be used in aenvironment. distributed environment. It is Blockchain Blockchain solutions aresolutions developed be used intoa distributed It is asthat nodes contain identical and form network a peer-to-peer network sumed that assumed nodes contain identical data and form data a peer-to-peer without a cen- without a central authority.algorithm A consensus algorithm is used to reach anon agreement on data blockchain data tral authority. A consensus is used to reach an agreement blockchain that is fault-tolerant in the presence of malicious actors. Such consensus is called that is fault-tolerant in the presence of malicious actors. Such consensus is called Byzan- Byzantine fault tolerance, named after the Byzantine Generals’ Problem [25]. Blockchain solutions use different Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) consensus algorithms: Those that are intended to be used in fully decentralized self-organizing networks, such as cryptocurrency platforms, Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 4 of 22 use algorithms such as proof-of-work or proof-of-stake, where validators are chosen by an algorithm so that it is economically profitable for them to act honestly [26]. When the network does not need to be self-organized, validators can be chosen at the network setup stage [27]. The point is that all validators execute all incoming transactions and agree on achieving results so that more than two-thirds of honest validators need to decide on the outcome. Public key cryptography is used mainly for two purposes: Firstly, all validators own their keypairs used to sign consensus messages, and, secondly, all incoming transactions (requests to modify blockchain data) have to be signed to determine the requester. Anonymity in a blockchain context relates to the fact that anyone wanting to use cryptocurrencies just needs to generate a random keypair and use it to control a wallet linked to a public key [28]. The blockchain solution guarantees that only the keypair owner can manage the funds in the wallet, and this property is verifiable [29,30]. As for online voting, ballots need to be accepted anonymously but only from eligible voters, so a blockchain by itself definitely cannot solve the issue of voter privacy. Smart contracts breathed new life into blockchain solutions. They stimulated the application of blockchain technology in efforts to improve numerous spheres. A smart contract itself is nothing more than a piece of logic written in code. Still, it can act as an unconditionally trusted third party in conjunction with the immutability provided by a blockchain data structure and distributed consensus [31]. Once written, it cannot be altered, and all the network participants verify all steps. The great thing about smart contracts is that anybody who can set up a blockchain node can verify its outcome. As is the case with any other technology, blockchain technology has its drawbacks. Unlike other distributed solutions, a blockchain is hard to scale: An increasing number of nodes does not improve network performance because, by definition, every node needs to execute all transactions, and this process is not shared among the nodes [32]. Moreover, increasing the number of validators impacts performance because it implies a more intensive exchange of messages during consensus. For the same reason, blockchain solutions are vulnerable to various denial-of-service attacks. If a blockchain allows anyone to publish smart contracts in a network, then the operation of the entire network can be disabled by simply putting an infinite loop in a smart contract. A network can also be attacked by merely sending a considerable number of transactions: At some point, the system will refuse to receive anything else. In cryptocurrency solutions, all transactions have an execution cost: the more resources a transaction utilizes, the more expensive it will be, and there is a cost threshold, with transactions exceeding the threshold being discarded. In private blockchain networks [33,34], this problem is solved depending on how the network is implemented via the exact mechanism of transaction cost, access control, or something more suited to the specific context. 2.1. Core Components of Blockchain Architecture These are the main architectural components of Blockchain as shown in Figure 2. • • • • • • Node: Users or computers in blockchain layout (every device has a different copy of a complete ledger from the blockchain); Transaction: It is the blockchain system’s smallest building block (records and details), which blockchain uses; Block: A block is a collection of data structures used to process transactions over the network distributed to all nodes. Chain: A series of blocks in a particular order; Miners: Correspondent nodes to validate the transaction and add that block into the blockchain system; Consensus: A collection of commands and organizations to carry out blockchain processes. Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 5 of 23 Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 5 of 23 • Consensus: A collection of commands and organizations to carry out blockchain pro- 5 of 22 cesses. • Consensus: A collection of commands and organizations to carry out blockchain processes. Figure 2. Core components of blockchain architecture. Figure2.2.Core Corecomponents componentsofofblockchain blockchainarchitecture. architecture. Figure 2.2. Critical Characteristics of Blockchain Architecture 2.2. Characteristics ofofBlockchain Architecture Blockchain architecture has many benefits for all sectors that incorporate blockchain. 2.2.Critical Critical Characteristics Blockchain Architecture Here are a variety of embedded characteristics as described Figure 3:that Blockchain architecture has many benefits for sectors Blockchain architecture has many benefits forall all sectors thatincorporate incorporateblockchain. blockchain. Here are a variety of embedded characteristics as described Figure 3:3: because of • Cryptography: Blockchain transactions are authenticated andFigure accurate Here are a variety of embedded characteristics as described computations and cryptographic evidence between the parties involved; •• Cryptography: Blockchain transactions are and Cryptography: Blockchain transactions areauthenticated authenticated andaccurate accuratebecause becauseofof • Immutability: Any blockchain documents cannot be changed or deleted; computations and cryptographic evidence between the parties involved; computations and cryptographic evidence between the parties involved; • Provenance: It refers to theblockchain fact that every transaction can be inoror the blockchain •• Immutability: Any documents cannot changed deleted; Immutability: Any blockchain documents cannot betracked changed deleted; ledger; •• Provenance: Provenance:ItItrefers referstotothe thefact factthat thatevery everytransaction transactioncan canbe betracked trackedininthe theblockchain blockchain • Decentralization: The entire distributed database may be accessible by all members ledger; ledger; Decentralization: The distributed database may be by of •the network. Aentire consensus algorithm allows control of the system, as • blockchain Decentralization: The entire distributed database may beaccessible accessible byall allmembers members the blockchain network. A consensus algorithm allows control of the system, shown of in core process; of the blockchain network. A consensus algorithm allows control of the system,asas shown • Anonymity: Ain blockchain network participant has generated an address rather than shown inthe thecore coreprocess; process; • Anonymity: A blockchain participant has generated anan address than a a user maintainsnetwork anonymity, especially ingenerated a blockchain publicrather sys• identification. Anonymity: AIt blockchain network participant has address rather than identification. It maintains anonymity, especially in a in blockchain public system; tem; user a user identification. It maintains anonymity, especially a blockchain public sys• Transparency: It means being unable to manipulate the blockchain network. It does • Transparency: It means being unable to manipulate the blockchain network. It does tem; not happen as immense it takes immense computational resources toblockchain erase the blockchain not•happen as it takes to erase the net- It does Transparency: It means computational being unable toresources manipulate the blockchain network. work. network. not happen as it takes immense computational resources to erase the blockchain network. Figure 3.Figure Characteristics of blockchain architecture. 3. Characteristics of blockchain architecture. Characteristics of blockchain architecture. 3.Figure How 3.Blockchain Can Transform the Electronic Voting System Blockchain technology fixed shortcomings in today’s method in elections made the polling mechanism clear and accessible, stopped illegal voting, strengthened the data protection, and checked the outcome of the polling. The implementation of the electronic voting method in blockchain is very significant [35]. However, electronic voting carries significant risks such as if an electronic voting system is compromised, all cast votes can probably be manipulated and misused. Electronic voting has thus not yet been adopted on Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 6 of 23 3. How Blockchain Can Transform the Electronic Voting System Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 Blockchain technology fixed shortcomings in today’s method in elections made the polling mechanism clear and accessible, stopped illegal voting, strengthened the data protection, and checked the outcome of the polling. The implementation of the electronic voting method in blockchain is very significant [35]. However, electronic voting carries sig- 6 of 22 nificant risks such as if an electronic voting system is compromised, all cast votes can probably be manipulated and misused. Electronic voting has thus not yet been adopted on a national scale, considering allall itsitspossible a national scale, considering possibleadvantages. advantages.Today, Today,there there is is aa viable viable solusolution to tion toovercome overcomethe therisks risksand andelectronic electronicvoting, voting,which whichisisblockchain blockchaintechnology. technology.In InFigure Figure4, one 4, onecan cansee seethe themain maindifference differencebetween betweenboth bothofof the systems. traditional voting sys- we the systems. InIn traditional voting systems, tems, have we have a central authority to cast a vote. If someone wants to modify or change the a central authority to cast a vote. If someone wants to modify or change the record, record, theycan cando doititquickly; quickly;no noone one knows knows how how to they to verify verify that thatrecord. record.One Onedoes doesnot nothave have the the central authority; not possible possible to tohack hackall allnodes central authority;the thedata dataare arestored storedin inmultiple multiple nodes. nodes. It It is is not nodesand andchange changethe thedata. data.Thus, Thus,in in this this way, way,one onecannot cannotdestroy destroythe thevotes votesand andefficiently efficientlyverify verifythe thevotes votesby bytally tallywith withother othernodes. nodes. 4. Traditional vs. blockchain system. FigureFigure 4. Traditional vs. blockchain votingvoting system. the technology is correctly, used correctly, the blockchain is a digital, decentralized, If the Iftechnology is used the blockchain is a digital, decentralized, en- encrypted, transparent ledger that can withstand manipulation and fraud. Because crypted, transparent ledger that can withstand manipulation and fraud. Because of theof the distributed structure the blockchain, a Bitcoin electronic system reduces the risks distributed structure of the of blockchain, a Bitcoin electronic votingvoting system reduces the risks involved with electronic voting and allows for a tamper-proof for the voting system. A involved with electronic voting and allows for a tamper-proof for the voting system. A blockchain-based electronic voting system requires a wholly distributed voting infrastrucblockchain-based electronic voting system requires a wholly distributed voting infrastructure. Electronic voting based on blockchain will only work where the online voting system ture. Electronic voting based on blockchain will only work where the online voting system is fully controlled by no single body, not even the government [36]. To sum-up, elections is fully controlled by no single body, not even the government [36]. To sum-up, elections can only be free and fair when there is a broad belief in the legitimacy of the power held can only be free and fair when there is a broad belief in the legitimacy of the power held by those in positions of authority. The literature review for this field of study and other by those in positions of authority. The literature review for this field of study and other related experiments may be seen as a good path for making voting more efficient in terms related experiments may be seen as a good path for making voting more efficient in terms of administration and participation. However, the idea of using blockchain offered a new of administration and participation. However, the idea of using blockchain offered a new model for electronic voting. model for electronic voting. 4. Problems and Solutions of Developing Online Voting Systems 4. Problems and Solutions of Developing Online Voting Systems Whether talking about traditional paper-based voting, voting via digital voting maWhether talking about traditional voting, need voting digital voting machines, or an online voting system,paper-based several conditions to via be satisfied: chines, or an online voting system, several conditions need to be satisfied: • Eligibility: Only legitimate voters should be able to take part in voting; • Eligibility: Only legitimate voters should be able to take part in voting; • Unreusability: Each voter can vote only once; • Unreusability: Each voter can vote only once; • Privacy: No one except the voter can obtain information about the voter’s choice; • Privacy: No oneNo except the obtain voter can obtain information about the voter’s choice; • Fairness: one can intermediate voting results; • Soundness: Invalid ballots should be detected and not taken into account during tallying; • Completeness: All valid ballots should be tallied correctly. Below is a brief overview of the solutions for satisfying these properties in online voting systems. Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 7 of 22 4.1. Eligibility The solution to the issue of eligibility is rather apparent. To take part in online voting, voters need to identify themselves using a recognized identification system. The identifiers of all legitimate voters need to be added to the list of participants. But there are threats: Firstly, all modifications made to the participation list need to be checked so that no illegitimate voters can be added, and secondly, the identification system should be both trusted and secure so that a voter’s account cannot be stolen or used by an intruder. Building such an identification system is a complex task in itself [37]. However, because this sort of system is necessary for a wide range of other contexts, especially related to digital government services, researchers believe it is best to use an existing identification system, and the question of creating one is beyond the scope of work. 4.2. Unreusability At first, glance, implementing unreusability may seem straightforward—when a voter casts their vote, all that needs to be done is to place a mark in the participation list and not allow them to vote a second time. But privacy needs to be taken into consideration; thus, providing both unreusability and voter anonymity is tricky. Moreover, it may be necessary to allow the voter to re-vote, making the task even more complex [38]. A brief overview of unreusability techniques will be provided below in conjunction with the outline on implementing privacy. 4.3. Privacy Privacy in the context of online voting means that no one except the voter knows how a participant has voted. Achieving this property mainly relies on one (or more) of the following techniques: blind signatures, homomorphic encryption, and mix-networks [39]. Blind signature is a method of signing data when the signer does not know what they are signing. It is achieved by using a blinding function so that blinding and signing functions are commutative–Blind(Sign(message)) = Sign(Blind(message)). The requester blinds (applies blinding function to) their message and sends it for signing. After obtaining a signature for a blinded message, they use their knowledge of blinding parameters to derive a signature for an unblinded message. Blind signatures mathematically prevent anyone except the requester from linking a blinded message and a corresponding signature pair with an unblinded one [40]. The voting scheme proposed by Fujioka, Okamoto, and Ohta in 1992 [41] uses a blind signature: An eligible voter blinds his ballot and sends it to the validator. The validator verifies that the voter is allowed to participate, signs the blinded ballot, and returns it to the voter. The voter then derives a signature for the unblinded vote and sends it to the tallier, and the tallier verifies the validator’s signature before accepting the ballot. Many online voting protocols have evolved from this scheme, improving usability (in the original method, the voter had to wait till the end of the election and send a ballot decryption key), allowing re-voting, or implementing coercion resistance. The main threat here is the power of the signer: There must be a verifiable log of all emitted signatures; this information logically corresponds to the receiving of a ballot by the voter, so it should be verified that only eligible voters receive signatures from the signer [42]. It should also be verifiable that accounts of voters who are permitted to vote but have not taken part in voting are not utilized by an intruder. To truly break the link between voter and ballot, the ballot and the signature need to be sent through an anonymous channel [43]. Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption that allows mathematical operations to be performed on encrypted data without decryption, for example, the addition Enc(a) + Enc(b) = Enc(a + b); or multiplication Enc(a) × Enc(b) = Enc(a × b). In the context of online voting, additive homomorphic encryption allows us to calculate the sum of all the voters’ choices before decryption. It is worth mentioning here that multiplicative homomorphic encryption can generally be used as an additive. For example, if we have choices x and y and multiplicative Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 8 of 22 homomorphic encryption, we can select a value g and encrypt exponentiation: Enc(gx) × Enc(gy) = Enc(g(x + y)). Homomorphic encryption can be used to obtain various properties necessary in an online voting system; with regards to privacy, it is used so that only the sum of all the choices is decrypted, and never each voter’s choice by itself. Using homomorphic encryption for privacy implies that decryption is performed by several authorities so that no one can obtain the decryption key; otherwise, privacy will be violated [44]. It is usually implemented with a threshold decryption scheme. For instance, let us say that we have n authorities. To decrypt a result, we need t of them, t <= n. The protocol assumes that each authority applies its vital part to the sum of the encrypted choices. After t authorities perform this operation, we get the decrypted total sum of choices. In contrast to the blind signature scheme, no anonymous channel between voters and the system is needed. Still, privacy relies on trust in the authorities: If a malicious agreement is reached, all voters can be deanonymized. Mix-networks also rely on the distribution of the trust, but in another way. The idea behind a mix-network is that voters’ choices go through several mix-servers that shuffle them and perform an action–either decryption or re-encryption, depending on the mixnetwork type. In a decryption mix network, each mixing server has its key, and the voter encrypts their choice like an onion so that each server will unwrap its layer of decryption. In re-encryption mix-networks, each mix server re-encrypts the voters’ choices. There are many mix-network proposals, and reviewing all their properties is beyond the scope of this paper. The main point regarding privacy here is that, in theory, if at least one mix-server performs an honest shuffle, privacy is preserved. It is slightly different from privacy based on homomorphic encryption, where we make assumptions about the number of malicious authorities. In addition, the idea behind mix-networks can be used to build anonymous channels required by other techniques [45]. 4.4. Fairness Fairness in terms of no one obtaining intermediate results is achieved straightforwardly: Voters encrypt their choices before sending, and those choices are decrypted at the end of the voting process. The critical thing to remember here is that if someone owns a decryption key with access to encrypted decisions, they can obtain intermediate results. This problem is solved by distributing the key among several keyholders [41]. A system where all the key holders are required for decryption is unreliable—if one of the key holders does not participate, decryption cannot be performed. Therefore, threshold schemes are used whereby a specific number of key holders are required to perform decryption. There are two main approaches for distributing the key: secret sharing, where a trusted dealer divides the generated key into parts and distributes them among key holders (e.g., Shamir’s Secret Sharing protocol); and distributed key generation, where no trusted dealer is needed, and all parties contribute to the calculation of the key (for example, Pedersen’s Distributed Key Generation protocol). 4.5. Soundness and Completeness On the face of it, the completeness and soundness properties seem relatively straightforward, but realizing them can be problematic depending on the protocol. If ballots are decrypted one by one, it is easy to distinguish between valid and invalid ones, but things become more complicated when it comes to homomorphic encryption. As a single ballot is never decrypted, the decryption result will not show if more than one option was chosen or if the poll was formed so that it was treated as ten choices (or a million) at once. Thus, we need to prove that the encrypted data meets the properties of a valid ballot without compromising any information that can help determine how the vote was cast. This task is solved by zero-knowledge proof [46]. By definition, this is a cryptographic method of proving a statement about the value without disclosing the value itself. More specifically, range proofs demonstrate that a specific value belongs to a particular set in such cases. Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 9 of 22 The properties described above are the bare minimum for any voting solution. But all the technologies mentioned above are useless if there is no trust in the system itself. A voting system needs to be fully verifiable to earn this trust, i.e., everyone involved can ensure that the system complies with the stated properties. Ensuring verifiability can be split into two tasks: personal, when the voter can verify that their ballot is correctly recorded and tallied; and universal, when everyone can prove that the system as a whole works precisely [47]. This entails the inputs and outputs of the voting protocol stages being published and proof of correct execution. For example, mix-networks rely on proof of correct shuffling (a type of zero-knowledge proof), while proof of correct decryption is also used in mix-networks and threshold decryption. The more processes that are open to public scrutiny, the more verifiable the system is. However, online voting makes extensive use of cryptography, and the more complex the cryptography, the more obscure it is for most system users [48]. It may take a considerable amount of time to study the protocol and even more to identify any vulnerabilities or backdoors, and even if the entire system is carefully researched, there is no guarantee that the same code is used in real-time. Last but not least are problems associated with coercion and vote-buying. Online voting brings these problems to the next level: As ballots are cast remotely from an uncontrolled environment, coercers and vote buyers can operate on a large scale [49]. That is why one of the desired properties of an online voting system is coercion resistance. It is called resistance because nothing can stop the coercer from standing behind the voter and controlling its actions. The point here is to do as much as possible to lower the risk of mass interference. Both kinds of malefactors—coercers and vote buyers—demand proof of how a voter voted. That is why many types of coercion resistance voting schemes introduce the concept of receipt-freeness. The voter cannot create a receipt that proves how they voted. The approaches to implementing receipt-freeness generally rely on a trusted party—either a system or device that hides the unique parameters used to form a ballot from the voter, so the voter cannot prove that a particular ballot belongs to them [50]. The reverse side of this approach is that if a voter claims that their vote is recorded or tallied incorrectly, they simply cannot prove it due to a lack of evidence. An overview of technologies used to meet the necessary properties of online voting systems and analysis deliberately considered the properties separately [51]. When it comes to assembling the whole protocol, most solutions introduce a trade-off. For example, as noted for the blind signature, there is a risk that non-eligible voters will vote, receipt-freeness contradicts verifiability, a more complex protocol can dramatically reduce usability, etc. Furthermore, the fundamental principles of developing the solution, but many additional aspects must be considered in a real-world system like security and reliability of the communication protocols, system deployment procedure, access to system components [52]. At present, no protocol satisfies all the desired properties and, therefore, no 100% truly robust online voting system exists. 5. Security Requirements for Voting System Suitable electronic voting systems should meet the following electronic voting requirements. Figure 5 shows the main security requirements for electronic voting systems. 5.1. Anonymity Throughout the polling process, the voting turnout must be secured from external interpretation. Any correlation between registered votes and voter identities inside the electoral structure shall be unknown [20,53]. 2021, 21, 5874 10 of 23 5. Security Requirements for Voting System Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 10 of 22 Suitable electronic voting systems should meet the following electronic voting requirements. Figure 5 shows the main security requirements for electronic voting systems. Anonymity Recoverabilit y and Identification Accessibilit y and Reassuran ce Auditabilit y and Accuracy Democrac y/Singulari ty Availability and Mobility Security Transparenc y and Fairness Verifiable participation / Authenticity Vote-Privacy Robustness and Integrity Voters Verifiability Figure 5. Security requirements forrequirements electronic voting system. voting system. Figure 5. Security for electronic 5.1. Anonymity 5.2. Auditability and Accuracy Accuracy, also called demands the declared Throughout the polling process, thecorrectness, voting turnout must that be secured from results externalcorrespond preto the election results. It means votes that nobody can identities change theinside votingthe of other citizens, interpretation. cisely Any correlation between registered and voter that the final tally includes all legitimate votes [54], and that there is no definitive tally of electoral structure shall be unknown [20,53]. invalid ballots. 5.2. Auditability and Accuracy 5.3. Democracy/Singularity Accuracy, also A called correctness, demands that the declared results correspond “democratic” system is defined if only eligible voters can vote,preand only a single cisely to the election results. It means that nobody can change the voting of other citizens, vote can be cast for each registered voter [55]. Another function is that no one else should that the final tally includes all legitimate votes [54], and that there is no definitive tally of be able to duplicate the vote. invalid ballots. 5.4. Vote Privacy 5.3. Democracy/Singularity After the vote is cast, no one should be in a position to attach the identity of a voter A “democratic” is defined secrecy if only eligible voters can and only awhich singlemeans that the with itssystem vote. Computer is a fragile type of vote, confidentiality, vote can be castvoting for each registered remains voter [55]. Another is thatperiod no oneaselse should relationship hidden forfunction an extended long as the current rate be able to duplicate the vote. continues to change with computer power and new techniques [56,57]. 5.4. Vote Privacy5.5. Robustness and Integrity This condition meansbe that reasonably large group of electors or representatives After the vote is cast, no one should in a position to attach the identity of a voter cannot disrupt the election. It ensures that registered voters will abstain without problems with its vote. Computer secrecy is a fragile type of confidentiality, which means that the or encourage others to cast their legitimate votes for themselves. The corruption of citizens voting relationship remains hidden for an extended period as long as the current rate conand officials is prohibited from denying an election result by arguing that some other tinues to change with computer power and new techniques [56,57]. member has not performed their portion correctly [58]. 5.5. Robustness and Integrity 5.6. Lack of Evidence This condition means that a reasonably large group of electors or representatives canWhile anonymous privacy ensures electoral fraud safeguards, no method can be not disrupt the election. It ensures that registered voters will abstain without problems or assured that votes are placed under bribery or election rigging in any way. This question encourage others to cast their legitimate votes for themselves. The corruption of citizens has its root from the start [59]. and officials is prohibited from denying an election result by arguing that some other member has not performed theirand portion correctly [58]. 5.7. Transparency Fairness It means that before the count is released, no one can find out the details. It avoids acts such as manipulating late voters’ decisions by issuing a prediction or offering a significant yet unfair benefit to certain persons or groups as to be the first to know [60]. Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 11 of 22 5.8. Availability and Mobility During the voting period, voting systems should always be available. Voting systems should not limit the place of the vote. 5.9. Verifiable Participation/Authenticity The criterion also referred to as desirability [61] makes it possible to assess whether or not a single voter engaged in the election [62]. This condition must be fulfilled where voting by voters becomes compulsory under the constitution (as is the case in some countries such as Australia, Germany, Greece) or in a social context, where abstention is deemed to be a disrespectful gesture (such as the small and medium-sized elections for a delegated corporate board). 5.10. Accessibility and Reassurance To ensure that everyone who wants to vote has the opportunity to avail the correct polling station and that polling station must be open and accessible for the voter. Only qualified voters should be allowed to vote, and all ballots must be accurately tallied to guarantee that elections are genuine [63]. 5.11. Recoverability and Identification Voting systems can track and restore voting information to prevent errors, delays, and attacks. 5.12. Voters Verifiability Verifiability means that processes exist for election auditing to ensure that it is done correctly. Three separate segments are possible for this purpose: (a) uniform verification or public verification [64] that implies that anybody such as voters, governments, and external auditors can test the election after the declaration of the tally; (b) transparent verifiability against a poll [65], which is a weaker prerequisite for each voter to verify whether their vote has been taken into account properly. 6. Electronic Voting on Blockchain This section provides some background information on electronic voting methods. Electronic voting is a voting technique in which votes are recorded or counted using electronic equipment. Electronic voting is usually defined as voting that is supported by some electronic hardware and software. Such regularities should be competent in supporting/implementing various functions, ranging from election setup through vote storage. Kiosks at election offices, laptops, and, more recently, mobile devices are all examples of system types. Voter registration, authentication, voting, and tallying must be incorporated in the electronic voting systems Figure 6. One of the areas where blockchain may have a significant impact is electronic voting. The level of risk is so great that electronic voting alone is not a viable option. If an electronic voting system is hacked, the consequences will be far-reaching. Because a blockchain network is entire, centralized, open, and consensus-driven, the design of a blockchain-based network guarantees that fraud is not theoretically possible until adequately implemented [66]. As a result, the blockchain’s unique characteristics must be taken into account. There is nothing inherent about blockchain technology that prevents it from being used to any other kind of cryptocurrency. The idea of utilizing blockchain technology to create a tamper-resistant electronic/online voting network is gaining momentum [67]. End users would not notice a significant difference between a blockchain-based voting system and a traditional electronic voting system. Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 12 of 23 12 of 22 Figure 6. Blockchain voting systems architectural overview. Figure 6. Blockchain voting systems architectural overview. On the other hand, voting on the blockchain will be an encrypted piece of data that is fully open and publicly stored on a distributed blockchain network rather than a single One of the areas where blockchain may have a significant impact is electronic voting. server. A consensus process on a blockchain mechanism validates each encrypted vote, The level of risk is so great that electronic voting alone is not a viable option. If an elecand the public records each vote on distributed copies of the blockchain ledger [68]. The tronic voting system is hacked, the consequences will be far-reaching. Because a blockgovernment will observe how votes were cast and recorded, but this information will not chain network to is entire, open, andsystem consensus-driven, the and design of a blockbe restricted policy. centralized, The blockchain voting is decentralized completely open, chain-based network guarantees that fraud is not theoretically possible until adequately yet it ensures that voters are protected. This implies that anybody may count the votes with implemented As a result, unique must be taken into blockchain [66]. electronic voting,the butblockchain’s no one knows who characteristics voted to whom. Standard electronic account. There is nothing inherent about blockchain technology that prevents it from bevoting and blockchain-based electronic voting apply to categorically distinct organizational ingideas. used to any other kind of cryptocurrency. The idea of utilizing blockchain technology to create a tamper-resistant electronic/online voting network is gaining momentum [67]. End would not notice a significant between a blockchain-based voting 7. users Current Blockchain-Based Electronicdifference Voting Systems system The and following a traditional electronic voting system. founded but mainly formed over the last businesses and organizations, On the other hand, voting on the blockchain be aanstrong encrypted of data that five years, are developing the voting sector. Allwill share visionpiece for the blockchain is fully open and publicly stored on a distributed blockchain network rather than a single network to put transparency into practice. Table 1 shows the different online platforms, server. consensusand process on a blockchain eachCurrently encryptedavailable vote, theirAconsensus, the technology used mechanism to develop validates the system. and the public records each vote on distributed copies of the blockchain ledger [68]. blockchain-based voting systems have scalability issues. These systems can beThe used government observe votes were are castnot andefficient recorded, this information not on a smallwill scale. Still,how their systems forbut the national level will to handle be millions restricted policy. The blockchain voting system is decentralized andsuch completely of to transactions because they use current blockchain frameworks as Bitcoin, open, yet it ensures that voters areetc. protected. anybodyanalysis may count the Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, In TableThis 2 weimplies presentthat scalability of famous votes with blockchain electronic voting, but no one knows who voted to whom. Standard blockchain platforms. The scalability issue arises with blockchain value suggestions; electronic voting andblockchain blockchain-based to categorically distinct therefore, altering settingselectronic cannot bevoting easily apply increased. To scale a blockchain, organizational ideas. it is insufficient to increase the block size or lower the block time by lowering the hash complexity. By each approach, the scaling capability hits a limit before it can achieve 7. Current Blockchain-Based Voting Systems such as Visa, which manages an the transactions needed toElectronic compete with companies average of 150 million transactions per day. Research released by Tataformed Communications The following businesses and organizations, founded but mainly over the in 2018 has shown that 44% of the companies used blockchain in their survey refers last five years, are developing the voting sector. All share a strong vision for theand blockto general issues arising from the use of new technology. The unresolved scalability issue chain network to put transparency into practice. Table 1 shows the different online platemerges a barrier from an architectural standpoint to blockchain adoption andavailapractical forms, theiras consensus, and the technology used to develop the system. Currently implementations. As Deloitte Insights puts it, “blockchain-based systems are comparatively ble blockchain-based voting systems have scalability issues. These systems can be used Blockchain’s transaction is afor major enterprises depend on slow. a small scale. Still, sluggish their systems are notspeed efficient the concern nationalfor level to handlethat millions on high-performance legacy transaction processing systems.” In 2017 and 2018, the public of transactions because they use current blockchain frameworks such as Bitcoin, attained an idea of issues with scalability: significant delays and excessive charging Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, etc. In Table 2 we present scalability analysis of famousfor the Bitcoin network and infamousissue Cryptokitties application that clogged the Ethereum blockchain platforms. Thethe scalability arises with blockchain value suggestions; blockchain network (a network that thousands of decentralized applications rely on). Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 Table 1. Comparison of current blockchain-based electronic voting systems. Online Voting Platforms Follow My Vote Voatz Framework Language Cryptographic Algorithm Consensus Protocol Main Fe (Online Blockchai Audit Anonymity Verifiability by Voter Integrity Bitcoin C++/Python ECC PoW X X X X Go/JavaScript AES/GCM PBFT X X X X Luxoft Hyperledger Fabric Private/local Blockchains Hyperledger Fabric Polys Ethereum Solidity Agora Bitcoin Python Polyas NP ECC PET X X X X Go/JavaScript ECC/ElGamal Shamir’s Secret Sharing ElGamal PBFT X X X X PoW X X X X BFT-r X X X X Table 2. Scalability analysis of famous blockchain platforms. Framework Year Release Generation Time Hash Rate Transactions Per Sec Cryptographic Algorithm Bitcoin 2008 9.7 min 899.624 Th/s 4.6 max 7 ECDSA Ethereum Hyperledger Fabric Litecoin Ripple Dogecoin Peercoin 2015 10 to 19 s 168.59 Th/s 15 ECDSA High (around 165,496,835,118) High (around 10,382,102) Mining Difficulty 2015 10 ms NA 3500 ECC No mining required 2011 2012 2013 2012 2.5 min 3.5 s 1 min 10 min 1.307 Th/s NA 1.4 Th/s 693.098 Th/s 56 1500 33 8 Scrypt RPCA Scrypt Hybrid Low 55,067 No mining required Low 21,462 Moderate (476,560,083) Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 14 of 22 7.1. Follow My Vote It is a company that has a secure online voting platform cantered on the blockchain with polling box audit ability to see real-time democratic development [69]. This platform enables the voters to cast their votes remotely and safely and vote for their ideal candidate. It can then use their identification to open the ballot box literally and locate their ballot and check that both that it is correct and that the election results have been proven to be accurate mathematically. 7.2. Voatz This company established a smartphone-based voting system on blockchain to vote remotely and anonymously and verify that the vote was counted correctly [70]. Voters confirm their applicants and themselves on the application and give proof by an image and their identification to include biometric confirmation that either a distinctive signature such as fingerprints or retinal scans. 7.3. Polyas It was founded in Finland in 1996. The company employs blockchain technology to provide the public and private sectors with an electronic voting system [71]. Polyas has been accredited as secure enough by the German Federal Office for Information Security for electronic voting applications in 2016. Many significant companies throughout Germany use Polyas to perform electronic voting systems. Polyas now has customers throughout the United States and Europe. 7.4. Luxoft The first customized blockchain electronic voting system used by a significant industry was developed by the global I.T. service provider Luxoft Harding, Inc., in partnership with the City of Zug and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences of Switzerland [72]. To drive government adoption of blockchain-based services, Luxoft announces its commitment to open source this platform and establishes a Government Alliance Blockchain to promote blockchain use in public institutions. 7.5. Polys Polys is a blockchain-based online voting platform and backed with transparent crypto algorithms. Kaspersky Lab powers them. Polys supports the organization of polls by student councils, unions, and associations and helps them spread electoral information to the students [73]. Online elections with Polys lead to productivity in a community, improve contact with group leaders, and attract new supporters [74]. Polys aims to reduce time and money for local authorities, state governments, and other organizations by helping them to focus on collecting and preparing proposals. 7.6. Agora It is a group that has introduced a blockchain digital voting platform. It was established in 2015 and partially implemented in the presidential election in Sierra Leone in March 2018. Agora’s architecture is built on several technological innovations: a custom blockchain, unique participatory security, and a legitimate consensus mechanism [75]. The vote is the native token in Agora’s ecosystem. It encourages citizens and chosen bodies, serving as writers of elections worldwide to commit to a secure and transparent electoral process. The vote is the Agora ecosystem’s universal token. 8. Related Literature Review Several articles have been published in the recent era that highlighted the security and privacy issues of blockchain-based electronic voting systems. Reflects the comparison of selected electronic voting schemes based on blockchain. Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 15 of 22 The open vote network (OVN) was presented by [76], which is the first deployment of a transparent and self-tallying internet voting protocol with total user privacy by using Ethereum. In OVN, the voting size was limited to 50–60 electors by the framework. The OVN is unable to stop fraudulent miners from corrupting the system. A fraudulent voter may also circumvent the voting process by sending an invalid vote. The protocol does nothing to guarantee the resistance to violence, and the electoral administrator wants to trust [77,78]. Furthermore, since solidity does not support elliptic curve cryptography, they used an external library to do the computation [79]. After the library was added, the voting contract became too big to be stored on the blockchain. Since it has occurred throughout the history of the Bitcoin network, OVN is susceptible to a denial-of-service attack [80]. Table 3 shows the main comparison of selected electronic voting schemes based on blockchain. Lai et al. [81] suggested a decentralized anonymous transparent electronic voting system (DATE) requiring a minimal degree of confidence between participants. They think that for large-scale electronic elections, the current DATE voting method is appropriate. Unfortunately, their proposed system is not strong enough to secure from DoS attacks because there was no third-party authority on the scheme responsible for auditing the vote after the election process. This system is suitable only for small scales because of the limitation of the platform [8]. Although using Ring Signature keeps the privacy of individual voters, it is hard to manage and coordinate several signer entities. They also use PoW consensus, which has significant drawbacks such as energy consumption: the “supercomputers” of miners monitor a million computations a second, which is happening worldwide. Because this arrangement requires high computational power, it is expensive and energy-consuming. Shahzad et al. [2] proposed the BSJC proof of completeness as a reliable electronic voting method. They used a process model to describe the whole system’s structure. On a smaller scale, it also attempted to address anonymity, privacy, and security problems in the election. However, many additional problems have been highlighted. The proof of labor, for example, is a mathematically vast and challenging job that requires a tremendous amount of energy to complete. Another problem is the participation of a third party since there is a significant risk of data tampering, leakage, and unfair tabulated results, all of which may impact end-to-end verification. On a large scale, generating and sealing the block may cause the polling process to be delayed [8]. Gao et al. [8] has suggested a blockchain-based anti-quantum electronic voting protocol with an audit function. They have also made modifications to the code-based Niederreiter algorithm to make it more resistant to quantum assaults. The Key Generation Center (KGC) is a certificateless cryptosystem that serves as a regulator. It not only recognizes the voter’s anonymity but also facilitates the audit’s functioning. However, an examination of their system reveals that, even if the number of voters is modest, the security and efficiency benefits are substantial for a small-scale election. If the number is high, some of the efficiency is reduced to provide better security [82]. Yi [83] presented the blockchain-based electronic voting Scheme (BES) that offered methods for improving electronic voting security in the peer-to-peer network using blockchain technology. A BES is based on the distributed ledger (DLT) may be employed to avoid vote falsification. The system was tested and designed on Linux systems in a P2P network. In this technique, counter-measurement assaults constitute a significant issue. This method necessitates the involvement of responsible third parties and is not well suited to centralized usage in a system with many agents. A distributed process, i.e., the utilization of secure multipart computers, may address the problem. However, in this situation, computing expenses are more significant and maybe prohibitive if the calculation function is complex and there are too many participants. [84,85]. Acc Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 Table 3. Comparison of selected electronic voting schemes based on blockchain. Authors Voting Scheme BC Type Consensus Algorithm Framework Shahzad and Crowcroft [2] BSJC Private PoW Cryptographic Algorithm Hashing Algorithm Bitcoin Not specified SHA-256 Double SHA-256 Gao, Zheng [8] Anti-Quantum Public PBFT Bitcoin Certificateless Traceable Ring Signature, Code-Based, ECC McCorry, Shahandashti [76] OVN Public 2 Round-zero Knowledge Proof Ethereum ECC Not specified Lai, Hsieh [81] DATE Public PoW Ethereum Yi [83] Khan, K.M. [86] BES BEA Public Private/Public PoW PoW Bitcoin Multichain Ring Signature, ECC, Diffie-Hellman ECC Not specified SHA-256 Not specified Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 SHA-3 17 of 22 Khan, K.M. [86] has proposed block-based e-voting architecture (BEA) that conducted strict experimentation with permissioned and permissionless blockchain architectures through different scenarios involving voting population, block size, block generation rate, and block transaction speed. Their experiments also uncovered fascinating findings of how these parameters influence the overall scalability and reliability of the electronic voting model, including interchanges between different parameters and protection and performance measures inside the organization alone. In their scheme, the electoral process requires the generation of voter addresses and candidate addresses. These addresses are then used to cast votes from voters to candidates. The mining group updates the ledger of the main blockchain to keep track of votes cast and the status of the vote. The voting status remains unconfirmed until a miner updates the main ledger. The vote is then cast using the voting machine at the polling station. However, in this model, there are some flaws found. There is no regulatory authority to restrict invalid voters from casting a vote, and it is not secure from quantum attach. Their model is not accurate and did not care about voter’s integrity. Moreover, their scheme using Distributed consensus in which testimonies (data and facts) can be organized into cartels because fewer people keep the network active, a “51%” attack becomes easier to organize. This attack is potentially more concentrated and did not discuss scalability and delays in electronic voting, which are the main concerns about the blockchain voting system. They have used the Multichain framework, a private blockchain derived from Bitcoin, which is unsuitable for the nationwide voting process. As the authors mentioned, their system is efficient for small and medium-sized voting environments only. 9. Discussion and Future Work Many issues with electronic voting can be solved using blockchain technology, which makes electronic voting more cost-effective, pleasant, and safe than any other network. Over time, research has highlighted specific problems, such as the need for further work on blockchain-based electronic voting and that blockchain-based electronic voting schemes have significant technical challenges. 9.1. Scalability and Processing Overheads For a small number of users, blockchain works well. However, when the network is utilized for large-scale elections, the number of users increases, resulting in a higher cost and time consumption for consuming the transaction. Scalability problems are exacerbated by the growing number of nodes in the blockchain network. In the election situation, the system’s scalability is already a significant issue [87]. An electronic voting integration will further impact the system’s scalability based on blockchain [88,89]. Table 3 elucidates different metrics or properties inherent to all blockchain frameworks and presents a comparative analysis of some blockchain-based platforms such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Litecoin, Ripple, Dogecoin, Peercoin, etc. One way to enhance blockchain scaling would be to parallelize them, which is called sharding. In a conventional blockchain network, transactions and blocks are verified by all the participating nodes. In order to enable high concurrency in data, the data should be horizontally partitioned into parts, each known as a shard. 9.2. User Identity As a username, blockchain utilizes pseudonyms. This strategy does not provide complete privacy and secrecy. Because the transactions are public, the user’s identity may be discovered by examining and analyzing them. The blockchain’s functionality is not well suited to national elections [90]. 9.3. Transactional Privacy In blockchain technology, transactional anonymity and privacy are difficult to accomplish [91]. However, transactional secrecy and anonymity are required in an election Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 18 of 22 system due to the presence of the transactions involved. For this purpose, a third-party authority required but not centralized, this third-party authority should check and balance on privacy. 9.4. Energy Efficiency Blockchain incorporates energy-intensive processes such as protocols, consensus, peerto-peer communication, and asymmetrical encryption. Appropriate energy-efficient consensus methods are a need for blockchain-based electronic voting. Researchers suggested modifications to current peer-to-peer protocols to make them more energy-efficient [92,93]. 9.5. Immatureness Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that symbolizes a complete shift to a decentralized network. It has the potential to revolutionize businesses in terms of strategy, structure, processes, and culture. The current implementation of blockchain is not without flaws. The technology is presently useless, and there is little public or professional understanding about it, making it impossible to evaluate its future potential. All present technical issues in blockchain adoption are usually caused by the technology’s immaturity [94]. 9.6. Acceptableness While blockchain excels at delivering accuracy and security, people’s confidence and trust are critical components of effective blockchain electronic voting [95]. The intricacy of blockchain may make it difficult for people to accept blockchain-based electronic voting, and it can be a significant barrier to ultimately adopting blockchain-based electronic voting in general public acceptance [96]. A big marketing campaign needed for this purpose to provide awareness to people about the benefits of blockchain voting systems, so that it will be easy for them to accept this new technology. 9.7. Political Leaders’ Resistance Central authorities, such as election authorities and government agencies, will be shifted away from electronic voting based on blockchain. As a result, political leaders who have profited from the existing election process are likely to oppose the technology because blockchain will empower social resistance through decentralized autonomous organizations [97]. 10. Conclusions The goal of this research is to analyze and evaluate current research on blockchainbased electronic voting systems. The article discusses recent electronic voting research using blockchain technology. The blockchain concept and its uses are presented first, followed by existing electronic voting systems. Then, a set of deficiencies in existing electronic voting systems are identified and addressed. The blockchain’s potential is fundamental to enhance electronic voting, current solutions for blockchain-based electronic voting, and possible research paths on blockchain-based electronic voting systems. Numerous experts believe that blockchain may be a good fit for a decentralized electronic voting system. Furthermore, all voters and impartial observers may see the voting records kept in these suggested systems. On the other hand, researchers discovered that most publications on blockchain-based electronic voting identified and addressed similar issues. There have been many study gaps in electronic voting that need to be addressed in future studies. Scalability attacks, lack of transparency, reliance on untrustworthy systems, and resistance to compulsion are all potential drawbacks that must be addressed. As further research is required, we are not entirely aware of all the risks connected with the security and scalability of blockchain-based electronic voting systems. Adopting blockchain voting methods may expose users to unforeseen security risks and flaws. Blockchain technologies require a more sophisticated software architecture as well as managerial expertise. The above-mentioned crucial concerns should be addressed in more depth during actual voting Sensors 2021, 21, 5874 19 of 22 procedures, based on experience. As a result, electronic voting systems should initially be implemented in limited pilot areas before being expanded. Many security flaws still exist in the internet and polling machines. Electronic voting over a secure and dependable internet will need substantial security improvements. Despite its appearance as an ideal solution, the blockchain system could not wholly address the voting system’s issues due to these flaws. This research revealed that blockchain systems raised difficulties that needed to be addressed and that there are still many technical challenges. That is why it is crucial to understand that blockchain-based technology is still in its infancy as an electronic voting option. Author Contributions: Conceptualization, U.J., M.J.A.A. and Z.S.; methodology, U.J., M.J.A.A. and Z.S.; formal analysis, U.J., M.J.A.A. and Z.S.; writing—original draft preparation, U.J. and M.J.A.A.; writing—review and editing, U.J.; supervision, M.J.A.A. and Z.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding. Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: Not applicable. Acknowledgments: This research was funded by the Malaysia Ministry of Education (FRGS/1/2019/ ICT01/UKM/01/2) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PP-FTSM-2021) Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Liu, Y.; Wang, Q. An E-voting Protocol Based on Blockchain. IACR Cryptol. Eprint Arch. 2017, 2017, 1043. Shahzad, B.; Crowcroft, J. Trustworthy Electronic Voting Using Adjusted Blockchain Technology. IEEE Access 2019, 7, 24477–24488. [CrossRef] Racsko, P. Blockchain and Democracy. Soc. Econ. 2019, 41, 353–369. [CrossRef] Yaga, D.; Mell, P.; Roby, N.; Scarfone, K. Blockchain technology overview. arXiv 2019, arXiv:1906.11078. The Economist. EIU Democracy Index. 2017. Available online: https://infographics.economist.com/2018/DemocracyIndex/ (accessed on 18 January 2020). Cullen, R.; Houghton, C. Democracy online: An assessment of New Zealand government web sites. Gov. Inf. 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[CrossRef] Recent Progress in Blockchain in Public Finance and Taxation Behraj Khan Tahir Syed National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan behraj.khan@nu.edu.pk National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences & FidelAI tahir@fidelai.com However, after the understanding of core idea behind blockchain, the successful acceptance of Bitcoin as one of top cryptocurrency [2], and the reliability attributes such as privacy, security and scalability it offers, almost all major public as well as private sectors of the world jumped in to explore ways in which blockchain technology would assistant existing financial institutions. This attraction of larger financial institutions towards blockchain based systems made it one of emerging research area for computer scientists in following years. As the work it this area started, the blockchain technology was found facing various challenges including those related to latency, bandwidth and size ,wasted resources, security, ,throughput, versioning and usability , hark folks and multiple chains [3]. Consequently, a research gap is still there to look for resolution of existing issues in block-chaining. Besides, the internal architecture of blockchain requires further work for generalization and customization so that advantages of this concept can be incorporated in all financial areas of public as well as private financial institutions. Abstract—Blockchain technology is an open-source decentralized (peer-to-peer) transaction model with offers transparency among participants without third party validation. It is impacting any traditional industries. This paper reviews its potential in the public financial sector along with its technical challenges and limitations. We also raise and identify potential questions in the current trend, challenges and future directions for Blockchain technology pertaining to its application to national taxation. The work also includes core components and underlying infrastructure to address its associated challenges. Index Terms—Blockchain, Public Finance, Taxation, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin I. I NTRODUCTION Financial systems throughout the world have some things in common: activities termed as transactions, entities involved in such transactions and the recording of transactions in a database or ledger. Here the role of a central authority becomes significant to facilitate such transactions and manage the record of those transactions in reliable manner. However, the emergence of the blockchain as the automated mechanism of handling and recording transactions have redefined the ordinary financial accounting mechanism in such a way that no any central authority is required anymore. This is being seen as a good solution having no any risks associated with existence of a central authority. In addition, blockchain is admired to be a good solution having fast pace, secure method of transactions and cryptographic redundancy of the database. Blockchain is defined as peer-to-peer (distributed) digital ledger of transactions based upon the principles of cryptography (Public Key Infrastructure and hashing functions). It facilitates the recording of real-time transactions (called as blocks), incurred among authorized participants over a certain blockchain network without involving any centralized 3rd party. The mechanism completely relies upon the availability of real-time access with the help of the Internet. This work presents the consolidated review of all studies made under the subject area of our research questions for last six years. It categorizes papers according to different parameters and presents the summary of work in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. The concept of blockchain technology emerged in year 2008 as the underlying part of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency introduced b an author nicknamed Satoshi Nakamoto [1]. In its initial days, it was considered part of a cryptocurrency system. II. D ISCOVERING WHAT SCIENTIFIC PROBLEMS EXIST THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS The formulation process of our research questions was repeating process. We started with general questions. However, we modified them afterwards to make ourselves more specific with the domain of this study. Thus, we finally formulated four research questions (RQ), each one of them is given as under: • RQ1: What blockchain-based financial applications exist? The main research question for this review is to explore the state-of-art applications in the areas of blockchain especially in domain of financial services. The aim behind this question is to get a good understanding of impenetrability of blockchain and its successes, failures and future prospects. • RQ2: What are core components for blockchain architecture? The next question of this study is aimed to identify the internal structure of blockchain, demark its core functional units and their interoperations. The major topics to address in this question are the concepts of smart 978-1-7281-2334-9/19/$31.00 c 2019 IEEE 36 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on June 14,2020 at 14:35:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. • • contracts, mining nodes, hashing algorithms and other related implementations of blockchain in public sector. RQ3: How blockchain works for public financial sector and e-taxation? The third question of this research work is aimed to figure out the feasibility of the implementation of blockchain in the public sector. The study under this question is aimed to analyze the mechanics of public finance systems, the feedback of public as well as government regarding eservices and analyze the acceptability of blockchain based e-systems for public offices. RQ4: Is blockchain secure enough? Our last research question of this review is based upon the need of dependability expected from blockchain. This question aims to explore the security measures in the blockchain as it is self-managed and self-secure decentralized system of transactions. Thus, the huge amount of public finance requires a highly safe and secure system. So, this question tries to know major security concerns in blockchain, their solutions and future prospects. collaborating with financial technology firm based in New York. This trend not only shows the faith of top leading vendors in the technology sector in blockchain but speaks volume about the potential of new idea and its impact on the any financial institution business model. A short account of the types of interesting applications and projects that are undertaken by innovative and visionary companies. Following are few examples: Stock Exchange: Stock exchange business model is as old as any other business model in the world. It is considered to be the most stable sort of business model, where securities are bought and sold while maintaining capital table and keeping a healthy relationship with investors. Many pre-IPO, public and private entities trade stocks in the same traditional way which is time consuming and contingent on the involvement of several third parties. NASDAQ has launched its own private equity exchange NASDAQ Private Equity [6] since 2014 based on a blockchain architecture. Utilizing the concepts of smart contracts, they have been able to deliver a system which not only fast, traceable and efficient but reliable too. Another example of security exchange is that of Medici [6], which employs the counterparty implementation of Bitcoin 2.0. The idea to get rid of the middleman entirely from the business transactions. Eliminating involvement of any third party broker or party. Using Counterparty protocol, the traditional physical document requirement is removed and the contracts, negotiations etc. are guaranteed by Smart Contracts. . The open source community has always taken lead and supported any new technology, blockchain technology is no exception. Blockstream [6], is another open source project example which prevents fragmentation using Sidechains in security and cryptocurrencies. Whole wide variety of commodities can be registered such as securities, bonds, mortgages and stocks. Financial transactions are most time sensitive and critical transactions, especially in the stock exchange. Delay in processing can have a huge financial impact. Coinsetter [6], is an example of blockchain exchange. It uses blockchain technology to close and complete financial transactions in minutes which used to take up 3 to 2 working days to get processed. Predictive analysis is another area where blockchain applicability has been explored. Augur [6], provides it users to purchase and sell shares before a specific outcome of the market based on a probabilistic model. Enabling users to make financial and economic forecasts models constructed on collective wisdom paradigm. Bitshares [6] are resident digital tokens in blockchain architecture and for specifying commodities or assets for example currencies etc. Token owners might have the option of earning interest on common commodities like natural resources (oil gold) and other currencies (euro, dollars). In insurance business assets should be identifiable. However, identifiable assets registered in blockchain architecture are not neither easy to destroy nor replicate. This is very essential in insurance business, as one would like to verify the ownership III. R ESEARCH Q UESTIONS D ISCUSSION AND R ESULTS In this section, we discuss the results of our review, by categorizing relevant papers according to their relevance to our respective question. We present our results under each question separately as followed. RQ1: What blockchain based financial applications exist? Blockchain is transforming transactions mechanism like the internet did for information. Initially, blockchain was met with skepticism and the financial world was caught between promise and the reality. Bitcoin is one such example. However, with the exponential growth of Bitcoin in early 2013 it has grown into a market capital of roughly six billion US dollars with a daily transactions volume of around 200,000. Nowadays, proposals are inundating the markets from blockchain-powered payments, identify management solutions, and many others all powered by application of blockchain technology. The financial section is now fundamentally rethinking its business model by enabling trust and uprooting the way we interact, transact and grow, adopting radical transparency by removing barriers but at the same time generating new revenue streams. Currently three approaches are popular in the industry besides cryptocurrency for blockchain based technology. Alternative Blockchain are primarily focused on SSL certification authority, DNS voting system and file storage by using an algorithm to achieve distributed consensus on a particular digital asset. Then, there is Colored coin, an open source project describing a class of methods to developers to create a digital asset. Sidechains fortify the Bitcoin Contract just as dollars and pounds are backed up by Gold. Many Big industries names such as IBM, Samsung, Amazon to name a few have been extensively exploring blockchain technology for incorporating it in their line of products. Banks are no exceptions, world’s top banks too are joining the bandwagon including Barclays and Goldman Sacks who have 37 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on June 14,2020 at 14:35:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. of an asset along with history trail. Any property be it digital or physical will be potentially registered in blockchain mechanism to verify the ownership and validated by insurers along with complete audit trail One such endeavor is undertaken by a company Everledger [6], which generates permanent ledger for diamonds. This includes the certification along with history of transaction history of particular diamond using blockchain technology. The attributes which pinpoint the diamond as unique such as height, width, weight, color, depth, etc are incorporated into the ledger using hash function. These diamonds then can be further cross verified by owners, claimants, law enforcement agencies and insurance companies. The whole process is facilitated by a web service API model which make the model easily adaptable to layman in insurance sector. Active work is being carried out in Internet of Things (IoT) software section by adopting blockchain technology. Allowing devices to keep a unique identity on a public ledger concept has been provided by a startup company Filament [6]. Blockchain enabled solutions for supply chain industry is another of expansion. The anti-counterfeit model can further be explored in pharmaceutical and electronics industries. BlockVerify [6] provides such solutions to enhance transparency and traceability such as in case of luxury items i.e. Diamonds. Open-source projects for enterprise grade applications is also being pursued, one such example is of Hyperledger [7]. It’s a collaborative venture started in early 2016 by Linux Foundation which now proudly consists of more than 50 members. The central idea was to to establish a standard framework which is cross-industry open standard distributed ledger platform on a global scale using same code base. This would eventually transfigure the way of transactions in business being orchestrated across the global. Open source implementation of a standard distributed ledger on a permissioned blockchain framework is being developed for the business applications. Hyperledger Fabric [7], is an example which uses identify features, incorporate user-defined smart contracts along with strong security and employs pluggable consensus protocols on a modular architecture. Decentralized smart contract Hawk [?], conceals the financial transactions in a blockchain architecture by providing privacy of transactions from everyone. A Hawk programmer would be able to draft a private smart contract without having any knowledge of how to implement cryptography. The Hawk complier would generate an efficient crypto protocol automatically. These transactions would be supported by cryptography between any contractual parties in a blockchain framework. RQ2: What are core components for blockchain architecture? For financial-services business incomes declining, executives are under huge shareholder weight to streamline workflows, improve confounded manual back-office courses allay administrative burdens, wha’ss more diminishing money fetches. However, unique endeavors that present incremental upgrades verifiably have required set sway. RQ3: How does blockchain (with respect to e-government) work for public financial sector? Value Added Tax (VAT) assumes a major part inside the Indonesian state income. In spite of its significance, it needs a multifaceted organization technique to be done legitimately [9]. The prominent technique for the assessment organization makes provisos which will be misused by beguiling citizens to limit the duty paid to the govt.. The present framework does not defer the misleading citizens to manufacture assess solicitations that bring charge misfortune for the govt.. We tend to utilize the blockchain innovation to frame a total exceptional approach of actualizing the conveyed record in tax assessment space. The arranged convention made a reasonable and secure VAT and conjointly improved the way toward administrating the VAT. This procedure diminishes the duty extortion and will builds the expense consistence. The arranged framework conjointly amplified the recognition ability of duty specialist. Brazil, also, is at present adopting a wait-and-see approach as to the regulation of virtual currencies, exercising some mistake and issuing recommendations as needed. Current regulation does not distinguish virtual currencies as legal tender but rather treat them as investments. However, Brazilian regulators have been warning individual investors on the risk of purchasing such assets and course-plotting institutional investor. Although the tax treatment as investments seems to be a good solution do deal with gains derived from virtual currencies acquired for investment purposes which probably make up most of current virtual currencies holdings , it may be less adequate to deal with the use of such currencies as actual payment mechanisms. On the specifics of taxation of income related to virtual currencies, the few tax regulations issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service are in line with the position that such currencies are not legal tender neither Brazilian nor foreign and should therefore be treated, for tax purposes, as an investment. Such obstacle would only cease to exist at least in Brazil if: (i) cryptocurrencies are recognized as national legal tender; or (ii) the tax exemption for gains with virtual currencies (or at least barter exchanges with virtual currencies) and its reporting needs [10]. The main issues Blockchain has yet to overcome are the complexity of the system and a lacking number of IT specialists with the ability to create a business Blockchain. Moreover, as common Blockchain technology is used in cryptocurrencies, the issue of transferring it onto a more complex system, i. Technology development is an ongoing process, and revolutionary inventions like the Internet would not be what they are today without considerable development and brainstorming. Still, Blockchain is already showing many benefits and while the main hype and buzz is concentrated around financial services and banking, in a long time perspective it is also promising in the world of taxation. It is only a matter of time until the revolution of Blockchain reaches taxation on all levels. The development of Blockchain is still at a1 very early stage and many issues have yet to be resolved. It is an undisputable 38 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on June 14,2020 at 14:35:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. fact that eight years after the introduction of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies remain the sole example of a common Blockchain system. Digitalization of tax is gaining speed, with not only superbly developed countries adopting [11]. The utilization of blockchain innovations publically life and legislative administrations offers outstanding power and security edges. Contrasted with Estonia’s utilization of blockchain innovation in help of administrative administrations, distinctive governments are still at an early, for the most part dynamic phase of outlining. The Estonian government’s plentiful and changed utilization of individual blockchains to help open administrations uncovers the innovation’s few potential points of interes’sgoing from misrepresented straightforwardness to technique strength to quantum versatility [12]. Thus, there’s as yet an outstanding level of vulnerability in these nations in regards to the innovation’s usage, especially because of it can’t be dealt with as a segregated piece of the national IT foundation, however rather as a needy part in an extremely bigger arrangement of administrative administrations. In refinement, individual blockchains, similar to the one sent in Estonia’s legislative administrations, stay away from these regularly vitality wasteful instruments. Their abilities and protection from tough enemies depend upon the solid trust models and implemented security components that are need to shield the companions from corporate inside and outcast assaults. This approach grants higher efficeincy, in any case it accompanies a value: security certifications of individual blockchains can’t be essentially summed up. Their security investigation can depend after understanding the solid assention instrument and ramifications of various security parts that actualize [12]. In the emerging technologies why the blockchain might be a keystone and turbulent innovation, with the feasibility to change the character of an interface between pecuniary operators, we’ve offered a non-thorough execution of existing usage of blockchain innovation. However, as sea brilliant (refered to by Harford 2010), ”factors that expansion confide in the public arena don’t appear to be basically a conventional factor, because of they will expand the bonds between pack individuals, whose principle monetary achievement originates from blackmailing or constraining elective individuals”. This analysis is upheld by Kaminska (2014), describes that blockchain revolution has been hampered in inconsistency from the emergence [13]. we’ve uncovered the center thoughts at the guts of blockchain innovation also as some of the chief imperative alternatives of open restricted record stages. Be that as it may, the present scholarly scene still covers a substantial range of assessments, beginning from absolute intensity (Masters, 2015) to embedded negativity (Kaminska, 2014. These applications change from Block stream feature chains and Ethereal to computerized character providers and blockchain-based vote frameworks, additionally as Ripple. Regardless of those important reservations, we have a tendency to trust that extra blockchain applications can develop inside the near future in regions as different as craftsmanship, business undertaking and games. what’s more, that we have featured the social gathering connectedness of those far reaching innovative advancements, that may successfully add to social incorporation inside the creating scene. Blockchain innovation is likely going to wind up a swap establishment for a few procedures that regard use of gathered data, by assembling sets of checked, period data. In an extremely world overflowed with data however ailing in trust, devices region unit embarking to develop that empower a logical osmosis, stockpiling and investigation of data, and trust inside the viable utilization of this profitable data asset [14]. Governments round the globe square measure gazing to counter to those mechanical improvements, exchanging some of the physically unbroken records to dispersed record stages. Such dynamic adjustment, once controlled satisfactorily, incorporates an energy to drive a few procedures stock-still in outdated authoritative opinions to the substances of the elegant world. In spite of the fact that, on account of auxiliary issues, change to blockchain innovation by open area isn’t required to coordinate the speed of customer markets or cash foundations, the alteration is unmistakably in progress. Tax collection, every national and worldwide, may impressively enjoy such mechanical advances. Taxation, both national and international, could significantly benefit from such technological advances. From a duty viewpoint what’s imperative is that expense organizations square measure connected with amid this discourse from the point to stay away from that at some reason inside what’s to come they’re gone up against with a specialized stage that doesn’t meet their wants and will be troublesome to fluctuate. Concurring the coveted speculation would require engagement and responsibility at board level over each the get aspect and offer feature of the exchange and for controllers to play an enthusiastic rather than inactive part, for instance requiring the selection of shared data game plans for prohibitive reportage or thirty-eight golf shot monetary association saves utilized for definite settlement of cash installments onto a common appropriated record. The two primary issues brought up in these theories were: first regardless of whether the appropriation of shared conveyed records required to be created first in particular things, building up ’verification of idea’ by apply the new innovation in settings wherever there’s by and by no concentrated security store for recording possession; and second that the broad reception of common circulated records, and full misuse of their potential for value decrease, would require an extensive reengineering of the courses of action for clearing and settlement. near day and age settlement will be accomplished just by expecting of these means to be taken before exchange and doesn’t require moving settlement onto shared appropriated records [15]. The test of applying shared dispersed record in securities settlement is not just showing specialized practicability however moreover an organized re-engineering of business forms over different partnerships. This paper reports the consequence of a progression of meetings and center groups, evoking and recording perspectives of market. The first Bitcoin people group made bottomless out of the ”trustless” idea of the innovation (Miscione and Kavanagh 39 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on June 14,2020 at 14:35:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2015) the undeniable reality that it doesn’t acknowledge beyond any doubt focal delegates yet more up to date groups square measure expanding the vision into one among trustempowering limited cooperatives, or distributed collaborative organizations . The cryptographic money is predicated on agreeable open supply standards and shared systems that prescribe a pledge to social shared characteristic and strategic help, however Bitcoin’s picture has turned out to be identified with theorists, benefit driven business visionaries, advertise fundamentalist libertarians and innovation fetishists (Yelowitz and Wilson 2015). This refered to outlines out the forms of some key issues that social and shared characteristic fund experts should consider once pondering about digital money innovation [16]. In the first place, it considers claims made by Bitcoin defenders in regards to the positive part Bitcoin will play as a device of fiscal incorporation, or as an instrument to make new frameworks of property rights in nations with insecure administration. In spite of this, the topic of regardless of whether Bitcoin are frequently controlled to enable underestimated groups and assemble new one [17]. The possibility of the reorganization of the taxation system at the global level will go to the region of cryptocurrency, transparency of operations will make the payment of taxes not only automatic, but also inevitable (today the invoices represent the amounts of VAT paid by customers, and in the future, the amount of tax will automatically be transferred to the competent tax authority, or a specific global or regional project) [18]. Blockchain could be a progressive change on any unified framework. Expense organizations are intrinsically principally in light of. Why select payroll taxation? Payroll compliance is an ideal space for blockchain. Not only is the payroll calculation exceedingly complex, occasionally involving matching contributions from employers, but the data involved is collected and stored centrally by multiple regulatory agencies each of whom can and do audit the data files. More than this, know your client (KYC) regulations and anti-money laundering, can readily be confirmed with immutable blockchain records. This is an environment where a distributive ledger should thrive. The payroll space appears ready for blockchain. Foundational technologies are initially understood mainly through the applications they support. Blockchain, like all similar foundational technologies, is going through a four phases development process. There are two sets of variables guiding the development [20]: (a) The degree of perceived novelty in the technology or application, and (b) The level of complexity and the degree of coordination required to use the technology or application at each stage of development. Processes and procedures that are too new are resisted. So too are complex applications that require a high degree of coordination. Fig. 7 below sets out the four phases, following from block [1] through [4] in sequence. user to be uncomplicated, and not much different from what is currently available. 2) Localized-Use cases: This is where foundational technologies and their applications move next. Development tends to come first along the degree of novelty axis, not the complexity and co- ordination axis although payroll applications appear to be developing differently. Payroll applications may be ready to leap-frog the localized-use case step. 3) Replacement: The third quadrant identifies developments that are a low degree of novelty (building on single-use and localized-use applications), but require a significant degree of coordination. Enterprises in this quadrant are replacing traditional businesses, reducing cost, and increasing availability of goods or services. 4) Transformation: The last phase in the development of a foundational technology is when the technology supports completely novel (unforeseen) applications that fundamentally change the nature of business and public systems. Currently, the payroll space has (only) two single-use case blockchain applications,=, one in Finland (Futurice), and the other in the US (Bitwage) [20]. There are no localizeduse cases, and no replacement or transformative applications, although it is easy to imagine how a blockchain application could replace much of what a payroll service provider supplies today (once a workable blockchain is constructed). A blockchain-based model framework pointed toward taking out just forge able archives and inadequate global trade of learning between assess specialists, financial specialists misguidedly apply for these public forms [21]. In money related markets it’s regular for organizations and individuals to bring a situation into outside companies. To maintain a strategic distance from the twofold tax assessment of speculators on profit installment - each inside the nation wherever the benefit is produced moreover on the grounds that the nation of living arrangement - most governments have gone into respective twofold tax assessment bargains, wherever by financial specialists will assert a duty discount inside the nation where the benefit is created. In light-weight of the present nonattendance of an information and considering the standards gave by the blockchain application structure (Glaser, 2017), we tend to established that this issue exhibits a significant utilize case for a blockchain data. on the far side the specialized practicalities, blockchain conjointly seems, by all accounts, to be wrongfully appropriate to the present case in light-weight of the current advances of blockchain-based exchanges inside the general population benefit area (e.g., endorsement and dispersion of open welfare). Contrasted with antiquated data frameworks, blockchain gives a far reaching determination (i.e., on foundation, application and introduction levels) that might be specially crafted with nearly less exertion by various partners (e.g., distinctive assessment experts, money related foundations, singular clients). for the last time, the blockchain’s unchanging log of verifiable exchanges keeps banks from submitting wrong reports and 1) Single-Use cases: The lower left quadrant is where we begin. Foundational technologies enter the market on the back of an application (a single-use) that appears to the 40 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on June 14,2020 at 14:35:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. permits quick withdrawal of exchanges in order to find tricky applications. The architecture of traditional centralized databases work as follows: the location of information, its storage, and maintenance is done at a single location, whereas, control is done by a principal executive, which certify its probity. On other hand, distributed databases work in a method in which the database (or redundant copies) is distributed among distantly located nodes. However, The Distributed ledger technology (DLT) works in completely different manner; it’s a database framework which facilitates the storage and splitting of records in both: decentralized and distributed way, and in parallel to it ensures its integrity by using concurrent-based authentication cryptographic signatures and protocols [22]. In essence, it is the prospective of DLT to increase the efficiency and reduce costs of reconciling soundness, which is the mandatory phase of each certainty transaction. Albeit, DLT became very popular due to it’s virtual currency and widely use of application,like Bitcoin, which also reserve some potential for many applications in other domains of finance.In general post-trade processing, and the settlement of securities in particular, is the area which provide the room that backoffice costs can be reduced using DLT. The simplification of the process and security brings net benifits to end user. [22] . Since the settlement of DLT-based system is a technology which distinguished by network exteriorities, by a first-rate advantage and by reducing the average costs, in symmetry there will be some contributors of DLT-based system settlement [22]. RQ4: Is blockchain secure enough? Blockchain operates with a ledger which used to hold all of the transactions between networks, for the purpose of data integrity it distributes a copy of ledger among all of network members which helps to detect and eliminate the member tried to maliciously tamper with the ledger. At every transaction or a new data added to chain a majority of the people from network must validate the purity of transaction. One can send the important information by using the public key encryption technique, these significantly satisfies the proof of work problem (POW). Blockchain innovation is actualizing applications in both money related and non-budgetary regions [?]. [2] Kondor D, Posfoi M, Csabai I, Vatty G, ”Do The Richer Get Richer? 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[19] Ainsworth, Richard Thompson and Viitasaari, Ville, Payroll Tax and the Blockchain (March 13, 2017). Tax Notes International, March 13, pp. 1007-1024, March 2017; Boston Univ. School of Law, Law and Economics Research Paper No. 17-17. [20] Ainsworth, Richard Thompson and Viitasaari, Ville, Payroll Tax the Blockchain (March 13, 2017). Tax Notes International, March 13, pp. 1007-1024, March 2017; Boston Univ. School of Law, Law and Economics Research Paper No. 17-17. [21] Hyvrinen, Hissu, Marten Risius, and Gustav Friis. ”A BlockchainBased Approach Towards Overcoming Financial Fraud in Public Sector Services.” Business Information Systems Engineering 59.6 (2017): 441456. [22] Benos, Evangelos, Rod Garratt, and Pedro Gurrola-Perez. ”The economics of distributed ledger technology for securities settlement.” (2017). [23] Understanding Modern Banking Ledgers through Blockchain Technologies: Future of Transaction Processing and Smart Contracts on the Internet of Money, Gareth W. Peters ? ? Efstathios Panayi IV. C ONCLUSION Blockchain technology is the engine behind the digital currency nowadays. It offers a complete alternative e-payment system which not only challenges the norms of the current financial world but also offers the transparency without compromising the security. However, this innovative idea came with a bunch of technical limitations and challenges that requires further research to be addressed. This review therefore would serve as an enabler of further research based on its compilation pf the existing art. R EFERENCES [1] Nakamoto, Satoshi, ”Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system”, whitepaper, https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf, 2009 41 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on June 14,2020 at 14:35:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. https://bar.anpad.org.br BAR − Brazilian Administration Review Vol. 18, No. Spe, Art. 4, e200109, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1590/1807-7692bar2021200109 Special Issue on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Distributed Organizations Research Article Opportunities and Challenges of Using Blockchain Technology in Government Accounting in Brazil Paula Raymundo Prux1 Fernanda da Silva Momo1 Claudia Melati1 1 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Received 08 October 2020. This paper was with the authors for one revision. Accepted 13 September 2021. First published online 20 October 2021. Editors-in-Chief: Carlo Gabriel Porto Bellini (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil); Ivan Lapuente Garrido (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil) Guest Editors: Jorge Renato Verschoore (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil); Eduardo Henrique Diniz (Fundação Getúlio Vargas, EAESP, Brazil); Ricardo Colomo-Palacios (Østfold University College, Norway) Reviewers: Two anonymous reviewers Editorial assistants: Kler Godoy and Simone Rafael (ANPAD, Maringá, PR, Brazil) P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 2 ABSTRACT New technologies lead to significant changes in how public and private organizations structure their processes and activities. This study aims to identify the challenges and opportunities of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil. This is a descriptive research using quantitative and qualitative data, collected through a questionnaire applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 94 professionals. The data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and content analysis, based on seven categories: technology, government accounting, security, transparency, control, change, and knowledge. For 89.4% of respondents, blockchain can improve government accounting and be applied to financial transactions, auditing, and asset transfers. The technology offers the benefits of trust and control, information security, and control against fraud and corruption. For 98.9% of the sample, the challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting are the lack of knowledge about the technology and its cost-benefit and implementation, difficulties in replacing or adapting systems, and few blockchain use cases demonstrating the technology’s use and application. Keywords: government accounting; blockchain; opportunities; challenges JEL Code: M4, O3 Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 3 INTRODUCTION The convergence of administrative procedures and digital technologies in management systems marks the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) (Schwab, 2016). The speed, reach, and impact of technology affect institutions in all countries, including the field of accounting. Industry 4.0 entails new operations and insights from accountants, who are discussing topics such as disruption, blockchain, compliance, and artificial intelligence (AI) (Rikhardsson & Yigitbasioglu, 2018). In Brazil, for example, the implementation of the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED) by the country’s federal revenue agency (RFB) has advanced the accounting sector. The system allows data cross-checking, integrates the accounting and tax information on taxes levied in different levels of government (federal, state, and local), rationalizes, standardizes, and consolidates accessory obligations, and improves the process of tax inspection (Sebold, Pioner, Schappo, & Pioner, 2012). Technology has led to changes in both government and business sectors, offering new management tools to improve access to information and transparency (Chahin, Cunha, Knight, & Pinto, 2004). It has contributed to accounting processes automation increasing productivity, efficiency, better customer service, information quality, and cost reduction (Ionescu, 2019; Lee & Tajudeen, 2020). Blockchain technology emerged amidst this context in 2008, characterized as a tool that ensures data reliability and security without the need for a central regulatory authority (Nakamoto, 2008; Tapscott & Tapscott, 2016). Its core features are encryption and the process of verifying the transactions until their registration, which makes the transaction safe and irreversible (Swan, 2015). According to Talwar (2015), blockchain technology allows verifying each transaction, which could mean the end of random sampling. Thus, real-time auditing is possible since the transaction data is recorded in the blockchain ledger (Tapscott & Tapscott, 2016). Blockchain and artificial intelligence can transform fraud investigations and forensic accounting, issue alerts, and investigate unusual transactions as they occur (Talwar, 2015). Therefore, as highlighted by Moura, Brauner, and Janissek-Muniz (2020), the fact that blockchain can offer safe data storage and management contributes to making a case for its adoption in the public sector. This study recognizes the potential of this technology to improve government accounting and considers the challenges of implementing projects using blockchain — lack of knowledge and use cases, low number of capable institutions and developers, and lack of encouragement from the public sector — as identified by Giongo and Balestro (2019). It proposes advancing the discussion about the use of blockchain technology by exploring the perception of Brazilian professionals working in the government. Thus, the research question guiding this study is: Considering the perspective of experts in technology and accounting in the public sector, what are the main opportunities and challenges of blockchain technology for government accounting? Therefore, this work identifies the main opportunities and challenges of using blockchain in Brazilian government accounting. It observes the current context where the public sector seeks agility, quality, and accountability to administrative practices by resorting to smart and electronic P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 4 government, using technology to organize public data (Melati & Janissek-Muniz, 2020). The volume of thousands of daily transactions in the Brazilian Integrated System of Federal Government Financial Administration (SIAFI), to mention only one of the systems in government accounting, is a crucial element in this context, requiring technologies for more transparency and quality of information. This study contributes to identify the perception of public actors about blockchain. The research addresses its potential to promote security in data storage and processing, information traceability, and government transparency (Kossow & Dykes, 2018), as well as avoiding data duplication, to generate information integrity, and to improve the workflow (Atzori, 2018), building policies that add public value (Scholl & Bolívar, 2019). The research uses qualitative and quantitative data collected through a questionnaire with both open and close-ended questions, 19 in total. The non-probabilistic sample was composed of 94 professionals. The closed-ended questions were analyzed with descriptive statistics and the openended questions with content analysis. This article is organized into five sections, including this introduction. The second section presents the concept of blockchain in the context of government accounting, followed by the methodology. The fourth section shows the results, and the last section offers the final considerations. BLOCKCHAIN AND GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING The concepts and discussions presented in this section are based on a literature review of the databases BDTD/IBICT (Brazilian digital library of dissertations and theses of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology), Periódicos Capes, and Google Scholar. The search was carried out from August 2018 to October 2019, using the keywords ‘blockchain,’ ‘blockchain use cases,’ ‘blockchain accounting,’ and ‘blockchain public sector.’ The selected literature is briefly presented below, describing the studies’ objectives and conclusions. The definition of blockchain by Wright and Filippi (2015) stands out. They describe it as a “distributed, shared, encrypted-database that serves as an irreversible and incorruptible public repository of information” (Wright & Filippi, 2015, p. 2.) The essence of this technology is how information is recorded. Each transaction originates a unique cryptographic key, created based on a code verification and validation network, which guarantees a safe transaction (Swan, 2015). The technical characteristics of this technology allow the expansion of information attributes such as data integrity and reliability and the establishment of validation mechanisms to reduce fraud and make accountability more precise and accessible (Nofer, Gomber, Hinz, & Schiereck, 2017; Zachariadis, Hileman, & Scott, 2019). Blockchain can be structured into two major groups: public (permissionless) or private (permissioned) networks. Public networks have their own rules, and their operation does not depend on legal or regulatory aspects, while private networks are restricted to corporations — in this case, the blockchain network follows a specific regulation of pre-selected actors to participate Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 5 (Formigoni, Braga, & Leal, 2017; Yermack, 2017). Thus, the cryptographic access keys for a blockchain categorize it as being a public or private network, since the wide access and anonymous keys are related to public networks, while the controlled keys (requesting permission for the registration of transactions) are related to the private blockchain network (Darlington, 2021). Regardless of how blockchain is technologically structured, the application opportunities and its potential to redesign transactions and processes in business are outstanding (Cohen, Amorós, & Lundy, 2017; Swan, 2015). Blockchain can be used (beyond its application in cryptocurrency) to create smart contracts, register a variety of assets (stocks, real estate, vehicles, luxury handbags, works of art), and even “for public records such as real estate titles, birth certificates, driver’s licenses, and university degrees” (Yermarck, 2017, p. 8). Therefore, blockchain is considered the new internet of business since its potential decentralization can affect the application of laws or their implementation and the governments, organizations, and society in general in their way of operating (Atzori, 2015; Wright & Filippi, 2015). Giongo and Balestro (2019) approached the main characteristics of blockchain technology, addressing its impacts on accounting and finance. After carrying out exploratory research and interviewing three professionals, the authors observed that it was not yet possible to measure the scope of the technology. However, they concluded that blockchain potentially affects several areas, including finance and accounting, and stressed its application in the banking sector and its short-term impacts in auditing. Migliorini and Rocha (2019) researched how blockchain can be used within the accounting system, the level of acceptance of accounting professionals in the face of new technologies, and their perception regarding blockchain. Counting on a sample of 526 participants, the authors concluded that accounting professionals still have little knowledge about blockchain and cannot foresee the use of this technology in the field. Biancolini, Silva, and Osti (2018) analyzed the possible uses of blockchain in public administration, mentioning several cases and pointing out positive and negative aspects. According to the authors, the technology is disruptive and can be widely used in the public sector, particularly in the areas of tax and compliance, increasing transparency, and reducing transaction costs. Bastos, Andujar, and Rode (2018) sought to identify the main impacts of blockchain as a tool for auditing, exploring its advantages and disadvantages in the face of future challenges regarding auditing practices. Based on systematic bibliographic research, the authors noticed an increase in the number of financial institutions using blockchain. Bastos et al. (2018) concluded that the characteristics of blockchain allow the implementation of continuous internal and external audits. They also point out a lack of regulation and legal environment in many countries. Dai and Vasarhelyi (2017) researched blockchain applications in accounting in order to discuss how this technology can support a real-time, verifiable, and transparent accounting ecosystem. The authors propose that blockchain is a tool to authenticate auditing information. They suggest conducting more research on the technology’s applications and challenges in specific areas such as government auditing. P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 6 There is a positive and constructive relationship between the use of blockchain and the public sector. This technology affects the social, productive, and organizational dynamics through new tools created to solve contemporary problems. Most blockchain applications in the public sector are related to data processing and security, new models of state regulation, and new institutional procedures (Moura, Brauner, & Janissek-Muniz, 2020). In this sense, applying this technology in the public sector makes it possible to develop governance models based on shared data and distributed systems that allow, for example, more flexible government regulatory agencies and more transparent consortia (Colchester, 2019). Although there is an optimistic perspective in the public sector considering the technology’s potential to change society, Atzori (2015) emphasizes weighing the risks and benefits of possible applications as a disruptive technology for governments, avoiding utopian expectations or technocratic reasoning traps. The search for blockchain use cases resulted in experiences carried out in the government and business sectors. Table 1 summarizes the literature findings on the technology’s challenges and opportunities. Table 1 Use cases of blockchain in accounting Use cases Applications Opportunities Challenges References Continuous auditing Financial transactions available in real-time More accurate and transparent corporate reporting Regulatory environment Bastos et al. (2018); Dai and Vasarhelyi (2017) Junta Comercial do Estado do Ceará (Commercial Registry Office of the State of Ceará — Brazil) Protection of the registered companies’ databases; combating fraud Less time spent validating; security, trust, and registry immutability Extending the process to a larger scope Biancolini et al. (2018) Protection and sharing data among banks; combating fraud Safe and fast transactions; instant payments High volume of transactions in peak hours Pimenta and Seco (2019) Platform of joint and distributed control of market information; realtime interaction Increase of regulatory transparency; safe and auditable process; reduction in control failures Expanding the platform to the rest of the Brazilian public sector Pimenta and Seco (2019) Rede Blockchain do Sistema Financeiro Nacional (Brazilian National Financial System’s Blockchain Network) PIER — Plataforma de integração de informações das entidades reguladoras (Platform to Integrate Information of Regulatory Agencies) Continues Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 7 Table 1 (Continued) Use cases Applications Opportunities Challenges References Sistema Financeiro Digital (SFD) (Brazilian Digital Financial System) Connection of banking datacenters; real-time transactions (24 hours) Increase in security and ease in banking transactions Cultural change to models without intermediaries Biancolini et al. (2018) Solução Online de Licitação (Online Solution for Public Procurement) Transparency in public purchases from cooperatives and membership organizations — Bahia Produtiva project Automatic generation of invitations to bid, minutes, and contracts, based on stored data; online monitoring of bidding results Bring technology closer to cooperatives and membership organizations; centralize purchase of goods and services in the app Biancolini et al. (2018) SERPRO Blockchain Platform Transactions of the Tesouro Direto (program of the Brazilian government to sell government bonds) Easy investor registration and access Increase investors’ base Brasil (2017) Santander One Pay FX International transfers for individuals Speed in transfers; reduction of term and fees for foreign exchange remittances Include other banking services and expansion to other countries Biancolini et al. (2018); Giongo and Balestro (2019) TruBudget BNDES Tracking money; sharing financial information among institutions Increase transparency in public budget allocation; circularization in auditing Scale the scope to cover all projects of the Amazon Fund that are in the disbursement stage Arantes, D’Almeida, Onodera, Moreno and Almeida (2018) BNDES Token Tracking public funds used to finance public agencies or operations using non-refundable grants More control; facilitates monitoring operations Expanding to new use cases such as automatic tax collection Arantes et al. (2018); Giongo and Balestro (2019) Note. Source: Elaborated by the authors. The use cases include continuous auditing, public procurement, tracking public funds, sharing financial data, companies’ public registration, asset transfers, and banking transactions. Financial institutions, especially banks, concentrate the largest number of use cases. As for the opportunities to apply the technology in government accounting, the literature examined revealed the use of blockchain in auditing, budgetary and financial management, public procurement, contracts, accounting and budgetary records, financial transactions, and asset transfers. The use cases demonstrated possible benefits, such as transparency, quality, security, and validation of data and information, as well as a control against fraud. The challenges observed are linked to regulation, scalability, performance, and cultural change, particularly related to the lack of use cases. Although the study is based on an analysis of Brazilian accounting, it is worth mentioning that blockchain technology is being used to facilitate various processes worldwide. Examples studied in academic research are the health platform of Estonia and the Dubai Blockchain Strategy, which enable financial transactions through blockchain (Alcantara, Rodrigues, Lima, & Nunes, 2019). Other cases are the new model of land ownership record in India (Thakur, Doja, Dwivedi, Ahmad, & Khadanga, 2019), the system to track products imported from abroad into China, P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 8 and online voting for public policy projects and accessible voting systems in Australia (Xu, Weber, & Staples, 2019). These examples reinforce the importance of continuing and deepening the academic research on blockchain technology and its numerous opportunities. Based on the conceptual analysis and considering the objective of identifying forms of using blockchain technology and the challenges of applying it in public accounting, the following section presents the methodological path used in this research. METHODOLOGY This descriptive research (Gil, 2008) analyzes and describes blockchain characteristics in government accounting, seeking relationships between the variables involved. It uses quantitative and qualitative data in an attempt to comprehend the perceptions of experts regarding the use of the technology in government accounting. The data was collected through a questionnaire created on the Google Docs platform, with questions based on the literature. The questionnaire contained six identification questions (gender, age, workplace, occupation, education background, and level of education); two questions to assess the participant’s knowledge on blockchain; one question about potential benefits (closed-ended question, using a five-point scale); one question about the application of blockchain in activities of government accounting (using a five-point scale); two questions about the challenges of using the technology; three questions about blockchain applicability and adoption; one on whether blockchain could improve government accounting (open-ended question, where the participant had to justify the answer); two open-ended questions about opportunities and challenges of using blockchain in government accounting. After a thorough literature review focused on the studies by Migliorini and Rocha (2019) and Aquino (2019), and from the analysis of the researched use cases, it was possible to identify categories of blockchain technology for the context of Brazilian public accounting. Such categories guided the development of the research questionnaire and, later, the discussion of results. With the definition of the research categories, it was possible to elaborate a first questionnaire, applied with four specialists for validation: (a) the civil servant, with a master in regional development; (b) a government accountant, with a specialization in accounting; (c) a civil servant, PhD student in public policy; and (d) an expert, PhD in administration in the area of systems and technology management. The first three specialists worked in the Secretariat of Planning, Budget, and Management of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The other specialist was a professor at a federal university in southern Brazil. The responses led to changes in the order of questions, improvements in the technical language used in public accounting and technology, and the text was modified to facilitate understanding. Also, some questions were suppressed, and others included to meet the research objectives. Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 9 The questionnaires were sent via email and WhatsApp to potential participants in September 2019. These professionals were contacted using data from institutional websites of state-owned companies, and local, state, and federal agencies, seeking to cover various accounting segments and behavioral profiles. Although the search was conducted on institutional sites of Brazilian public agencies at the federal, state, and local levels of government, most agencies examined were from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, given the proximity to the researchers. In Rio Grande do Sul, the agencies analyzed more extensively were the state bank, the State Court of Accounts, and the Federal University of Rio Grande Sul. As for other Brazilian agencies, the Ministry of Planning and Economy and the Federal Court of Accounts stood out. A total of 763 emails were sent, and the message introducing the questionnaire asked the recipients to share it with other people. The responses were collected from September 9 to October 21, 2019. A non-probabilistic sample of 94 specialists was obtained, with male respondents counting 76.6% of the results and female respondents 23.4%. About the age group, the highest concentration was 31 to 40 years old, with 40.4% (38 respondents), 28.7% were between 41 and 50 years old (27 respondents), 18.1% (17 respondents) were between 51 and 71 years old, and 12.8% (12 respondents) were between 20 and 30 years old. It is worth highlighting that, as expected, the majority of participants worked in the public sector, as shown in Table 2 below: Table 2 Sector respondents work in Sector of activity Number of respondents Percentage Self-employment 1 1.1 Accounting association 1 1.1 Private sector 13 13.8 Public sector 79 84.0 Note. Source: Elaborated by the authors. As for the field of training, accounting sciences and information and communication technology stood out, with 37.2% and 24.5% (35 and 23 respondents), respectively. There were also respondents trained in the field of administration and law. As for the level of education, the majority of participants are well qualified, as shown in Table 3 below: Table 3 Respondents’ education Level of education Number of respondents Percentage Degree 20 21.3 Post-degree specialization 46 48.9 Master 22 23.4 PhD 6 6.40 Note. Source: Elaborated by the authors. P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 10 Table 4 shows the public agencies where respondents employed in the public sector work. The majority of respondents (84%) declared to work in the public sector. Table 4 Public agencies respondents work in Public sector’s department/agency Number of respondents Percentage Secretariat of Planning, Budget, and Management of the state of Rio Grande do Sul 11 14.0 Secretariat of Finance of the state of Rio Grande do Sul 7 8.9 Executive branch of the Federal District 16 20.2 Executive branch of the states of Pernambuco, Paraná, São Paulo, and Alagoas 13 16.4 Other public agencies 32 40.5 Note. Source: Elaborated by the authors. The participants working in ‘other public agencies’ (Table 3) are employed in agencies such as the Central Bank of Brazil, Bank of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Banrisul), Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), National Institute of Information Technology, GNova — Laboratory of Innovation of the National School of Administration (ENAP), State Court of Audit of Rio Grande do Sul (TCE), Rio Grande do Sul Court of Justice (TJRS), Rio Grande do Sul Regional Accounting Council (CRCRS), Municipality of Porto Alegre (in Rio Grande do Sul), and Municipality of Monte Alto (in the state of São Paulo). The analysis was developed based on data appreciation, tabulation, organization, and categorization, considering the frequency of words using the MAXQDA software. After, the data was submitted to scientific tests to obtain evidence, and statistical analyzes were performed through descriptive statistics and data-crossings. The open-ended questions underwent content analysis. The main elements obtained in the analysis will be presented and discussed in the next section. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS This section presents and discusses the main results obtained from the 94 questionnaires responded. The focus is to understand how blockchain technology is applied in public agencies and its potential benefits. Regarding the knowledge about blockchain and the participants’ perspective on its benefits in government accounting, most respondents (40.4%) stated that they were able to define blockchain and could see its usability, but do not participate in projects involving this technology in their area of work. Therefore, most respondents were familiar with the technology and its usability, even though 17% of the respondents declared to have heard the term, but were unable Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 11 to define it. Among the accountants, 28.6% said they were able to define blockchain, imagine how it works, but did not participate in projects in the area, while 22.9% declared to have heard the term but could not offer a definition, and the same percentage could define blockchain but did not see the applicability in government accounting. Among technology professionals, 47.8% declared to be able to define blockchain and imagine how it works, although not engaged in projects using the technology in their field of work, and only 4.3% had heard the term but could not offer a definition. It is possible to observe that respondents with an ICT background are more familiar with the concept than other participants. Thus, the research sample suggests that knowledge about blockchain is already disseminated since many participants knew the concept and were able to offer a definition. However, the number of respondents who claimed to participate in projects involving blockchain in the public sector was very low. Most respondents reported having obtained information about the topic in journals and newspapers, along with books, interviews, blogs, and technology forums. Some participants mentioned watching documentaries, videos, university and specialist channels, and social media, participating in training events, being informed through conversations in the workplace, discussions with experts on the subject, and studying companies that work with blockchain. As for the opportunities and benefits that may arise from the use of blockchain in government accounting, the close-ended question offered a five-point scale (one = not applicable to five = fully applicable). Table 5 shows that the item trust and control obtained the highest mean, 4.63. Information security obtained 4.55 and control against fraud and corruption, 4.51. Table 5 Opportunities and potential benefits of blockchain in government accounting Opportunities/potential benefits Mean Trust and control 4.63 Information security 4.55 Control against fraud and corruption 4.51 Quality of data 4.20 Freedom of information and transparency 4.16 Efficiency 4.13 Governance 4.07 Data predictive capacity 3.45 Note. Source: Elaborated by the authors. The opportunities were marked as fully applicable as follows: trust and control (70.2%), information security (67%), and control against fraud and corruption (63.8%). Governance and data predictive capacity were considered partially applicable by 39.4% of the participants. These potential benefits are in line with the research by Biancolini et al. (2018). The authors argue that blockchain technology may offer greater control, transparency, and security, facilitating selfprotection and inspection by the population. Regarding the application of blockchain in activities P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 12 of government accounting, the items with the highest mean were financial transactions (4.65), auditing (4.56), and asset transfer (4.46). Table 6 Blockchain use in government accounting Activities Mean Financial transactions 4.65 Auditing 4.56 Asset transfer 4.46 Accounting records 4.35 Compliance 4.30 Improving tax collection and inspection capacity 4.29 Budget records 4.24 Securities clearing and settlement 4.23 Contract 4.15 Settlement and reconciliation of government accounts 4.14 Automation of budgetary and financial management 3.96 Inventory control 3.96 Asset management 3.94 Public procurement 3.88 Note. Source: Elaborated by the authors. Blockchain technology was considered fully applicable in financial transactions by 76.6% of respondents, and auditing and asset transfer were considered activities where blockchain is fully applicable by 63.3% and 61.7% of participants, respectively. Research by Giongo and Balestro (2019) and Biancolini et al. (2018) demonstrated the potential, particularly in banking institutions, of using blockchain in financial transactions and asset transfers. The fact that participants highlighted the activity of auditing is aligned with the findings of Dai and Vasarhelyi (2017) and Bastos et al. (2018). Virtually all participants (98.9%) considered there are challenges regarding the use of blockchain in government accounting. The biggest challenges pointed out were lack of knowledge about the technology and its cost-benefit within public agencies, difficulties of implementation in order to replace or adapt traditional systems, and a lack of use cases demonstrating the application of the technology. These results corroborate the findings presented by Giongo and Balestro (2019). Part of the respondents (35.1%) stated that the applicability of blockchain for accounting purposes in their area of work or department is relevant, but it is not a strategic priority. In contrast, 25.5% of respondents are unsure how their area or department would apply the technology in government accounting. When asked about their perception regarding the intention of the institution or agency they work for to adopt blockchain, 58.7% of respondents answered negatively. Among the 41.3% of participants who considered that their agency would Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 13 adopt the technology were the following institutions/agencies: Central Bank of Brazil, IBRD, BNDES, National School of Public Administration — Enap, National Institute of Information Technology, Serpro, and Secretariat of Finance of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Alagoas and of the Federal District. As shown by Arantes et al. (2018) and Biancolini et al. (2018), BNDES, Central Bank, and Serpro are already developing projects using blockchain technology. Participants who responded positively cited the following blockchain use cases that the institution may adopt: digital records (30.2%), auditing (16.3%), smart contracts (16.3%), and payments (14%). The option others included: interbank transfers, registration of transactions in the capital market, traceability, digital cooperatives, and digital identity. Most respondents (89.36%) believe that blockchain can improve government accounting. In the content analysis of the three open questions, the data were tabulated and organized into categories (Bardin, 1977), according to the frequency of words (Figure 1). The seven categories of analysis are technology, government accounting, security, transparency, control, change, and knowledge. The analysis of each category is presented below, transcribing some responses identified with R (respondent) and a number indicating a chronological order of respondents established during the analysis. Figure 1. Word cloud. Elaborated by the authors using the software MAXQDA, based on participants’ responses (in Brazilian Portuguese). For the technology category, the analysis considered technology and blockchain as synonyms. Some respondents identified that this technology can bring improvements to accounting and other areas: “Initially it would be a good idea to use blockchain identities” (R14); “Blockchain is becoming a fundamental tool for the best use of resources and transparency in transactions, with wide application in government” (R2); “Blockchain technology must be applied in the public sector, at several levels, including government accounting processes” (R80). Most participants considered that technology could help government accounting: “The characteristics of the [blockchain] technology are aligned with the problems of government accounting” (R83). Some respondents cited opportunities such as “the use of new technologies for data control, transparency, and security” (R77), and “technology allows, through validation, increased security of transactions, resulting in reliability and control of public assets” (R92). Some participants are unsure about the topic: “It is a new technology and I still do not understand how it could help government accounting” (R62), “due to the complexity of its implementation, and P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 14 the lack of interest on issues such as control and improvement of public management by part of government officials, who only pursue their own interests” (R89). The main challenges mentioned about the technology implementation were legal regulation, the lack of trained employees, cultural resistance in the public sector, the “remodeling of processes and systems” (R48), and the “cost of implementation” (R81). Several respondents believe that the technology will be increasingly applied in new use cases: “As occurred with the technology of digital certification, it is first necessary to establish a legal regulation on the technology, then to promote the development of APIs and applications within the scope of public administration” (R41). “There are countless opportunities to use technologies, but it is necessary to start using them in some applications so it is possible to assess the potential and the challenges to be overcome” (R47). “We need to speed this up. Small advances can trigger big ones” (R51). In addition, cultural issues stood out in the interviews: “The big challenges in adopting blockchain are regulatory bureaucracies and outdated processes. A change of mindset and the modernization of certain processes are necessary, in addition to obtaining support to be able to work on these issues” (R49). In addition, “blockchain is an innovation still poorly understood by the general public. Its implementation would bring an infinite number of benefits, such as those described throughout the research, and would place the development and control of government accounting on another level of efficiency and quality” (R17). Some respondents had a negative view of blockchain: “Blockchain is more like a concept than an actual tool or technology of practical application. It has great potential, but the frontier of its applications is still unknown. It may not even present in practice the full theoretical potential or it may be run over by a breakthrough innovation before it matures” (R63). The excerpt refers to the decentralization of the process, also observed in this answer: “Blockchain technology is no man’s land. It is an affront to institutions, and there is no clear, defined responsible body. Who is responsible for the good or bad use of blockchain technology and infrastructure?” (R54). In addition, another respondent cites alternatives: “Blockchain is a decentralized database. There are other models of distributed databases that are simpler and cheaper to maintain” (R39). Regarding use cases, some participants mentioned transparency for transactions, reduction of failures, security in the information generated, transparency and accountability control, integration, agility, and transfers of resources between agencies. “I believe that the use of smart contracts can lower the cost of public procurement, and blockchain technology can create efficient traceability in government accounting” (R88). “The benefit of blockchain in government accounting is still incipient, but its potential, in relation to data security, costs, and process agility, is valuable for public management” (R1). In the category government accounting, a large part of the respondents considered that blockchain could help improve activities, particularly offering greater reliability and timeliness in transactions, registers, and information, “real-time accounting” (R79), “giving agility and prompt compliance with accounting demands” (R25). However, not all respondents agree with the technology’s capacity to promote improvements, as observed in the following statements: “The challenges of government accounting are not related to technology, but to legal definitions and Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 15 changes that make a comparative analysis between historical series impossible. Today … it is possible to track the money. The question is whether the public policy was supported; if the needed amount was properly allocated” (R93). This sentence resorts to one of the characteristics of blockchain (traceability and immutability of records) and, according to Nakamoto (2008), reflects the complexity of government accounting to meet society’s needs, including topics such as policy planning and implementation. Blockchain characteristics are also cited in this response: “Transparent, decentralized, immutable, and auditable records are beneficial to government accounting” (R91). Potential use in the area of government accounting was cited, such as “registration of financial assets” (R21), “public procurement” (R32), “compliance, audit, and security” (R57), “accounting with real-time records and validations; transparency of accounts, transactions, and public contracts for the population, transaction reliability, facilitating or even eliminating the need for auditing” (R58). In terms of challenges, the respondents highlighted “making the XBRL framework compatible, which is the technological challenge legally imposed on national public entities” (R8) and the complexity of implementation: “In the case of the Federal Government, the biggest challenge is the size of this, in order to cover the entire public sector. It demands a lot of IT infrastructure and a lot of related costs” (R18). One of the respondents considered that “it is a great challenge, but it will revolutionize government accounting” (R17). The category security was related to the security of data, transactions, operations, and information. The respondents mentioned improvements blockchain could bring to government accounting such as “security, reliability, cost reduction with information security, combating fraud” (R68). Among the potential uses, the issue of security was cited in statements such as: “[Blockchain can be used] in financial operations, in areas that require high levels of security for transactions over the web” (R24); “financial transactions would be more efficient and secure” (R46); “I know little, but all critical safety processes can be improved with technology” (R66). Such statements are in line with the analysis of blockchain’s potential benefits in public administration. The item information security in Table 5 was significantly highlighted in the analysis. The category transparency refers to the promotion of transparency of information and processes. Participants mentioned that the technology could contribute by “adding intelligence and facilities to transparency and social participation systems” (R71). “The operating logic of blockchain is horizontal and the creation of information is fully traceable and verifiable as to its origin. In the case of government accounts, it is self-evident that more transparent processes have immediate applicability in the public sector” (R36). In addition, one of the respondents added to this category a possible transition in the work of accountants: “The transparency and trust that blockchain technology brings must transform the day-to-day lives of people who work with accounting, especially government accounting. The level of work should rise dramatically for the tactical and the strategic” (R27). P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 16 As for the category control, some of the respondents pointed out that the control of transactions and data exchanged among public agencies, social accountability, “information control, fraud detection, predictions” (R45) can be improved by the use of blockchain technology in government accounting. Potential uses were “control of budgetary resources” (R67), “internal control” (R22), asset control, “control against fraud and corruption” (R31), and traceability of resources. Among the challenges are asset control, development of new forms of control, and the realization that “improvements in control and process will always face opposition from corrupt people and bureaucrats who gain from the power to create problems to sell solutions. If the process is facilitated, there will be no solution to sell and no bribes to make” (R86). In addition: “The biggest challenge is the managers/power holders who do not want to be controlled by those who finance their activity, that is, taxpayers” (R29). In this category, it is worth highlighting the direct relationship with the potential benefit listed in Table 5, trust and control. Although the word confiança (trust) was not stressed in Figure 1, this element reflects the fact that blockchain is a distributed database where information is trustworthy, simplifying transactions by removing the intermediary parties. Nakamoto (2008) sought to develop a technology based on cryptographic evidence to promote trust instead of the existence of an intermediary or ‘third party trust.’ Thus, the technological characteristics of the blockchain (such as cryptographic security and the data distribution structure) can be seen as the trust-building mechanism for transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and increasing data security, as data no longer needs to be provided or managed by centralized entities (Hooper & Holtbrügge, 2020). The category change is related to the technology’s potential use. According to one of the respondents, blockchain “has the potential to dramatically change the structures of accounting, with numerous gains in efficiency” (R64). Many participants pointed out that the adoption of technology goes through challenges such as “difficulty in the process of change within the public sector” (R12), and “cultural and regulatory barriers” (R42). They understand that blockchain can bring about significant changes in controls and responsibilities, which can block its adoption: “I understand that the problem of adoption is much more cultural than technological. This is because a significant part of public spending in the current model could be exposed, without justification, or definitely attributing blame to the executor, or even hold the manager directly responsible — due to the traceability characteristic, one of the strong characteristics of the technology. I understand this as the main barrier to adoption — unfortunately” (R90). “Although pilot tests are already taking place in the Brazilian public sector, I believe that the main challenge for blockchain is acceptance by the government and employees. It requires a major change of mindset and also investment in training and knowledge on the part of employees” (R2). As already addressed by another respondent, blockchain is seen not just as another technological tool but as a concept that can change processes, dynamics, and power structures in the public sector. This explains why respondents repeatedly mentioned cultural change. Finally, the category knowledge refers to responses revealing a lack of in-depth knowledge to answer questions about opportunities and challenges of the use of blockchain technology in government accounting. The majority pointed out the importance of greater dissemination, Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 17 study, benchmarking, and the “need to train employees to seize the opportunities [that the technology offers]” (R71). One of the respondents considered that the “greatest challenge will be to overcome ignorance about technology and its cost-benefit within public agencies” (R72). Thus, the data collected from the open-ended questions suggested that respondents had significant knowledge about the concept and usability of blockchain technology, contrary to the low level of knowledge identified in the study by Migliorini and Rocha (2019). The characteristics of the sample may explain this phenomenon, considering that 48.9% of the participants in this research are highly qualified and specialized professionals, heavily exposed to information on social media, magazines, and newspapers. In addition, this research corroborates the findings by Giongo and Balestro (2019) who observed that there is still a lack of clarity around the concepts and applications of blockchain technology, and the public sector fails to encourage the use of solutions based on blockchain. In addition, the results reinforce Dai and Vasarhelyi’s (2017) finding that professionals need to be trained to better understand and use this technology. Finally, Table 7 presents the opportunities and challenges listed by the research participants in relation to the seven categories of analysis. This list offers a theoretical consolidation and helps public managers understand the opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in public management. Table 7 Consolidated of potential uses and challenges by category of analysis Category Potential use Challenges Technology Assistance in public accounting; control; transparency; security of public data; facilitated transactions; reliability; control of public assets Legal regulation; lack of trained and knowledgeable civil servants; cultural resistance; cost of implementation; need to remodel processes and systems Government accounting Greater reliability and timeliness in transactions, recording data and information; agility in public accounting Cultural and procedural challenge of accepting new processes; new interfaces and procedures due to the adoption of new technology Security Data security; secure transactions; security of operations and information; assistance in combating fraud Blockchain technological infrastructure; definition of network participants and how the information will be validated Transparency Greater transparency of information and public processes Definition of the most appropriate uses and information to be disclosed; inform about the channels where to access information; usability issues Control Increased social accountability; control of budgetary resources, fraud, and corruption; asset control; traceability of resources Need for cultural change for active control; development of new forms of control; resistance to the implementation of new control mechanisms Change Substantial modification of existing public accounting structures, gaining efficiency; changes in control and responsibilities Resistance to novelties arising from changing processes, dynamics, and structures of power in the public sector Knowledge Reliability in the implementation based on greater disclosure; study and search for successful cases where the technology was used Training and qualification of civil servants in the field; freedom to use knowledge to implement new solutions Note. Source: Elaborated by the authors. P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 18 FINAL CONSIDERATIONS This study aimed to identify opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting, based on the perception of experts in technology and government accounting. The results demonstrated that professionals were aware of the concept and usability of the technology, which may be explained by the profile of the sample obtained, formed by many highly specialized individuals. The respondents stated they had learned about the topic through many sources such as social media, magazines, documentaries, events, and conversations in the workplace. Most participants considered that blockchain can be applied in financial transactions, auditing, and asset transfers. Among the technology opportunities, the respondents mentioned the elements of trust and control, information security, and control against fraud and corruption. According to the sample, there are challenges to invest in blockchain within government accounting, including the lack of information about the technology and its cost-benefit within public agencies, the challenge to implement systems (by replacing or adapting), and the lack of case uses demonstrating the application of the technology. Regarding the results obtained in the quantitative and qualitative analysis, there is a perception of the opportunities and potential use in the public sector. It is an emerging technology that can generate more transparency, reliability, security, agility in transactions, and optimization of accounting records and processes. Among its main challenges stand out the need for more use cases in the Brazilian public sector, legal regulation, cultural resistance, the lack of knowledge and training for civil servants, the costs of implementation, and the need to remodel processes and systems (Table 7). The applicability of blockchain technology in government accounting is relevant, but it is not considered a strategic priority. According to the respondents, blockchain use cases in their institution may be related to digital records, auditing, and smart contracts. The study demonstrates that professionals are interested and have expectations regarding technology, considering the improvements it can bring to government accounting. The blockchain technology appeared in 2008. It is still recent and needs to be better understood and more use cases. The importance of expansion in pilot projects and cases is clear, allowing testing the benefits and removing the uncertainties surrounding the technology. The results presented in this study lead to suggesting partnerships between public agencies and academia in the programs of accounting and technology in order to further examine the topic and develop integrated projects. 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Melati 22 Authors’ contributions 1st author: conceptualization (lead), data curation (lead), formal analysis (lead), investigation (lead), methodology (lead), project administration (lead). 2nd author: conceptualization (equal), data curation (supporting), formal analysis (equal), investigation (supporting), methodology (equal), project administration (supporting). 3rd author: conceptualization (supporting), data curation (supporting), formal analysis (equal), investigation (supporting), methodology (equal), project administration (supporting). Authors Paula Raymundo Prux Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Administração Av. João Pessoa, 52, Centro, 90040-000, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil paulaprux@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0251-7014 Fernanda da Silva Momo Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas Av. João Pessoa, 52, Centro, 90040-000, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil fernandamomo@yahoo.com.br https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6512-5280 Claudia Melati* Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Administração Av. João Pessoa, 52, Centro, 90040-000, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil cmelati@yahoo.com.br https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9369-0113 * Corresponding author Peer review is responsible for acknowledging an article's potential contribution to the frontiers of scholarly knowledge on business or public administration. The authors are the ultimate responsible for the consistency of the theoretical references, the accurate report of empirical data, the personal perspectives, and the use of copyrighted material. This content was evaluated using the double-blind peer review process. The disclosure of the reviewers' information on the first page is made only after concluding the evaluation process, and with the voluntary consent of the respective reviewers. Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 23 APPENDIX A — QUESTIONNAIRE Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil IDENTIFICATION 1. Gender: ( ) Female ( ) Male 2. Age: __________ 3. Institution where you work: __________________________________________ 4. Profession: ___________________________ 5. Academic education: ( ) Business ( ) Accounting ( ) Legal and Social Sciences/Law ( ) Information and Communication Technology ( ) Other 6. Education level: ( ) Technician ( ) University graduate ( ) Postgraduate studies ( ) Master’s degree ( ) Doctorate degree 7. How do you describe your knowledge about blockchain technology? ( ) I’ve heard the term, but I can’t define blockchain ( ) I can define blockchain, but I am not aware of the applicability ( ) I can define blockchain, I am aware of the applicability in general, but I cannot see usability yet ( ) I can define blockchain, I can see the usability, but I don’t participate in projects in the area ( ) I can define blockchain, I am aware of the applicability, and I participate or I have already participated in a study or application project involving the theme 8. The source of your level of knowledge about blockchain technology comes from (you can check more than one alternative): ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Academic articles Courses Media (social networks, magazines, newspapers…) Speeches Projects and/or work meetings Others If you have marked ‘others,’ please describe where you learned about blockchain technology: ______________________________________________________________________ P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 24 9. In your opinion, what potential benefits can be derived from the use of blockchain technology in public accounting? Not applicable Applies little Indifferent Applies partially Applies fully Access to information and transparency () () () () () Predictive data capacity () () () () () Trust and control () () () () () Control against fraud and corruption () () () () () Efficiency () () () () () Governance () () () () () Data quality () () () () () Information security () () () () () 10. For you, can blockchain be applied in the following activities related to public accounting? Not applicable Applies little Indifferent Applies partially Applies fully Audit () () () () () Improvement of inspection capacity and tax collection () () () () () Automation of budgetary and financial management () () () () () Clearing and settlement of securities () () () () () Compliance () () () () () Settlement and reconciliation of government accounts () () () () () Contracts () () () () () Warehouse/inventory control () () () () () Wealth management () () () () () Publications () () () () () Accounting records () () () () () Budget records () () () () () Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in government accounting in Brazil 25 Financial transactions () () () () () Asset transfer () () () () () 11. Do you think there are challenges to investing in blockchain technology within public accounting? ( ) Yes ( ) No 12. If you answered yes to the previous question, check what are the biggest challenges to invest in blockchain technology within public accounting, in your opinion (you can check more than one alternative): ❏ High infrastructure costs for implementation (such as electricity costs) ❏ Lack of knowledge about technology and its cost-benefit within public agencies ❏ Missing use cases and technology applications ❏ Implementation/difficulties in replacing or adapting systems ❏ Scalability/performance concerns ❏ Security concerns ❏ Regulatory issues ❏ Reluctance to change established processes ❏ Not a priority at the moment ❏ There are no challenges 13. How do you perceive that your industry sees the applicability of blockchain for accounting purposes? ( ) It is not and will not be relevant ( ) Relevant, but not a strategic priority ( ) Important, but not part of the Top 5 strategic priorities ( ) Critical, part of the Top 5 strategic priorities ( ) I am not sure 14. There is an intention of the institution where you work to adopt blockchain technology? ( ) Yes ( ) No 15. If so, please describe which of the following blockchain use cases your institution may adopt: ( ) Digital records ( ) Internet of things (IoT) ( ) Payments ( ) Audit ( ) Smart contracts ( ) Others If you checked ‘others,’ describe which blockchain use cases the institution may adopt: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ P. R. Prux, F. da S. Momo, C. Melati 26 16. For you, blockchain technology can bring improvements to public accounting? ( ) Yes ( ) No 17. Justify your answer: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 18. Give your opinion on the POTENTIALS OF USE of blockchain technology in public accounting: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 19. Give your opinion on the CHALLENGES of blockchain technology in public accounting: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________