Dedicated to my sons, Randall, Jeffrey, and Thomas This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this licence, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California, 93405, USA. Copyright © 2000 by H. Jerome Keisler. Revised August 2010 Revised February 2012 Revised May, 2009 1.3 (4), (3, 1). 1 1/9. (3,1), |st(b)| > 0 With a calculator, compute some values as x approaches its limit, and see what happens. have Note: our proof used the fact that f has a maximum and minimum on each closed interval. That fact, called the Extreme Value Theorem, is proved on page 164. With a calculator, compute some values as x approaches its limit, and see what happens. With a calculator, the student should try this for some of the limits on pages 124 and 241. Then check your answer by using a graphics calculator to draw the graph. F(0,1/4a) 1/(4a). Its d = 1/4a. a=1/4d, d=1/4a y = --(1/2) 1/2 and d =1/4a 1/4a 1/4a), 1/4a. 1/4a. + 1/4a) (0,1/4a), 1/4a= 1/4a. 9/16 Boyer, p. 217. Boyer, p. 217. 3/4 40 y